═══ 1. Introduction ═══ Allows Rexx procedures to issue Communications Manager dynamic configuration, subsystem management, and display verbs. ═══ 2. How to Use It ═══ How to register the function: In order to use the function, you have to register it with Rexx like this: if rxfuncquery('ydbaacsm') then call rxfuncadd 'ydbaacsm','ydbaacsm','ydbaacsm' The .DLL "ydbaacsm.dll" must be in your libpath. Syntax: rc = YdbaAcsM(function, stem_name) Where: "function" is one of the Display, Managment, or Configuration functions. "stem_name" is a Rexx stem variable under which arguments are supplied (for Management or Configuration), or information is returned (for Display) If the call is successful, the returned value is zero. If the call fails, the returned value is the primary_rc and the secondary_rc, like this: 0002 00000802 ═══ 3. Examples ═══ /* Rexx */ /* Define a partner lu in the active SNA configuration */ /* Note: This partner lu definition is not saved in the CM */ /* configuration file -- it goes away when CM stops. */ p.2 = 'ibmtrnet.lu0231' /* fq_plu_name */ p.3 = 'LU0231' /* plu_alias */ p.4 = 'lu0231' /* uninterpreted name */ p.5 = 32765 /* max mc ll send size */ p.6 = 'n' /* conv security */ p.7 = 'y' /* parallel sessions */ p.8 = 0 /* number of alternate plu aliases */ acsrc = ydbaacsm('define_partner_lu','p.') if acsrc <> 0 then Do Parse Var acsrc prim_rc second_rc Say 'Define_Partner_LU failed with primary_rc='prim_rc, 'secondary_rc='second_rc Exit End /* Rexx */ /* Get information about currently running TPs */ acsrc = ydbaacsm('display_tp_info','t.') if acsrc <> 0 then Do Parse Var acsrc prim_rc second_rc Say 'Display_Tp_Info failed with primary_rc='prim_rc, 'secondary_rc='second_rc Exit End /* See "Display_Tp_Info" for layout of display result under stem */ Do i=1 To t.0 say 'tpid =' c2x(t.i.1) say 'tpname =' t.i.2 say 'lualias =' t.i.5 End ═══ 4. Subsystem Management Functions ═══ Used to manage certain Communications Manager features ═══ 4.1. CNOS ═══ Change Number of Sessions (between two LUs) stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = lu_alias stem.3 = plu_alias stem.4 = fqplu_name stem.5 = mode_name (uninitialized value indicates "for all modes") stem.6 = set_negotiable (Yes/No) stem.7 = plu_mode_session_limit stem.8 = min_conwinners_source (integer) stem.9 = min_conwinners_target (integer) stem.10 = auto_activate (integer) stem.11 = drain_target (Yes/No) stem.12 = drain_source (Yes/No) stem.13 = responsible (Target/Source) ═══ 4.2. Activate_DLC ═══ Activate a particular DLC (such as IBMTRNET) stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = dlc_name stem.3 = adapter_number ═══ 4.3. Activate_Logical_Link ═══ Activate a particular logical link, or all defined logical links stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = link_name (uninitialized value indicates "all links") ═══ 4.4. Cm_Activate_Service ═══ Activate Communications Manager Services. These only work under CM/2. stem.1 = Service to start: @ = All A = APPC K = CM/2 Kernel S = SRPI X = X.25 D = ACDI 3 = 3270 Emulation stem.2 = Short Session-Id stem.3 = Session Name stem.4 = Visibility Status: Visible Invisible 5 = 5250 Emulation stem.2 = Short Session-Id stem.3 = Session Name stem.4 = Visibility Status: Visible Invisible stem.5 = Workstation-Id stem.6 = Yes or