the Easy GUI Programming library
It's here!  Yes, something that has been a long time in coming-- and needed for even longer.  A combination of one of the easiest scripting languages available and the most powerful cross platform GUI toolkit on the planet.

NEW - Easy Setup Docs!

How to Use Rexx/Tk A brief introduction to the typical structure of a Rexx/Tk program, and general usage of the Rexx/Tk functions.

Downloading Rexx/Tk is available here!

Some of the functions already available in the current release:

Menus: TkMenu, TkAdd
Labels: TkLabel
Text: TkText
Scrollbars: TkScrollbar
Listboxes: TkListbox
Buttons: TkButton
Text Entry: TkEntry
Sliders: TkScale
Frames: TkFrame
Canvas: TkCanvas, TkCanvasPolygon, TkCanvasLine
Window Design: TkPack
Handling Events: TkWait, TkAfter (timing)
Convenience: TkMessageBox, TkGetOpenFile (system file dialog)

And many other functions for manipulating and configuring the window and widgets created.  All available functions and their currently available HTML help pages are here: FUNCTION DOCUMENTATION.

 * Tcl/Tk
 * a version of Rexx that supports external libs

As tested:
 * Tcl/Tk 8.0.3
 * Regina Rexx
  (on Linux and Win32)

NOTE: The documentation pages linked above are incomplete. Please check back regularly for updates. The documentation is primarily taken from the existing Tcl/Tk documentation.

SUPPORT AREA: With Rexx/Tk now on SourceForge, there are various support resources available for users here.

Created by Roger O'Connor. With the death of Roger in May 2000, Rexx/Tk support has been taken over by Mark Hessling.

Page ©1999 R. O'Connor - the Rexx/Tk Library is proudly distributed under the LGPL.