The volume label in drive C is OS2. The Volume Serial Number is E84B:E814. Directory of C:\os2\mdos\winos2\system 12.03.98 10.58 1990 0 QMSCFG.TXT 4.10.96 14.41 13703 0 QMSMCLX.Q2D 4.10.96 14.41 21232 0 QMSMCLX.Q2L 22.12.98 10.08 222592 0 QMSPS.DRV 11.03.98 14.07 10 0 QMSPS.fsf 22.12.98 9.36 300997 0 QMSPS.HLP 22.12.98 9.35 189472 0 QMSPSRS.DLL 7 file(s) 749996 bytes used 1894912 K bytes free