Match Properties External Macro for VX-Rexx 2.1c Written by Adam Van de Berghe email address: This is a simple macro that will let you match several properties of multiple objects at one time. This is similar to the "Match Sizes..." macro that came with VX-Rexx, except you can match more properties at the same time. To install, copy mtchprps.vrm and mtchprps.vrw into your VXREXX\MACROS directory and add the following line to your profile.vrm file: Call VREMacroAdd "Match Properties...", "MtchPrps.VRM" Thats it! Next time you start VX-Rexx, you'll have a new feature! If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at: You my recieve an error if you try to match an objects property that doesn't exist. For instance, if you were to match a MLE with a Button and tried setting the MLE's caption to be the same as the buttons, then you would get an error because an MLE doesn't have a caption property. This program is provided "as is" with no warrenty or license aggreement expressed or implied. If you wish to use this program, you are at fault for any damages that may occurr. Don't blame me! Hey, it's freeware! Use this at your own risk!