═══ 1. Help for the IBMPCL5 Printer Driver ═══ The IBMPCL5 printer driver supports only the Hewlett-Packard** (HP**) LaserJet** printer command language(PCL**). Note: To use this printer driver with the IBM* 4029 LaserPrinter, you must have a PCL 5 Emulation Option installed in your printer. Related Information: o Printer messages o Unattended printer operation o Printer settings o Help version ═══ 2. Help for Printer Properties ═══ Use this window to select from the characteristics that describe the physical setup of your printer, and to select default characteristics for individual print jobs. The information provided concerns the characteristics of the printer named in the heading of the window. Setup fields in this window enable you to specify the form in the printer and the number of paper trays. Push buttons give access to other physical printer setup windows in which you can link forms to each paper source, select font cards, and download fonts. You also can use this window to indicate if your printer supports an envelope feeder or auxiliary sheet feeder. The default print-job setup fields in this window enable you to specify resolution, the orientation of characters and graphics on the paper, spool-file type, and font selection. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Orientation o Resolution o Spool File Type o Paper Trays o Printer Fonts o Printer Patterns o Fast System Fonts o Duplex Control o Automatic Mode Switching o Print Options o Overlays o Optional Feeder o Default Form/Source o Form Connections o Create Forms o Download Fonts o Font Cards o Default Font o OK o Cancel Related Information: o Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup o Printer messages o Unattended printer operation o Printer settings ═══ 2.1. Help for Resolution ═══ Select the number, in dots-per-inch (dpi) increments, that represents the resolution in which you want graphics produced on your printer. Laser printers process device fonts in the highest available resolution, and can mix high resolution text with lower resolution graphics. Select the highest number for the best quality. Because printing high resolution takes longer, you can reserve this setting for final documents. Select a low number to print faster; for example, to produce drafts of documents. This option only applies to graphics data jobs. It does not apply to raw data jobs. Related Information: o Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup o Fast System Fonts o Automatic Mode Switching ═══ 2.2. Help for Orientation ═══ Select Portrait (upright) to print with the top of the printed material in the same direction as the top of the paper. Letters, books, and reports usually have portrait orientation. Select Landscape (rotated) to print perpendicular to the direction in which the paper is fed. Landscape is frequently selected for documents such as spreadsheets or plotted graphics, which are wider than they are long. Related Information: o Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup o Font orientation ═══ 2.3. Help for Spool File Type ═══ Use the Spool File Type list to select the default format of jobs that are printed to the spool queue. PM_Q_RAW The file created when the job is added to the spool queue consists of device-dependent Hewlett-Packard** (HP**) LaserJet** printer command language(PCL**) commands. PM_Q_RAW jobs might take more time to be added to the spool queue, but might take less time to be removed from the spool queue than PM_Q_STD jobs. PM_Q_STD The file created when the job is added to the spool queue consists of device-independent Presentation Manager* (PM) commands. PM_Q_STD jobs might take less time to be added to the spool queue, but might take more time to be removed from the spool queue than PM_Q_RAW jobs. Note: This selection can be overridden by a Presentation Manager program. ═══ 2.4. Help for Automatic Mode Switching ═══ Select this check box to send commands to the printer putting it in PCL** 5 emulation mode every time a job is sent. You might want to turn off mode switching if the printer is set in PCL 5 emulation mode and only PCL 5 jobs are sent to it. This feature is also useful if you are activating macro overlays without the driver or using other operator panel settings that get altered by emulation mode switches. Note: For 600x600 resolution jobs to print correctly, with Automatic Mode Switching not selected, 600x600 resolution must be selected via the operator panel on the printer. Related Information: o Job Types o Resolution ═══ 2.5. Help for Printer Fonts ═══ Select this check box to indicate whether printer device fonts are available for graphics data jobs. With Printer Fonts selected, programs can choose printer device fonts for your job to be printed faster. In addition, a smaller spoolfile is created than when system fonts are used. Note: Occasionally, selecting Printer Fonts produces results that are different on the printer than on the display. In these cases, de-selecting Printer Fonts might give the desired results. Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 2.6. Help for Printer Patterns ═══ Select this check box to enable internal Printer Patterns to be substituted for system patterns in filled graphic paths. Using Printer Patterns allows jobs containing shaded and patterned areas to print substantially faster and require smaller spool files. This feature should not be used if printer output should exactly match patterns displayed on your screen, nor if there are overlapping shaded or patterned graphics in your document. Note: Occasionally, selecting Printer Patterns produces results that are different on the printer than on the display. In these cases, de-selecting Printer Patterns might give the desired results. Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 2.7. Help for Fast System Fonts ═══ Select this check box to enable downloading of OS/2* system fonts. System fonts will be copied to the printer memory which allows your job to print faster and requires a smaller spool file than one that has the document in graphic font form. This feature should not be used when overlapping system fonts with graphics. Note: Occasionally, selecting Fast System Fonts produces results that are different on the printer than on the display. In these cases, de-selecting Fast System Fonts might give the desired results. Related Information: o Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup o Resolution ═══ 2.8. Help for Paper Trays ═══ Use the Paper Trays radio buttons to indicate if your printer has a second tray installed. ═══ 2.9. Help for Optional Feeder ═══ Select one radio button to indicate whether your printer has an optional feeder installed. Select Envelope, if your printer has an IBM* 4019 envelope feeder. Select Envelope+, if your printer has an IBM 4029 or IBM 4039 envelope feeder. Select 100-Sheet Auxiliary, if your printer has an IBM 4029 or IBM 4039 auxiliary feeder. ═══ 2.10. Help for Duplex Control ═══ If your printer has the capability to print on both sides of a page, use the Duplex Control radio buttons to indicate how the pages should be printed. The three choices are: Simplex The preselected form is printed on one side only. Normal Duplex The preselected form is printed on both sides of the paper, with the top line of each side in the same location. Tumble Duplex The preselected form is printed on both sides of the paper, with the top line of the back page corresponding to the bottom line of the front page. Note: The Duplex Option works with the same paper sizes, weights, and types as the printer with the exception of A5. The Duplex Option does not support envelopes. Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 2.11. Help for Default Font ═══ Select Default Font to select a font for a graphics data job that does not already have a font selected, and for raw data jobs. Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 2.12. Help for Default Form/Source ═══ The field shows the form and paper source combinations currently active for your printer. Select a combination to use for jobs that do not have a form/source combination selected. You can scroll the list to see more combinations. To change the combinations, select the Form Connections push button. Related Information: Form Connections ═══ 2.13. Help for Form Connections ═══ Select Form Connections for access to a window in which you indicate the form or forms present in each paper source on the printer. Related Information: Printer messages ═══ 2.14. Help for Create Forms ═══ Select Create Forms for access to a window from which you can add, change, or delete forms. ═══ 2.15. Help for Font Cards ═══ Select Font Cards to add new font cards or to indicate which font cards are installed in your printer. ═══ 2.16. Help for Download Fonts ═══ Select Download Fonts to indicate fonts that can be downloaded to printer memory, as required by a job. Also to indicate fonts on the flash memory card installed in the printer. ═══ 2.17. Help for Overlays ═══ Select Overlays to indicate overlays that can be downloaded to printer memory, as required by a job. Also to indicate overlays on the flash memory card installed in the printer. Related Information: o Creating an Overlay o Printing with an Overlay ═══ 2.18. Help for OK ═══ Select OK to send any changed information to the printer driver, then close the window. ═══ 2.19. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel if you decide not to change the current settings. ═══ 3. Help for Job Properties ═══ Use the Job Properties window to specify the setup for each print job. These values can override the default print-job setup defined in the printer properties window. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Orientation o Resolution o Duplex Control o Form Configuration o Select Form Source o First Page Source o Rest of Document Source o Select Form o First Page o Rest of Document o Printer Fonts o Printer Patterns o Fast System Fonts o Copies (uncollated) o Print Options o Overlays o Default Font o Outline Font Pt. Size o OK o Cancel Related Information: o Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup o Font symbol sets o Extended symbol sets ═══ 3.1. Help for Resolution ═══ Select the number, in dots-per-inch (dpi) increments, that represents the resolution in which you want graphics produced on your printer. Laser printers process device fonts in the highest available resolution, and can mix high resolution text with lower resolution graphics. Select the highest number for the best quality. Because printing high resolution takes longer, you can reserve this setting for final documents. Select a low number to print faster; for example, to produce drafts of documents. This option only applies to graphics data jobs. It does not apply to raw data jobs. Related Information: o Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup o Fast System Fonts o Automatic Mode Switching ═══ 3.2. Help for Orientation ═══ Select Portrait (upright) to print with the top of the printed material in the same direction as the top of the paper. Letters, books, and reports usually have portrait orientation. Select Landscape (rotated) to print perpendicular to the direction in which the paper feeds. Landscape is frequently selected for documents such as spreadsheets or plotted graphics, which are wider than they are long. Related Information: o Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup o Font orientation ═══ 3.3. Help for Default Font ═══ The field shows the fonts available on your printer. Select a font to use for a graphics data job that does not already have a font selected, and for rawdata jobs. You can scroll the list to see more fonts. Select System Font to use a font supplied by the operating system. For raw-data jobs, which cannot use system fonts, the printer driver substitutes the first device font in the field. Select any other typeface to use a device font. Code Pages and Symbol Sets: The code page used for printing is the current system code page or a code page selected by the program. Printer device fonts are supported in symbol sets which may or may not correspond to OS/2* supported code pages. Fonts listed with a symbol set, in parenthesis, have only the code points from that symbol set available. Fonts that do not have a symbol set are available in multiple symbol sets. If the symbol set is followed by an asterisk (*), the font is an extended symbol set font and will not be supported in OS/2 code pages. All fonts without an asterisk will be supported in all OS/2 code pages that have characters common with the symbol set(s) of the font. Any font listed with [Outline] instead of a numeric point size is a printer outline font, and you can select its point size using the Outline Font Pt. Size list. Related Information: o Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup o Outline font pt. size o Font symbol sets ═══ 3.4. Help for Outline Font Pt. Size ═══ The field shows the possible sizes for the outline font selected in the Fonts list. You can scroll the list to see more sizes. Select the point size in which you want your jobs to print. Select Program to enable a program to control the point size of the default font. The default point size for printer outline fonts is 12.0. Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 3.5. Help for Form Configuration ═══ Select one radio button to indicate the number of different forms used by the job. Select Single Form if your entire job prints on the form you select in the Select Form list. Select Dual Form if your job uses two types of forms. Selecting Dual Form causes two additional lists to appear, in which you select the form for the first page, and a different form for subsequent pages. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Select Form o First Page o Rest of Document o Select Form Source o First Page Source o Rest of Document Source ═══ 3.5.1. Help for Select Form ═══ The field contains all the forms defined for this printer. You can scroll the list to see more form names. Select the form on which your job should print. The selected form must be the same paper/envelope type as the selected source. Note: If the form selected is not connected to the source selected, your job may not print from that source or may be held by the spooler. To avoid any difficulties please ensure that the form is connected to the desired source in the Form Connections window. Related Information: o Form Connections o Printer messages ═══ 3.5.2. Help for First Page ═══ The field contains the paper forms defined for this printer. You can scroll the list to see more form names. Select the form on which the first page of your job should print. Note: If the form selected is not connected to the source selected, your job may not print from that source or may be held by the spooler. To avoid any difficulties please ensure that the form is connected to the desired source in the Form Connections window. Related Information: o Form Connections o Printer messages ═══ 3.5.3. Help for Rest of Document ═══ The field contains the paper forms defined for this printer. You can scroll the list to see more form names. Select the form on which all pages after the first page of your job should print. Note: If the form selected is not connected to the source selected, your job may not print from that source or may be held by the spooler. To avoid any difficulties please ensure that the form is connected to the desired source in the Form Connections window. Related Information: o Form Connections o Printer messages ═══ 3.5.4. Help for Select Form Source ═══ The field contains all the form sources defined for this printer. You can scroll the list to see more source names. Select the source from which all pages of your job should print. The selected source must be the same paper/envelope type as the selected form. Note: If the form selected is not connected to the source selected, your job may not print from that source or may be held by the spooler. To avoid any difficulties please ensure that the form is connected to the desired source in the Form Connections window. Related Information: o Paper Trays o Optional Feeder o Form Connections ═══ 3.5.5. Help for First Page Source ═══ The field contains all the paper sources defined for this printer. You can scroll the list to see more source names. Select the source from which the first page of your job should print. Note: If the form selected is not connected to the source selected, your job may not print from that source or may be held by the spooler. To avoid any difficulties please ensure that the form is connected to the desired source in the Form Connections window. Related Information: o Paper Trays o Optional Feeder o Form Connections ═══ 3.5.6. Help for Rest of Document Source ═══ The field contains all the paper sources defined for this printer. You can scroll the list to see more source names. Select the source from which all pages after the first page of your job should print. Note: If the form selected is not connected to the source selected, your job may not print from that source or may be held by the spooler. To avoid any difficulties please ensure that the form is connected to the desired source in the Form Connections window. Related Information: o Paper Trays o Optional Feeder o Form Connections ═══ 3.6. Help for Printer Fonts ═══ Select this check box to indicate whether printer device fonts are available for graphics data jobs. With Printer Fonts selected, programs can choose printer device fonts for your job to be printed faster. In addition, a smaller spoolfile is created than when system fonts are used. Note: Occasionally, selecting Printer Fonts produces results that are different on the printer than on the display. In these cases, de-selecting Printer Fonts might give the desired results. Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 3.7. Help for Printer Patterns ═══ Select this check box to enable internal Printer Patterns to be substituted for system patterns in filled graphic paths. Using Printer Patterns allows jobs containing shaded and patterned areas to print substantially faster and require smaller spool files. This feature should not be used if printer output should exactly match patterns displayed on your screen, nor if there are overlapping shaded or patterned graphics in your document. Note: Occasionally, selecting Printer Patterns produces results that are different on the printer than on the display. In these cases, de-selecting Printer Patterns might give the desired results. Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 3.8. Help for Fast System Fonts ═══ Select this check box to enable downloading of OS/2* system fonts. System fonts will be copied to the printer memory which allows your job to print faster and requires a smaller spool file than one that has the document in graphic font form. This feature should not be used when overlapping system fonts with graphics. Note: Occasionally, selecting Fast System Fonts produces results that are different on the printer than on the display. In these cases, de-selecting Fast System Fonts might give the desired results. Related Information: o Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup o Resolution ═══ 3.9. Help for Copies (uncollated) ═══ Use this entry field to type in the number of unsorted copies you wish to print. ═══ 3.10. Help for Overlays ═══ Select Overlays for access to a window in which you indicate the overlay or overlays to be printed with the print job. Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 3.11. Help for Duplex Control ═══ If your printer has the capability to print on both sides of a page, use the Duplex Control radio buttons to indicate how the pages should be printed. The three choices are: Simplex The preselected form is printed on one side only. Normal Duplex The preselected form is printed on both sides of the paper, with the top line of each side in the same location. Tumble Duplex The preselected form is printed on both sides of the paper, with the top line of the back page corresponding to the bottom line of the front page. Note: The Duplex Option works with the same paper sizes, weights, and types as the printer with the exception of A5. The Duplex Option does not support envelopes. Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 3.12. Help for Print Options ═══ Select Print Options to change the existing settings for Print Darkness, Print Quality, and Page Protect in your printer. ═══ 3.13. Help for OK ═══ Select OK to send any changed information to the program, then close the window. ═══ 3.14. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel if you decide not to change the current settings. ═══ 4. Help for Job Types ═══ The effect of printer or job properties on a job depends on the job type: Graphics data jobs are created by Presentation Manager* programs and typically have a graphical content. Raw data jobs are initiated by OS/2* operating system commands such as: PRINT SCREEN key COPY /B LPT1 PRINT Raw data jobs typically consist of Printer Command Language (PCL**) commands. The following table lists which printer properties or job properties are honored by each type of job. Graphics Raw Properties Data Jobs Data Jobs ──────────────────────────────────────────── Resolution Yes No Orientation Yes Yes Default font Yes Yes Printer patterns Yes No Fast system fonts Yes No Duplex control Yes Yes Form length Yes Yes Form width Yes No Form clipping Yes No Automatic mode switching Yes Yes Overlays Yes Single overlay ═══ 5. Help for Form Connections ═══ Use the Form Connections window to indicate what type of form is loaded in each of your printer's automatic paper-source feeds, and which forms, if any, you intend to feed manually. 1. Select a Paper Source from the list. 2. Select one (automatic feed) or more (manual feed) forms from the Available Forms list. 3. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Paper Source o Available Forms o OK o Cancel Related Information: o Printer messages o Duplex Control ═══ 5.1. Help for Paper Source ═══ The field shows the paper sources you can have with your printer. The items listed depend on your printer, as well as the paper trays, envelope, and auxiliary feeders you select in the printer properties window. Select one type of paper source your printer allows, then select the form or forms loaded in that paper source from the Available Forms list. Note: The manual paper and manual envelope sources are the same physical source on the printer, but allow different selections for Available Forms. If a job requests a form associated with a manual source, you are prompted to insert that form when the system is ready to print the job. ═══ 5.2. Help for Available Forms ═══ The field shows the forms that can be fed from the selection in the Paper Source list. You can scroll the list to see more forms. If you selected a paper tray, envelope feeder, or auxiliary feeder in the Paper Source list, select a choice from the Available Forms list that identifies the form loaded in your printer's paper source. If you selected a manual paper or manual envelope source in the Paper Source list, you can select more than one form in the Available Forms list. If you select a paper tray, auxiliary feeder or manual paper source in the Paper Source list, only paper forms are listed. If you select an envelope feed or manual envelope source in the Paper Source list, only envelope forms are listed. Note: IBM* 4039 LaserPrinters allow you to set the width of the logical page for A4 paper via the operator panel on the printer. The width of the line can be either 198 or 203 millimeters. Select the form in Available Forms that corresponds to your printer's operator panel setting. Related Information: Duplex Control ═══ 6. Help for Create Forms ═══ Select the form you want to use as a sample for one you want to add, or select a form you want to change or delete. You can scroll the list to see more forms. You can only change or delete a form that you created. Note: When you load a form in your Laser Printer, be sure to select the Form Connections push button in the printer properties window to indicate which form is loaded in each paper source. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Defined Forms o Add o Change o Delete Related Information: Form Connections ═══ 6.1. Help for Defined Forms ═══ Use the Defined Forms list to select a form you want to add, change, or delete. Defined Forms lists all of the forms defined for this logical printer, by form name and size. ═══ 6.2. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to define a new form name and size. The Add Form window will appear. ═══ 6.3. Help for Change ═══ Select Change to change the name or size of the selected form. The Change Form window will appear. You can only change a form that you created. ═══ 6.4. Help for Delete ═══ Select Delete to remove the selected form from the list. You can only delete a form that you created, and is not a currently connected to a paper source. Selecting Delete causes a window to appear, in which you can verify or cancel the deletion. Selecting Yes deletes the selected form. Selecting No returns the Defined Forms selection list without deleting the form. Related Information: Form Connections ═══ 6.5. Help for OK ═══ Select OK to keep any changed information, then close the window. Note: You must select OK when exiting the printer properties window to send any changed information to the printer driver. ═══ 7. Help for Add Form ═══ Use the Add Form window to define a new form. The printer accepts only forms of predetermined sizes. The clip limits define the print area on the form. To add a form: 1. Select a form template. This sets the units (inches or millimeters), form type (paper or envelope), paper width, and the paper height. 2. Type a form name. 3. Change the clip limits if necessary. The printer cannot print to the edges of the page. 4. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Form Name o Paper Width o Paper Height o Left Clip Limit o Right Clip Limit o Bottom Clip Limit o Top Clip Limit o Form Templates o OK o Cancel ═══ 8. Help for Change Form ═══ Use the Change Form window to change the definition of a user-defined form. To change a form definition: 1. Select a form template. This sets the units (inches or millimeters) and the form type (paper or envelope). 2. Change the form name. 3. Change the clip limits. The printer cannot print to the edges of the page. 4. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Form Name o Paper Width o Paper Height o Left Clip Limit o Right Clip Limit o Bottom Clip Limit o Top Clip Limit o Form Templates o OK o Cancel ═══ 8.1. Help for Form Name ═══ Form names must be unique and cannot contain an asterisk (*), semi-colon (;), or equals sign (=). Commas (,) also are invalid unless used as the decimal point character in your country settings. ═══ 8.2. Help for Paper Width ═══ The Width field shows the preselected value for the horizontal measurement of the form. This value is set by the selected form template. Related Information: Job Types ═══ 8.3. Help for Paper Height ═══ The Height field shows the preselected value for the vertical measurement of the form. This value is set by the selected form template. Related Information: Job Types ═══ 8.4. Help for Left Clip Limit ═══ The Left Clip Limit field shows the amount of space that the printer skips at the left side of the page. Note: Laser Printers have nonprintable areas of 0.25 inches on the left and right sides. Thus, a form that is 8.5 inches wide has a horizontal print area of 8.0 inches. Related Information: Job types ═══ 8.5. Help for Right Clip Limit ═══ The Right Clip Limit field shows the point, measured from the left edge of the paper, beyond which the printer does not print. Note: Laser Printers have nonprintable areas of 0.25 inches on the left and right sides. Thus, a form that is 8.5 inches wide has a horizontal print area of 8.0 inches. Related Information: Job types ═══ 8.6. Help for Bottom Clip Limit ═══ The Bottom Clip Limit field shows the amount of space that the printer leaves on the bottom of a page. Note: Laser Printers have nonprintable areas of 0.20 inches at the top and bottom of the form. Thus, a form that is 11.0 inches long has a vertical print area of 10.60 inches. Related Information: Job types ═══ 8.7. Help for Top Clip Limit ═══ The Top Clip Limit field shows the point, measured from the bottom edge of the