OS/2 Procedures Language 2/REXX

Inf-HTML [About][Toc][Index] 0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs


A string is any group of characters inside single or double quotation 
marks.  Either type of quotation marks can be used, but the beginning and 
the ending mark must match.  The interpreter stops interpreting when it 
sees a quotation mark and the characters that follow remain as they were 
typed, with uppercase and lowercase letters.  The interpreter resumes 
interpreting when it sees a matching quotation mark.  For example: 
'The Greatest Show on Earth'
"The President leads his country"

are both strings. 
To use an apostrophe (single quotation mark) or double quotation marks 
within a string, use the other quotation mark around the whole string. 
 For example: 
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

'Do not count your "chickens" before they hatch.'

You also can use a pair of quotation marks (the same as those used to mark 
the string) as follows: 
SAY "Mary said  ""He's here."""

This is interpreted by REXX as: 
Mary said  "He's here."

Inf-HTML End Run - Successful