No (default is No) stem.7 = RemoteLu stem.8 = ModeName ═══ 4.5. Cm_Deactivate_Service ═══ Deactivate Communications Manager Services. Only '@' (All) is available with ES, the rest work only under CM/2. stem.0 = Deactivate Type (Normal/Abnormal) stem.1 = Service to stop: @ = All A = APPC K = CM/2 Kernel S = SRPI X = X.25 D = ACDI 3 = 3270 Emulation stem.2 = Short Session-Id stem.3 = Session Name 5 = 5250 Emulation stem.2 = Short Session-Id stem.3 = Session Name ═══ 4.6. Cm_Query_Service ═══ Query information about Communications Manager services. This only works under CM/2. not yet fully implemented ═══ 4.7. Cm_Query_Status ═══ Query staus information about Communications Manager services. This only works under CM/2. not yet fully implemented ═══ 4.8. Deactivate_Conversation_Group ═══ Deactivate a conversation group stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = lu_alias stem.3 = conversation_group_id (integer) stem.4 = deactivate_type (Cleanup/Normal) stem.5 = sense_data (only used if deactivate_type = Cleanup) ═══ 4.9. Deactivate_DLC ═══ Deactivate a particular DLC stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = dlc_name stem.3 = adapter_number ═══ 4.10. Deactivate_Logical_Link ═══ Deactivate a particular logical link stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = link_name stem.3 = deactivate_type (Hard/Soft) ═══ 4.11. Deactivate_Session ═══ Deactivate a session (or all sessions on a mode) stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = session_id (all binary zero for all sessions on a mode) stem.3 = lu_alias stem.4 = plu_alias stem.5 = mode_name stem.6 = deactivate_type (Cleanup/Normal) stem.7 = sense_data (only used if deactivate_type = Cleanup) stem.8 = fqplu_name ═══ 4.12. Start_Am ═══ Start the Attach Manager stem.1 = keylock (optional) ═══ 4.13. Stop_Am ═══ Stop the Attach Manager stem.1 = keylock (optional) ═══ 5. Dynamic Configuration ═══ Allows dynamic definition and deletion of SNA configuration elements ═══ 5.1. Define_Local_LU ═══ Define a local LU stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = lu_name stem.3 = lu_alias stem.4 = nau_address ═══ 5.2. Define_Mode ═══ Define a (transmission service) mode stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = mode_name stem.3 = max_ru_size_upp (integer) stem.4 = receive_pacing_window (integer) stem.5 = default_ru_size(Yes/No) stem.6 = max_neg_sess_lim (integer) stem.7 = plu_mode_session_limit (integer) stem.8 = min_conwin_source (integer) stem.9 = cos_name ═══ 5.3. Define_User_Id_Password ═══ Define a Userid/Password pair for use by Attach Manager for incoming conversation allocations stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = userid stem.3 = password ═══ 5.4. Define_LU_LU_Password ═══ Define a LU_LU password (for use with session level security) stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = lu_alias stem.3 = fqplu_name stem.4 = password ═══ 5.5. Define_Logical_Link ═══ Define a logical link to another CP stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = link_name stem.3 = fq_adj_cp_name stem.4 = adj_node_type (leaRn/Len/Nn) stem.5 = dlc_name stem.6 = adapter_number stem.7 = destination_address (hex value) stem.8 = x25_directory_entry (used only if dlc_name = "X25DLC") stem.9 = pref_nn_server (Yes/No) stem.10 = cp_cp_session_support (Yes/No) stem.11 = auto_activate (Yes/No) stem.12 = limited_resource (Yes/No/use_Adapter_def_char) stem.13 = link_station_role (Primary/Secondary/Negotiable/ use_Adapter_definition) stem.14 = effective_capacity (integer, or "A" to use adapter definition) stem.15 = time_cost (integer) stem.16 = byte_cost (integer) stem.17 = security (Nonsecure/Public_switched_network/Underground_cable/ Secure_conduit/Guarded_conduit/Encrypted guarded_Radiation/user_Adapter_definition) stem.18 = propagation_delay (miNimum/Lan/Telephone/Pkt_switched_net/ Satellite/maXimum/use_Adapter_def) stem.19 = user_defined_1 stem.20 = user_defined_2 stem.21 = user_defined_3 stem.22 = solicit_sscp_session (Yes/No) ═══ 5.6. Define_TP ═══ Define an incoming APPC transaction program to Attach Manager stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = tp_name stem.3 = filespec stem.4 = parm_string (optional) stem.5 = icon_filespec (optional) stem.6 = conversation_type (Basic/Mapped/Either) stem.7 = conversation_security_required (Yes/No) stem.8 = sync_level (None/Confirm/Either) stem.9 = tp_operation (queued_Operator_started/queued_Am_started/ Nonqueued_am_started/queued_operator_Preloaded) stem.10 = program_type (Background/Full_screen/Presentation_manager/ Vio_windowable) stem.11 = queue_depth_limit (integer, used only for "queued" tp_operation) stem.12 = incoming_alloc_timeout (integer, or "Infinite") stem.13 = receive_alloc_timeout (integer, or "Infinite") ═══ 5.7. Define_COS ═══ Define a class of service stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = cos_name stem.3 = trans_priority (Network/High/Medium/Low) stem.4 = num_of_node_rows stem.5 = num_of_tg_rows (Once for each Node Row) stem.NR.n.1 = congestion_min stem.NR.n.2 = congestion_max stem.NR.n.3 = route_additional_resistance_min stem.NR.n.4 = route_additional_resistance_max stem.NR.n.5 = weight (Once for each Transmission Group Row) stem.TR.n.1 = cost_per_time_min stem.TR.n.2 = cost_per_time_max stem.TR.n.3 = cost_per_byte_min stem.TR.n.4 = cost_per_byte_max stem.TR.n.5 = security_min (Nonsecure/Public_switched_network/ stem.TR.n.6 = security_max Underground_cable/Secure_conduit/ Guarded_conduit/Encrypted/guarded_Radiation/ use_Adapter_def) stem.TR.n.7 = propagation_delay_min (miNimum/Lan/Telephone/ stem.TR.n.8 = propagation_delay_max Pkt_switched_net/Satellite/ maXimum/use_Adapter_def) stem.TR.n.9 = effective_capacity_min stem.TR.n.10 = effective_capacity_max stem.TR.n.11 = user_defined_1_min (0-255,use_Adapter_def) stem.TR.n.12 = user_defined_1_max (0-255,use_Adapter_def) stem.TR.n.13 = user_defined_2_min (0-255,use_Adapter_def) stem.TR.n.14 = user_defined_2_max (0-255,use_Adapter_def) stem.TR.n.15 = user_defined_3_min (0-255,use_Adapter_def) stem.TR.n.16 = user_defined_3_max (0-255,use_Adapter_def) stem.TR.n.17 = weight ═══ 5.8. Define_Partner_LU ═══ Define a partner LU stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = fqplu_name stem.3 = plu_alias stem.4 = plu_uninterpreted_name stem.5 = max_mc_ll_send_size stem.6 = conversation_security_verified (Yes/No) stem.7 = parallel_session_support (Yes/No) stem.8 = number of alternate plu aliases stem.AA.n = nth alternate plu alias ═══ 5.9. Define_Partner_LU_Location ═══ Define a partner LU's location stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = fqplu_name