═══ 1. Chart Types ═══ This section contains descriptions and examples of the various chart types offered by the charting package. Each chart type differs from the other charts in both appearance and purpose. Some chart types require certain sets of data for them to be charted effectively. As well, depending on the chart type you select, you will have access to a different set of options and option settings. As you become familiar with the chart types, you will recognize which chart type is best suited to the available data and which option settings you can change. The chart types offered by the charting package and discussed in this section are: o Bar charts o Area charts o Line charts o Combination charts o Pie charts o XY charts o Proportional charts o Radar charts o Stock charts o 100% area charts o Gantt charts o Bubble charts o Box whisker charts o 3D charts ═══ 1.1. Bar Charts ═══ In a bar chart, each column from the source data is represented by a set of bars drawn in the same style. The bars are arranged in sections by row, containing one value from each column. The length of each bar in the chart is proportional to the amount it represents and you can arrange the bars so that they are clustered, overlapped, or stacked. Figure 1. Overlapped bar chart example ═══ 1.2. Area Charts ═══ Overlapped area charts are similar to line charts except that the areas below the points are filled in. Each column from the source data defines one area on the chart. Stacked area charts stack the areas on top of each other, showing all the data values and the sums for each row as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Area chart ═══ 1.3. Line Charts ═══ Though lines charts are simple, they are effective in demonstrating changes and trends in data. The points in a line correspond to the data values from one column in the source data. Any changes in the slope of the line are easy to see making line charts useful for identifying trends and establishing relationships. You can use straight lines, curved lines, trend lines, or scattered points in a line chart. Figure 3. Line chart ═══ 1.4. Combination Charts ═══ Two types of combination charts appear in the charting package: bar / line charts and area / line charts. Combination charts, therefore, combine bar charts, area charts, and line charts by representing some of the columns from the source data as bars or areas while representing other columns as lines. This type of chart is often used to display individual quantities as bars or areas and display the totals of these quantities as a line. Figure 4. Bar / Line chart ═══ 1.5. Pie Charts ═══ Pie charts are used to indicate the relationship of parts to the whole. A pie chart represents one column of data and each value in the column is represented by a different slice. As a result, the entire column is broken into component sections. The size of each slice in the pie is proportional to the amount it represents. Slices are frequently labeled as percentages to better indicate the relationship of the data value to the entire column. You can emphasize slices of a pie by using slice cuts to move a slice away from the others. Figure 5. Pie chart ═══ 1.6. XY Charts ═══ XY charts look similar to line charts, but are different in that they plot coordinates formed by two values rather than just one value. The source data for each line or group in an XY chart is two columns of numeric values, where each row plots a point. Because of this, both the Y axis and the X axis are numeric in an XY chart. Each group in an XY chart can be represented as a line, curve, set of points, or trend line. Figure 6. XY chart ═══ 1.7. Proportional Charts ═══ Proportional charts resemble bar charts although they actually function more like a pie chart. Each column from the source data appears as a separate bar on the chart. Each bar is then broken into separate sections representing the data values in each column. The size of each section is determined by calculating the percentage that the data value contributes to the column total. Therefore, proportional charts are effectively a collection of several rectangular pie charts. Proportional charts are best used for comparing relative sizes of a series of values. Figure 7. Proportional chart ═══ 1.8. Radar Charts ═══ A radar chart is a combination of a pie chart and a bar chart. Radar charts are essentially area/line charts whose X axis has been connected at both ends to form a circle. In a radar chart, the X axis is the outer circle and the Y axis is the circle's radius. The data is then accordingly drawn and scaled onto this circle as areas or lines. As with area charts, each area or line drawn on the radar chart represents one column from the source data and each value within the column determines the size and shape of the area or line. Figure 8. Radar chart ═══ 1.9. Stock Charts ═══ Stock charts, sometimes called High-Low-Close charts, are used to represent stock transactions, although they can be used to chart any event that begins with one value, moves through a progression of values, and the ends on another value. To create a stock chart, you need four columns of source data. The charting package plots the first column as the highest value attained, the second column as the lowest value attained, the third column as the opening value, and the fourth column as the closing value. Three groups will appear on the chart: a high/low group, an open group, and a close group. The high/low group appears as a bar, an "I" mark, or an area that begins with the low value and ends with the high value. The open and close groups appear as lines drawn across the high/low group. Figure 9. Stock chart ═══ 1.10. 100% Area Charts ═══ 100% area charts are similar to area charts, although they function more like a pie chart. Each column in the source data is still charted as a separate area, but the areas are stacked on top of each other and the Y axis displays percentages. At each point along the line outlining an area, all the data values are taken into consideration and the depth of the area at this point is proportional to the percentage that the data value contributes to the column total. The areas, therefore, completely fill the chart and their shape is determined by the percentage the data values contribute to the column totals. Figure 10. 100% Area chart ═══ 1.11. Gantt Charts ═══ Gantt charts are frequently used to create a visual representation of a project's schedule. The project has several different sections which need to be completed before the project can be completed. Gantt charts represent how much time is spent on each section and how each section's time overlaps with other sections' time. The source data consists of two columns. The first column lists the starting times for each section, and the second column indicates the amount of time each section will take. The charting package then uses the start and length values to draw bars representing the time spent on each section. The length of the bar is proportional to the length of time spent on the section. Figure 11. Gantt chart ═══ 1.12. Bubble Charts ═══ Bubble charts are based on the same principle as XY charts. They both use two columns of numeric data to plot points on the chart. However, rather than connecting these points, bubble charts use a third column of data to draw bubbles whose radius is proportional to this third value. Therefore, the larger the value in the third column of data, the larger the bubble for that point will be. Figure 12. Bubble chart ═══ 1.13. Box Whisker Charts ═══ Box Whisker charts are charts that display a statistical summary of the source data. The chart consists of a series of boxes with divisions drawn across them to indicate the 10, 25, 50, 75, and 90 percentiles. A whisker (the line drawn behind each bar) indicates the fifth and ninety-fifth percentiles. Each bar on the chart corresponds to one column from the source data. Box whisker charts are frequently used to compare grade distributions. Figure 13. Box Whisker chart ═══ 1.14. 3D Charts ═══ In addition to offering the different chart types, the charting package allows you to convert some of these chart types to three dimensions. Bar charts, area charts, line charts, combination charts, pie charts, proportional charts, 100% area charts, and gantt charts can be converted to three dimensions. Figure 14. 3D Bar chart Figure 15. 3D Pie chart Figure 16. 3D Ribbon chart ═══ 2. Chart Menu ═══ This menu contains items you can use to access and maintain templates of chart options as well as the printing of charts. The items in this menu include the following: o Import o Export o Export As . . . o Page Setup . . . o Print . . . o Printer Setup . . . ═══ 2.1. Import ═══ Use this item to open a saved template of options and apply those options to your current chart data. The options located in the dialog allow you to browse through the directories and drives to find the template of options you want to open. The package ignores any data in the opened chart file and only applies the file's chart options. When you select this item, the Import dialog opens. ═══ 2.2. Export/Export As ═══ Use the Export item to save your chart options and data to the currently opened file. If your chart is untitled, the Export As dialog appears. Use the Export As dialog to select the save options including where the file is saved and the file name you want given to it. The charting package saves both the chart options and the chart data to a file. The options located within the dialog allow you to browse through the directories and drives to find a file you want to save to. ═══ 2.3. Page Setup ═══ Use this item to change the size of the page margins for printing, and the position of the chart on the page. When you select this item, the Page Setup dialog appears. Size You can change the size of the printed chart in this box. Click in the circle beside the option setting you want. Fit to margins This option setting places the chart within the boundaries of the specified margins, but the chart does not necessarily fill the entire print area. Use this setting when you want the printed chart to have the same shape and size as the charting window. With this option setting, the chart keeps its height-to-width ratio. This option is mostly used with pie and radar charts so that they will remain circular when they are printed. Full page This option setting allows the chart to fill the entire page, excluding the margins. As a result, the chart loses its height-to-width ratio. Margins You can adjust the margins of the page and the placement of the chart with the options in the Margins box. Adjust the margins of the page by removing the values in the appropriate text box and typing in the measurements you want in inches. You can also adjust the placement of the chart by centering the chart vertically and/or horizontally on the page within the margins. Click in the check box beside the selection you want. An X indicates your selection. These changes are only used when the chart is printed. Page Setup options has no effect on the chart displayed on the screen. ═══ 2.4. Print ═══ If you have configured a printer in OS/2, you can use this item to print your chart. When you select this item, the Print Chart dialog appears. If you want more than one copy, remove the text in the Number of copies text box and type in the number of copies you want. The default setting is 1. Once you have the number of copies entered, click on OK. The Printing dialog appears and indicates the status as your chart is printed. If you want to stop printing, click on Cancel Printing. The chart is printed to the currently selected printer. ═══ 2.5. Printer Setup ═══ This item allows you to select the printer to print to and change printer settings. For information on changing these settings, refer to the IBM OS/2 2.1 User's Guide. Any changes you make will only affect printing from this chart window. ═══ 3. Edit Menu ═══ The edit menu contains items you can use to create a basic chart. The items in this menu include the following: o Undo o Redo o Copy o Paste o Options o Add Arrow . . . o Add Text . . . o Color Palette . . . o Set Default Options ═══ 3.1. Undo ═══ Use this feature to reverse changes you have made to your chart. When you select this feature from the Edit menu, the charting package reverses the last change you made to your chart before selecting Undo. If you select Undo again before doing anything else, the charting package reverses the change you made before the one that was previously reversed. The charting package allows you to undo up to thirty changes. If you reverse a change that you don't want reversed, use the Redo feature to restore the change. The Undo feature will be dim if there are no changes to reverse. ═══ 3.2. Redo ═══ Use this feature to reverse the effects of the Undo feature. If you use Undo to reverse a change, use Redo to perform the change again. When you select the Redo feature from the Edit menu, the last change that was undone is performed again and its results are visible on your chart. You can keep selecting the Redo feature until there are no more changes that you could restore. The Redo feature will be dim if you have not used the Undo feature since entering the charting package or if you have modified the chart after selecting Undo. ═══ 3.3. Copy ═══ When you select this option from the Edit menu or press the Ctrl and Insert keys at the same time, the charting package copies your chart and the options you have applied to it to the clipboard. If you copy another chart to the clipboard before pasting the first one, the second chart replaces the first. ═══ 3.4. Paste ═══ When you select this option from the Edit menu or press the Shift and Insert keys at the same time, the charting package pastes the chart options from the clipboard into your chart window. You can paste a chart any number of times until you copy another chart to the clipboard. You can also paste the chart on the clipboard into other applications that accept bitmap images. Pasting into the charting package will automatically apply the options on the clipboard to your chart data. ═══ 3.5. Add Arrow ═══ Use this option to add arrows to your chart to emphasize the chart's important features. When you select this option from the Edit menu, the initial position of the added arrow may overlap with some of the other chart features. Arrows can be moved, altered, and resized after they have been added to a chart. You can place as many arrows as you want on your chart. To move the arrow, begin by clicking on it. Black handles appear at either end of the arrow to indicate that it is selected. Click on the middle of the arrow, hold down the right mouse button, and move the mouse. The arrow moves with the movement of the mouse. When you let go of the right mouse button, the arrow stops moving. You can also change the size and direction of the arrow. Click on the arrow so that black handles appear at either end of the arrow. Click on one of the squares, hold down the right mouse button, and move the mouse. The end of the arrow moves with the movement of the mouse. When you let go of the right mouse button, the arrow stops moving. To change the type and width of the arrow line and tip, double click on the arrow. The Arrow Options page opens which contains several option settings you can use to change the arrow's appearance. To change an option setting, click on the down arrow on the drop-down list box. A list of the option settings appears and you can select one by clicking on it. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Arrow Color Use this option setting to change the color of the arrow, including the line and the arrow tip. Line type Use this option setting to change the style of the line portion of the arrow. The style settings include changing the solid line to a dashed line with dashes of different lengths. Line width Use this option setting to change the width of the line portion of the arrow. As a result, you can choose thicker and darker lines for the arrow. Arrow width Use this option setting to change the width of the tip of the arrow. You can select a very wide arrow tip or a very narrow arrow tip. Arrow length Use this option setting to change how long the tip is on the arrow. By selecting a longer option setting, you can increase the length of the tip. You can also select a shorter option setting so you can decrease the length of the tip. Arrow type Use this option setting to change the type of tip on the arrow. You can select a solid tip, an outlined tip, or no tip using this option setting. ═══ 3.6. Add Text ═══ Use this option to add a text label to your chart. Text labels are often used with arrows to emphasize chart features. When you select the Add Text option from the Edit menu, initial position and contents of the text label may overlap other chart features. Text labels can be moved and their contents changed after they have been added to a chart. You can place as many text labels as you want on your chart. To move the text label, click on it. Black handles appear at each corner of the label. Click on the label, hold down the right mouse button, and move the mouse. The text label moves with the movement of the mouse. When you let go of the right button, the text label stops moving. To change the text or font of the label, double click on it. The Text Options dialog opens which contains option settings for the label. Text box Type the characters in the Text box that you want to appear in the label. The text that you enter here appears in the label in the same form as you entered it. Framed Use this check box to indicate if you want the text label enclosed in a frame. If you turn on this option setting, the text has a black frame drawn around it. To turn on the option setting, click in the check box. An X in the box indicates that the text will be framed. If you want to turn off the option setting so the text is not framed, click in the check box again and the X disappears. Text Font/Color Clicking this button displays the Font Selection page. Use this dialog to change the text characteristics of the label. For more information on changing fonts, refer to the section Font Selection Dialog. Figure 17. Chart with arrows and text labels ═══ 3.7. Color Palette ═══ When you select this option from the Edit menu, the Color Palette page appears. This page displays and allows you to change the default list of colors that are applied to the chart features. Since the palette is part of the chart, changes to the palette only affect the chart you are editing. To select a color, click on it. The arrows indicate your selection. Edit Color Use this option to edit the selected color. When you click on this button, the Color Dialog opens. Add Color This option allows you to add a color to your palette without changing any of the existing colors. When you click on this button, the Color dialog appears. Create the color you want and click on OK. The new color appears at the end of the color list. Delete Color This option allows you to remove a color from your palette. When you click on this button, the charting package removes the currently selected color. If you delete colors you want to keep or make other undesirable changes, click on Cancel and the palette will be restored. If you click on OK, the color will not be present when you return to the charting window; however, if you select Default Palette, the charting package will return to the default list of colors supplied by the package. Open Palette Use this option to open a color palette that you created and saved. When you click on this button, the Open dialog appears. Find the directory and drive that contains the palette you want to open. Remove any text in the text box above the file name list and type in the name of the palette you want to open. The default extension for palettes is .pal. Click on OK. When you return to the Color Palette dialog, the opened palette replaces the previous palette. Save Palette Use this option to save a color palette you have created. When you click on this button, the Save As dialog appears. Find the directory and drive that you want to save the palette to. Remove any text in the text box at the top of the file name list and enter the file name you want to save the palette to. The default extension for palettes is .pal. Default Palette When you choose this option, the charting package replaces the current palette with a default palette of sixteen colors. ═══ 3.7.1. Color Dialog ═══ Use this dialog to create and alter colors. The dialog contains a luminosity bar, a Color box, a palette, and the following text boxes. Hue Use the hue text box to adjust the position of the color along the color spectrum. Sat Use the saturation text box to adjust the purity of the hue moving from grey to a pure color. Lum Use the luminosity text box to adjust the brightness of the color. Red Use the red text box to adjust the amount of red in the color. Green Use the green text box to adjust the amount of green in the color. Blue Use the blue text box to adjust the amount of blue in the color. You can change or create a color in one of three ways: o Drag the cursor in the palette box until the desired color appears in the Color/Solid box. The values in the text boxes are updated to correspond to the new color. o Click on a point in the palette box to select a particular color. The values in the text boxes, the palette cursor, and the Color box correspondingly adjust. o Remove the values in the Hue, Sat, and Lum text boxes, or the Red, Green, and Blue text boxes and enter a color specification. The numbers you enter correspondingly change the palette cursor and the Color box. Each text box specifies a number in the range of 0 to 255. After choosing the color, you can adjust its luminosity. You can do this in one of three ways: o Drag the triangle on the right of the luminosity bar up or down until the desired luminosity appears in the Color box. The Color box and the value in the Lum text box change appropriately. o Click on the desired location on the luminosity bar. The value in the Lum text box, the triangle position, and the Color box correspondingly adjust. o Remove the value in the Lum text box and enter the value you want. The triangle and the Color box change accordingly. Selecting the Solid Color check box causes only pure colors to be choosen. When this check box is selected, dithered colors are not available. When you have the color you want, click on OK and you will return to the Color Palette dialog. You will notice that the selected color has been replaced by the one you created. ═══ 3.8. Set Default Options ═══ When you select Set Default Options from the Edit menu, the charting package sets the options on your chart back to an internal set of defaults for the current chart type. The charting package defaults to an appropriate set of chart options, but leaves the chart's 3D setting unchanged. The package also uses the default options when it initially creates a chart. When a chart is first created, the default settings include turning on the 3D option and setting other appropriate default chart options. ═══ 4. Options Notebook ═══ This notebook, which can be opened by double clicking on Options in the Edit menu, contains options you can use to add features and change the appearance of your chart. The notebook is organized into pages which each contain options which relate to a particular chart feature. You can open any page by clicking once on the corresponding label along the right side of the notebook. As soon as you click on another label, the changes that you have previously made are implemented, the previous page closes, and the newly selected page opens. The items in this menu include the following: o Main Options o 3d View Options o Title Options o Legend Options o X Scale Options o Y Scale Options o Axis Titles Options o Data Label Options o Bar Options o Pie Options o Area Options o Radar Options o Stock Options o Box Whisker Options o Group Options ═══ 4.1. Main Options ═══ The Main Options page contains options which alter some of the basic features of your chart including: o Chart Type o Grouping o Drawing Style o Grid and Frame Color o Frame Style o Chart Orientation Select Main from the Options notebook to open the Main Options page. ═══ 4.1.1. Chart type ═══ This drop-down list box displays the possible chart types your data can be converted into. Select the type you want by clicking on it. The package dims any items within the Main Options page that are incompatible with the selected chart type. See Also Chart Types ═══ 4.1.2. Group by ═══ This drop-down list box displays the ways that the charting package organizes the data to form chart groups. Each chart type is created from a collection of displayed features and each chart feature corresponds to a group of data. The package creates these groups from the rows or columns of the chart data. This option permits you to specify whether the groups are formed from the columns or rows. Select the option setting you want by clicking on it. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. By Column Use this option setting to create the groups using the columns in the chart data. This is the default option. By Row Use this option setting to create the groups using the rows in the chart data. Depending upon your selection, the lists of groups in the Group Options notebook and in the Pie Options page change. ═══ 4.1.3. Drawing style ═══ This drop-down list box shows the three ways the charting package displays chart groups (bars, areas, and slices). Select the option setting you want by clicking on it. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Color This option setting draws any filled regions in a solid color and ignores any fill patterns. Pattern This option setting draws any filled regions in black with their corresponding fill pattern and ignores any color settings. Color and pattern This option setting draws any filled regions in both patterns and colors. If you select Color, you cannot change the Fill style option setting in the Group Options page. Similarly, if you select Pattern, you cannot change the Color option setting in the Group Options page. ═══ 4.1.4. Grid/frame color ═══ This drop-down list box displays the possible colors you can use to draw the grid and frame for your chart. Click on the down arrow on the box to display a list of available colors. To select a color, click on it. The arrows indicate the current selection which also appears in the box at the top of the list. If your chart is a pie chart, this option is dimmed because pie charts do not have grids or frames. ═══ 4.1.5. Chart Frame ═══ This drop-down list box allows you to change the appearance of your chart's frame. Select the option setting you want by clicking on it. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. X + Y axis Select this option setting to display the X and Y axes as solid lines. The other two sides of the chart frame are not displayed. Full This option setting encloses the entire chart in a solid box. X axis only Use this option setting to display the X axis as a solid line and remove the Y axis. Off This option setting removes both the X and Y axis. This option is dimmed if your chart is a pie chart or a radar chart because pie charts and radar charts do not have frames. The option settings applied to the zero axis lines also affect the appearance of your frame. For example, if you turn off the frame, a solid line may still appear along the X axis because a solid zero axis line often rests along the X axis. ═══ 4.1.6. Chart Orientation ═══ This drop-down list box changes the orientation of the chart. Click on the down arrow on the box to display the option settings. Select the orientation you want by clicking on it. The current selection appears in the box in the top of the list. Horizontal Use this option setting to place the X axis on the left side of your chart and the Y axis on the bottom; Y axis values increase from left to right. Vertical Use this option setting to place the X axis on the bottom of your chart and the Y axis on the left side; Y axis values increase from bottom to top. This option is dimmed if your chart is a pie chart or a radar chart because pie charts and radar charts are not vertically or horizontally oriented. ═══ 4.2. 3D View Options ═══ Use the 3D View Options page to change your two-dimensional charts into three dimensions (3D) and to adjust the appearance, position, and lighting of your 3D chart. Select 3D View from the Options notebook to open the 3D View Options page. XY charts, radar charts, stock charts, bubble charts, and box whisker charts cannot be displayed in 3D. The following options are available in the 3D View Page: 3D Display Surface Resolution Viewing Options Perspective Black Edges Zoom Lighting ═══ 4.2.1. 3D Display ═══ You can turn on or turn off the 3D display of your chart with this box. Click in the circle beside the option setting you want. Off This option setting turns the 3D option off. As a result, all charts appear in two-dimensions. On This option setting turns on the 3D option. The remainder of the notebook is no longer dim. 3D Effect This setting gives your chart a pseudo-3D effect. The viewing position is always face-on, disabling the 3D positioning options. ═══ 4.2.2. Surface Resolution ═══ You can use this option to adjust the surface resolution of your 3D chart. Click on the down arrow on the Surface Resolution drop-down list box. Click on the resolution you want applied. Surface resolution only affects the shading granularity along the rounded contours of pies and ribbons. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Low This is the lowest resolution and results in the fastest display of 3D charts. The shading is not as smooth as it is in the other resolutions and the chart has a high level of granularity. Medium This resolution results in smoother shading, but the chart still has some granularity. Figure 18 shows a 3D pie chart with medium surface resolution. Figure 18. 3D pie chart with medium surface resolution High This resolution results in very smooth shading and a very low level of granularity. This resolution requires the longest time to display the chart. ═══ 4.2.3. Viewing options ═══ Use this option to rotate your 3D chart to obtain the best viewing angle. You can rotate the chart horizontally and vertically by clicking on the arrows to the left and below the chart respectively. As you click on the arrows, the values in the Vertical and Horizontal text boxes in the lower left corner of the notebook change. These values indicate the horizontal and vertical angles that your chart is resting at. You can also remove the text in the Vertical and Horizontal text boxes and enter the angles you want. The angle in the Vertical text box must be between -90 and 90 while the angle in the Horizontal text box must be between 0 and 360. If the angles do not fall in these ranges, an Error message appears. As you change the horizontal and vertical angles, the line drawing in the centre of the notebook rotates to give you an idea of how your chart will look when you return to the charting window. A pie chart line drawing is used when your chart is a pie chart. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: If the labels on your chart overlap, rotate the chart to solve this problem. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 4.2.4. Perspective ═══ This option allows you to maximize the three-dimensional effect by adding perspective to your chart. Click on the circle beside either Off or On. Off This setting turns off the Perspective option and removes the points of perspective from your chart. This causes parallel lines to remain parallel as they move away from the viewer. On This setting adds perspective to your 3D chart. The line drawing of your chart in the centre of the page will reflect this change. The other two arrows in the page no longer appear dim. The chart in Figure 19 demonstrates the use of perspective. Figure 19. 3D chart with perspective You can adjust the perspective by clicking on the arrows or by removing any text in the Amount text box and entering a value of your own. This value refers to a percentage of perspective applied. Consequently, you must enter a value between 0 and 100. If the values do not fall in these ranges, an Error message appears. ═══ 4.2.5. Black Edges ═══ This option allows you to add or remove black outlining edges around 3D features such as bars and slices. Click in the Black Edges check box to turn this option on or off. An X in the box indicates that the option is turned on and that chart features will be outlined. ═══ 4.2.6. Zoom ═══ This option allows you to move the viewing point away from or towards your chart. Remove any text currently in the Zoom text box and type in the value you want. This value represents a percentage. As a result, 100 causes the chart to remain at its present size, 50 causes the chart to appear half as big, and 200 causes the chart to appear twice as big. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: If the labels appear outside of the charting window or if the labels on the chart are too small to read, you should adjust the zoom accordingly. Also, you can adjust the zoom if labels intersect with themselves, with the title, or with the legend. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 4.2.7. Lighting ═══ This option allows you to adjust the light shining on your 3D chart. Lighting affects the shading in your chart scene. You can position the light source along the vertical, horizontal, and depth dimensions in the scene. In each dimension, the light source shines in one of three positions. You can allow the charting package to adjust the lighting by clicking in the circle beside Auto or you can choose to adjust the lighting yourself by clicking in the circle beside Manual. If you select Manual the remainder of the box is no longer dim. Click on the down arrows on the Vertical, Horizontal, and Depth drop-down list boxes to display the three positions. Click on the position you want to use. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: Use the lighting option to emphasize specific sections of your chart. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Vertical This option setting changes the vertical positioning of the light source with respect to the chart. Top This option setting positions the light source above the chart. Middle This option setting positions the light source at the same height as the viewing position. Bottom This option setting positions the light source below the chart. Horizontal This option setting refers to the positioning of the light source along the horizontal axis. Left This option setting positions the light source to the left of the chart. Middle This option setting positions the light source at the same horizontal position as the chart. Right This option setting positions the light source to the right of the chart. Depth This option setting refers to the depth position of the light source. Front This option setting positions the light source on the front section of the chart. Middle This option setting positions the light source in between the front and back sections of the chart. Back This option setting positions the light source on the back section of the chart. Reset By clicking on this button in the Lighting page, the charting package sets the lighting back to the default values. These values are Top, Left, and Front respectively. Brightness Use this option to adjust the brightness of your chart by adding or removing light. Remove the text in the Brightness text box and enter the value you want. The value must be between 0 and 100. If the value is not in this range, an Error message appears. If you select 0, no light shines on your chart. If you select 100, the light shines on your chart as bright as possible. Contrast This option allows you to adjust the contrast on your chart. Remove the text in the Contrast text box and enter the value you want. The value must be between 0 and 100. If the value is not in this range, an Error message appears. If you select 0, the contrast in shading is minimal. If you select 100, the contrast is very high and the range of shading varies greatly. ═══ 4.3. Title Options ═══ The Title Options page contains features to adjust the main title, subtitle, and footnote on your chart. By default, the subtitle appears centred below your chart's title and the footnote appears right-justified below your chart and axis titles. Select Title from the Options Notebook to open this page. The following options are available in the Title Options Page: Chart Title Title Alignment Title Font/Color Chart Subtitle Chart Footnote ═══ 4.3.1. Chart Title ═══ Type a title for your chart in this text box. The text you enter here appears centred across the top of your chart by default. If you leave the box blank, your chart will not have a title. Add the characters \n to put a line break in the title. ═══ 4.3.2. Title Alignment ═══ Use this list box to adjust the position of your title, subtitle or footnote, on your chart. The alignment list box appears in the title, subtitle, and footnote boxes. Select the alignment you want by clicking on your choice. The current selection will be highlighted. Left Use this option setting to place the title, subtitle, or footnote on the left side of your chart. Center Use this option setting to centre the title, subtitle, or footnote across the width of your chart. Right Use this option setting to place the title, subtitle, or footnote on the right side of your chart. ═══ 4.3.3. Title Font/Color ═══ Clicking on this button displays the Font Selection Dialog. Use this notebook to change the text characteristics of title, subtitle or footnote, depending on which feature box contains the button you clicked. For example, if you click on this button in the Chart Title box, you change the text characteristics of the title. ═══ 4.3.4. Font Selection Dialog ═══ Clicking on this button displays the Font Selection dialog. Use this dialog to change text characteristics such as font, style, size and color. Font The Font list box displays the screen fonts you can use. Scroll through the list and select the font you want by clicking on it. You can also enter a font name in the text box at the top of the list. The current selection appears in the text box at the top of the list. If the application does not recognize the font, the Size list box will be empty and the application will default to a basic screen font. The package will choose a default font based on the fonts available in your system. Size The Size list box displays the font sizes (in points) for the selected font. Scroll through the list and select the size you want by clicking on it. You can also enter the size you want in the text box at the top of the list. The current selection appears in the text box at the top of the list. Color The Color drop-down list box displays the colors you can use for the text. The arrows indicate your color selection. The currently selected color appears in the box at the top of the list. Click on the color you want to use. Style Four common text styles appear that you can apply to your text: Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikeout. Click in the check box beside the style to turn it on. An X appearing in the check box indicates that the style is turned on. To turn off a style, click in the check box and the X will disappear. You can select any combination of styles. Sample The Sample box displays some sample text using the current text settings. Printer Fonts Turn the Printer Fonts option on to display only those fonts that the current printer can print. Turn this option on by clicking in the check box beside the option. When turned on, an X appears in the check box. When you choose to display printer fonts, the font list will change to reflect the fonts supported by the current printer. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: When selecting text characteristics, try to use no more than two different fonts. However, you can vary the font size and style to indicate differences. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 4.3.5. Chart Subtitle ═══ Type a subtitle for your chart in this text box. The text you enter here appears centred across the top of your chart below the title by default. If you leave the box blank, your chart will not have a subtitle. Add the characters \n to put a line break in the subtitle. ═══ 4.3.6. Chart Footnote ═══ Type a footnote for your chart in this text box. The text you enter here appears below your chart and right-justified by default. If you leave the box blank, your chart will not have a footnote. Add the characters \n to put a line break in the footnote. Figure 20. Chart with a title, subtitle, and footnote ═══ 4.4. Legend Options ═══ The Legend Options page contains features to help you change the position and appearance of the legend. Each entry in the legend begins with a graphic symbol identifying the group it represents, followed by a label for the group. The labels correspond to the column or row names in the source data. As a result, you can match up the patterns or colors on the chart with the symbols in the legend to determine what each group represents. The groups are displayed in the legend in the same order that they appear on the chart. Select Legend from the Options notebook to display the Legend Options page. Box whisker charts cannot have legends placed on them. As a result, this option is dimmed if your chart is a box whisker chart. The following options are available in the Legend Options Page: Legend is Framed Legend Font/Color Moving the Legend ═══ 4.4.1. Legend is ═══ This drop-down list box contains six settings: Off Use this option setting to remove the legend from your chart. Top Use this option setting to create a legend along the top of your chart. The legend appears centred below your chart title and subtitle, and above your chart. The chart in Figure 21 has a legend across the top of it. Figure 21. Chart with a top legend Bottom This option setting places a legend along the bottom of your chart. The legend appears centred below your chart and above the chart's footnote. Left Use this option setting to put a legend on the left side of your chart. Right Use this option setting to put a legend on the right side of your chart. Inside Use this option setting to place a framed legend within the boundaries of your chart in the upper right corner. When an inside legend is placed on your chart, it may overlap other chart features. If your chart is a pie chart, a radar chart, or a 3D chart, the inside setting is not available. ═══ 4.4.2. Framed ═══ Use this check box to indicate that you want the legend enclosed in a box. Click in the box beside the Framed option setting to turn it on. An X indicates that the legend will have a frame around it on your chart. To turn off the framed option setting, click in the box again and the X disappears. ═══ 4.4.3. Legend Font/Color ═══ Clicking this button displays the Font Selection dialog. Use this page to change the text characteristics of the legend. For more information on changing fonts, refer to the section Font Selection Dialog. ═══ 4.4.4. Moving the Legend ═══ After placing a legend on your chart, you can move it to any other location with the mouse. When you click on the chart, black resizing handles appear around the legend. To move the selected legend, click on the legend, hold down the right mouse button, and move the mouse. As you move the mouse, the legend also moves. When you let go of the mouse button, the legend stops moving. When you move the legend, the appearance of the legend stays the same. Therefore, if your legend entries are listed horizontally, after moving the legend, the entries are still listed horizontally. If the legend entries are listed vertically, they will still be listed vertically after moving. The legend also covers any chart features that you place it on top of. You can override a moved legend by selecting a placement option from the Legend Options page. As you move the legend near the top, bottom, left, or right edges of the charting window, a line appears along the corresponding edge. If you release the mouse button while this legend edge line is displayed, the charting package changes the settings in the Legend Options page and the legend moves to that edge. For example, if you move the legend beyond the right edge line, the legend will be displayed to the right of the chart and the Legend is drop-down list box is set to Right. The difference between moving the legend with the mouse and setting the position in the Legend Options page is the actual placement of the legend along the edge. If you set the position in the page, the charting package defaults the position of the legend along the edge. If you use the mouse, the position is determined by the location of the mouse. For example, if you move a legend past the right edge, near the bottom of the chart, the legend is displayed to the right and below the chart. ═══ 4.5. X Scale Options ═══ The X Scale Options page contains options that you can use to adjust the appearance of the X Axis scale. Select X Scale from the Options notebook to open the X Scale Options page. If your chart is a pie chart, this option is dim because pie charts cannot have scale labels. If your chart is a 3D chart, this option is renamed to X/Z Scale. The Z axis is placed along the depth of the chart and has the same options as the X axis. The following options are available in the X Scale Options Page: X Grid Lines X Tick Marks X Axis Labels X Scale Font/Color X Scale Commas X Scale Precision X Scale Label Prefix X Scale Label Suffix X Scale Font/Color X Scale Values ═══ 4.5.1. X grid lines ═══ Use this option to put grid lines on the chart that correspond to the X axis labels. This option makes it easier to estimate the values in the chart. Click on the down arrow on the X grid lines drop-down list box. A list displays the grid line styles you can choose from. X axis grid lines run parallel to the Y axis. In a bar chart, X grid lines separate the clusters as shown in Figure 22. Figure 22. Bar chart with dotted X grid lines None If you select this setting, the charting package will not add grid lines running from the X Axis. Dotted If you select this setting, the charting package adds dotted grid lines running from the X axis. These dotted lines delineate each X label division. Solid If you select this setting, the charting package adds solid grid lines running from the X axis. These solid lines delineate each X label division. The X Grid Lines option is not available for a 100% area chart. As a result, this drop down list box will not appear in the page if you are using a 100% area chart. If your chart is a 3D chart, the Z grid lines drop-down list box appears. This box offers the same choices as the X grid lines box except that they apply to the Z axis. ═══ 4.5.2. X tick marks ═══ This option puts tick marks along the X axis. Tick marks are short lines that join the X axis labels to the groups and break the X axis into smaller units to help you read the values more accurately. Click on the down arrow to display the option settings associated with tick marks. None If you select this option setting, the charting package will not put tick marks along the X axis. Inside If you select this option setting, the tick marks appear perpendicular to the X axis, inside the frame of the chart. Outside If you select this option setting, the tick marks appear perpendicular to the X axis, outside the frame of the chart. Inside & Outside If you select this option setting, the tick marks are drawn across the X axis, both inside and outside of the chart frame. If your chart is a 3D chart, the Z tick marks drop-down list box appears. This box offers the same choices as the X tick marks box except that they apply to the Z axis. ═══ 4.5.3. X Axis labels ═══ This option allows you to turn the X axis scale labels on or off. Scale labels appear along the X axis and correspond to the row or column headings (depending on the data grouping option in the Main Options page). Click on the down arrow on the X Axis labels drop-down list box to display a list of the settings associated with X scale labels. If your chart is an XY chart or a bubble chart, the X scale will be numeric based upon the source data. Off This option setting turns off the scale labels so no labels appear along the X axis. On This option setting turns on the scale labels. As a result, the charting package places scale labels along the X axis which correspond to either the column or row headings from the source data. Vertical This option setting vertically places scale labels on your chart along the X axis. The letters in every label are placed underneath each other so that you read the label from top to bottom rather than left to right. These scale labels correspond to either the column or row headings from the source data. If your chart is a 3D chart, the Z Axis labels drop-down list box appears. This box offers the same choices as the X Axis labels box except that they apply to the Z axis. ═══ 4.5.4. X Scale Label notation ═══ This option allows you to adjust the method used to represent the X scale labels. Click on the down arrow on this drop-down list box to display the possible choices. Click on the option setting you want to use. The current selection appears in the text box at the top of the list. This option appears only if your chart is an XY chart or bubble chart since these are the only chart types that group numeric values along the X axis. As is Use this option setting to display the X scale labels using the values present in the source data. Scientific Use this option setting to display the data labels in scientific notation. Compact Use this option setting to shorten long X scale labels by expressing them as values in units of thousands or millions. The chart in Figure 23 demonstrates compact X scale labels. Figure 23. XY chart with compact X axis labels The charting package will not use compact labelling if the values are too small (less than 1000) or if the precision setting is not large enough to make them distinct. ═══ 4.5.5. X Scale Commas ═══ This option puts commas in the X scale labels to mark off three powers of ten. Click on the down arrow on the Commas drop-down list box to list the option settings. Click on the setting you want to use. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. This option appears only if your chart is an XY chart or bubble chart. Off When you select this option setting, commas will not appear within your X scale labels. On When you select this option setting, the charting package inserts commas in the X scale labels to mark off each three powers of ten. ═══ 4.5.6. X Scale Precision ═══ This drop-down list box determines the number of decimal places calculated for the X scale labels. For all data Use this option setting to set one precision value for all the X scale labels. If you select this option, you must enter the number of decimals you want the labels to have in the Precision text box beside the Precision drop-down list box. As a result, you will have only one precision value to set and all the X scale labels will have the same number of decimals. Remove any text currently in the Precision text box and enter the number of decimal places you want. You must enter a value between 0 and 6; if your value is smaller or larger than this, an Error message appears. If you enter 2, for example, two decimal places appear in the labels, as shown in Figure 24. Automatic This option setting intelligently determines how many decimal places would be appropriate based on the size of the scale values. This option appears only if your chart is an XY chart or a bubble chart. Figure 24. X axis labels with a precision of two ═══ 4.5.7. X Scale Label prefix ═══ Any text you enter in this text box appears at the beginning of all the X scale labels on your chart. Remove any text in the text box and enter the text you want. You can add spaces to the end of the text to add a space between the prefix and the labels. This option appears only if your chart is an XY chart or a bubble chart. ═══ 4.5.8. X Scale Label suffix ═══ Any text you enter in this text box appears at the end of all X scale labels on the chart. Remove any text in the text box and enter the text you want. This option appears only if your chart is an XY chart or a bubble chart. ═══ 4.5.9. X Scale Font/Color ═══ Clicking this button displays the Font Selection dialog. Use this page to change the text characteristics of the X scale labels. For more information on changing fonts, refer to the section Font Selection Dialog. ═══ 4.5.10. X Scale Values ═══ Use this option to adjust the scaling of the X axis for XY and bubble charts only. Click on the down arrow in the X Scale Values drop-down list box to choose how the X scale values are set. Click on the option setting you want to use and the current option setting appears in the box at the top of the list. Automatic This setting makes the charting package calculate a numeric scale most suited to the chart data. Manual When you select this option setting, the remainder of the page is no longer dim and you can set your own numeric X scale for the data. To change the X scale values, remove the current value in the appropriate text box and enter the value that you want. From Use this text box to specify the numeric value you want the X scale to start on. If you enter a number lower than the chart's smallest data value, empty white space appears before the point. If you enter a number greater than the smallest data value, some chart features may appear outside of the boundaries of your chart. To Use this text box to specify the numeric value you want the X scale to end on. If you enter a number greater than the largest data value, empty white space appears after it. If you enter a number smaller than the largest data value, the chart features may appear outside of your chart's boundaries. By Use this text box to specify the increments that you want the scale to use. With the From, To, and By text boxes, you may receive an Error message informing you that the current scale is invalid because you have too many intervals or bad values. ═══ 4.6. Y Scale Options ═══ The Y Scale Options page contains options that you can use to adjust the appearance of the Y axis and Y2 axis scale. Select Y Scale from the Options notebook to open the Y Scale Options page. The following options are available in the Y Scale Options Page: Axis Box Y Scale Grid Lines Y Scale Tick Marks Y Scale Labels Y Scale Label Notation Y Scale Commas Y Scale Precision Y Scale Label Prefix Y Scale Label Suffix Zero Axis Lines Y Scale Font/Color Y Scale Values ═══ 4.6.1. Axis Box ═══ This box contains two option settings that indicate which axis the other option settings in the values dialog apply to. The axis that is selected in this box takes on the option settings you set in the dialog. To select an axis, click in the circle beside it. A black inner circle indicates which axis the displayed option settings apply to. You can only change one axis at a time although the charting package remembers the option settings associated with each axis. Y Scale This option setting allows you to select options to apply to the Y axis. The Y axis is created by the charting package using the data from the chart. It is always numeric and does not include any row or column headings from the chart data. The Y scale is displayed along the left side of a vertical chart and along the bottom of a horizontal chart. The Y scale is only displayed if at least one group is scaled against it. For more information, refer to the section Group Options. Y2 Scale This option setting allows you to select options to apply to the Y2 axis. The Y2 axis is an extra Y axis used to display the groups on two different scales. The Y2 axis has the same characteristics and formatting options as the Y axis and appears across from the Y axis on the chart. The Y2 scale is only displayed if at least one group is scaled against it. For more information, refer to the section Group Options. In Figure 25, the Total Sales line is scales against the Y2 axis shown on the right. Figure 25. Chart with two Y axes Only bar charts, area charts, line charts, combination charts, and proportional charts can have a Y2 axis. If you are using any other type of chart, the Axis box does not appear in the dialog and any options you select apply only to the Y axis. ═══ 4.6.2. Y Scale Grid lines ═══ Use this option to put grid lines on the chart that line up with the Y scale labels. This option makes it easier to estimate the values in the chart. Click on the down arrow on the Grid lines drop-down list box. A list displays the grid line styles you can choose from. Y axis and Y2 axis grid lines run parallel to the X axis. The grid line option setting applies to the axis currently selected in the Axis box. None If you select this setting, the charting package will not add Y scale grid lines. Dotted If you select this setting, the charting package adds dotted Y scale grid lines from the Y axis. These dotted lines delineate each scale label division. Solid If you select this setting, the charting package adds solid grid lines from the Y axis. These solid lines delineate each scale label division. This option is not available for a 100% area chart. As a result, this drop down list box will not appear in the page if you are using a 100% area chart. ═══ 4.6.3. Y Scale Tick marks ═══ This option puts tick marks along the Y axis or Y2 axis depending on which axis is selected in the Axis box. Tick marks are short lines that join the Y axis labels to the groups and break the axis into smaller sections. Click on the down arrow to display the option settings associated with tick marks. None If you select this option setting, the charting package will not put tick marks along the axis. Inside If you select this option setting, the tick marks appear perpendicular to the Y axis, inside the frame of the chart. Outside If you select this option setting, the tick marks appear perpendicular to the vertical Y axis, outside the frame of the chart. Inside & Outside If you select this option setting, the tick marks are drawn across the Y axis, both to the left and right of the axis, inside and outside of the frame. ═══ 4.6.4. Y Scale labels ═══ This option allows you to turn the Y scale labels on or off. Scale labels appear along the Y and Y2 axis and correspond to the source data. Click on the down arrow on the Scale labels drop-down list box to display a list of the settings associated with turning on scale labels. If you turn the scale labels on, the labels are turned on for both the Y scale and Y2 scale. Off This option setting turns off the scale labels so no labels appear along the Y axis and Y2 axis. On This option setting turns on the scale labels. As a result, the charting package places numeric scale labels along the Y axis and the Y2 axis. Vertical This option setting vertically places scale labels on your chart along the Y axis. The letters in every label are placed underneath each other so that you read the label from top to bottom rather than left to right. These scale labels correspond to either the column or row headings from the source data. Depending on the size of the scale labels, the vertical option setting may cause the labels to overlap with each other in a vertical chart. ═══ 4.6.5. Y Scale Label notation ═══ This option allows you to adjust the method used to represent the Y scale labels. Click on the down arrow on this drop-down list box to display the possible choices. Click on the option setting you want to use. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. As is Use this option setting to display the Y scale labels using the values present in the source data. Scientific Use this option setting to display the Y scale labels in scientific notation. The scale labels in Figure 26 are displayed in scientific notation. Figure 26. Y scale labels in scientific notation Compact Use this option setting to shorten long Y scale labels by expressing them as values in units of thousands or millions. A units indicator (thousands or millions) appears above the Y axis or Y2 axis. The charting package will not use compact labelling if the values are too small (less than 1000) or if the precision setting is not high enough to make them distinct. ═══ 4.6.6. Y Scale Commas ═══ This option puts commas in the scale labels on the selected axis to mark off three powers of ten. Click on the down arrow on the Commas drop-down list box to list the option settings. Click on the setting you want to use. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Off When you select this option setting, commas will not appear within your scale labels. On When you select this option setting, the charting package inserts commas to mark off every three powers of ten. A space does not appear after the comma. The Y axis labels in Figure 27 have commas in them. ═══ 4.6.7. Y Scale Precision ═══ This drop-down list box determines how the number of decimal places are calculated for the scale labels. For all data Use this option setting to set one precision value for all the scale labels. If you select this option, you must enter the number of decimals you want the scale labels to have in the Precision text box beside the Precision drop-down list box. As a result, you will have only one precision value to set and all the scale labels will have the same number of decimals. Remove any text currently in the Precision text box and enter the number of decimal places you want. You must enter a value between 0 and 6; if your value is smaller or larger than this, an Error message appears. If you enter 2, for example, two decimal places appear in the labels. Automatic This option setting intelligently determines how many decimal places would be appropriate based on the size of the scale values. ═══ 4.6.8. Y Scale Label prefix ═══ Any text you enter in this text box appears at the beginning of all the scale labels on the axis selected in the Axis box. Remove any text currently found in the text box and enter the text you want. You can add spaces to the end of the text to add a space between the prefix and the labels. The Y scale labels in Figure 27 have a $ for a prefix. Figure 27. Y axis labels with a prefix and commas ═══ 4.6.9. Y Scale Label suffix ═══ Any text you enter in this text box appears at the end of all scale labels on the axis selected in the Axis box. Remove any text currently found in the text box and enter the text you want. ═══ 4.6.10. Zero axis lines ═══ Use this option to change the appearance of the zero axis lines. A zero axis line is the line that runs perpendicular to a Y axis where the Y scale equals zero. Click on the down arrow on the drop-down list box to display the option settings you can apply to this axis line. None If you select this option setting, no lines are drawn along the zero axes. Dotted If you select this option setting, dotted lines mark the position of the zero axis lines. Solid If you use this options setting, solid lines mark the position of the zero axis lines. 100% area charts cannot display a zero axis line. As a result, this option setting will not appear in the notebook if your chart is a 100% area chart. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: You may want to adjust the appearance of this line if the Y axis scale begins below zero. If the Y axis begins at zero, the zero axis line is affected by the appearance of the X axis which is determined by the frame settings in the Main Options page. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 4.6.11. Y Scale Font/Color ═══ Clicking this button displays the Font Selection dialog. Use this page to change the text characteristics of the Y scale labels. For more information on changing fonts, refer to the section Font Selection Dialog. ═══ 4.6.12. Y Scale Values ═══ Use these options to adjust the measurement of the Y axis or Y2 axis scale depending on which axis is currently selected in the Axis box. Click on the down arrow in the Y Scale Values drop-down list box to choose how the Y scale values are set. Click on the option setting you want to use and the current option setting appears in the box at the top of the list. Automatic This setting makes the charting package calculate a numeric Y scale most suited to the chart data. Manual When you select this option setting, the remainder of the page is no longer dim and you can set your own scale for the selected axis. From Use this text box to specify the numeric value you want the scale to start on. Remove the current value in the text box and enter the value that you want. If you enter a number lower than the chart's smallest data value, empty white space appears before the point. If you enter a number greater than the smallest data value, the chart features may appear outside of the boundaries of your chart. To Use this text box to specify the numeric value you want the scale to end on. Remove the current value in the text box and enter the value that you want. If you enter a number greater than the largest data value, an empty white space appears after it. If you enter a number smaller than the largest data value, the chart features may appear outside of your chart's boundaries. Entering scale values smaller than the data range can have an interesting effect as is shown in Figure 28. Figure 28. Bar chart with smaller scale values By Use this text box to specify the increment that you want the scale to increase by. Remove any text in the text box and enter the value that you want. With the From, To, and By text boxes, you may receive an Error message informing you that the current scale is invalid because you have too many intervals or bad values. Step If your chart is a proportional chart or 100% area chart, the Step text box appears in the page instead of the From, To, and By text boxes. Use this text box to indicate how you want the Y axis divided. Because proportional and 100% area charts completely fill the chart space, the value you enter here specifies the percentages you want the Y axis divided into. Therefore, if you enter 30 in the text box, each Y axis division increases by 30% as shown in Figure 29. Remove the current value in the text box and enter the value that you want. You must enter a value between 0 and 100 or you will receive an error message. This option setting appears only if your chart is a proportional chart or 100% area chart. Figure 29. Proportional chart with a step of 30 ═══ 4.7. Axis Titles Options ═══ The Axis Titles page allows you to add titles to each of the axes and then adjust the titles' positions and text characteristics. Select Axis Titles from the Options notebook to open the Axis Titles Options page. This page varies depending on the chart type and which of the four axes it supports: the Y Axis, the X Axis, the Y2 Axis, and the Z Axis. This page is not available for pie charts or radar charts because these charts do not have axes to put titles on. A similar option is available for pie charts in the Data Label Options page under Slice Labels. The following options are available in the Axis Titles Options page: Y Axis Title X Axis Title Y2 Axis Title Z Axis Title Axis Title Alignment Axis Title Axis Title Font/Color ═══ 4.7.1. Y Axis Title ═══ The Y Axis is created by the charting package based on the data for the chart. Always numeric, this axis does not include any row or column headings from the data chart. ═══ 4.7.2. X Axis Title ═══ The X axis denotes categories within each group in the chart, or is numeric if your chart is an XY chart or a bubble chart. ═══ 4.7.3. Y2 Axis Title ═══ You can add an extra Y axis to your chart to display the groups on two different scales. This axis, known as the Y2 axis, has the same characteristics and formatting options as the Y axis and appears across from the Y axis on the chart. Only bar charts, area charts, line charts, combination charts, and proportional charts can have a second Y axis. If you are using any other chart, this option does not appear in the page. ═══ 4.7.4. Z Axis Title ═══ The Z Axis is the depth axis on 3D charts. This axis replaces the Y2 axis for all 3D charts (excluding pie charts). The Z axis denotes the groups in the chart and uses the same labels as the legend. If you set the bar arrangement in the Bar and Areas Options page to Clustered or Stacked, a message explains that you can only add a Z axis title when the arrangement setting is Depth. The Z Axis Title box does not appear if you have a 100% area chart, gantt chart, or 3D proportional chart since they have no depth arrangement. ═══ 4.7.5. Axis Title Alignment ═══ This drop-down list box displays the ways you can align the axis titles on your chart. Click on the down arrow to open the list and select the alignment you want by clicking on it. The current selection will be highlighted. Left This option setting places the title on the left side of a horizontal axis or at the bottom of a vertical axis. Center Use this option setting to centre the title across the width of a horizontal axis or along the height of a vertical axis. Right Use this option setting to place the title on the right side of a horizontal axis or at the top of a vertical axis. ═══ 4.7.6. Axis Title ═══ Use the Title text box to enter the name that you want to appear across the axis. Remove any text in the Title text box and enter the name you want. If you do not want an axis title, leave the text box empty. When using Y2 scales, each group is individually assigned to either the Y axis or the Y2 axis. If none of the groups are assigned to the Y2 axis, the axis title does not appear on your chart whether or not you enter text here. ═══ 4.7.7. Axis Title Font/Color ═══ Clicking this button displays the Font Selection dialog. Use this page to change the text characteristics of each axis title. The Font/Color button appears in all of the chart options pages that place text on your chart. For more information on changing fonts, refer to the section Font Selection Dialog. ═══ 4.8. Data Label Options ═══ You can use the Data Label Options page to add data and slice labels to your chart and change the format and text characteristics of these labels. Select Data Labels from the Options notebook to display the Data Label Options page. Data labels display numeric values for each entry in the group. These values correspond to the source data. Data labels are placed near their corresponding chart feature (such as a bar, point, area, or slice). Slice labels, which only apply to pie charts, serve the same function as axis labels except that they indicate what each slice in the pie represents. XY charts, proportional charts, radar charts, 100% area charts, bubble charts, box whisker charts, all 3D charts, and overlapped area charts cannot have data labels. As a result, this option appears dim in the Options notebook. when you are using any of these chart types. The following options are available in the Data Labels Options Page: Data Labels Box Data Label Position Data Label Notation Data Label Commas Data Label Precision Data Label Font/Color Data Label Prefix Data Label Suffix Slice Labels ═══ 4.8.1. Data Labels box ═══ Use this box to turn on or turn off the data labels. Click in the circle beside the option setting you want. Off This option setting turns off the data label option; consequently, no data labels appear on your chart. On By selecting this option setting, you turn on the data label option and the charting package puts the appropriate data labels beside the corresponding chart feature. When you select this option setting, the remainder of the page is no longer dim. Converted to % If you select this option setting, the charting application converts all the data labels on your pie chart into percentages. The pie chart in Figure 30 has percentage data labels. Figure 30. Pie chart with percentage data labels This option setting can only be applied to pie charts. Otherwise, this option setting does not appear in the page. Although the charting package will change the data labels to percentages, a percentage sign will not appear automatically beside the label. You should add a percentage sign in the Label suffix box so your readers understand that the labels are percentages. ═══ 4.8.2. Data Label position ═══ This option allows you to change the position of the data labels relative to the pie slice labels. Click on the down arrow in the Label position drop-down list box to display a list of the possible data label positions. Click on your choice to select it and the current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Below This option setting places the data labels below the slice labels. Above This option setting places the data labels above the slice labels. Left This option setting places the data labels to the left of the slice labels. Right This option setting places the data labels to the right of the slice labels. This option only applies to pie charts. ═══ 4.8.3. Data Label notation ═══ This option allows you to adjust how your data labels are displayed. Click on the down arrow on this drop-down list box to display the possible choices. Click on a choice to select it. The current selection appears in the text box at the top of the list. As is Use this option setting to display the data labels using the values present in the source data. Scientific Use this option setting to display the data labels in scientific notation. The data labels in Figure 31 are displayed in scientific notation. Figure 31. Data labels in scientific notation Compact Use this option setting to shorten long data labels by expressing them as values in units of thousands or millions. When the Y scale also uses compact labels, a units indicator (either thousands or millions) appears above the Y axis. The chart in Figure 32 has the scale and data labels displayed in compact notation. The charting package will not use compact labeling if the values are too small (less than 1000) or if the precision setting is not high enough to make them distinct. Figure 32. Chart with compact scale and data labels ═══ 4.8.4. Data Label Commas ═══ This option allows you to place commas in the data labels to mark off three powers of ten. Click on the down arrow on the Commas drop-down list box. A list of option settings appears. Click on the option setting you want to use. The current selection appears in the text box at the top of the list. Off When you select this option setting, commas will not appear within your data labels. On When you select this option setting, the charting application inserts commas to mark off each three powers of ten. A space does not appear after the comma. ═══ 4.8.5. Data Label Precision ═══ This drop-down list box determines how the number of decimal places are calculated for the data labels. By group This option setting allows you to select the precision value for each group within the Group options page. For example, one group can have two decimal places while another group may have only one. Use the precision field in the Group Options page to change the data labels. For all data Use this option setting to set one precision value for all the data labels. If you select this option, you must enter the number of decimals you want the data labels to have in the Precision text box beside the Precision drop-down list box. As a result, you will have only one precision value to set and all the data labels will have the same number of decimals. Remove any text currently in the Precision text box and enter the number of decimal places you want. You must enter a value between 0 and 6; if your value is smaller or larger than this, an Error message appears. The data labels in Figure 33 have a precision value of 1. Figure 33. Data labels with a precision value of 1 Automatic This option setting intelligently determines how many decimal places would be appropriate based on the size of the data values. ═══ 4.8.6. Data Label Font/Color ═══ Clicking this button displays the Font Selection dialog. Use this page to change the text characteristics of the data or slice labels. When the button appears in the Data Labels box, you are adjusting the data label text characteristics; similarly, when it appears in the Slice Labels box, you are adjusting the text characteristics of the slice labels. For more information on changing fonts, refer to the section Font Selection Dialog. ═══ 4.8.7. Data Label prefix ═══ Any text you enter in this text box appears at the beginning of all the data labels on the chart. Remove any text in the text box and enter the text you want to appear at the beginning of the labels. If you add spaces to the end of the text, the package adds the same number of spaces between the prefix and the labels. ═══ 4.8.8. Data Label suffix ═══ Any text you enter in this text box appears at the end of all the data labels on the chart. Remove any text in the text box and enter the text you want to appear at the end of the labels. ═══ 4.8.9. Slice Labels ═══ Use this box to turn on the slice labels on a pie chart. Slice labels, which only apply to pie charts, indicate what each slice in the pie represents. These labels correspond to the source data and appear beside the slice whose value they are displaying. The chart in Figure 34 has slice labels describing the items on which students spend money. Click in the circle beside the option setting you want to use. Off Use this option setting to remove any slice labels on your chart. On Use this option setting to add slice labels to your chart. This option appears only if your chart is a Pie chart. Figure 34. Pie chart with slice labels used to indicate the expenditures ═══ 4.9. Bar Options ═══ The Bar Chart Options page contains features you can use to adjust the appearance of the bars on your chart. Select Bar from the Options notebook to open the Bar Chart Options page. You cannot access this page if your chart is an XY, area, radar, stock, bubble, pie, or line chart because these charts do not have bars. The following options are available in the Bar Options Page: Bar Arrangement Bar Width Bar Overlap ═══ 4.9.1. Bar Arrangement ═══ This drop-down list box contains three ways to arrange the bars relative to each other. Click on the option setting you want to use. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Stacked If you select this option setting, the charting package stacks the groups on top of each other. One group begins where the last group ended. A stacked bar chart is shown in Figure 35. Notice that the four stacks show the total sales for the three products from 1986 to 1989, revealing an increase in profit from high sales of Sugar Bombs. Figure 35. A chart with stacked bars Overlapped With this option setting, each group gets its own set of bars, but each bar overlaps with the next one. When you choose this option, the Bar Overlap box at the bottom of the page no longer appears dim. This option setting is replaced by Depth if your chart is a 3D bar chart. Depth With this option setting, the 3D bars are placed one behind the other along the Z axis. Each group has its own set of bars which do not intersect any of the other groups. You can see this option used in Figure 36. This option setting is only available with 3D bar charts. Figure 36. 3D bar chart with depth Clustered If you select this option setting, the charting package gives each group its own bar and then groups the bars side by side over the appropriate axis labels. This option setting is the same as setting the Bar Overlap to 0. Proportional charts, gantt charts, and box whisker charts cannot appear overlapped or clustered. As a result, the only option in the notebook is the Bar Width box which you can use to adjust the width of the bars. ═══ 4.9.2. Bar Width ═══ In this box, you can adjust the width of the bars appearing on your chart. You can choose either Manual or Automatic. Select the appropriate option setting by clicking in the circle beside the option setting you want. Manual This option setting permits you to manually enter the bar width. When you select this option setting, the text box on the right side is no longer dim. Remove the value in this text box and enter the width you want the bars to be. The value you enter here refers to the percentage of the chart to be filled by the bars; as a result, you cannot enter a negative number or a number greater than 100. If you do, an Error message appears telling you to enter a value between 0 and 100. If you enter 100, the bars will be expanded to fill the entire width of the chart without any space between the bars. You can see this option setting applied in Figure 37. Figure 37. Bar chart with width set at 100 Automatic If you select this option setting, the charting package intelligently determines how wide the bars should be to make the most of the width of the chart while still leaving some space between the bars. ═══ 4.9.3. Bar Overlap ═══ In this box, you can adjust the amount of bar overlap appearing on your chart. You can choose either Manual or Automatic. Select the appropriate option setting by clicking in the circle beside the option setting you want. This box does not appear if your chart is a proportional chart, gantt chart, box whisker, or 3D chart because their bars cannot overlap. It is dimmed if you select Clustered bar arrangement. Manual This option setting permits you to manually enter the width that you want the bars to overlap. When you select this option setting, the text box on the right side is no longer dim. Remove any text in this text box and enter the amount of bar overlap you want. The value you enter here refers to the percentage of the bars that will overlap; as a result, you cannot enter a negative number or a number greater than 100. If you do, an Error message appears telling you to enter a value between 0 and 100. A bar overlap of 0 is the same as setting the Bar Arrangement to Clustered. The chart in Figure 38 shows a bar overlap of 85%. Figure 38. Bar chart with overlapped bars Automatic If you select this option setting, the charting package intelligently determines how much the bars should overlap to make the most effective use of the chart width and the number of bars. ═══ 4.10. Pie Options ═══ The Pie Chart Options page contains options that you can use to change the appearance of your pie chart. Select Pie from the Options notebook to open the Pie Chart Options page. This option is dim if your chart is not a pie chart. The following options are available in the Pie Options Page: Data column/row Pie Size Starting Angle Residual Slice Display on Chart Residual Slice Data Label Residual Slice Color Residual Slice Fill Style For Values <= To Residual Slice Cut Residual Label ═══ 4.10.1. Data column/row ═══ Pie charts can only display one row or column of data at a time. This option allows you to select which row or column the pie chart displays. Click on the down arrow in the Data column/row drop-down list box to display a list of the rows or columns. This list of row and column names changes depending on your selection in the Main Options page. If you set the data grouping to columns, this list displays the column names. If you set the data grouping to display rows, the list displays the row names. Pie charts cannot display negative values. As a result, if you choose to display a negative value, no corresponding slice will appear in the chart. ═══ 4.10.2. Pie size ═══ This option allows you to specify how large you want the pie to be. Remove any text in the text box and enter the value you want. Enter a percentage of the charting window size between 1 and 100 for the chart to fill. If your value does not fall in this range, an Error message appears. If you type 100, for example, the charting package will expand your pie chart to completely fill the charting window (excluding the title, subtitle, and footnote). ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: You can adjust the pie size to fix any labels that intersect each other, the legend, the title, subtitle, or footnote. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 4.10.3. Starting angle ═══ This option allows you to rotate the pie chart. By default, the first slice of every pie chart begins on the horizontal 0 degree line on the right side of your chart. The charting package then adds each slice of the pie in a counter clockwise order. Remove any text in the Starting angle text box and enter the angle you want your pie chart rotated by. You must enter a value between 0 and 360; if you do not enter a value in this range, an Error message appears. If you enter 20, for example, the package rotates the chart so that instead of starting at 0 degrees, the first slice begins at 20 degrees. ═══ 4.10.4. Residual Slice ═══ This option allows you to create a residual slice. A residual slice is a slice of the pie created by joining together other slices whose values are less than a minimum value. You would create a residual slice if you wanted to create one slice to represent data with small values. Click in the circle beside the option setting you want. The chart in Figure 39 demonstrates the use of the residual slice. If you enter the Group Options page, you cannot change the options of a group which has been included in a residual slice. When you select such a group, a message appears informing you that the group is part of the residual slice. Figure 39. Pie chart with a residual slice Off This option setting turns off the Residual Slice option; as a result, a residual slice does not appear on your chart. On This option setting turns on the Residual Slice option. The remainder of the page is no longer dim, allowing you to enter the information for the residual slice. ═══ 4.10.5. Display on chart ═══ This option, which is applied to the residual slice, indicates whether or not you want the residual slice displayed on the chart. Click in the check box beside Display on chart. An X appears in the box to indicate your selection. By turning this option off, you can force values less than the residual slice to not be displayed at all. ═══ 4.10.6. Residual Slice Data label ═══ This option permits you to add a data label for the residual slice. Click in the check box beside Data Label. An X appears in the box to indicate the selection. When turned on, the charting package adds together the data values included in the residual slice and displays the total on the chart next to the residual slice. This option will not appear if you have turned off data labels in the Data Label Options page and the legend is also turned off. ═══ 4.10.7. Residual Slice color ═══ This option allows you to select a color to apply to the residual slice. When you click on the down arrow on the Slice color drop-down list box, a list displays the available colors. Click on the color you want to use. The arrows indicate the current selection which also appears in the box at the top of the list. If you chose the Pattern drawing style in the Main Options page, this list does not appear because you told the package not to use color as a distinguishing feature. ═══ 4.10.8. Residual Slice Fill style ═══ This option allows you to select a fill pattern to apply to the residual slice. When you click on the down arrow on the Fill style drop-down list box, a list displays the available patterns. Click on the pattern you want to use. The arrows indicate the current selection which also appears in the box at the top of the list. If you chose the Color drawing style in the Main Options page, this list does not appear because you told the package not to use patterns as a distinguishing feature. ═══ 4.10.9. For values <= to ═══ This option allows you to specify which slices will be included in the residual slice. The charting package creates the residual slice by combining all slices less than or equal to the value you enter in this text box. Remove any text currently there and type in the value you want the package to use to create the residual slice. If the value you enter is bigger than all the slices in the pie, the entire pie becomes a residual slice with the appropriate label. If the value you enter is smaller than all the slices in the pie, a residual slice will not appear in the pie. A negative number can be entered here to represent a percentage cutoff for the residual slice, rather than a fixed value. For example, '-10' will cause all values less than or equal to 10% of the total to be grouped into the residual slice. ═══ 4.10.10. Residual Slice cut ═══ This option allows you to move the residual slice out of the pie. Remove any text in this box and enter the amount you want the residual slice moved out of the pie. You must enter a number between 0 and 9. The value 0 does not move the slice out at all, and the value 9 moves the slice to the far edge of the charting window. If you do not enter a value in this range, an Error message appears. The chart in Figure 40 has the Other slice cut out of the pie. Figure 40. Pie chart with a slice cut residual slice ═══ 4.10.11. Residual label ═══ With this option, you can add a label to the residual slice. Remove whatever text appears in this text box and enter the label you want to appear on your chart. If you have turned off slice labels in the Data Label Options page, you cannot then add a label to the residual slice. As a result, the Residual label option does not appear in the Pie Options page. ═══ 4.11. Area Options ═══ The Area Options page allows you to change the appearance of the areas on your chart. Select Area from the Options notebook to open the Area Options page. You can only access this page if your chart is an area chart or an area/line chart. Otherwise, this option does not appear in the Options notebook. The following options are available in the Area Options Page: Area Arrangement Area Width ═══ 4.11.1. Area Arrangement ═══ This drop-down list box contains two ways to arrange the areas on your chart relative to each other. Click on the down arrow on the right side of the list box to display a list of the possible arrangements. Click on the option setting you want to use. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Stacked This option setting stacks each group on top of each other. One group or area begins where the last group or area ended. Overlapped With this option setting, each group receives its own area, but each area is displayed on top of or overlapping with the next area. The chart in Figure 41 has overlapped areas on it. This option setting is replaced by Depth if your chart is a 3D area chart or 3D area/line chart. Figure 41. Area chart with overlapped areas Depth With this option setting, the 3D areas are placed one behind the other along the Z axis. Each group has its own area which does not intersect with any of the other groups. This option setting is only available with 3D area charts or 3D area/line charts. ═══ 4.11.2. Area Width ═══ In this box, you can adjust the width of the areas appearing on your 3D area or area/line chart. You can choose either Manual or Automatic. Select the appropriate option setting by clicking in the circle beside the option setting you want. A black inner circle indicates that the option setting has been selected. This box only appears if you are using a 3D area or 3D area/line chart. Manual This option setting permits you to manually enter the area width. When you select this option setting, the text box on the right side is no longer dim. Remove the value in this text box and enter the width you want the areas to be. The value you enter here refers to the percentage of the Z axis to be filled by the width of the areas; as a result, you cannot enter a negative number or a number greater than 100. If you do, an Error message appears telling you to enter a value between 0 and 100. If you enter 100, the areas will be expanded to fill the entire depth of the chart without any space between the areas. The chart in Figure 42 has 100% area widths. Figure 42. 3D area chart with 100% area width Automatic If you select this option setting, the charting package intelligently determines how wide the areas should be to make the most of the depth of the chart while still leaving some space between the areas. ═══ 4.12. Radar Options ═══ The Radar Chart Options page contains options that you can use to change the appearance of your radar chart. Radar charts are a combination of a pie charts and a area charts. Radar charts are essentially area/line charts whose X axis has been connected at both ends to form a circle. In a radar chart, the X axis is the outer circle and the Y axis is the circle's radius. The data is then accordingly drawn and scaled onto this circle as areas or lines as shown in Figure 43. Figure 43. Radar chart Select Radar from the Options notebook to open the Radar Chart Options page. This option is dim if your chart is not a radar chart. The following options are available in the Radar Options Page: Radar Chart Orientation Radar Chart Size Radar Chart X Axis Radar Chart Y Axis Overlay Grid ═══ 4.12.1. Radar Chart Orientation ═══ Use the Orientation option setting to indicate the direction in which you want the X axis divisions drawn. This direction in turn affects how the X axis categories are displayed. Click on the down arrow on the right side of the drop-down list box to display the possible directions. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Counter-Clockwise This option setting marks the X axis divisions in a counter clockwise direction, starting at the twelve o'clock position. Clockwise This option setting marks the X axis divisions in a clockwise direction, starting at the twelve o'clock position. ═══ 4.12.2. Radar Chart Size ═══ This option allows you to specify how large you want the radar circle to be. Remove any text in the text box and enter the value you want. The value you enter represents a percentage of the charting window that you want the radar circle to fill. As a result, you must enter a value between 1 and 100. If the value does not fall in this range, an Error message appears. If you type 100, for example, the charting package expands the radar circle to completely fill the charting window (excluding the title, subtitle, and footnote). ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: You can adjust the pie size to fix any labels that intersect each other, the legend, the title, subtitle, or footnote. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 4.12.3. Radar Chart X Axis ═══ Use this option setting to change the way that the X axis is displayed on the radar chart. The X axis on a radar chart is the outermost circle. Click on the down arrow on the drop-down list box to display a list of choices. Click on an option setting to select it. The current option setting appears in the box at the top of the list. None If you select this option setting, the charting package does not display the X axis on the radar chart. Dotted If you select this option setting, the charting package displays the X axis using dashes. Solid If you select this option setting, the charting package displays the X axis using a solid line. ═══ 4.12.4. Radar Chart Y Axis ═══ Use this option setting to change the way that the Y axis is displayed on the radar chart. The Y axis on a radar chart is a radius line that is drawn from the twelve o'clock position to the middle of the chart. If Y scale grid lines are turned on in the Y Scale Options page, then circles are drawn within the radar chart representing each Y scale division. As with all charts, the Y scale in a radar chart is the axis against which the chart data is scaled. Click on the down arrow on the drop-down list box to display a list of choices. The current option setting appears in the box at the top of the list. None If you select this option setting, the charting package does not display the Y axis on the radar chart. The inner circles and scale labels, however, may still appear on the chart. Dotted If you select this option setting, the charting package displays the Y axis using dashes. Solid If you select this option setting, the charting package displays the Y axis using a solid line. ═══ 4.12.5. Overlay Grid ═══ Use this check box to indicate whether you want the grid of circles displayed on top of or below the chart features including the scale labels, areas, and lines. Click in the check box to turn on the grid overlay. When turned on, the grid is displayed on top of the other chart features. An X in the box indicates that the option setting has been turned on. To turn off the option setting, click in the box again. The X disappears and the grid is displayed below the other chart features. ═══ 4.13. Stock Options ═══ The Stock Chart Options page contains options you can use to change the appearance of your stock chart. Stock charts are typically used to represent stock transactions which have an opening and closing price for some period as well as a high and low value. A stock chart, also called a high/low/close chart, plots the first data column as the high values, the second data column as the low value, the third data column as the open values, and the fourth data column as the close values. The values are drawn as three groups on the chart: high/low, open, and close. The high/low group can be a set of bars, areas, or marks which show the highest and lowest values the stock reached within the period. The open and close groups are drawn as marks or lines indicating the values that the stocks opened and closed at during the period. Select Stock from the Options notebook to open the Stock Chart Options page. This option is dim if your chart is not a stock chart. Figure 44. Bar stock chart The following options are available in the Stock Options Page: Stock Type Stock Bar Width Stock Legend Labels ═══ 4.13.1. Stock type ═══ Use this option setting to change how the charting package displays the three groups on the stock chart. By adjusting this option, you can change the appearance of your stock chart. Click on the down arrow on the drop-down list box to display a list of choices. Click on the type of display you want. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Mark This option setting displays the high/low group as an "I" bar with horizontal lines crossing the bar to represent the open and close groups. Bar This option setting displays the high/low group as a bar, with horizontal lines crossing the bar to represent the open and close groups. Area This option setting displays the high/low group as an area section, with lines drawn on the area section to represent the open and close groups. Line This option setting displays the high/low group as an "I" bar, with connected lines drawn between the "I" bars to represent the open and close groups. ═══ 4.13.2. Stock Bar Width ═══ In this box, you can adjust the width of the stock marks, bars, and lines appearing on your chart. You can choose either Manual or Automatic. Select the appropriate option setting by clicking in the circle beside the option setting you want. A black inner circle indicates the option setting you have selected. This option setting does not apply to area stock charts. Manual This option setting permits you to manually enter the width used when drawing marks, bars, or open/close lines. When you select this option setting, the text box on the right side is no longer dim. Remove the value in this text box and enter the width you want the marks, bars, or lines to be. The value you enter here refers to the percentage of the chart to be filled by the marks, bars, or lines; as a result, you cannot enter a negative number or a number greater than 100. If you do, an Error message appears telling you to enter a value between 0 and 100. If you enter 100, the marks, bars, or lines expand to fill the entire width of the chart without any space between them. Automatic If you select this option setting, the charting package intelligently determines how wide the marks, bars, or lines should be to make the most of the width of the chart while still leaving some space between them. ═══ 4.13.3. Stock Legend Labels ═══ Use the option settings in this box to adjust the labels that appear in the legend on your stock chart. Click in the circle beside the option setting you want to select. A black inner circle indicates that the option setting has been selected. High/Low/Open/Close This option causes the group labels from the data to be ignored. The legend labels are High/Low, Open, and Close instead. As is This option setting uses the legend labels associated with the source data groups. ═══ 4.14. Box Whisker Options ═══ The Box Whisker Chart Options page contains options you can use to change the appearance of your box whisker chart. A box whisker chart is a statistical chart containing only one group which displays a statistical summary of the chart data. A series of boxes appears on the chart with divisions drawn behind the bars to indicate the 10, 25, 50, 75, and 90 percentiles. A 'whisker' drawn across each bar indicates that fifth and ninety-fifth percentile points. For example, the box whisker chart in Figure 45 shows mark distributions for a number of courses. Each whisker ("I" bar) shows the fifth and ninety-fifth percentile mark points while the box shows the various percentiles from 10 to 90. Select Box whisker from the Options notebook or to open the Bar and Area Options page. This option is dim if your chart is not a box whisker chart. Figure 45. Box whisker chart The following option is available in the Box Whisker Options Page: Box Whisker Bar Width ═══ 4.14.1. Box Whisker Bar Width ═══ In this box, you can adjust the width of the boxes appearing on your box whisker chart. You can choose either Manual or Automatic. Select the appropriate option setting by clicking in the circle beside the option setting you want. A black inner circle indicates that the option setting has been selected. Manual This option setting permits you to manually enter the box width. Enter the width you want in the accompanying text box. The value you enter here refers to the percentage of the chart to be filled by the boxes; as a result, you must enter a value between 0 and 100. If you enter 100, the bars will be expanded to fill the entire width of the chart without any space between the bars. Automatic If you select this option setting, the charting package intelligently determines how wide the boxes should be to make the most of the width of the chart while still leaving some space between the bars. ═══ 4.15. Group Options ═══ The Group Options page contains options to help you change the appearance and arrangement of individual groups in your chart. An individual group is usually created from one row or column of your source data. The appearance of groups changes depending upon the type of chart you are using. For example, a group in a bar chart is represented by one set of same-styled bars; a group in a line chart is represented by one set of same-styled markers on the same line; a group in an area chart is represented by one same-styled area; and a group in a pie chart is represented by one slice. Select Group from the Options notebook to open the Group Options page. For each chart type you select in the Main Options page, the Group Options page changes accordingly. As a result, certain options and option settings will not appear in this notebook based upon the type of chart you are using. The following options are available in the Group Options Page: Data Range Copy Groups Group Box Options Box Display Group X Group, Y Group Start Group, Length Group, Value Group Group Scale Group Data Labels Group Type Group Color Group Fill Style Group Marker Type Group Line Type Group Line Width Group Precision Group Slice Cut Group Order ═══ 4.15.1. Data Range ═══ This option permits you to select the range of rows or columns from the data that the charting package will display on your chart. Click on the down arrow on the Data Range drop-down list box to display a list of the option settings. Chart all data This option setting forces the charting package to display all the rows or columns from the source data on your chart. Chart a range of data This option setting allows you to specify a range of data to be charted. When you click on this option setting, the two other drop-down list boxes are no longer dim. Click on the down arrow on either list box to display a list of the possible column or row headings. Click on the column or row heading you want to start or end with. The current selection appears in the box at the top of each list. The charting package determines which of the two headings has a lower order number and that heading becomes the starting group while the other heading is the ending group. When you change whether you want the chart grouped by columns or rows in the Main Options page, your selection will affect these lists. If you select to group by columns, these drop-down list boxes will list row headings. If you select to display rows, these drop-down list boxes list column headings. This option does not appear if your chart is a pie chart. You select the column or row of data for pie charts in the Pie Options page. ═══ 4.15.2. Copy groups ═══ This option allows you to copy options from one group to a set of others. Click on the Copy Groups button to open the Copy Group page. In this page, you can copy the option settings of the currently selected group to other groups. The name of the currently selected group appears at the top of the Copy Group page. On the left side of the page, the Options box lists all of the options present in the Group Options page. Beside each option is a check box. Click in the check boxes beside the option settings you want to copy to other groups. An X appears in the box to indicate that the option setting will be copied. On the right side of the page, a list of the groups appears. Click on the group you want the option settings copied to. You can select one by clicking on it, more than one by clicking on them while holding down the Shift key, or all of them by clicking on the Select All button. A selected group is highlighted. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: Use this option when you have several groups that you want to apply the same option settings to. If you use Copy Groups, you do not have to individually enter the option settings for each group. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 4.15.3. Group Box ═══ This box contains a graphic sample depicting every group in the chart. The arrows indicate the selected group. The name appearing beside Group corresponds to the currently selected group. All changes you make in the Options box on the right side of the page will only affect the selected group. You can select a different group by clicking on it. The list of groups may include some groups that presently do not appear on your chart. You can adjust this with the Display Group option in the Options box on the right side of the page. ═══ 4.15.4. Options box ═══ This box displays all the options you can apply to the selected group. These options will change depending on your chart type. If the words Not Applicable appear beside any option in this page, clicking on them displays a message box explaining why this option is not available. With pie charts, these options will also be affected by the inclusion of a group in a residual slice. If a group is included in a residual slice, a message appears in the Options box informing you that the selected group is part of the residual slice. As a result, you cannot change any of its individual options. You can change the options for the residual slice in the Pie Options page. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: Use the option settings in this page to distinguish the groups as much as possible by changing options such as color, fill pattern, line style, and marker type. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 4.15.5. Display Group ═══ This option allows you to indicate whether or not you want the selected group to be displayed on the chart. Click in the check box beside the option to turn it on. An X in the box indicates that the group will be displayed on the chart. ═══ 4.15.6. X group ═══ This option allows you to select which column or row you want the charting package to use for the X coordinate in XY and bubble charts. XY charts plot points based on the X and Y coordinates from the data. Bubble charts are similar to XY charts as they plot two numeric points, but they represent these points as bubbles whose radius is determined by a third value. Click on the down arrow on the X group box to display a drop-down list of the column or row headings you can choose from. Click on the heading you want to use for the X coordinate. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. This option appears only if your chart is an XY chart or a bubble chart. The list of possible headings changes depending on your selection in the Group by box in the Main Options page. If you choose to group by rows, the row headings will be displayed in the list. If you choose to group by columns, the column headings will be displayed in the list. ═══ 4.15.7. Y group ═══ This option, which only applies to XY charts and bubble charts, allows you to select the group you want the charting package to use for the Y coordinate. XY charts plot points based on the X and Y coordinates from the data. Bubble charts are similar to XY charts as they plot two numeric points, but they represent these points as bubbles whose radius is determined by a third value. Click on the down arrow on the Y group box to display a drop-down list of all the column or row headings you can choose from. Click on the heading you want to use for the Y coordinate. This option only appears if your chart is an XY chart or a bubble chart. The list of possible headings changes depending on your selection in the Group by box in the Main Options page. If you choose to group by rows, the row headings will be displayed in the list. If you choose to group by columns, the column headings will be displayed in the list. ═══ 4.15.8. Start group ═══ This option, which only applies to gantt charts, allows you to select which group you want the charting package to use to get the value that the bars will start on. Gantt charts have two columns or rows of data the first of which indicates where the bars begin on the chart while the second one dictates how large the bars will be. Gantt charts, therefore, create time lines for the data. Click on the down arrow on the Start group drop-down list box to display a list of the column or row headings you can choose from. Click on the heading you want to use for the starting value to draw the bars. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. This option only appears if your chart is a gantt chart. ═══ 4.15.9. Length group ═══ This option, which only applies to gantt charts, allows you to select which group you want the charting package to use to get the value that determines the size of the bars. Gantt charts have two columns of data the first of which indicates where the bars begin on the chart while the second one dictates how large the bars will be. Gantt charts, therefore, create time lines for the data. Click on the down arrow on the Length group drop-down list box to display a list of the column or row headings you can choose from. Click on the heading you want to use to determine the size of the bars. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. This option only appears if your chart is a gantt chart. Figure 46. Gantt chart ═══ 4.15.10. Value group ═══ This option, which only applies to bubble charts, allows you to indicate which group you want the charting package to use to determine the size of the bubbles. Bubble charts are similar to XY charts as they plot two numeric points, but they represent these points as bubbles whose radius is determined by a third value. Click on the down arrow on the Value group drop-down list box to display a list of the column or row headings you can choose from. Click on the heading you want to use for determining the bubble size. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. This option appears only if your chart is a bubble chart. Figure 47. Bubble charts with different value groups and bubble sizes ═══ 4.15.11. Group Scale ═══ This option allows you to choose which groups you want on the Y1 axis and the Y2 axis. By default, all groups have a scale setting of Y1, resulting in only one Y axis for the chart. By indicating that some groups are to be scaled by the second Y axis, an additional Y axis will be automatically added to your chart. Click on the down arrow on the Scale box to display a drop-down list of the option settings you can select. Click on the option setting you want to use. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Y1 If you select this option setting, the charting package scales the selected group on the Y1 axis. Y2 If you select this option setting, the charting package scales the selected group on the Y2 axis. The group will not appear on either axis if the Display on Chart check box is turned off. Only bar charts, area charts, line charts, combination charts, and proportional charts can have a Y2 axis. As a result, this option only appears with those chart types. ═══ 4.15.12. Group Data labels ═══ This option allows you to add or remove data labels for the selected group. Click in the check box beside Data labels to turn on this option. An X in the box indicates that the option is turned on. When turned on, the data labels for that group are displayed on the chart. When turned off, the group does not have any data labels. If Data Labels are turned off in the Data Label Options page, the words Not Applicable appear in this space. As a result, you cannot adjust this option. If you click on Not Applicable, a box appears describing the problem. Only bar charts, stacked area charts, line charts, combination charts, gantt charts, and stock charts can have data labels. As a result, this option only appears with those chart types. ═══ 4.15.13. Group Type ═══ This option allows you to change how the charting package displays the selected group. By adjusting this option, you can create charts that combine features such as bars, areas, curves, and lines. Click on the down arrow in the Type drop-down list box. A list appears displaying all the available types. Click on the type you want. The current selection appears in the box at the top of the list. Line This option setting displays the selected group as point markers connected by a straight line. Curve This option setting displays the selected group as points connected with a fitted smooth curve. The chart in Figure 48 has a curving line displayed. In 3D charts, groups are represented by curves displayed as smooth ribbons. The chart in Figure 49 is displayed as a 3D curving line known as a ribbon. Figure 48. Chart with a curving line Figure 49. Chart with 3D ribbon Point This option setting displays the selected group as point markers without a line. Trend This option setting displays the selected group as points with a straight line drawn along the shortest distance between the points. The chart in Figure 50 shows you an example of a trend line. Figure 50. Chart displaying a trend line Bar This option setting displays the selected group as a set of bars. Area This option setting displays the selected group as an area. The settings available in this box change based on the type of chart you are using. For example, the bar and area option settings are not applicable to XY charts. Only combination charts, XY charts, and radar charts can display their groups in more than one way. As a result, this option only appears in the Group Options page if you are using one of these chart types. ═══ 4.15.14. Group Color ═══ This option allows you to change the color used to display the selected group. Click on the down arrow on the Color drop-down list box to display all the available colors. Click on the color you want to use. The arrows indicate the current selection which also appears in the box at the top of the list. If you have set the Drawing Style in the Main Options page to Pattern, the words Not Applicable appear in this space. As a result, you cannot adjust the color of the groups. If you click on Not Applicable, a box appears describing the problem. