IBM OS/2 LAN Server REXX Utility DLL

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The function enumerates print queues available. 

MyRc = RxSplEnumQueue(ComputerName, RxStem)

ComputerName   The name of the computer to query. Use '' for a local 

The returned parameter values are: 
MyRc           Return code from the function call. It must be 0 otherwise 
               all other returned values are invalid 
'RxStem'       A REXX variable which is divided into: 
   o RxStem.count 
     The number of printer queues available. If 0, the following variables 
     are invalid 
   o RxStem.n.Name 
     The print queue name for entry n. (n = 1 to RxStem.count) 
   o RxStem.n.Priority 
     The print queue priority for entry n. (n = 1 to RxStem.count) 
   o RxStem.n.StartTime 
     The print queue starting time in minuttes after midnight for entry n. 
     (n = 1 to RxStem.count) 
   o RxStem.n.UntilTime 
     The print queue until time in minuttes after midnight for entry n. (n 
     = 1 to RxStem.count) 
   o RxStem.n.Type 
     The print queue type for entry n. (n = 1 to RxStem.count) The 
     following values are returned together with the decimal Type value: 
     Value returned        This is
     --------------------  ------------------------------------------
     PRQ3_TYPE_RAW         Data is always enqueued in the device
                           specific format.
     PRQ3_TYPE_BYPASS      Allows the spooler to bypass the queue
                           processor and send data directly to the
                           Printer Driver. Setting this bit allows
                           the spooler to print jobs of type PM_Q_RAW
                           while they are still being spooled.
     PRQ3_TYPE_APPDEFAULT  This bit is set for the application
                           default queue only.
   o RxStem.n.Jobs 
     The number of jobs in the queue 
   o RxStem.n.Status 
     The printer queue status 
     Value  Meaning
     -----  -------
      0     Ok
      1     Print Queue is paused
      2     Delete pending
   o RxStem.n.SepFile 
     The separator file for entry n. (n = 1 to RxStem.count) 
   o RxStem.n.PrProc 
     The default queue processor for entry n. (n = 1 to RxStem.count) 
   o RxStem.n.Parms 
     The default queue processor parameters for entry n. (n = 1 to 
   o RxStem.n.Comment 
     The queue description for entry n. (n = 1 to RxStem.count) 
   o RxStem.n.Printers 
     The printer devices connected to the queue for entry n. (n = 1 to 
   o RxStem.n.DriverName 
     The queue default printer driver name for entry n. (n = 1 to 

Example use 
/* Enumerate printer destination information */
if RxFuncQuery('RxSplEnumQueue') <> 0 then do
 call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'
 call LoadLsRxutFuncs

ComputerName = '\\ILIDC'

MyRc = RxSplEnumQueue(ComputerName, RxStem)

if MyRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Error from RxSplEnumQueue. RC =' MyRc
 exit 9

if RxStem.count <> 0 then do
 say 'Number of Queue Descriptions =' RxStem.count

 do i=1 to RxStem.count
  say 'Printer Queue name          ' RxStem.i.Name
  say 'Printer Queue priority      ' RxStem.i.Priority
  say 'Printer Queue starting time ' RxStem.i.StartTime
  say 'Printer Queue until time    ' RxStem.i.UntilTime
  say 'Printer Queue type          ' RxStem.i.Type
  say 'Printer Queue seperator file' RxStem.i.SepFile
  say 'Default queue processor     ' RxStem.i.PrProc
  say 'Queue processor parameters  ' RxStem.i.Parms
  say 'Printer Queue description   ' RxStem.i.Comment
  say 'Printers connected to Queue ' RxStem.i.Printers
  say 'Default printer driver name ' RxStem.i.DriverName
else do
 say 'No Printer Queues available'

call DropLsRxutFuncs
call RxFuncDrop 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'

exit 0

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