REXX Tutorial


I hope I was able to show you how you can access different kinds of servers used in the TCP/IP world from REXX. Most of the other server services available use access methods similar to HTTP. Since the documentation for the protocols is freely available in the Internet you can easily create clients matching your own needs. The following popular protocols come immediately to mind for further REXX programs: If you want to test a protocol interactively you can use the TELNET command included with TCP/IP right out of the box. If you only specify a host to connect to then TELNET will use the default port number of 21 for the connection. However in most implementations of TELNET you can specify a port number, so if you want to connect to a POP3 mail server at port 110 for example, you would enter:

    C:\TELNET -p 110 mypopsrvr

You can then try the commands available for pop servers interactively before starting to write any code to test your ideas.
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