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: For 3D charts, lighter colors are better because they are more capable of showing the shading needed to visualize the dimensions. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 4.15.15. Group Fill style ═══ This option allows you to change the fill pattern that the charting package uses to represent the selected group. Click on the down arrow on the Fill style drop-down list box to see the available patterns. Click on the pattern you want to use. The arrows indicate the current selection which also appears in the box at the top of the list. If you have set the Drawing Style in the Main Options page to Color, the words Not Applicable appear in this space. As a result, you cannot adjust the pattern of the groups. If you click on Not Applicable, a box appears describing the problem. XY charts, line charts, and all 3D charts cannot have fill styles. As a result, this option does not appear in the Group Options page. ═══ 4.15.16. Group Marker type ═══ This option allows you to change the marker used to indicate the points on the selected group's line. Click on the down arrow on the Marker type drop-down list box to display the available marker styles. Click on the marker style you want to use. The arrows indicate the current selection which also appears in the box at the top of the list. The chart in Figure 51 shows a variety of marker types. Figure 51. Chart with a variety of lines and markers Only combination charts, XY charts, line charts, radar charts, and stock charts can have point markers. As a result, this option only appears in the Group Options notebook if you are using one of these chart types. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: The plus signs and star markers do not show up well on lines, especially if the lines are thick. You may want to use circles, triangles, or squares instead. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 4.15.17. Group Line type ═══ This option allows you to select a different line style when the selected group is displayed as a line. Click on the down arrow on the Line type drop-down list box to display the available line types. Click on the line type you want to use. The arrows indicate the current selection which also appears in the box at the top of the list. Only combination charts, XY charts, line charts, radar charts, stock charts, and box whisker charts have lines whose type you can change. As a result, this option only appears in the Group Options page if you are using one of these chart types. ═══ 4.15.18. Group Line width ═══ This option allows you to select a different width when the selected group is displayed as a line. Click on the down arrow on the Line width drop-down list box to display the available line widths. Click on the line width you want to use. The arrows indicate the current selection which also appears in the box at the top of the list. Only combination charts, XY charts, line charts, radar charts, stock charts, and box whisker charts have lines whose type you can change. As a result, this option only appears in the Group Options page if you are using one of these chart types. ═══ 4.15.19. Group Precision ═══ This option allows you to adjust the number of decimal places that appear in the selected group's data labels. Remove any text in the Precision text box and enter the value you want. The value must be between 0 and 6; if your value does not fall in this range, an Error message appears. This value refers to the number of decimals you want. If you enter 2, for example, two decimal places appear in the group's data labels. If data labels are turned Off in the Data Label Options page, the words Not Applicable appear in this space. Not Applicable will also appear if the Precision box in the Data Label Options page is set to Automatic or For all data. You can only change the data labels' precision value in the Group Options page if the Precision box in the Data Label Options page is set to By group. If you click on Not Applicable, a box appears describing the problem. XY charts, proportional charts, pie charts, radar charts, 100% area charts, bubble charts, box whisker charts, and all 3D charts cannot have data labels. As a result, this option does not appear in the Group Options page. ═══ 4.15.20. Group Slice cut ═══ This option allows you to move a slice out of your pie chart to emphasize its difference. Remove any text in the Slice cut text box and enter the value you want. The value you enter must be between 0 and 9; if your value does not fall in this range, an Error notebook appears. If you enter 0, the group remains in the pie chart; if you enter 9, the package moves the group as far out of the chart as it will go. The chart in Figure 52 uses progressively higher slice cuts. This option appears only if your chart is a pie chart. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: Slice cuts are very effective if you are slicing thin pieces out of the pie. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Figure 52. Pie chart with several slice cuts ═══ 4.15.21. Group Order ═══ This option allows you to adjust the order of the groups. This option determines the order that the groups are displayed in as the chart is drawn. Remove any text currently in the Order text box and enter the value you want. You are not limited to a range of data. You can enter positive or negative numbers and the package will order them from the lowest to the highest value. If two groups have the same number, the charting package orders them according to their position in the group list. You cannot change the order of the groups in stock charts, gantt charts, and box whisker charts. As a result, this option does not appear in the Group Options page. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: If your chart is a 3D bar chart, place the smaller groups in front so they can be seen more effectively. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 5. Gallery Menu ═══ This menu contains items you can use to display or to make changes to the charts available in the gallery directory. The items in this menu include the following: o Select o Edit o Set Directory ═══ 5.1. Select ═══ When you select this option from the Gallery menu, the Gallery dialog opens, displaying the charts available in the current gallery directory. The gallery directory stores templates of frequently used chart styles so you only need to do a minimum amount of formatting. You can edit the gallery and add chart templates designed for your personal use. You can access and create different galleries with the Set Directory menu item. Category This list contains the categories of charts you can choose to display. Many chart categories are included with your software including: area charts, bar charts, line charts, pie charts, point charts, proportional charts, XY charts, 100% area charts, box whisker charts, bubble charts, gantt charts, radar charts, stock charts, and 3D charts. Each category contains a variety of chart templates organized around a common theme that appear in the Chart Template box below the category list. Scroll through the list and select the category you want by clicking on it. Chart Template Box The box below the category list displays the chart templates in the selected category. To select the template you want to apply to your data, scroll through the displayed charts and click on the appropriate picture. Double clicking on a chart picture applies the options template to your current data and returns you to the charting window. ═══ 5.1.1. Category List ═══ This list is displayed in the top section of the Edit and Select dialogs. It contains the categories of charts you can choose to display. Many chart categories are included with your software including: area charts, bar charts, line charts, pie charts, point charts, proportional charts, XY charts, 100% area charts, box whisker charts, bubble charts, gantt charts, radar charts, stock charts, and 3D charts. ═══ 5.1.2. Chart Template Box ═══ This list of chart pictures is displayed in the bottom section of the Edit and Select dialogs. It displays the chart templates for the current category in the Category List. To select the template you want to apply to your data, scroll through the displayed charts and click on the appropriate picture. Double clicking on a chart picture applies the options template to your current data and returns you to the charting window. ═══ 5.2. Edit ═══ This dialog permits you to change and add chart categories and templates found within the current gallery. You can use this dialog to customize the gallery to your personal needs. You can click on the buttons on the right side of the dialog to perform the various editing operations. After making your changes to the gallery, click on OK to implement them. Once implemented, those changes are present every time you open this gallery directory. The category list and chart template box below it work in the same way as the Select menu item. Add Chart Use this option box to add a template of common chart options to the gallery. When you click on this option, the package creates a template from the chart currently in the charting window and adds it to the current category. A pictorial representation of the chart appears in the Chart Template box to the left of the currently selected template. Delete Chart When you click on this option, the charting package automatically deletes the chart template currently highlighted in the Chart Template box. The deleted template is placed on the clipboard. You can paste it back into the gallery, but it will be replaced on the clipboard if you delete or copy a different chart. Use this option to remove chart templates from your gallery which you do not use. If you delete a chart template from the gallery, you cannot restore it after clicking on OK. If you make an error, click on Cancel so the change will not take place. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: We recommend that you keep the gallery you receive with your software intact and create your own galleries for charts that you use. To make a backup of a gallery, copy the gallery directory, rename it, and use the Set Directory menu item to access it. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Copy Chart When you click on this option, the charting package copies the highlighted chart and all of its options in the Chart Template box to the clipboard. Use this option to move chart templates from one category to another or to reorder the chart templates. If you copy another chart to the clipboard before pasting the first one, the second chart replaces the first. Paste Chart When you click on this option, the charting package pastes the chart options from the clipboard into the selected category. A pictorial representation of the chart appears to the left of the currently selected chart template in the Chart Template box. You can paste the same chart any number of times until you copy or delete another chart to the clipboard. Use this option to move charts from one category to another. See Also Add Category Delete Category Rename Category ═══ 5.2.1. Add Category ═══ When you click on this option, the Add Chart Category dialog appears. Type the name of the category you want in the Name of Category text box. When you click on OK, the charting package adds the category to the Category list in its alphabetical location. When you click on the new category, the Chart Template box will be empty. Put charts in this category by copying, adding, and pasting charts. Use this option to customize the list of categories. ═══ 5.2.2. Delete Category ═══ When you click on this option, the charting package deletes the highlighted category in the Category list and all charts contained within it. If there are any chart templates within the category, a Warning dialog appears informing you that all the charts within the category will be removed. Click on Yes and then on OK in the Edit dialog to delete the category. Use this option to remove any categories you do not use. When you delete a category from the gallery, you cannot restore it or the charts within it after clicking on OK and leaving the dialog. If you make an error, click on Cancel so the change will not take place. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Hint: We recommend that you keep the gallery you receive with your software intact and create your own galleries for charts that you use. To make a backup of a gallery, copy the gallery directory, rename it, and use the Set Directory menu item to access it. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 5.2.3. Rename Category ═══ When you click on this option, the Rename Chart Category dialog appears. The name of the category highlighted in the Category box appears in the Name of category text box. Remove the text in the text box and type in the name you want for the category. The text you enter here will appear as the category name. Click on OK to return to the Edit Gallery dialog. The new category appears alphabetically within the Category list. All charts in the original category appear in the renamed category. Use this option to customize the list of categories. ═══ 5.3. Set Directory ═══ When you select this option from the Gallery menu, the Set Gallery Directory dialog appears. This dialog permits you to change the path to your gallery. A gallery is a directory containing several templates of chart options divided into categories. You can change the path to create a new gallery or to access different galleries. If you are creating a new gallery, remove the text in the Set current gallery directory to text box and enter the name of the directory. If the directory does not exist, a dialog appears informing you that the directory does not exist. Click on OK to return to the Set Gallery Directory dialog. Re-enter a directory that does exist or create the directory. If you change the path to a directory that exists, but does not have any chart files in it, the gallery is initially empty. You can add charts from your chart window into this empty gallery to create a gallery of your own charts. The charting package sets the gallery directory path to the one you were last in; therefore, if you always use the same directory, you should not have to change the directory path. If, however, you use different galleries in different directories, you will need to change the path. ═══ 6. Help Menu ═══ This menu contains items to access the on-line Help documentation. Help contains descriptions of menu items, features, and options so that when you run into trouble, you can find the solution on the screen quickly without referring to the Reference Guide. All of the information in the Reference Guide is accessible in the on-line help. In addition, you can press the F1 key at any time in the charting package to receive specific help information on the option you were last editing. This context sensitive help system assists you in understanding the many options included in the charting package. The items in this menu include the following: o Help index o Using Help o Table of Contents o Product Information