RGB Color Calculator for Vispro/REXX This program is a tool for application development and designed especially for Vispro/REXX. This program displays the RGB value and each of the Red, Green and Blue components of a text object. To use this program simply open a color palette, select a color and drop it onto the text object. This will change the background color. If you want to change the foreground color, press and hold the CTRL key and drop a color onto the text object. The "Copy" button copies all the color values into the clipboard as a REXX remark which can be pasted into the code. This program allows you to view color combinations and later use these RGB values in the Vispro/REXX object attribute settings at design time or use them in VpItem "Set RGB Back/Fore ground color" methods to change attributes at run time. This is freeware, enjoy. 73322.2045@compuserve.com