═══ 1. Help Index ═══ Help Index Background Menu Choose a Printer Choose Page Orientation Choose Print Options Choose Print Quality Foreground Menu Install Fonts Mirror an Image Options Menu Reset Options Save Setup Select Media Options ═══ 2. Background Menu ═══ Background Menu The Background menu lists symbol background colors available for printing: * Black * Blue * Green * Cyan * Red * Magenta * Yellow * White The Background menu is only available when you choose the Monochrome option in the Print area· You can use the Background menu to choose colors when printing from a monochrome application· You can choose only one color in the menu· A check mark displays next to the chosen color· ═══ 3. Choose a Printer ═══ Choose a Printer The Printer area lets you choose either the PaintJet or the PaintJet XL printer· Choosing the PaintJet XL printer also lets you choose the media source· ═══ 4. Choose Page Orientation ═══ Choose Page Orientation You have two choices for page orientation: * Portrait * Landscape Portrait orientation displays a page taller than it is wide, while landscape orientation displays a page wider than it is tall· Printing is faster in portrait mode, which is PaintJet's default orientaton· The printer's internal fonts, Courier and Letter Gothic, can be printed only in portrait mode· ═══ 5. Choose Print Options ═══ Choose Print Options The print options include * Color * Monochrome The Color option is the default, and prints the colors you chose in the drawing application· If you select Color, the Background and Foreground menus are disabled· The Monochrome option lets you print in color from a monochrome application by setting a foreground and a background color for output· ═══ 6. Choose Print Quality ═══ Choose Print Quality The Quality area provides two types of print qualities, proof and draft· Proof quality prints drawings at 180 dots per inch (dpi)· Draft quality prints drawings at 90 dpi, and prints much faster· You can choose draft quality to print until you are ready to print a final copy· ═══ 7. Foreground Menu ═══ Foreground Menu The Foreground menu lists symbol foreground colors available for printing: * Black * Blue * Green * Cyan * Red * Magenta * Yellow * White The Foreground menu is only available when you choose the Monochrome option in the Print area· You can use the Foreground menu to choose colors when printing from a monochrome application· You can choose only one color in the menu· A check mark displays next to the chosen color· ═══ 8. Install Fonts ═══ Install Fonts The Fonts command lets you select the font type that you want to print· To install fonts, choose the Fonts command in the Options menu· The Fonts dialog box displays a Font Files list box and a Directories list box· The first list box displays the available fonts, and the second displays the directories available· The Fonts Info command button lets you view the typeface names and point sizes of the selected soft fonts· Selecting a font type in the Fonts dialog box makes the font available in the Windows application· To install fonts: 1· Choose the option button which matches your font filename extension (·PJF or ·FON)· (All soft fonts created for PaintJet have the extension ·PJF·) 2· Choose the drive and directory where the fonts are located in the Directory list box to display the fonts you want to install· 3· Choose the fonts that you want to make available in the Fonts list box· 4· Choose Ok to complete font installation· You can choose more than one font by pressing the Shift key while clicking each font filename· The selected fonts REPLACE any previously installed soft fonts when you choose the Ok button, so be sure to choose all desired fonts· Unselected fonts are not available on PaintJet, but are stored in your fonts directory· ═══ 9. Mirror an Image ═══ Mirror an Image Click the Mirror Image option to print the reverse image of a drawing· For example, you would print a mirror image to make a transfer for a T-shirt· ═══ 10. Options Menu ═══ Options Menu The Options menu lets you choose media options and the type of fonts you want to use· ═══ 11. Reset Options ═══ Reset Options The Reset option sets the driver to the default options--the options preset by the driver· These options are: * color * portrait page orientation * proof quality * no mirror image * Letter/A * 8·5 x 11 page size * paper (media type) ═══ 12. Save Setup ═══ Save Setup The options you choose are saved as the new defaults; if you do not want to save the options as new defaults, deselect the Save Setup option box· ═══ 13. Select Media Options ═══ Select Media Options The Media command in the Options menu lets you choose source, size, length, and type of media you want to use· The Source area provides two types of paper sources, manual feed and paper tray· The Source area is available only when you choose the PaintJet XL printer· The Size area lets you choose what paper size you want· The sizes available depend on what printer you choose· The PaintJet supports these sizes: * Letter/A (8·5 x 11 in·) * A4 (210 x 297 mm·) If your media size does not match the size displayed, choose the size with the appropriate unit of measurement (inches or millimeters) in the Length area, then click the scroll arrows to increase or decrease the length measurement· The PaintJet XL supports these sizes: * Letter/A (8·5 x 11 in·) * A4 (210 x 297 mm·) * Ledger/B (11 x 17 in·) * A3 (297 x 420 mm) The Type area provides you with with two media types: * Paper * Transparency You can print drawings on paper or on transparencies· Choose the option you want and insert the corresponding medium into your printer·