paper, above which the printer does not print. Note: Laser Printers have nonprintable areas of 0.20 inches at the top and bottom of the form. Thus, a form that is 11.0 inches long has a vertical print area of 10.60 inches. Related Information: Job Types ═══ 8.8. Help for Form Templates ═══ Select a form to set the units (inches or millimeters), form type (paper or envelope), paper width, and paper height. Note: IBM* 4039 LaserPrinters allow you to set the width of the logical page for A4 paper via the operator panel on the printer. The width of the line can be either 198 or 203 millimeters. Select the form in Form Templates that corresponds to your printer's operator panel setting. ═══ 8.9. Help for OK ═══ Select OK to add or change a form, then close the window. When you select OK, the printer driver checks the values specified to ensure they comply with the form name and clip-limit rules. Note: You must select OK when exiting the printer properties window to send any changed information to the printer driver. ═══ 9. Help for Font Symbol Sets ═══ A symbol set is a unique ordering of the characters in a font. Some of the symbol sets contain characters that correspond directly to the Presentation Manager* (PM) character set. The abbreviation for these symbol sets, along with the symbol set names, are shown below. PM PC-850 PC PC-8 R8 Roman-8 PD PC-8 Danish/Norwegian UK ISO 4: United Kingdom US US ASCII E1 Latin 1 WN Microsoft Windows DT Desktop JS JIS ASCII F0 French 0 CH Chinese DN Norwegian 1 NW Norwegian 2 S5 Portuguese 5 S6 Spanish 6 GR German SP Spanish 2 S4 Portuguese 4 IT Italian G0 German 0 S1 Spanish 1 FR French 1 VM Ventura Math VI Ventura International VU Ventura US MS PS Math TS PS Text M8 Math-8 PI Pi Font PB MS Publishing S3 Swedish/Finnish SW Swedish Names LG Legal IR IRV E5 Latin 5 RX Roman Extension MC MC Text W1 Windows 3.1 L1 WE Windows 3.1 L2 WT Windows 3.1 L5 E2 Latin 2 PT PC-8 Turkish PE PC-852 Other symbol sets do not map directly to the Presentation Manager character set. These symbol sets are called extended symbol sets. For example: DV Ventura Dingbats DS PS Dingbats D1 Dingbats Series 100 D2 Dingbats Series 200 D3 Dingbats Series 300 MA Math-7 L$ Wingdings Font AS Symbol Font ═══ 10. Help for Font Cards ═══ The Font Cards window has a list that indicates which font cards are installed in your printer. 1. Select, from the Available Cards list, the cards that you have installed in your printer. 2. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Available Cards o Add o Remove o OK o Cancel Related Information: o Font-card files o Font installation program o Font orientation ═══ 10.1. Help for Available Cards ═══ The field lists all of the font cards available for use with the printer driver. ═══ 10.2. Help for Remove ═══ You can remove any card, that you have added to the Available Cards List, by selecting Remove. Note: Only font cards that you have added can be removed. ═══ 10.3. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to add font cards to the Available Cards List. A window will appear to allow you to specify the location of the font-card files. ═══ 11. Help for Add Card Source Path ═══ Use this field to specify the location of the font-card files, for the card you want to install. 1. Specify the drive and directory containing your font-card files. 2. Select Add. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Source Path o Add o Cancel Related Information: Font installation program ═══ 11.1. Help for Source Path ═══ This field shows the default path for the font-card files for the card you want to install. ═══ 11.2. Help for Add Card ═══ Select Add to have the system search the specified path for font-card files. A window appears in which you can select the font cards you want available for your printer. ═══ 12. Help for Add Card Fonts ═══ This window is used to make font cards available for use with the printer driver. 1. Select the font cards that you want to add from the list. 2. If a card supports typefaces that contain extended symbol sets, select the extended symbol sets check box. Any typefaces in the selected card that support extended symbol sets will then be shown in the Typefaces for card list. The card may contain typefaces without extended symbol sets, and those typefaces will not be listed, but will be added automatically when the card is selected. 3. For each card selected, if you want to add a typeface with extended symbol sets, select the typeface and symbol set that you want. 4. Select the Add. 5. Select OK when exiting the printer properties window to save the information about the fonts added. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Cards o Typefaces for card o Extended Symbol Sets o Add o Cancel Related Information: o Font orientation o Font symbol sets ═══ 12.1. Help for Cards ═══ The field shows all of the font cards in the path you specified in the Add Font Card Source Path window. Select the font cards you want to add to the Available Cards list in the Font Cards window. You can scroll the list to see more font cards. ═══ 12.2. Help for Typefaces for card ═══ The field contains the typefaces in the selected card that include extended symbol sets. The name of the extended symbol set appears after the typeface name, in parenthesis. Since a typeface can contain a number of symbol sets, a typeface may be listed more than once, but each entry in the list represents one typeface-symbol set combination. Typefaces that do not contain extended symbol sets are not shown, but will be added automatically when you add the card. If you want to add any of the typefaces that are listed in the window, select the typefaces and symbol sets that you want to add, and then select the ADD button. If a font card was previously installed, a file with the extension FCF was created by the printer driver. You can add this previously installed font card by using the FCF file as the font-card file. Although the typefaces supported by the FCF file that have extended symbol sets will not be shown in the extended symbol set window, they will be installed automatically, along will all the other typefaces in the FCF file. You do not need to make any additional selections. Related Information: Font symbol sets ═══ 12.3. Help for Extended Symbol Sets ═══ Select this check box if you want to add typefaces containing extended symbolsets that may be supported by the font card you have selected. ═══ 12.4. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to add the font cards selected from the list. ═══ 13. Help for Add Card Target Path ═══ The field in this window shows the default path where font-card files are to be stored. 1. Change the path in the target path field, as necessary. 2. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Target Path o Cancel ═══ 13.1. Help for Target Path ═══ This field shows the default path where you store font-card files. You can change the path if you want to store the files elsewhere. Note: If the path you select is on a diskette, you must insert that diskette in the diskette drive whenever you print a job. ═══ 14. Help for Remove Cards ═══ Use this window to remove cards, that you have added, from the Available Cards list of the Font Cards window. 1. Select the font cards to be removed from the list. 2. If you do not want to delete the metric file for the cards you have selected, de-select the Delete Metric File check box. 3. Select Remove. 4. Select OK when exiting the printer properties window to save the revised list of the font cards. Note: If you need to restore a font card to the available list at a later date, the Font Cards window provides an Add push button. Also, only font cards that you have added can be removed. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Remove Cards List o Delete Metric File o Remove o Cancel ═══ 14.1. Help for Remove Cards List ═══ The field shows all of the font cards currently listed in the Available Cards list of the Font Cards window. You can scroll the list to see more font cards. Select the font cards you want to remove from the list of Available Cards. ═══ 14.2. Help for Delete Metric File ═══ Select this check box if you want to delete the metric file for each card that you have selected to be removed. ═══ 14.3. Help for Remove ═══ Select Remove to remove the selected font cards from the Available Font Cards list in the Font Cards window. ═══ 15. Help for Download Fonts ═══ This window contains a list of all the download fonts that print jobs can use. These fonts can be stored at the printer by one of the following three methods. First, download fonts can be stored in printer memory. The list on the left of the window contains all fonts that can be downloaded to printer memory. Selected fonts are downloaded when the first job is printed and will remain downloaded for subsequent jobs. Select those fonts that you use frequently. The remaining fonts are downloaded when they are required, and are deleted at the end of the job. Note: Powering off the printer causes all download fonts to be cleared from the printer's memory. The fonts can be reloaded (after you power the printer on) by either pressing the Reload Fonts button or rebooting your computer. Second, if the printer has a flash memory card installed, fonts can be stored in the flash memory card. The list on the right of the window contains all fonts that can be downloaded to or are currently resident in the flash memory card. Selected fonts are presumed to have been stored in the