IBM OS/2 LAN Server REXX Utility DLL

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The function modifies a certain alias definition parameter value.   

MyRc = NetSetInfo(NETALIAS, 'PARAMETER', parmValue, SrvName, AliasName)

The parameters required are: 
'PARAMETER'       The parameter name of the alias value to be modified. 
                  The parameter values that causes a change of the alias 
                  definitions are specified below. Only one parameter 
                  value can be changed at a time. If the parameter is 
                  invalid or the parameter value is unknown or in error no 
                  changes will occur. 
   o remark 
     The alias comment or remark 
   o server 
     The location where the resource described by this alias resides. This 
     parameter is only valid from the version 4.0 of the LSRXUT.DLL 
   o mode 
     When the alias is shared. Accepted values are: 
     When shared                   Shared mode name
     -----------                   ----------------
     At server startup             'At server startup'
     Shared by adminstrator        'By administrator'
     Shared by request to use      'At Requester use'
   o maxuses 
     The maximum number of users who can have redirection to the resource 
     identified by this alias 
   o path 
     The path for files alias only 
   o priority 
     The serial device priority 
   o device_pool 
     The serial device pool 
parmValue         The value of the parameter that is being modified 
SrvName           The server computer name. In this case the computer name 
                  of the domain controller 
AliasName         The name of the alias 
The server computer name can be specified as '' for a local domain 

/* Modify existing Alias remark, maxuses and share mode */
call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'
call LoadLsRxutFuncs

SrvName   = '\\ILIDC'
AliasName = 'BOOKS'
aliasInfo.remark  = 'Modified Alias for more uses'
aliasInfo.maxuses = 280
aliasInfo.mode    = 'At Requester use'

myRc = NetSetInfo(NETALIAS, 'remark', aliasInfo.remark, SrvName, AliasName)

if myRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Got error from NetSetInfo() ' myRc
 call DropLsRxutFuncs
 exit 9

myRc = NetSetInfo(NETALIAS, 'maxuses', aliasInfo.maxuses, SrvName, AliasName)

if myRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Got error from NetSetInfo() ' myRc
 call DropLsRxutFuncs
 exit 9

myRc = NetSetInfo(NETALIAS, 'mode', aliasInfo.mode, SrvName, AliasName)

if myRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Got error from NetSetInfo() ' myRc
 call DropLsRxutFuncs
 exit 9
else do
 say "Alias definition modified successfully"

call DropLsRxutFuncs
call RxFuncDrop 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'

exit 0

Example Output   

Alias definition modified successfully

Inf-HTML End Run - Successful