This call is not needed to control the RadioTrack cards. If you want to save settings to an OS/2-style ini file using SysIni, this call will considerably increase speed to access the ini file. This function uses the API call PrfOpenProfile. The format of the function is:

iniHandle = RTIniOpen( iniFile )

The iniFile is the filename of the ini file. It can contain drive and directory information, i.e. C:\MyDir\MyApp.ini

iniHandle returns the file handle as follows:

0 Error occurred
other File handle of opened ini file.

Sample code to use RTIniOpen and RTIniClose to save the variable port_Address in an Ini file. Note that in this example, if the RTIniOpen fails, the variable is still saved to the ini file.

inifile = 'APP.INI'
AppKey = 'myApp'
port_Address = X2D( '300' )
IniHandle = RTIniOpen( inifile )
iniRC = SysIni( inifile, AppKey, 'port_Address', port_Address )
IF IniHandle <> 0 THEN
rc = RTIniClose( IniHandle )