flash memory card by the Printer Toolkit. Use the Flash Memory Option check box to indicate whether or not a flash memory card is installed in the printer. If the flash memory card is removed from the printer and the Flash Memory Option check box is not checked, any fonts previously selected as flash card fonts will be made available in the Download Fonts list. These fonts will be downloaded when they are required, and are deleted at the end of the job. Third, some printers support a disk option. If the printer has a disk option installed, fonts can be stored on the disk option. The list on the right of the window contains all fonts that can be downloaded to or are currently resident on the disk option. Selected fonts are presumed to have been stored on the disk option by the Printer Toolkit. Use the Disk Option check box to indicate whether or not a disk option is installed in the printer. If the disk option is removed from the printer and the Disk Option check box is not checked, any fonts previously selected as disk option fonts will be made available in the Download Fonts list. These fonts will be downloaded when they are required, and are deleted at the end of the job. Use the Memory Size field to indicate the amount of additional memory installed in your printer. Memory capacity determines the maximum number of fonts that can be downloaded to your printer during the first printing. Note: If the printer is directed to print a job with a data stream other than Printer Command Language (PCL**), the download fonts are cleared from printer memory. Do not select any fonts in the Download Fonts list, if you intend to print jobs using data streams other than PCL. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Download Fonts o Flash Fonts o Flash Memory Option o Disk Fonts o Disk Option o Memory Size o Add o Remove o OK o Cancel Related Information: o Download-font files o Font installation program o Font converter o Font orientation o Font symbol sets o Extended symbol sets ═══ 15.1. Help for Download Fonts ═══ The field lists the download fonts that print jobs can use. You can scroll the list to see more fonts. Select those that you use most frequently. ═══ 15.2. Help for Flash Fonts ═══ The field lists the flash memory card fonts that print jobs can use. You can scroll the list to see more fonts. Fonts selected are presumed to be stored in the flash memory card and available as permanent download fonts. Related Information: Printer Toolkit ═══ 15.3. Help for Flash Memory Option ═══ This check box indicates whether or not a flash memory card is installed in the printer. If checked, the Flash Fonts list is activated. Related Information: Flash Fonts ═══ 15.4. Help for Disk Fonts ═══ The field lists the disk option fonts that print jobs can use. You can scroll the list to see more fonts. Fonts selected are presumed to be stored on the disk option and available as permanent download fonts. Related Information: Printer Toolkit ═══ 15.5. Help for Disk Option ═══ This check box indicates whether or not a disk option is installed in the printer. If checked, the Disk Fonts list is activated. Related Information: Disk Fonts ═══ 15.6. Help for Memory Size ═══ The field lists the sizes of memory you can have for your printer. Select the size that indicates the amount of memory installed in your printer. Memory capacity determines the maximum number of fonts that can be downloaded to your printer during the first printing. ═══ 15.7. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to add new download fonts. A window appears in which you specify the location of the download-font files. ═══ 15.8. Help for Remove ═══ Select Remove to remove download fonts from the list of fonts available to your print jobs. ═══ 16. Help for Add Download Font Source Path ═══ This field shows the default path where the download-font files are stored. 1. Specify the drive and directory containing your download-font files. 2. Select Add. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Source Path o Add o Cancel Related Information: o Font installation program o Font converter ═══ 16.1. Help for Source Path ═══ This field shows the path where the download-font files are stored. You can use this field to enter the path. ═══ 16.2. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to add new download fonts. A window appears in which you can select the download font you want available for your printer. ═══ 17. Help for Add Download Fonts ═══ This window is used to make download fonts available for use with the printer driver. 1. Select the download fonts you want. 2. Select Add. 3. A window appears in which you specify whether you want the download-fontfiles copied, and if so, the drive and directory to which they are to be copied. 4. Select OK when exiting the printer properties window to save the information about the fonts added. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Add Download Fonts List o Add o Cancel Related Information: o Font orientation o Font symbol sets ═══ 17.1. Help for Add Download Fonts List ═══ The field lists all of the fonts in the path you specified in the Add Download Font Source Path window. Select the fonts you want to add to the Download Fonts list in the Download Fonts window. ═══ 17.2. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to add the fonts selected from the list. ═══ 18. Help for Add Download Font Target Path ═══ This field shows the default path where the download-font files will be stored. The printer driver will create a metric file for each font, and must store them in the target directory. The download font file may be copied to the same directory if you choose. 1. Change the path in the target-path field, if necessary. 2. If you do not want to copy the download-font files, de-select the copy option in the box. 3. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Target Path o Copy Download Font Files o Cancel ═══ 18.1. Help for Target Path ═══ This field shows the default path where you store download-font files. You can change the path in this field if you want to save the files elsewhere. Note: If the path you select is on a diskette, you must insert that diskette in the diskette drive whenever you print a job. ═══ 18.2. Help for Copy Download Font Files ═══ Select Copy Download Font Files to have the download-font files copied to the target path. The metric file, with the extension FMF, will always be created by the printer driver. Copy Download Font Files allows you to copy the file that is to be downloaded to the printer to the specified drive and directory. ═══ 19. Help for Remove Download Fonts ═══ Use this window to remove download fonts from the Download Fonts window. 1. Select the fonts you want to remove from the list. 2. If you do not want to delete the metric file for the download fonts you have selected, de-select the Delete Metric File check box. 3. Select Remove. 4. Select OK when exiting the printer properties window to save the revised list of the download fonts. Note: If you need to restore a font to the available list at a later date, the Download Fonts window provides an Add push button. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Remove Download Fonts List o Delete Metric File o Remove o Cancel ═══ 19.1. Help for Remove Download Fonts List ═══ The field shows all of the download fonts currently listed in the Download Fonts window. You can scroll the list to see more fonts. Select the fonts you want to remove from the list. ═══ 19.2. Help for Delete Metric File ═══ Select this check box if you want to delete the metric file for each downloadfont that you have selected to be removed. ═══ 19.3. Help for Remove ═══ Select Remove to remove the selected fonts from the list of available fonts in the Download Fonts window. ═══ 20. Help for Download Overlays ═══ This window contains a list of all the download overlays that print jobs can use. These overlays can be stored at the printer by one of the following three methods. First, download overlays can be stored in printer memory. The list on the left of the window contains all overlays that can be downloaded to printer memory. Selected overlays are downloaded when the first job is printed and will remain downloaded for subsequent jobs. Select those overlays that you use frequently. The remaining overlays are downloaded when they are required, and are deleted at the end of the job. Note: Powering off the printer causes all download overlays to be cleared from the printer's memory. The overlays can be reloaded (after you power the printer on) by either pressing the Reload Overlays button or rebooting your computer. Second, if the printer has a flash memory card installed, overlays can be stored in the flash memory card. The list on the right of the window contains all overlays that can be downloaded to or are currently resident in the flash memory card. Selected overlay macros are presumed to have been stored in the flash memory card by the Printer Toolkit. Use the Flash Memory Option checkbox to indicate whether or not a flash memory card is installed in the printer. If the flash memory card is removed from the printer and the Flash Memory Option check box is not checked, any overlays previously selected as flash card overlays will be made available in the Download Overlays list. These overlays will be downloaded when they are required, and are deleted at the end of the job. Third, some printers support a disk option. If the printer has a disk option installed, overlays can be stored on the disk option. The list on the right of the window contains all overlays that can be downloaded to or are currently resident on the disk option. Selected overlay macros are presumed to have been stored on the disk option by the Printer Toolkit. Use the Disk Option checkbox to indicate whether or not a disk option is installed in the printer. If the disk option is removed from the printer and the Disk Option check box is not checked, any overlays previously selected as disk option overlays will be made available in the Download Overlays list. These overlays will be downloaded when they are required, and are deleted at the end of the job. Note: If the printer is directed to print a job with a data stream other than Printer Command Language (PCL**), the download overlays are cleared from printer memory. Do not select any overlays in the Download Overlays list, if you intend to print jobs using data streams other than PCL. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Download Overlays o Flash Overlays o Flash Memory Option o Disk Overlays o Disk Option o Add o Remove o OK o Cancel Related Information: o Creating an Overlay o Printing with an Overlay ═══ 20.1. Help for Download Overlays ═══ The field lists the download overlays that print jobs can use. You can scroll the list to see more overlays. Select those that you use most frequently. ═══ 20.2. Help for Flash Overlays ═══ The field lists the flash memory card overlays that print jobs can use. You can scroll the list to see more overlays. Overlays selected are presumed to be stored in the flash memory card and available as permanent download overlays. Related Information: Printer Toolkit ═══ 20.3. Help for Flash Memory Option ═══ This check box indicates whether or not a flash memory card is installed in the printer. If checked, the Flash Overlays list is activated. Related Information: Flash Overlays ═══ 20.4. Help for Disk Overlays ═══ The field lists the disk option overlays that print jobs can use. You can scroll the list to see more overlays. Overlays selected are presumed to be stored on the disk option and available as permanent download overlays. Related Information: Printer Toolkit ═══ 20.5. Help for Disk Option ═══ This check box indicates whether or not a disk option is installed in the printer. If checked, the Disk Overlays list is activated. Related Information: Disk Overlays ═══ 20.6. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to add new download overlays. A window appears in which you specify the location of the download-overlay files. ═══ 20.7. Help for Remove ═══ Select Remove to remove download overlays from the list of overlays available to your print jobs. ═══ 21. Help for Overlay Source Path ═══ This field shows the default path where the download-overlay files are stored. 1. Specify the drive and directory containing your download-overlay files. 2. Select Add. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Source Path o Add o Cancel Related Information: Creating an Overlay ═══ 21.1. Help for Source Path ═══ This field shows the path where the download-overlay files are stored. You can use this field to enter the path. ═══ 21.2. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to add new download overlays. A window appears in which you can select the download overlay you want available for your printer. ═══ 22. Help for Add Overlays ═══ This window is used to make download overlays available for use with the printer driver. 1. Select the download overlay you want. 2. Select Add. 3. A window appears in which you specify where you want the download-overlayfiles stored, its nickname, and an unique identification number. 4. Select OK when exiting the printer properties window to save the information about the overlays added. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Add Overlays List o Add o Cancel Related Information: Creating an Overlay ═══ 22.1. Help for Add Overlays List ═══ The field lists all of the files in the path you specified in the Overlay Source Path window. Select the overlay file you want to add to the Download Overlays list in the Download Overlays window. Related Information: Creating an Overlay ═══ 22.2. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to add the overlay selected from the list. ═══ 23. Help for Download Overlay Target ═══ This field shows the default path where the download-overlay file will be stored. 1. Change the path in the target-path field, if necessary. 2. Enter a nickname in the Nickname field. 3. Enter an unique identification number in the ID field. 4. Select OK. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Target File Name o Target Path o Nickname o ID o Perform Fixups o Cancel ═══ 23.1. Help for Target File Name ═══ This field shows the default file name to which the source file is written. You can change the Target File Name in this field if you want the file saved under a different name. ═══ 23.2. Help for Target Path ═══ This field shows the default path where you store download-overlay files. You can change the path in this field if you want to save the files elsewhere. Note: If the path you select is on a diskette, you must insert that diskette in the diskette drive whenever you print a job. ═══ 23.3. Help for Nickname ═══ Enter a nickname in this field that the printer driver will use to refer to the added overlay. ═══ 23.4. Help for ID ═══ Enter an unique identification number in this field that the printer driver will use to refer to the added overlay. This number must be in the range 0 - 32767. ═══ 23.5. Help for Perform Fixups ═══ Select Perform Fixups to have the Printer Toolkit clean up or convert your file into an overlay macro before copying it to the target path. This check box is only available when the Printer Toolkit for the IBM 4039 LaserPrinter plus is installed. You must back out of the Download Overlays dialogs and reenter them after you have installed the Printer Toolkit. Note: It is strongly recommended that Perform Fixups be selected if possible to ensure that a valid overlay macro is added. ═══ 24. Help for Remove Download Overlays ═══ Use this window to remove download overlays from the Download Overlays window. 1. Select the overlays you want to remove from the list. 2. Select Remove. 3. Select OK when exiting the printer properties window to save the revised list of the download overlays. Note: If you need to restore an overlay to the available list at a later date, the Download Overlays window provides an Add push button. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Remove Download Overlays List o Remove o Cancel ═══ 24.1. Help for Remove Download Overlays List ═══ The field shows all of the download overlays currently listed in the Download Overlays window. You can scroll the list to see more overlays. Select the overlays you want to remove from the list. ═══ 24.2. Help for Remove ═══ Select Remove to remove the selected overlays from the list of available overlays in the Download Overlays window. ═══ download-overlay files ═══ An overlay is a style of macro that when active will print on each page emitted from the printer along with the information desired on the pages. A predefined form or letterhead are examples of overlay macros. A valid overlay file consists of one of the following scenarios: o The file begins with a macro ID assignment command followed by the start macro definition command. The file ends with the stop macro definition command. o The file begins with the start macro definition command and ends with the stop macro definition command. Note: All commands within the overlay file must be in printer command language(PCL**). ═══ 25. Help for Overlay Configuration ═══ Use the Overlay Configuration window to indicate the overlay you wish to have printed on each page. There are two different associations that you can have with each print job. o Simplex jobs - First Page/Rest of Document - Odd Pages/Even Pages o Duplex jobs - First Page/Rest of Document - Front Side/Back Side Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 25.1. Help for Overlay Control ═══ Choose one of the radio buttons to determine which overlay association pairing you want with each print job. When printing a simplex job your choices for Overlay Control are First Page/Rest of Document and Odd Pages/Even Pages. For duplex jobs your control choices are First Page/Rest of Document and Front Side/Back Side. ═══ 25.2. Help for Overlay Association ═══ Use these lists to select which overlay you want printed on each section of your document. The associations you have available are determined by OverlayControl and Duplex Control. For simplex jobs you could select an overlay for: First Page The overlay to be printed on the first page of your job. A selection of None will use no overlay on the first page. Rest of Document The overlay to be printed on all pages after the first page. A selection of None will use no overlay after the first page. -- OR -- Odd Pages The overlay to be printed on odd pages of your job. A selection of None will use no overlay on odd pages. Even Pages The overlay to be printed on even pages of your job. A selection of None will use no overlay on even pages. For duplex jobs you could select an overlay for: First Page The overlay to be printed on the first page of your job. A selection of None will use no overlay on the first page. Rest of Document The overlay to be printed on all pages after the first page. A selection of None will use no overlay after the first page. -- OR -- Front Side The overlay to be printed on the front side of the paper for your entire job. A selection of None will use no overlay on the front side of the paper. Back Side The overlay to be printed on the back side of the paper for your entire job. A selection of None will use no overlay on the back side of the paper. Note: For raw data jobs, the First Page selection is used for all pages of the job. ═══ 26. Help for Creating an Overlay ═══ If you would like to create an overlay yourself do the following: 1. From your printer object Settings go into the Default printer driver printer properties and job properties and ensure that Fast System Fonts are de-selected. 