Literary Icons for OS/2 ----------------------- This is a small collection of icons I created based on the books I happened to have handy which had pictures of thier authors on or in them. The graphics were scanned, carefully reduced in size and colour depth, and touched up where needed. The results may be, to some, laughable. You may have to use your imagination a bit to recognize the persons portrayed. Some turned out better than others, due to many factors. But what do you expect from 16 colour, 32x32 icons! In fact, there are only four colours used in each icon as they are 'black and white'. They work for me. Long Filenames -------------- The files in this archive are stored with long filenames and extended atributes. For best results hopefully you have extracted this archive with Infozip's OS/2 UNZIP utility. Who's Here? ----------- Using long filenames makes all the icon files easily identifiable in directory listings. You will notice that there are several variations for most of the icons. The variations are simply different colour backgrounds, in all but one case. Who is Charles Williams? One of my favorite authors. Perhaps his name is the most unrecognizable, so I thought i'd mention it. He wrote seven excellent novels. You may also notice Vincent Van Gough among the icons. While not an author, he is of course an artist, and i just happened to have a biography of him nearby. That is, I believe, enough justification; however he did write a few things that are still in existance. A sunday sermon which he preached early on in his 'career', though no masterpiece of literary writing (i've heard), for example. Contents -------- Blaise Pascal (green).ico Blaise Pascal (trans).ico Blaise Pascal.ico Charles Williams (cyan).ico Charles Williams (gold).ico Charles Williams (red).ico Charles Williams (trans).ico Edgar Allen Poe.ico Franz Kafka (gold).ico Franz Kafka (red).ico Franz Kafka (trans).ico Franz Kafka.ico Fyodor Dostoyevsky (red).ico Fyodor Dostoyevsky (trans 2).ico Fyodor Dostoyevsky (trans).ico Fyodor Dostoyevsky.ico Mary Shelley.ico Plato (cyan).ico Plato (trans).ico Plato.ico Robert Frost (cyan).ico Robert Frost (gold).ico Robert Frost (green).ico Robert Frost (trans).ico Robert Frost.ico Vincent Van Gogh.ico William Shakespeare (purple).ico William Shakespeare (trans).ico William Shakespeare.ico Me -- Tim Middleton Oct/95