IBM OS/2 LAN Server REXX Utility DLL

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The function returns information about the configuration components of the 
LAN requester component.   

MyRc = NetGetInfo(NETWKSTA, 'wkstaInfo', SrvName)

The parameters specified are: 
'wkstaInfo'   The REXX variable receiving the result. The variable is 
              divided into: 
   o wkstaInfo.root 
     A string containing the path to the IBMLAN directory of the computer 
   o wkstaInfo.computername 
     The computer name of the requester being queried 
   o wkstaInfo.username 
     A string containing the name of the user who is logged on to the 
   o wkstaInfo.langroup 
     A string containing the name of the domain to which the requester 
   o wkstaInfo.ver_major 
     The major software version (Version) 
   o wkstaInfo.ver_minor 
     The minor software version (Release) 
   o wkstaInfo.charwait 
     The number of seconds the requester waits for a remote serial or 
     communication device to become available 
   o wkstaInfo.chartime 
     The number of milliseconds the requester waits to collect data to 
     send to a remote serial or communication device 
   o wkstaInfo.charcount 
     The number of bytes of information the requester sends to a remote 
     serial or communication device 
   o wkstaInfo.keepconn 
     The number of seconds an inactive connection from the requester to a 
     resource of a server is maintained 
   o wkstaInfo.keepsearch 
     The number of seconds an inactive search continues 
   o wkstaInfo.maxthreads 
     The number of threads the requester can dedicate to the network 
   o wkstaInfo.maxcmds 
     The number of simultaneous network device driver commands that can be 
     sent to the network 
   o wkstaInfo.numworkbuf 
     The number of internal buffers the requester has 
   o wkstaInfo.sizworkbuf 
     The size (in bytes) of each internal buffer 
   o wkstaInfo.maxwrkcache 
     The maximum size (in bytes) of an internal cache buffer 
   o wkstaInfo.sesstimeout 
     The number of seconds before an inactive session between a requester 
     and a server is discontinued 
   o wkstaInfo.sizerror 
     The size (in bytes) of an internal error buffer 
   o wkstaInfo.numalerts 
     The maximum number of clients that can receive alert messages 
   o wkstaInfo.numservices 
     The number of services that can be started on the requester at any 
   o wkstaInfo.errlogsz 
     The maximum size (in KB) of the error log file of the requester 
   o wkstaInfo.printbuftime 
     The number of seconds closing print jobs are closed 
   o wkstaInfo.numcharbuf 
     The number of character pipe buffers and device buffers the requester 
     can have 
   o wkstaInfo.sizcharbuf 
     The maximum size (in bytes) of a character pipe buffer and device 
   o wkstaInfo.logon_server 
     A string containing the name of the preferred server, which validates 
     user logon requests for this userid 
   o wkstaInfo.wrkheuristics 
     A string of flags used to control a requesters operation 
   o wkstaInfo.mailslots 
     Specifies whether mailslots are allowed. If the value is 0, mailslots 
     are not supported on this machine, and Netlogon service will not 
   o wkstaInfo.logon_domain 
     Names the domain to which the user is logged on. If no one is logged 
     on, it is returned as -none- 
   o wkstaInfo.oth_domains 
     A string listing all domains on which the machine currently is listed 
   o wkstaInfo.numdgrambuf 
     The number of buffers allocated for receiving datagrams 
SrvName       The server computer name 
The server computer name can be specified as '' for a local server or 

/* Get wksta information */
call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'
call LoadLsRxutFuncs

SrvName  = '\\ILIDC'

myRc = NetGetInfo(NETWKSTA, 'wkstaInfo', SrvName)

if myRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Got error from NetGetInfo() ' myRc
 call DropLsRxutFuncs
 exit 9

say 'Computer Name:        ' wkstaInfo.computername
say 'User Id logged on:    ' wkstaInfo.username
say 'LAN Group:            ' wkstaInfo.langroup
say 'Major version number: ' wkstaInfo.ver_major
say 'Minor version number: ' wkstaInfo.ver_minor
say 'Logon domain:         ' wkstaInfo.logon_domain
say 'Other domains:        ' wkstaInfo.oth_domains

call DropLsRxutFuncs
call RxFuncDrop 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'

exit 0

Example Output   

Computer Name:         \\ILIDC
User Id logged on:     LINDBERG
LAN Group:             ILI
Major version number:  3
Minor version number:  0
Logon domain:          ILI
Other domains:         -none-

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