2. Save away these settings. 3. Design the overlay using any OS/2 application. It is recommended that you not use any download printer fonts. When the design is complete, print a copy of the overlay to confirm placement of all information. 4. Print your design to a file using the application if possible or by selecting the Output to file check box on the printer object Output tab. 5. From your printer object Settings go into the Default printer driver printer properties and add the file you just created using the Overlay dialog processing. Note: In order to use this method for creating an overlay you must have the PrinterToolkit for the IBM 4039 LaserPrinter plus installed on your system. It is recommended that this method only be used on OS/2 2.1 or greater. ═══ 27. Help for Printing with an Overlay ═══ After an overlay macro has been added to the printer driver, the overlay is selected for printing via the job properties dialog of the printer driver. Related Information: o Overlays o Overlay Configuration o Overlay Control o Overlay Association ═══ 28. Help for Available Default Fonts ═══ Use this window to select the font to use for a graphics data job that does not already have a font selected, and for raw data jobs. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below: o Fonts o Outline Font Pt. Size o OK o Cancel Related Information: o Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup o Font symbol sets o Extended symbol sets ═══ 29. Help for Print Options ═══ Use the Print Options window to indicate which options you want set up on your printer. There are three options that you can control: o Print Darkness o Print Quality o Page Protect Related Information: Printer, queue, and program job-properties setup ═══ 29.1. Help for Print Darkness ═══ Use Print Darkness to achieve lighter or darker text in your print jobs. Print Darkness levels available are: Default Use the default print darkness selected on the printer. Light Select this print darkness level if you want finer line width, higher definition graphics, and a wider variety of gray scales. Normal Select this print darkness level for your every day use. This level is the factory default. Dark Select this print darkness level if you want the darkest or boldest text and the darkest gray scales. ═══ 29.2. Help for Print Quality ═══ Depending on the printer there can be several selections of Print Quality available: Default Uses the default print qualities selected on your printer. Standard Uses the standard print qualities on your printer. PQET Print Quality Enhancement Technology (PQET) smoothes the edges of characters and graphics to give them sharper definition. Toner Saver Toner Saver distributes the toner, so less toner is used. ═══ 29.3. Help for Page Protect ═══ Use the Page Protect list box to control whether the printer will launch paper for a page until the entire page is processed and ready to be printed. Enabling Page Protect may eliminate some Complex Page errors. Page Protect settings available are: o Default o Off o On Note: Choosing Default will use the default Page Protect setting on your printer. ═══ spool file ═══ A file containing output data that has been saved for later processing. ═══ spooling ═══ The process of temporarily storing print jobs while waiting for an available printer or port at a print destination. Spooling jobs frees system resources from waiting for a relatively slow device to provide output, and keeps the contents of each print job separated from the contents of every other print job. ═══ resolution ═══ Density or sharpness of an image. For bit-map material, resolution is expressed in dots-per-inch, with higher quality output having more dots-per-inch. You can adjust resolution for some printers. Low-resolution images are printed faster, but appear coarser than high-resolution images. A printer's memory size might limit the resolution you can choose. ═══ device font ═══ A font particular to the printer. Some device fonts have size and language-support restrictions. Printer device fonts are internal to the printer hardware, or they can be installed as a card, or downloaded to printer memory. They are printed faster than system fonts. See also system font. ═══ download font ═══ A soft font copied (downloaded) to the memory of your printer. ═══ download overlay ═══ An overlay macro copied (downloaded) to the memory of your printer. ═══ font-card files ═══ Files needed for each font card are typically supplied on a diskette in the font-card package. The files are frequently installed into a directory (such as C:\AUTOFONT) by a font installation program. When you install new font cards, you must specify the drive and directory of the following files for each card: o A GLUE.TXT file, which identifies the fonts supported by this card, and the location of the font support files. o Font Metric files, with the extension TFM, which contain the information about each font supported by this card. When the printer driver installs a font card, it creates a file with the extension FCF which contains the information about each font selected to be supported for that card. Note: There are IBM* LaserPrinter Font Cards that emulate some Hewlett-Packard** LaserJet** series II font cartridges and resident Hewlett-Packard LaserJet series IID fonts. If your IBM LaserPrinter Font Card is not listed in the Font Cards window of the printer driver, then contact your Lexmark** dealer, point of purchase or your country Lexmark representative, to receive the font files necessary for the printer driver to use the font card. Note: If the Available Cards list is empty you are missing the file PCL5_FCF.DLL, which comes with the printer driver. This file contains the font card metrics for some IBM LaserPrinter Font Cards. ═══ font installation program ═══ Prior to adding a card or a download font you must install the font files onto the hard disk. This may involve running the Autofont Support Installer (for example: Font Converter), copying files to a specific directory on the hard disk, or using some other utility. Follow the instructions with each font on installing the font files onto the hard disk. Make note of the directory where the files were stored, for example: C:\AUTOFONT. When you add new fonts for use with the printer driver, you must specify the name of the directory containing the font files. Related Information: Font Converter ═══ Font Converter ═══ This utility, available from Lexmark**, converts PCL** 5 Intellifont** (.TYP files) and FAIS format fonts to symbol set bound PCL Encapsulated Outline(PCLEO) soft fonts. It also converts TrueType** (.TTF files) to symbol set bound PCL Encapsulated TrueType Outline(PCLETTO) soft fonts. The PCLETTO fonts are supported by the "IBM 4039 LaserPrinter plus" printers. Follow the Font Converter instructions on installing the font files onto the hard disk. Make note of the directory where the GLUE.TXT file was stored, for example: C:\AUTOFONT. When you add new fonts for use with the printer driver, you must specify the name of the directory containing the GLUE.TXT file. ═══ typefaces ═══ Identifies the unique design characteristics of the symbols of a particular font. Courier and Times Roman are examples of a typeface. ═══ extended symbol set ═══ A symbol set that includes characters that do not map to the Presentation Manager* (PM) character set. Such fonts frequently contain characters such as graphic characters, special characters, or bar codes. Examples of such symbol sets are OCR and Bar Codes. See also font symbol sets. ═══ symbol set ═══ A grouping of a set of characters in a specific order. ═══ font orientation ═══ This printer driver can create both portrait and landscape fonts from font files in either orientation. If you have font files for both portrait and landscape versions of the same font, the font will only be shown in the windows once, but it will support the font in both the portrait and landscape orientations. ═══ download-font files ═══ Files needed for each download font are supplied on a diskette in the download-font package. The files are frequently installed into a directory (such as C:\AUTOFONT) by a font installation program. The download font support files typically include: o A download font file, which usually has the extension .SFS or .SFT for outline fonts, but may have any extension for bitmapped fonts. o Font Metric files, with the extension TFM, which carry the information about the font. These are required for outline fonts. o A GLUE.TXT file, which identifies the location of the font support files. The GLUE.TXT file is optional for bitmap download fonts. When the printer driver installs a download font it creates a file, with the extension FMF, which contains the information about the font. ═══ metric file ═══ A file