═══ 1. RexxEdit 2.5 created by Peter Freitag ═══ RexxEdit 2.5 The REXX development system for OS/2 Help is avaliable for all the items shown in the list below. Please select the item you need. File new File open File save File save as Import file Print file Exit Insert from clipboard Clear clipboard Code window Debug Test Compile Printer menu Search Rexx informations Debug informations Hot keys Product information License information ═══ 1.1. Entry field Parameter. ═══ You can enter a parameter which will be passed over to the procedure at startup. It is the same as you can specify a filename when starting an editor. ═══ 1.2. List filed filename. ═══ This field shows the filename of the file you have opend. If the file has no name at the moment you will see *.*. ═══ 1.3. Hot keys ═══ Some of the menue items can be accessed with a hot key. Please see list for all the hot keys. ┌──────────────────────┬─────────┐ │New file │CTRL + n │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────┤ │Open file │CTRL + o │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────┤ │Save file │CTRL + s │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────┤ │Import file │CTRL + i │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────┤ │Print file │CTRL + p │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────┤ │Show code window │CTRL + r │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────┤ │Print to LPT1 │CTRL + 1 │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────┤ │Print to LPT2 │CTRL + 2 │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────┤ │Help for REXX │ALT + F1 │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────┤ │Help for Debug │ALT + F2 │ ├──────────────────────┼─────────┤ │General help │F1 │ └──────────────────────┴─────────┘ ═══ 2. File menue ═══ Here you will find all the items you need to open a file, or to save it. Even to print a file and do exit RexxEdit. ═══ 2.1. New ═══ This function will clear the edit field of RexxEdit, so that you can work on a new file. If your data has not been saved at this moment you will see a window asking you if the data should be saved now or not. ═══ 2.2. Open ═══ If you select this item you will get a file open dialog with which you can select a file to be loaded into RexxEdit. If your data has not been saved at this moment you will see a window asking you if the data should be saved now or not. ═══ 2.3. Save ═══ This item will save your work to disk. ═══ 2.4. Save as ═══ With this item you can save your work to a file with a new name. ═══ 2.5. Import ═══ With this function you can import the data of a file into you current file. You will see a file open dialog for the selection of the file and the data will be inserted at the current coursor position. ═══ 2.6. Print ═══ This item will print your data at the port shown nearby. ═══ 2.7. Exit ═══ With this Item you will exit from RexxEdit and all windows of the program will be closed. If your data has not been saved at this moment you will see a window asking you if the data should be saved now or not. ═══ 3. Clipboard ═══ This menue contains item for the clipboard of OS/2 . ═══ 3.1. Insert from clipboard ═══ Select this item if you want to insert data form the clipboard at the curren coursor position. ═══ 3.2. Clear clipboard ═══ This item will clear the clipboard of OS/2. ═══ 4. Rexx ═══ With this menu you can open the Code window. ═══ 4.1. Code window ═══ The code window holds the REXX commands of REXX and VREXX/2. Like the drive object all the parts are shown as a tree. There are major headlines and the names of the procedures and commands. To insert the command into your file perform the following steps. 1. Place the mouse coursor over the item you need. 2. Press the right mouse button and hold it down. 3. Drag the mouse coursor to the filed called Drop Zone and release the mouse button. 4. The code has been inserted in your file. If you want to insert an other code, press SRTG and r or press the right mouse button if the coursor is outside of the edit filed. You can also place the code into the clipboard of OS/2. To do this you must double click on an item or you can use the menue item. This enables you to tranfer data to other applicatons. One of the key features for the code window is it's extensibility. It allows you to easily create your own code templates within the code window. The file name for the add on templates is CODE.DAT and is located within your RexxEdit directory. This will give you easy access to the file for updating any entries that you have added. In order to create your add on code templates, there are three key characters that tell the program how to read in your code. These characters are: @, %, $. The @ character, is the title of your add on section; the % character, is the title of the actual api or code block; and the $, indicates the start of the code section, that will be created when you create a link to the clip board, or drag and drop your code in your edit filed of RexxEdit. Here is a sample for adding a REXX