RXPMPAPI.DLL is a Rexx interface to PM Patrol's Data Collection Facility (DCF). All four of the functions in the C language API set provided with PM Patrol have a Rexx equivalent. This Rexx interface is completely free of charge, but PM Patrol itself is a shareware program that requires registration after an initial trial period. See http://homepage.interaccess.com/~wally for specifics about PM Patrol's licensing. RXPMPAPI.DLL was created by me, Darren Abbott, not the authors of PM Patrol. I have no association with the authors of PM Patrol, and the authors of PM Patrol are under no obligation to support RXPMPAPI.DLL. But then again, neither am I. :-) You may use RXPMPAPI.DLL any way that suits you (even reverse engineer it if you really want to) but I do ask that all files in this distribution be kept together when it is redistributed. I am not responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, caused by the use of RXPMPAPI.DLL. For a full listing of the DCF API, select Help->Help Contents from the PM Patrol status line, then under the topic "Data Collection Facility" see the subtopic "DCF API Set". (You can also view the help contents via the file PMPATROL.INF in the PM Patrol directory.) Briefly, the API allows the user to perform the following operations: 1. Retrieve PM Patrol's real-time statistics, including drives on line, drives' size, drives' free space, number of printer jobs, system uptime, swap usage, memory usage, CPU usage, PM Patrol monitored events, and per-process resource usage. If you have OS20MEMU installed you can even get per-process memory usage information! 2. Set the text for PM Patrol's user-defined field. 3. Verify that PM Patrol's Data Collection Facility is running. 4. Shut down PM Patrol and the Data Collection Facility. See the file RXPMPAPI.TXT for installation and usage instructions. I am considering using this interface as an example for an article on developing Rexx-callable DLLs in C/C++. Unfortunately, I no longer have any idea where I would submit such an article for publication now that there are no US OS/2 magazines. If you have any ideas, please drop me a note at abbott@hiwaay.net. Darren Abbott abbott@hiwaay.net