2000-10-28 Hey fellow OS/2 ppl! :) This is an important note to this release: In spite of what I say in the documentation about this program not being for use outside Sirius Cybnernetics, I hereby renounce every such restriction and release the package to the public AS IS, without any restrictions at all, BUT WITH NO GUARANTEES AT ALL either! I no longer have the source code for this project so it will never be developed any further (in its present form at least); also, this is actually work from several years back, nothing now has been added since then. However, I have decided to release it to the public because someone somewhere might actually find a use for it... ;) Again: No restrictions regardless of what the INF says, but don't come bugging me about something not working either! :) Best regards, /\/\\ads Orbesen Troest Valdemarsgade 6, 1.TV DK-9000 Aalborg Denmark [http://www.sprog.auc.dk/~motr96] ICQ #15194612