created by the printer driver to describe a download font or a font card. The metric file for a download font has the extension FMF, and the metric file for a font card has the extension FCF. ═══ flash memory card ═══ A special memory card that can be installed in the printer that provides a location for permanent download of soft fonts and overlay macros. This memory card is unaffected by resets to the printer. ═══ printer toolkit ═══ This utility, supplied with the printer, provides a variety of printer-specific utilities, including downloading soft fonts and overlay macros to the flash memorycard or the disk option. ═══ disk option ═══ A special disk option that can be installed in the printer that provides a location for permanent download of soft fonts and overlay macros. This disk option is unaffected by resets to the printer. ═══ printer driver ═══ A file that provides device-independence. This file describes the physical characteristics of a printer and is used to convert graphics into device-specific data at the time of printing. ═══ queue ═══ A list of jobs waiting to be printed at a particular print destination. See also spooling. ═══ system font ═══ One of the general fonts available for screen display and printing. You can specify any size for this font, and it supports any language. Contrast with device font. ═══ radio button ═══ A circle with text beside it. Radio buttons are combined to show you a fixed set of choices from which only one can be selected. The circle is partially filled when a choice is selected. ═══ check mark ═══ A symbol that shows that a choice is currently active. This symbol is used in menus and check boxes. See check box. ═══ check box ═══ A square box with associated text that represents one choice in a set of multiple choices. When you select a choice, a check mark appears in the check box to indicate that the choice is in effect. You can clear the check box by selecting the choice again. Contrast with radio button. ═══ code page ═══ The character set used to display characters on the screen or print characters on the printer. ═══ soft font ═══ Optional fonts shipped as files. The soft-font files must be copied to the hard disk before you can select them from programs. ═══ push button ═══ A rectangle with text inside. Push buttons are used in windows for actions that occur immediately when the push button is selected. ═══ font ═══ A given size and style of type. A family of characters of a given size and style; for example, 9-point Helvetica. ═══ overlay ═══ A macro style used in the printer. ═══ outline font ═══ A font that enables its characters to be shaped with more flexibility (for example, scaled to different sizes). ═══ default ═══ A value, an attribute, or an option that is assumed when another is not explicitly specified. ═══ path ═══ A statement that indicates where a file is stored. The path consists of the drive letter and all the directories that must be opened to get to a particular file. The directory names are separated by a backslash (\). The first backslash represents the root directory. The first path in the example below shows a file that is located in the root directory of a diskette in drive A; the second path in the example shows a path to font files on drive C: A:\ C:\OS2\DLL\PCL5FONT A path is sometimes followed by a file name and file-name extension (if there is one). ═══ 30. IBM Trademarks ═══ Trademark of the IBM Corporation ═══ 31. Non-IBM Trademarks ═══ The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) in this information, are trademarks of other companies as follows: AST is a trademark of AST Research, Incorporated. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Type Manager is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. DeskJet is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Digital Research is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc. Epson is a trademark of Seiko Epson Kabushiki Kaisha. Excel is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Helvetica is a trademark of the Linotype Company. HP and Hewlett-Packard are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Intellifont is a trademark of Agfa Division, Miles Inc. LaserJet is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Lexmark is a trademark of Lexmark International, Inc. Lotus is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PCL is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Times New Roman is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation, Ltd. TrueType is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ═══ 32. Help for Keys ═══ The list of keys is arranged in groups. Use: o HELP KEYS to get help o SYSTEM KEYS to switch between programs o WINDOW KEYS to move around in a program window o POP-UP WINDOW KEYS to make a selection in a pop-up window o EDITING KEYS to make changes in a pop-up window. When two key names are joined by a plus sign (+), use these two keys together. Hold down the first key and press the second key. HELP KEYS F1 Get help F2 Get extended help (from within any help window) F9 Go to a list of keys (from within any help window) F11 or Alt+F1 Go to the help index (from within any help window) Esc Cancel help Alt+F4 Close the help window Alt+F6 Go to/from help and programs Shift+F10 Get help for help SYSTEM KEYS Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Alt+Tab Switch to the next windowed program Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List WINDOW KEYS F3 Close a program window F10 Go to/from the action bar Arrow keys Move among choices End Go to the last choice in a pull-down Esc Cancel a pull-down or the system menu Home Go to the first choice in a pull-down PgUp Scroll the contents of the window up one page PgDn Scroll the contents of the window down one page Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs Alt Go to/from the action bar Alt+F4 Close the window Alt+F5 Restore the window Alt+F7 Move the window Alt+F8 Size the window Alt+F9 Minimize the window Alt+F10 Maximize the window Ctrl+PgDn Scroll the contents of the window right one page Ctrl+PgUp Scroll the contents of the window left one page Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Go to/from the system menu Shift+Esc or Alt Go to/from the system menu of a text window POP-UP WINDOW KEYS Enter Complete the pop-up window Esc Cancel the pop-up window Spacebar Set a check box on/off or perform the task described on the selected pushbutton Tab Move to the next entry field or check box EDITING KEYS Backspace (left arrow delete) Delete the character to the left of the cursor Del Delete the character to the right of the cursor End or Ctrl+Right Arrow key Move to the end of a field Home or Ctrl+Left Arrow key Move to the beginning of a field ═══ Printer, Queue, and Program Job-Properties Setup ═══ Those properties, which give a print job such characteristics as resolution, orientation, duplex control, form, and font, can derive from three different sources: o If you submit a job (for example, from a DOS session) that does not have program-specific characteristics, and does not take on the job properties of its queue, the job is printed with the job properties you specified in the printer properties window during printer driver setup. o If you submit a job (for example, from a Presentation Manager* program) that does not specify print-job characteristics, but does take on characteristics from its queue, the job is printed with the job properties you specified for that queue. o If your program enables you to set up job properties for a specific print file, the job is printed with those characteristics. Program-specified job properties override defaults of either queue or printer properties. ═══ Printer Messages ═══ If your Laser Printer issues a message indicating operational failure, check for the following: o Memory Full - Caused by a page with dense graphics or a combination of text and graphics that exceeds the printer memory. Some Laser Printers allow memory compression of images in the printer. Try turning this option ON from your printer's operator panel, or try adding more memory to the printer. - Caused by more fonts downloaded during the first print job than the printer memory can support. Try reducing the number of highlighted fonts in the Download Fonts window, or try adding more memory to the printer. o Complex Page - Caused by a page with dense graphics or a combination of text and graphics that the printer cannot print. Try reducing the resolution of the print job, or try adding more memory to the printer. The system issues a Forms Mismatch error message, and prevents a job from printing if the form selected for the job is not also selected in the Form Connections window. Load the appropriate form for the job, then access the printerdriver Form Connections window, changing the selection there to match the form required by the waiting job. ═══ Unattended Printer Operation ═══ To maintain unattended operation of your printer: 1. Do not select any Available Forms for the manual paper or manual envelope sources; otherwise, the printer driver might issue a prompt for a form, and operator intervention will be required. ═══ Help Version ═══ The help version is 1.016. ═══ Printer Settings ═══ In some cases, single pages are printed as multiple pages or duplex pages are printed as simplex pages due to the Print Timeout Setting being active on the printer. Use the operator panel on the printer to increase or disable the Print Timeout Setting.