construct section in the RexxEdit code window. @C Constructs %if-then-else $if value = 0 then do statements end else do statements end %Iterative loop $do index = 1 to 100 by 1 statements end %Do while $do while value > 0 statements end %Do until $do until value > 0 statements end %select when $select when value > 0 then statement when value = 0 then statement otherwise value=1 end %while $while(count <= 20) statements *Note: You can create multiple add on categories with the @ character. The structure of this file is the same as it is use by VisPro REXX. ═══ 5. Run ═══ Here you find all you need for testing and running you program. ═══ 5.1. Debug ═══ This item will start the interactive debug program. This program is not a part of my work. It was developed by a emlpoyee of IBM and it is a gift to you. Please read the informations about RXD before using it. You can find all you need in the DEBUG subdirectory ! Debug informations ═══ 5.2. Test ═══ This item will start your program in a new and independent window. The code will be stored in the file Testrun.cmd If there should be an error you will see the Standard IO window which will hold the information about the error or the problem. Do not close this window. It will be closed automatically at the end of RexxEdit. ═══ 5.3. Compile ═══ With this item you can convert your CMD file to an EXE file. Please note that there is no compiler included with RexxEdit. This item should only help you to understand what to to if you want to compile your file. The CMD file which will be executed will only show the filename and is for demonstration only. The way your compiler ist startet will be set in the file COMPILER.RUN, which must be located in the RexxEdit directroy. This file holds only one line of text. Please see the list below. 1. The name and the path of your compiler. 2. All paramters you need to start and to control your compiler. The sequenz #~# will represent the source file and it will be replaced by RexxEdit with TESTRUN.CMD. If you use a CMD file as a compiler or your compiler is startet with the use of a CMD file you must add the following string at the end of the line CON 2>CON Here is an example which should create a TEST.EXE out of TESTRUN.CMD. c:\compier\compile.cmd #~# c:\test.exe CON 2>CON Please do not use a retrun at the end of the line. ═══ 6. Printer ═══ Here you can change the printer device. ═══ 6.1. LPT1 ═══ This will use LPT1 for printing. ═══ 6.2. LPT2 ═══ This will use LPT2 for printing. ═══ 7. Search ═══ This item will open a new window which enabels you to seach a string and repace it with an other string. There are fileds for the search string and the repalce string. With the butons you can start the search and you can leave the window. ═══ 8. Info ═══ This item will help you to get help for REXX, DEBUG and RexxEdit. ═══ 8.1. Rexxutil ═══ This item will open the Rexx help which comes with OS/2. Rexx informations ═══ 8.2. Debuger ═══ This item will open the informations for RXD the debug software. Debug informations ═══ 8.3. Product information ═══ RexxEdit is the Rexx development system created by Peter Freitag. (c) Copyright 1994-95 by Peter Freitag All rights reserved. Peter Freitag Koenigsdorfer Strasse 6 82547 Beuerberg GERMANY Phone: +49 8179 1039 Fax: +49 8179 9154 CIS: 100111,2111 Internet: 100111.2111@Compuserve.com ═══ 9. License information ═══ RexxEdit is not public domain software, nor is it free software. RexxEdit is copyright (C) 1994-95 by Peter Freitag. Non-registered users are granted a limited license to use RexxEdit on a trial basis for the purpose of determining whether RexxEdit is suitable for their needs. Use of RexxEdit, except for this limited purpose, requires registration. Use of non-registered copies of RexxEdit by any person, business, corporation, governmental agency or other entity institution is strictly forbidden. Registration grants a user the right to use RexxEdit only on a single computer; a registered user may use the program on a different computer, but may not use the program on more than one computer at the same time. No one may modify RexxEdit in any way, including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling or otherwise reverse engineering the program. All users are granted a limited license to copy RexxEdit only for the trial use of others subject to the above limitations, and also the following:  RexxEdit must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing license and ordering information.  The full RexxEdit documentation must be included with the copy.  No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by any licensee.  RexxEdit may not be distributed in conjunction with any other product.  Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (Sysops) may post RexxEdit for downloading by their users only as long as the above conditions are met.  Distributors of public domain or user supported software may distribute copies of RexxEdit subject to the above conditions.  If this softare is distributed on CD ROM one CD must be sent to me !