IBM OS/2 LAN Server REXX Utility DLL

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The function retrieves information about a particular user account on a 

MyRc = NetGetInfo(NETUSER, 'userInfo', SrvName, UserId)

The parameters specified are: 
'userInfo'  The REXX variable receiving the result. The variable is 
            divided into: 
     The user account name 
   o userInfo.password_age 
     The password age in seconds 
   o userInfo.priv 
     The user account privilege level. The following values are returned: 
     Account type                     Value
     ------------                     -----
     Guest                            'Guest'
     User                             'User'
     Administrator                    'Admin'
   o userInfo.home_dir 
     The user home directory, if one is specified 
   o userInfo.comment 
     The user account comment 
   o userInfo.flags 
     User account flags. See below for the values returned in a string: 
     Value  Meaning
     -----  -------
       S    Always set. Logon script enabled
       D    User account disabled
       U    User account cannot be deleted
       H    Home directory required
       N    Password not required
       C    User cannot change password
   o userInfo.script_path 
     The name of the logon script together with the path specification 
     relative to the NETLOGON SCRIPT parameter 
   o userInfo.auth_flags 
     Grants operator privilege (accounts, print, comm, and server) to 
     users. See below for the character values returned: 
     Value  Meaning
     -----  -------
       P    Print operator privilege is enabled
       C    Comm operator privilege is enabled
       S    Server operator privilege is enabled
       A    Accounts operator privilege is enabled
     The string can be empty 
   o userInfo.full_name 
     The full name of the user 
   o userInfo.usr_comment 
     The account comment which is a user-settable comment 
   o userInfo.parms 
     The user account parameters 
   o userInfo.workstations 
     The workstation restriction for the user 
   o userInfo.last_logon 
     The last logon time 
   o userInfo.last_logoff 
     The last logoff time 
   o userInfo.acct_expires 
     The time the user account expires 
   o userInfo.max_storage 
     The maximum storage allotted for the home directory 
   o userInfo.units_per_week 
     The number of hours within a week (7 * 24 = 168) 
   o userInfo.restricted_hours 
     Logon restriction on certain hours 
   o userInfo.i.logon_hours 
     The logon hours allowed. 0 means 0 to 0:59, 1 1:00 to 1:59. The 
     variable i has a value from 1 to 7, where 1 is Sunday, 2 Monday etc.. 
     The logon_hours are only valid if userInfo.restricted_hours differs 
     from the value '-none-' 
   o userInfo.bad_pw_count 
     The number of attempts to validate a bad password 
   o userInfo.num_logons 
     The number of successful logons 
   o userInfo.logon_server 
     The computer to handle logon requests for a user account 
   o userInfo.country_code 
     The country code for the user 
   o userInfo.code_page 
     The country code page for the user 
SrvName     The server compter name of the domain controller 
UserId      The name of the userid 
The server computer name can be specified as '' for a local domain 

/* Get the user account information */
call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'
call LoadLsRxutFuncs

SrvName = '\\ILIDC'
UserId  = 'FMAM'

myRc = NetGetInfo(NETUSER, 'userInfo', SrvName, UserId)

if myRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Got error from NetGetInfo() ' myRc
 call DropLsRxutFuncs
 exit 9

say 'The account name:     '
say 'Comment:              ' userInfo.comment
say 'User comment:         ' userInfo.usr_comment
say 'Full name:            ' userInfo.full_name
say 'Account privilege:    ' userInfo.priv
say 'Password age:         ' userInfo.password_age
say 'Home directory:       ' userInfo.home_dir
say 'User parameters:      ' userInfo.parms
say 'Last logon:           ' userInfo.last_logon
say 'Last logoff:          ' userInfo.last_logoff
say 'Bad password count:   ' userInfo.bad_pw_count
say 'Number logons:        ' userInfo.num_logons
say 'Logon Server:         ' userInfo.logon_server
say 'Country Code:         ' userInfo.country_code
say 'Code page:            ' userInfo.code_page
say 'Workstations allowed: ' userInfo.workstations
say 'Auth_flags:           ' userInfo.auth_flags
say 'Account Flags:        ' userInfo.flags
say 'Max. disk storage:    ' userInfo.max_storage
say 'Hours per week:       ' userInfo.units_per_week

if userInfo.restricted_hours <> '-none-' then do
 say 'Logon hours from Sunday = 1 to Saterday = 7'

 do i=1 to 7
  say 'Day: ' i 'Hours: ' userInfo.i.logon_hours


call DropLsRxutFuncs
call RxFuncDrop 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'

exit 0

Example Output   

The account name:      FMAM
Comment:               Section Manager in N91
User comment:          -none-
Full name:             Section A Manager Mr Fm Am
Account privilege:     User
Password age:          7445
Home directory:        -none-
User parameters:       -none-
Last logon:            Unknown
Last logoff:           Unknown
Bad password count:    1
Number logons:         Unknown
Logon Server:          \\*
Country Code:          000
Code page:             0
Workstations allowed:  No Restriction
Auth_flags:            P
Account Flags:         S
Max. disk storage:     No Limit
Hours per week:        168

Logon hours from Sunday = 1 to Saterday = 7

Day:  1 Hours:
Day:  2 Hours:   8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Day:  3 Hours:   8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Day:  4 Hours:   8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Day:  5 Hours:   8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Day:  6 Hours:   8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Day:  7 Hours:

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