--------------------------------------------------------------------- Using VX-REXX Code Generation Dialogs from the OS/2 Enhanced Editor (EPM). For use with VX-REXX version 1.01 September 1993 --------------------------------------------------------------------- The files in the \VXREXX\MACROS\EPMPROTO directory allow you to use the VX-REXX code insertion dialog directly from EPM. The EPMPROTO directory holds five files: EPMProto.TXT -- This file. Profile.ERX -- A sample EPM profile file which adds an "Insert" menu command to start the VX-REXX code insertion dialog. EPMProto.ERX -- A VX-REXX EPM macro that calls the VX-REXX code insertion dialog and inserts the returned code string into the current EPM text buffer. The EPMProto.ERX file was created using the VX-REXX "Make macro" menu item. EPMProto.VRP, EPMProto.VRX -- The project source files for EPMProto.ERX. The following steps are required to install the EPMProto macro in EPM: 1) Define an environment variable VXREXX that is set to the VX-REXX directory (e.g. C:\VXREXX). All copies of EPM share the same process, so you will need to shutdown all instances of EPM before setting the environment variable. 2) Copy the Profile.ERX file to a directory in your EPMPATH or PATH, or merge the lines in the supplied Profile.ERX with your own Profile.ERX. Note that EPM only executes the profile when EPM is first started, so you must close and reopen EPM to see the effect of a change to the profile. EPM will only execute the Profile.ERX file if the PROFILE option is on. To turn it on enter "profile on" at the EPM command prompt, then select "Save options" from the "Options" menu. 3) Copy the EPMProto.ERX file to a directory in your path. You can copy it to the VX-REXX directory, for example. After installing the EPM macro, EPM will have a new menu "Insert" to the right of the "Help" menu. It will contain the single item "Code" which will start the VX-REXX insert code dialog. Code generated by the insert code dialog will automatically inserted into the current text buffer at the current insertion point.