IBM OS/2 LAN Server REXX Utility DLL

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The function retrieves information about a particular shared resource on a 

MyRc = NetGetInfo(NETSHARE, 'shareInfo', SrvName, NetworkName)

The parameters specified are: 
'shareInfo'       The REXX variable receiving the result. The variable is 
                  divided into: 
   o shareInfo.netname 
     The network name of the resource 
   o shareInfo.type 
     The share type (For example Serial Device) 
   o shareInfo.remark 
     The share remark 
   o shareInfo.permissions 
     The shareInfo.permissions is used only for DLS and DLR applications 
     and ignored for OS/2 applications. The meaning of this field depends 
     on which type of resource is in query. 
     If shareInfo.type is "Disk Drive", this field can be any combination 
     of the following permissions, except for ACCESS_READ + ACCESS_CREATE. 
     These are defined as follows: 
     Value Meaning
     ----- -------
      1    Permission to read data from a resource.
      2    Permission to write data to a resource.
      4    Permission to create an instance of the resource
           (such as a file).  Data can be written to the
           resource as the resource is created.
     If shareInfo.type is "Spooler Queue", the shareInfo.permissions 
     parameter specifies the form control at the end of a print job. These 
     are defined as follows: 
     Value Meaning
     ----- -------
      2    The printer will not be sent a command at the
           end of any print job to position to the top of
           the page.
      4    An attempt is made to determine whether a form
           feed is needed for a print job.  If the last 64
           bytes of the file contain no form feed command
           or follow a form feed command with printable
           characters, a form feed command is issued to the
     32    A form feed command is issued to the printer at
           the end of each print job to position to the top
           of the next form (default).
     DLS and DLR does not support sharing of serial devices. In some 
     circumstances, however, COM devices, such as COM1, can be shared as 
     print devices; for example, if operating in synchronous communication 
     mode, such as with a serial printer 
   o shareInfo.max_uses 
     The maximum number of concurrent connections that the shared resource 
     can accommodate 
   o shareInfo.current_uses 
     The number of connections that are currently made to the resource 
   o shareInfo.path 
     The local path name of the shared resource. For disks, it is the path 
     being shared. For spooler queues, it is the name of the spooler queue 
     being shared. For serial device queues, it is a string of one or more 
     communication device names separated by spaces (For example, COM1 
SrvName           The server computer name 
NetName           The network name 
The server computer name can be specified as '' for a local server.   

/* Get share information */
call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'
call LoadLsRxutFuncs

NETSHARE    = 190
SrvName     = '\\FSC30DCR'
NetworkName = 'FORALL'

myRc = NetGetInfo(NETSHARE, 'shareInfo', SrvName, NetworkName)

if myRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Got error from NetGetInfo() ' myRc
 call DropLsRxutFuncs
 exit 9

say 'Network name:        ' shareInfo.netname
say 'Share type:          ' shareInfo.type
say 'Comment:             ' shareInfo.remark
say 'Maximum uses:        ' shareInfo.max_uses
say 'Current uses:        ' shareInfo.current_uses
say 'Local resource path: ' shareInfo.path

call DropLsRxutFuncs
call RxFuncDrop 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'

exit 0

Example Output   

Network name:         FORALL
Share type:           Disk Drive
Comment:              For all users
Maximum uses:         45
Current uses:         1
Local resource path:  D:\APPS\BOOKS


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