IBM OS/2 LAN Server REXX Utility DLL

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The function retrieves information about a particular server.   

MyRc = NetGetInfo(NETSERVER, 'serverInfo', SrvName)

The parameters specified are: 
'serverInfo'  The REXX variable receiving the result. The variable is 
              divided into: 
     The server computer name 
   o serverInfo.version_major 
     The major version number (Version) 
   o serverInfo.version_minor 
     The minor version number (Release) 
   o serverInfo.type 
     The server type. This information is a hexadecimal value and is not 
   o serverInfo.comment 
     The server comment 
   o serverInfo.ulist_mtime 
     The last time the users list was modified 
   o serverInfo.glist_mtime 
     The last time the group list was modified 
   o serverInfo.alist_mtime 
     The last time the access control list was modified 
   o serverInfo.users 
     The maximum of users on the server 
   o serverInfo.disc 
     The auto-disconnet value 
   o serverInfo.alerts 
     The server alerts receiver table. The table can be empty 
     The security type of the server 
   o serverInfo.auditing 
     The auditing setting 
   o serverInfo.numadmin 
     The maximum allowed number of administrators 
   o serverInfo.lanmask 
     The order in which the network device drivers are served. The value 
     is uninterpreted 
   o serverInfo.hidden 
     The server hidden attribute setting 
   o serverInfo.announce 
     The network announce delta (in seconds), which determines how often 
     the server will be announced to other computers on the network 
   o serverInfo.anndelta 
     The random announce rate (in milliseconds) 
   o serverInfo.guestacct 
     The guest account name 
   o serverInfo.userpath 
     The path name to user directories 
   o serverInfo.chdevs 
     The number of serial devices that can be shared on the server 
   o serverInfo.chdevq 
     The number of serial device queues that can coexist on the server 
   o serverInfo.chdevjobs 
     The number of serial device jobs that can be pending on a server 
   o serverInfo.connections 
     The maximum number of connections to netnames that are allowed 
   o serverInfo.shares 
     The maximum number of netnames a server can accommodate 
   o serverInfo.openfiles 
     The number of files  (file handles to for example files or pipes) 
     that can be opened at once 
   o serverInfo.sessopens 
     The number of files that can be opened in one session 
   o serverInfo.sessvcs 
     The maximum number of virtual circuits per client 
   o serverInfo.sessreqs 
     The number of simultaneous requests that a client can make on any 
     virtual circuit 
   o serverInfo.opensearch 
     The number of searches that can be opened at once 
   o serverInfo.activelocks 
     The number of file locks that can be active 
   o serverInfo.numreqbuf 
     The number of server buffers that are provided 
   o serverInfo.sizreqbuf 
     The size (in bytes) of each server buffer 
   o serverInfo.numbigbuf 
     Number of 64KB server buffers that are provided 
   o serverInfo.numfiletasks 
     Number of processes that can access the operating system at one time 
   o serverInfo.alertsched 
     The alert interval for notifying an administrator of a network event 
   o serverInfo.erroralert 
     The number of entries that can be written to the error log file 
     during a interval before notifying an administrator 
   o serverInfo.logonalert 
     The number of failed logon attempts to allow a user before notifying 
     an administrator 
   o serverInfo.accessalert 
     The number of failed file accesses to allow before issuing an 
     administrative alert 
   o serverInfo.diskalert 
     The number of kilobytes of free disk space, at which, an 
     administrator must be notified that the free space is low 
   o serverInfo.netioalert 
     The Network I/O error ratio in one tenth of a percent to allow before 
     the administrator is notified 
   o serverInfo.maxauditsz 
     Maximum audit file size 
   o serverInfo.srvheuristics 
     The server heuristics settings 
   o serverInfo.auditedevents 
     The audit events setting. This value is unformatted and is presented 
   o serverInfo.autoprofile 
     The server auto profile setting 
   o serverInfo.autopath 
     The server autoprofile location 
SrvName       The server computer name 
The server computer name can be specified as '' for a local server.   

