This file describes how to install and use RXPMPAPI.DLL. See the file README.TXT for a brief description of RXPMPAPI.DLL, its cost (or lack there of), redistribution instructions, and the don't-come-after-me disclaimer. Installation Put RXPMPAPI.DLL in a directory listed in your LIBPATH. Using RXPMPAPI.DLL The Rexx API consists of six functions. Four of the Rexx functions mirror the C API functions described in PMPATROL.INF in your PM Patrol directory. See that file for detailed descriptions of those functions. The remaining two functions, RxDCFLoadFuncs and RxDCFDropFuncs, allow quick loading/dropping of the functions into/out of the Rexx namespace. The names of the four main Rexx functions are formed by prefixing "Rx" to the name of the corresponding C API function. For example, the Rexx function RxDCFGetStats corresponds to the C function DCFGetStats(). If the return value from the C function is Boolean, the Rexx function returns a 0 or 1, which is the standard for Boolean values in Rexx. If the return value from the C function is a return code, such as DCF_INACTIVE_ERROR, the Rexx function returns that code as a string, i.e. "DCF_INACTIVE_ERROR". With the exception of DCFGetStats(), the parameters for the C API and the Rexx API are identical. 1. RxDCFGetStats('dcfStats.' [, 'dcfpStats.']) Retrieves the last set of real-time statistics collected. The Rexx version of this function takes one or two parameters. The first parameter is a stem variable in which to place the contents of the dcfstats structure, with the exception of the pstatTbl field. See the file PMPAPI.H in the PM Patrol directory for a description of the dcfstats structure. Each field in the C structure is a valid tail for the stem. For example, the upTimeSecs field in the C structure can be accessed from the Rexx stem dcfStats. as dcfStats.upTimeSecs. The second parameter is a stem variable in which to place the pstatTbl field of the dcfstats structure. The pstatTbl field is an array of dcfpstats (see PMPAPI.H) structures. If the stem used for the second parameter in the call to RxDCFGetStats is 'dcfpStats.', then dcfpStats.0 = # of elements in the array = # of processes running = PID of first process dcfpStats.1.ppis = parent PID of first process ... = PID of second process ... (etc.) See the file RXPMPTST.CMD for an example of using RxDCFGetStats. 2. RxDCFUserDefined(buffer) Sets the user-defined field of the PM Patrol status line to buffer. 3. RxDCFVerify() Verify the DCF is running. 4. RxPMPShutDown() Shutdown PM Patrol and the DCF. Darren Abbott