IBM OS/2 LAN Server REXX Utility DLL

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The function creates a printer queue on a local computer. If this function 
is used to create a queue on a remote server, the workstation running this 
procedure must have the 100 percent identical printer driver installed as 
used for the default printer driver. The reason for this restriction is 
the use of required default printer driver information needed for queue 

MyRc = RxSplCreateQueue(ComputerName, RxStem)

The required parameter values are: 
ComputerName   Must be specified as '' or '\\computername' for a remote 
'RxStem'       A REXX variable which is divided into: 
   o RxStem.Name 
     The printer queue name 
   o RxStem.Priority 
     The printer queue priority. (A value from 1 to 9) 
   o RxStem.StartTime 
     The printer queue start time in minutes after midnight 
   o RxStem.UntilTime 
     The printer queue until time in minutes after midnight 
   o RxStem.Type 
     The printer queue type. The values are added together: 
     Value specified     ##  This is
     ------------------- --  ------------------------------------------
     PRQ3_TYPE_RAW        1  Data is always enqueued in the device
                             specific format.
     PRQ3_TYPE_BYPASS     2  Allows the spooler to bypass the queue
                             processor and send data directly to the
                             Printer Driver. Setting this bit allows
                             the spooler to print jobs of type PM_Q_RAW
                             while they are still being spooled.
     PRQ3_TYPE_APPDEFAULT 4  This bit is set for the application
                             default queue only.
     For example: Setting the new queue to print while spooling and
     set it to the default printer specify a value of 6 (2 + 4).
   o RxStem.SepFile 
     The printer queue separator file name including the path. Both the 
     path and separator file name must exist 
   o RxStem.PrProc 
     The printer queue default queue processor. Normally 'PMPRINT' 
   o RxStem.Parms 
     The printer queue queue-processor parameters. Normally '' 
   o RxStem.Comment 
     The printer queue description 
   o RxStem.Printers 
     The printer devices connected to the printer queue. The devices must 
   o RxStem.DriverName 
     The default printer driver name. For example IBMNULL or IBM4019 
   o RxStem.DeviceName 
     The default printer device name. For example '' or 'IBM 4019 
     The Printer Driver Name and Printer Device name are combined to the 
     actual used default printer presentation driver name 

Example use 
/* Create a printer queue */
if RxFuncQuery('RxSplCreateQueue') <> 0 then do
 call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'
 call LoadLsRxutFuncs

ComputerName      = '\\ILIDC'
RxStem.Name       = 'TestQue'
RxStem.Priority   = 5
RxStem.StartTime  = 0
RxStem.UntilTime  = 0
RxStem.Type       = 2
RxStem.SepFile    = 'C:\SPOOL\TQ.SEP'
RxStem.PrProc     = 'PMPRINT'
RxStem.Parms      = ''
RxStem.Comment    = 'Test Queue'
RxStem.Printers   = 'TestDev'
RxStem.DriverName = 'IBM4019'
RxStem.DeviceName = 'IBM 4019 LaserPrinter'

MyRc = RxSplCreateQueue(Computername, RxStem)

if MyRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Error from RxSplCreateQueue. RC =' MyRc
 exit 9
else do
 say 'Printer Queue created successfully'

exit 0

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