/* Get server information */
call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'
call LoadLsRxutFuncs

SrvName   = '\\ILIDC'

myRc = NetGetInfo(NETSERVER, 'serverInfo', SrvName)

if myRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Got error from NetGetInfo() ' myRc
 call DropLsRxutFuncs
 exit 9

say 'Server name:                         '
say 'Major version (Version):             ' serverInfo.version_major
say 'Minor version (Release):             ' serverInfo.version_minor
say 'Server type:                         ' serverInfo.type
say 'Comment:                             ' serverInfo.comment
say 'Users list last changed:             ' serverInfo.ulist_mtime
say 'Group list last changed:             ' serverInfo.glist_mtime
say 'Access Control list last changed:    ' serverInfo.alist_mtime
say 'Maximum number of users:             ' serverInfo.users
say 'Auto-disconnect value:               ' serverInfo.disc
say 'Send server alerts to:               ' serverInfo.alerts
say 'Server security type:                '
say 'Auditing setting:                    ' serverInfo.auditing
say 'Maximum number administrators:       ' serverInfo.numadmin
say 'LAN mask setting:                    ' serverInfo.lanmask
say 'Server hidden attribute setting:     ' serverInfo.hidden
say 'Server network announce:             ' serverInfo.announce
say 'Random announce rate delta:          ' serverInfo.anndelta
say 'Guest account name:                  ' serverInfo.guestacct
say 'Path to user directories:            ' serverInfo.userpath
say 'Maximum shared serial devices:       ' serverInfo.chdevs
say 'Maximum serial device queues:        ' serverInfo.chdevq
say 'Maximum pending serial jobs:         ' serverInfo.chdevjobs
say 'Maximum connections:                 ' serverInfo.connections
say 'Maximum shares:                      ' serverInfo.shares
say 'Maximum open file handles:           ' serverInfo.openfiles
say 'Maximum session opens:               ' serverInfo.sessopens
say 'Per Client maximum virtual circuits: ' serverInfo.sessvcs
say 'Maximum requests:                    ' serverInfo.sessreqs
say 'Maximum searches:                    ' serverInfo.opensearch
say 'Maximum locks:                       ' serverInfo.activelocks
say 'Number requester buffers:            ' serverInfo.numreqbuf
say 'Requester buffer size:               ' serverInfo.sizreqbuf
say 'Number big buffers:                  ' serverInfo.numbigbuf
say 'Number file tasks:                   ' serverInfo.numfiletasks
say 'alertsched value:                    ' serverInfo.alertsched
say 'erroralert value:                    ' serverInfo.erroralert
say 'logonalert value:                    ' serverInfo.logonalert
say 'accessalert value:                   ' serverInfo.accessalert
say 'diskalert value:                     ' serverInfo.diskalert
say 'Maximum auditing log file size:      ' serverInfo.maxauditsz
say 'srvheuristics:                       ' serverInfo.srvheuristics
say 'Audit events flags:                  ' serverInfo.auditedevents
say 'Server auto profile setting:         ' serverInfo.autoprofile
say 'Server autoprofile location:         ' serverInfo.autopath

call DropLsRxutFuncs
call RxFuncDrop 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'

exit 0

Example Output   

Server name:                          ILIDC
Major version (Version):              3
Minor version (Release):              0
Server type:                          0000002B
Comment:                              ILI netvork group Domain Controller
Users list last changed:              Never modified or unknown
Group list last changed:              Never modified or unknown
Access Control list last changed:     Wed May  5 18:30:24 1993

Maximum number of users:              32
Auto-disconnect value:                120
Send server alerts to:                -none-
Server security type:                 User-level
Auditing setting:                     Disabled
Maximum number administrators:        65535
LAN mask setting:                     1
Server hidden attribute setting:      Visible
Server network announce:              60
Random announce rate delta:           3000
Guest account name:                   GUEST
Path to user directories:             -none-
Maximum shared serial devices:        2
Maximum serial device queues:         2
Maximum pending serial jobs:          6
Maximum connections:                  128
Maximum shares:                       24
Maximum open file handles:            250
Maximum session opens:                80
Per Client maximum virtual circuits:  1
Maximum requests:                     50
Maximum searches:                     50
Maximum locks:                        64
Number requester buffers:             36
Requester buffer size:                4096
Number big buffers:                   12
Number file tasks:                    1
alertsched value:                     5
erroralert value:                     5
logonalert value:                     5
accessalert value:                    5
diskalert value:                      5000
Maximum auditing log file size:       100
srvheuristics:                        11110141111311001331
Audit events flags:                   0
Server auto profile setting:          Unknown
Server autoprofile location:          SRVAUTO.PRO

Inf-HTML End Run - Successful