stem.3 = wildcard_entry (Full/Partial/No) stem.4 = fq_owning_cp_name stem.5 = local_node_nn_server (Yes/No) stem.6 = fq_nn_server_name (used only if stem.5 = 'No') ═══ 5.10. Delete_Local_LU ═══ Delete a local LU stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = lu_name ═══ 5.11. Delete_Mode ═══ Delete a (transmission service) mode stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = mode_name ═══ 5.12. Delete_User_Id_Password ═══ Delete a Userid/Password pair stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = userid ═══ 5.13. Delete_LU_LU_Password ═══ Delete a LU_LU password stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = lu_alias stem.3 = fqplu_name ═══ 5.14. Delete_TP ═══ Delete a TP definition stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = tp_name ═══ 5.15. Delete_COS ═══ Delete a class of service definition stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = cos_name ═══ 5.16. Delete_Partner_LU ═══ Delete a partner LU definition stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = fqplu_name ═══ 5.17. Delete_Partner_LU_Location ═══ Delete a partner lu location definition stem.1 = keylock (optional) stem.2 = fqplu_name stem.3 = wildcard_entry (Full/Partial/No) ═══ 6. Display information ═══ Get active SNA information ═══ 6.1. Display_SNA_Global_Info ═══ Display SNA global information (local CP name, node type, etc.) stem.0 = number of entries (always 9) stem.1 = ee_version stem.2 = ee_release stem.3 = net_name stem.4 = cp_name (a.k.a. pu_name) stem.5 = node_id stem.6 = product_set_id stem.7 = alias_cp_name stem.8 = node_type (NN/EN) stem.9 = cp_nau_address ═══ 6.2. Display_System_Defaults_Info ═══ Display current system defaults (implicit inbound support, etc.) stem.0 = number of entries (always 9) stem.1 = default_mode_name stem.2 = default_local_lu_name stem.3 = implicit_inbound_rlu_support (1=Yes/0=No) stem.4 = max_held_alerts stem.5 = tp_conversation_security_required (1/0) stem.6 = max_mc_ll_send_size stem.7 = directory_for_attaches stem.8 = tp_operation (Queued_Operator_Started/ Queued_AM_Started/ NonQueued_AM_Started/ Queued_Operator_Preloaded) stem.9 = tp_program_type (Background/ Full_Screen/ Presentation_Manager/ VIO_Windowable) ═══ 6.3. Display_PLU_Def_Info ═══ Display Partner LU Definitions stem.0 = number of partner_lu_definitions stem.n.1 = fqplu_name stem.n.2 = plu_alias stem.n.3 = plu_uninterpreted_name stem.n.4 = max_mc_ll_send_size stem.n.5 = conversation_security (1=Yes/0=No) stem.n.6 = parallel_session_support (1/0) stem.n.2.0 = number of alt_plu_aliases stem.n.2.p = alt_plu_alias ═══ 6.4. Display_Attach_Manager_Info ═══ Display Attach Manager information (defined TPs) stem.0 = number of tp's defined stem.1 = Attach Manager Active? (1=Yes/0=No) stem.n.1 = tp_name stem.n.2 = filespec stem.n.3 = sync_level_confirm_supported (1/0) stem.n.4 = sync_level_none_supported (1/0) stem.n.5 = conversation_type (Basic/Mapped/Either) stem.n.6 = incoming_alloc_queue_depth_limit stem.n.7 = incoming_alloc_queue_depth stem.n.8 = incoming_alloc_timeout (integer, or "Forever") stem.n.9 = num_rcv_all_pend stem.n.10 = rcv_alloc_timeout (integer, or "Forever") stem.n.11 = tp_type (Queue_Operator_Started/ Queued_AM_Started/ NonQueued_AM_Started/ Queued_Operator_Preloaded) stem.n.12 = program_state (Inactive/Loaded/Loading/Running) stem.n.13 = conversation_security (1/0) stem.n.14 = process_id stem.n.15 = parm_string stem.n.16 = program_type (Background/ Full_Screen/ Presentation_Manager/ VIO_Windowable) stem.n.17 = tp_initiated (Locally/Remotely) stem.n.18 = icon_filespec ═══ 6.5. Display_TP_Info ═══ Display active TP info stem.0 = number of active tps stem.n.1 = tp_id stem.n.2 = tp_name stem.n.3 = user_id stem.n.4 = started_local_remote (Remotely/Locally) stem.n.5 = lu_alias stem.n.6 = fq_luw_name stem.n.7 = luw_instance stem.n.8 = luw_sequence stem.n.0 = number of conversations for this tp stem.n.c.1 = conversation_id stem.n.c.2 = conversation_correlator stem.n.c.3 = state (Send/Receive/Confirm/Confirm_Send/Confirm_Deall/Post) stem.n.c.4 = session_id stem.n.c.5 = sync_level (None/Confirm) stem.n.c.6 = conversation_type (Basic/Mapped) stem.n.c.6 = conversation_group_id ═══ 6.6. Display_Link_Info ═══ Display active link info stem.0 = number of active links stem.n.1 = link_id stem.n.2 = dlc_name stem.n.3 = adapter_number stem.n.4 = destination_address stem.n.5 = inbound_outbound (Inbound/Outbound) stem.n.6 = state (Conals_Pnd/ Xid_Pnd/ Contact_Pnd/ Contacted/ Dis_Pnd/ Disc_Rq) stem.n.7 = deactivate_link_flag (In_Progress/Not_In_Progress) stem.n.8 = num_sessions stem.n.9 = ru_size stem.n.10 = adjacent_fq_cp_name stem.n.11 = adjacent_node_type (EN/NN/LEN) stem.n.12 = cp_cp_session_support (1/0) stem.n.13 = connection_type (Host/Peer/Both) stem.n.14 = link_station_role (Negotiable/Primary/Secondary) stem.n.15 = line_type (Switched/Non_Switched) stem.n.16 = transmission_group_number stem.n.17 = effective_capacity stem.n.18 = connection_cost stem.n.19 = byte_cost stem.n.20 = propagation_delay (Minimum/ LAN/ Telephone/ Pkt_Switched_Net/ Satellite/ Maximum) stem.n.21 = user_def_1 stem.n.22 = user_def_2 stem.n.23 = user_def_3 stem.n.24 = security (NonSecure/ Public_Switched_Network/ Underground_Cable/ Secure_Conduit/ Guarded_Conduit/ Encrypted/ Guarded_Radiation) ═══ 6.7. Display_Link_Def_Info ═══ Display link definition info stem.0 = number of defined links stem.n.1 = link_name stem.n.2 = adjacent_fq_cp_name stem.n.3 = adjacent_node_type (LEN/NN/Learn) stem.n.4 = dlc_name stem.n.5 = adapter_number stem.n.6 = destination_address stem.n.7 = cp_cp_session_support (1/0) stem.n.8 = preferred_nn_server (1/0) stem.n.9 = auto_activate_link (1/0) stem.n.10 = transmission_group_number stem.n.11 = limited_resource (1/0/Use_Adapter_Def_Char) stem.n.12 = solicit_sscp_session (1/0) stem.n.13 = init_self (1/0) stem.n.14 = bind_support (1/0) stem.n.15 = link_station_role (Negotiable/Primary/Secondary) stem.n.16 = line_type (Switched/Non_Switched) stem.n.17 = effective_capacity stem.n.18 = connection_cost stem.n.19 = byte_cost stem.n.20 = propagation_delay (Minimum/ LAN/ Telephone/ Pkt_Switched_Net/ Satellite/ Maximum) stem.n.21 = user_def_1 stem.n.22 = user_def_2 stem.n.23 = user_def_3 stem.n.24 = security (NonSecure/ Public_Switched_Network/ Underground_Cable/ Secure_Conduit/ Guarded_Conduit/ Encrypted/ Guarded_Radiation) ═══ 6.8. Display_Adapter_Info ═══ Display communications adapter info stem.0 = number of adapters stem.n.1 = dlc_name stem.n.2 = adapter_number stem.n.3 = link_station_role (Negotiable/Primary/Secondary) stem.n.4 = effective_capacity stem.n.5 = connection_cost stem.n.6 = byte_cost stem.n.7 = propagation_delay (Minimum/ LAN/ Telephone/ Pkt_Switched_Net/ Satellite/ Maximum) stem.n.8 = user_def_1 stem.n.9 = user_def_2 stem.n.10 = user_def_3 stem.n.11 = security (NonSecure/ Public_Switched_Network/ Underground_Cable/ Secure_Conduit/ Guarded_Conduit/ Encrypted/ Guarded_Radiation) stem.n.12 = line_type (Switched/Non_Switched) stem.n.13 = limited_resource (1/0) stem.n.14 = limited_resource_timeout stem.n.15 = max_btu_size stem.n.16 = receive_window stem.n.17 = send_window stem.n.18 = max_link_stations_used stem.n.19 = Asynchronous_Balanced_Mode_Support (1/0) ═══ 6.9. Display_Mode_Def_Info ═══ Display mode definition info stem.0 = number of defined modes stem.n.1 = class_of_service_name stem.n.2 = mode_name stem.n.3 = ru_size_upper_bound stem.n.4 = receive_window stem.n.5 = default_ru_size (1/0) stem.n.6 = max_negotiable_session_limit stem.n.7 = current_session_limit stem.n.8 = min_win_lim ═══ 6.10. Display_LU62_Info ═══ Display current LU6.2 lu-plu-mode triplets stem.0 = number of lu62 entries stem.n.1 = lu_name stem.n.2 = lu_alias stem.n.3 = fqlu_name stem.n.4 = default_lu stem.n.5 = lu_local_address stem.n.6 = lu_session_limit stem.n.7 = max_tps stem.n.8 = lu_type (always "Lu62") stem.n.0 = number of partner lu62 entries for this lu stem.n.p.1 = plu_alias stem.n.p.2 = plu_uninterpreted_name stem.n.p.3 = fqplu_name stem.n.p.4 = plu_session_limit stem.n.p.5 = adapter_number stem.n.p.6 = destination_address stem.n.p.7 = parallel_session_support (1/0) stem.n.p.8 = def_already_verified (1/0) stem.n.p.9 = def_conversation_security (1/0) stem.n.p.10 = def_session_security (1/0) stem.n.p.11 = act_already_verified (1/0) stem.n.p.12 = act_conversation_security (1/0) stem.n.p.13 = implicit_partner (1/0) stem.n.p.0 = number of mode entries for this lu-plu pair stem.n.p.m.1 = mode_name stem.n.p.m.2 = max_ru_size_upper_bound stem.n.p.m.3 = max_ru_size_lower_bound stem.n.p.m.4 = max_negotiable_session_limit stem.n.p.m.5 = current_session_limit stem.n.p.m.6 = min_win_lim stem.n.p.m.7 = min_lose_lim stem.n.p.m.8 = act_session_count stem.n.p.m.9 = pend_session_count stem.n.p.m.10 = auto_act_session_count stem.n.p.m.11 = act_win_lim stem.n.p.m.12 = act_lose_lim stem.n.p.m.13 = term_count stem.n.p.m.14 = drain_target (1/0) stem.n.p.m.15 = drain_source (1/0) stem.n.p.m.16 = pacing_size stem.n.p.m.17 = implicit_mode (1/0) ═══ 6.11. Display_LU03_Info ═══ Display LU0-LU3 entries stem.0 = number of lu0-lu3 entries stem.n.1 = access_type (3270/LUA) stem.n.2 = lu_type (LU0/LU1/LU2/LU3) stem.n.3 = lu_daf (a.k.a. nau_address) stem.n.4 = lu_short_name stem.n.5 = lu_long_name stem.n.6 = session_id stem.n.7 = dlc_name stem.n.8 = adapter_number stem.n.9 = destination_address stem.n.10 = sscp_lu_session_state (DeActivated/ /Detaching) Activated/ Activating/ DeActivating stem.n.11 = lu_lu_session_state (NotBound/ Bound/ Binding/ UnBinding) stem.n.12 = link_id ═══ 6.12. Display_LU62_Def_Info ═══ Display local LU definition info stem.0 = number of lu62 definitions stem.n.1 = lu_name stem.n.2 = lu_alias stem.n.3 = lu_nau_address ═══ 6.13. Display_SNA_Gateway_Info ═══ Display SNA gateway info (3270 gateway, etc.) stem.0 = number of gateway entries stem.n.1 = ws_lu_name stem.n.2 = wp_pu_name stem.n.3 = pool_class stem.n.4 = ws_local_address stem.n.5 = host_local_address stem.n.6 = ws_lu_type (Lu0/Lu1/Lu2/Lu3/Lu62) stem.n.7 = host_lu_name stem.n.8 = ws_dlc_name stem.n.9 = ws_adapter_number stem.n.10 = ws_destination_address stem.n.11 = link_active (1/0) stem.n.12 = lu_lu_pending_termination (1/0) stem.n.13 = lu_lu_pending_initiation (1/0) stem.n.14 = lu_lu_active (1/0) stem.n.15 = lu_cp_pending_termination (1/0) stem.n.16 = lu_cp_pending_initiation (1/0) stem.n.17 = lu_cp_active_offline (1/0) stem.n.18 = lu_cp_active_online (1/0) ═══ 6.14. Display_Session_Info ═══ Display current session info stem.0 = number of session entries stem.n.1 = session_id stem.n.2 = conversation_id stem.n.3 = lu_alias stem.n.4 = plu_alias stem.n.5 = mode_name stem.n.6 = send_ru_size stem.n.7 = receive_ru_size stem.n.8 = send_pacing_size stem.n.9 = receive_pacing_size stem.n.10 = link_id stem.n.11 = daf stem.n.12 = oaf stem.n.13 = odai stem.n.14 = session_type (Sscp_Pu/Sscp_Lu/Lu_Lu) stem.n.15 = connection_type (Host/Peer/Both) stem.n.16 = fqpcid.unique_proc_id stem.n.17 = fqpcid.fq_name stem.n.18 = conversation_group_id stem.n.19 = fqlu_name stem.n.20 = fqplu_name stem.n.21 = pacing_type (Fixed/Adaptive) ═══ 6.15. Display_X25_Link_Info ═══ Display current X.25 link info stem.0 = number of x25 link entries stem.n.1 = link_name stem.n.2 = link_comments stem.n.3 = adapter_slot_number stem.n.4 = link_type (Leased_Line/VX32) stem.n.5 = link_mode (Disconnect/Connect/Auto_Connect) stem.n.6 = link_state (Connecting/ Connected/ Error_Level_1/ Error_Level_2/ DisConnecting/ DisConnected/ Adapter_Error/ Adapter_Access_Error/ Incoming_Wait) stem.n.7 = link_direction (Incoming/ Outgoing/ 2_Way) stem.n.8 = num_act_pvcs stem.n.9 = total_num_pvcs stem.n.10 = num_act_svcs stem.n.11 = num_incoming_svcs stem.n.12 = num_2_way_svcs stem.n.13 = num_outgoing_svcs ═══ 6.16. Display_MS_Info ═══ Display Management Services info stem.1 = held_mds_mu_alerts stem.2 = held_nmvt_alerts stem.FP.0 = number of Focal Point Groups stem.FP.n.1 = ms_appl_name (raw EBCDIC hex) stem.FP.n.2 = ms_category (raw EBCDIC hex) stem.FP.n.3 = fp_fq_cp_name stem.FP.n.4 = backup_appl_name (raw EBCDIC hex) stem.FP.n.5 = backup_fp_fq_cp_name stem.FP.n.6 = fp_type (Explicit_Primary_Fp/ Backup_Fp/ Default_Primary_Fp/ Domain_Fp/ Host_Fp/ No_Fp) stem.FP.n.7 = fp_status (Not_Active/Active/Pending/Never_Active) stem.FP.n.8 = fp_routing (Default/Direct) stem.AP.0 = number of Application Groups stem.AP.n.1 = ms_appl_name (raw EBCDIC hex) stem.AP.n.2 = ms_category (raw EBCDIC hex) stem.AP.n.3 = q_name stem.AT.0 = number of Active Transaction Groups stem.AT.n.1 = fq_origin_cp_name stem.AT.n.2 = origin_ms_appl_name (raw EBCDIC hex) stem.AT.n.3 = fq_dest_cp_name stem.AT.n.4 = dest_ms_appl_name (raw EBCDIC hex) stem.AT.n.5 = fq_req_loc_cp_name stem.AT.n.6 = req_agent_appl_name (raw EBCDIC hex) stem.AT.n.7 = seq_num_dt ═══ 6.17. Display_APPN_Node_Info ═══ Display APPN local node info stem.0 = number of entries (always 4) stem.1 = route_resistance stem.2 = max_cache stem.3 = current_cache stem.4 = dir_dump_interval ═══ 6.18. Display_APPN_Intermediate_Session_Info ═══ Display APPN intermediate session info stem.0 = number of intermediate sessions stem.n.1 = fq_primary_nncp_name stem.n.2 = fq_secondary_nncp_name stem.n.3 = primary_link_name stem.n.4 = secondary_link_name stem.n.5 = fqpcid.unique_proc_id stem.n.6 = fqpcid.fq_name ═══ 6.19. Display_APPN_Directory_Info ═══ Display APPN directory info stem.NN.0 = number of NetNode entries stem.NN.n.1 = fq_nncp_name stem.NN.n.0 = number of LUN's for this NN stem.NN.n.c.1 = fqlu_name stem.NN.n.c.2 = fq_nncp_name stem.NN.n.c.3 = lu_entry_type (Home/Register/Cache) stem.NN.n.c.4 = wildcard_entry (1/0) stem.EN.0 = number of EndNode entries stem.EN.n.1 = fq_encp_name stem.EN.n.0 = number of LUN's for this EN stem.EN.n.c.1 = fqlu_name stem.EN.n.c.2 = fq_nncp_name stem.EN.n.c.3 = lu_entry_type (Home/Register/Cache) stem.EN.n.c.4 = wildcard_entry (1/0) ═══ 6.20. Display_APPN_CN_Info ═══ Display APPN connection network info stem.0 = number of connection networks stem.n.1 = cn_name stem.n.2 = effective_capacity stem.n.3 = conn_cost stem.n.4 = byte_cost stem.n.5 = propagation_delay (Minimum/LAN/Telephone/ Pkt_Switched_Net/Satellite/Maximum) stem.n.6 = user_def_1 stem.n.7 = user_def_2 stem.n.8 = user_def_3 stem.n.9 = security (NonSecure/Public_Switched_Network/ Underground_Cable/Secure_Conduit/ Guarded_Conduit/Encrypted/Guarded_Radiation) stem.n.0 = number of adapters (Once for each adapter) stem.n.a.1 = dlc_name stem.n.a.2 = adapter_num ═══ 6.21. Display_APPN_Topology_Info ═══ Display APPN Topology info stem.0 = number of network nodes (Once for each network node) stem.n.1 = fq_nncp_name stem.n.2 = route_resistance stem.n.3 = nncp_congested (1/0) stem.n.4 = nncp_quiescing (1/0) stem.n.5 = nncp_isr_depleted (1/0) stem.n.0 = number of transmission groups (Once for each transmission group) stem.n.t.1 = fq_nncp_name stem.n.t.2 = tg_number stem.n.t.3 = node_type (Real/Virtual) stem.n.t.4 = effective_capacity stem.n.t.5 = connection_cost stem.n.t.6 = byte_cost stem.n.t.7 = propagation_delay (Minimum/LAN/Telephone/Pkt_Switched_Net/ Satellite/Maximum) stem.n.t.8 = user_def_1 stem.n.t.9 = user_def_2 stem.n.t.10 = user_def_3 stem.n.t.11 = security (NonSecure/Public_Switched_Network/ Underground_Cable/Secure_Conduit/ Guarded_Conduit/Encrypted/Guarded_Radiation) stem.n.t.12 = quiescing (1/0) stem.n.t.13 = network_topology (1/0) ═══ 6.22. Display_APPN_COS_Info ═══ Display APPN Class of Service info stem.0 = number of Class-of-Sevice entries (Once for each class of service) stem.n.1 = fq_nncp_name stem.n.2 = transmission_priority (Network/High/Medium/Low) stem.n.NR.0 = number of node rows (Once for each node row) stem.n.NR.n.1 = weight stem.n.NR.n.2 = route_add_res_min stem.n.NR.n.3 = route_add_res_max stem.n.NR.n.4 = congestion_min (1/0) stem.n.NR.n.5 = congestion_max (1/0) stem.n.TR.0 = number of transmission groups (Once for each transmission group) stem.n.TR.n.1 = weight stem.n.TR.n.2 = effective_capacity_min stem.n.TR.n.3 = effective_capacity_max stem.n.TR.n.4 = cost_per_time_min stem.n.TR.n.5 = cost_per_time_max stem.n.TR.n.6 = cost_per_byte_min stem.n.TR.n.7 = cost_per_byte_max stem.n.TR.n.8 = security_min (NonSecure/Public_Switched_Network/ stem.n.TR.n.9 = security_max Underground_Cable/Secure_Conduit/ Guarded_Conduit/Encrypted/ Guarded_Radiation) stem.n.TR.n.10 = propagation_delay_min (Minimum/Lan/Telephone/ stem.n.TR.n.11 = propagation_delay_max Pkt_Switched_Net/Satellite/ Maximum) stem.n.TR.n.12 = user_defined_1_min stem.n.TR.n.13 = user_defined_1_max stem.n.TR.n.14 = user_defined_2_min stem.n.TR.n.15 = user_defined_2_max stem.n.TR.n.16 = user_defined_3_min stem.n.TR.n.17 = user_defined_3_max