IBM OS/2 LAN Server REXX Utility DLL

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The function returns information about a print job.   

MyRc = NetGetInfo(NETPRINTJOB, 'prtJobInfo', SrvName, QueueName, PrtJobId)

The parameters specified are: 
'prtJobInfo'  The REXX variable receiving the result. The variable is 
              divided into: 
   o prtJobInfo.JobId 
     The print job identifier 
   o prtJobInfo.Priority 
     The print job priority 
   o prtJobInfo.UserName 
     The userid of the job submitting the job 
   o prtJobInfo.Position 
     The job position in the print queue 
   o prtJobInfo.Status 
     The status of the print job 
   o prtJobInfo.Submitted 
     The time when the job was submitted 
   o prtJobInfo.Size 
     The print job size 
   o prtJobInfo.Comment 
     The print job comment 
   o prtJobInfo.Document 
     The document name 
   o prtJobInfo.NotifyName 
     Messaging alias for print alert 
   o prtJobInfo.DataType 
     The data type of the submitted file 
   o prtJobInfo.Parms 
     The parameters related to the print job 
   o prtJobInfo.StatusComment 
     The status comment 
   o prtJobInfo.Queue 
     The queue name 
   o prtJobInfo.QProcName 
     The queue processor name 
   o prtJobInfo.QProcParms 
     The queue processor parameters 
   o prtJobInfo.PrinterName 
     The printer name 
   o prtJobInfo.Version 
     The printer driver version 
   o prtJobInfo.DeviceName 
     The device name 
SrvName       The server computer name 
QueueName     The Queue name 
PrtJobId      The Printer Job Id 
The server computer name can be specified as '' for a local server or 

/* Get Print job information */
call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'
call LoadLsRxutFuncs

SrvName     = '\\FSC30DCR'
QueueName   = 'IBM4019L'
PrtJobId    = 5

myRc = NetGetInfo(NETPRINTJOB, 'prtJobInfo', SrvName, QueueName, PrtJobId)

if myRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Got error from NetGetInfo() ' myRc
 call DropLsRxutFuncs
 exit 9

say 'Job id:                     ' prtJobInfo.JobId
say 'Job priority:               ' prtJobInfo.Priority
say 'Userid who submitted job:   ' prtJobInfo.UserName
say 'Job position in Queue:      ' prtJobInfo.Position
say 'Job status:                 ' prtJobInfo.Status
say 'Submitted at:               ' prtJobInfo.Submitted
say 'Job size:                   ' prtJobInfo.Size
say 'Job comment:                ' prtJobInfo.Comment
say 'Document name:              ' prtJobInfo.Document
say 'Notify:                     ' prtJobInfo.NotifyName
say 'Data type:                  ' prtJobInfo.DataType
say 'Job parameters:             ' prtJobInfo.Parms
say 'Job status comment:         ' prtJobInfo.StatusComment
say 'Queue name:                 ' prtJobInfo.Queue
say 'Queue processor:            ' prtJobInfo.QProcName
say 'Queue processor parameters: ' prtJobInfo.QProcParms
say 'The printer name:           ' prtJobInfo.PrinterName
say 'Printer Driver version:     ' prtJobInfo.Version
say 'Device Name:                ' prtJobInfo.DeviceName

call DropLsRxutFuncs
call RxFuncDrop 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'

exit 0

Example Output   

Job id:                      5
Job priority:                50
Userid who submitted job:
Job position in Queue:       Next
Job status:                  Queued
Submitted at:                Wed May  5 19:45:06 1993

Job size:                    109320
Job comment:                 System
Document name:               LS30BAS2.C
Data type:                   PM_Q_RAW
Job parameters:
Job status comment:
Queue name:                  IBM4019L
Queue processor:             PMPRINT
Queue processor parameters:  CDP=850
The printer name:
Printer Driver version:      777
Device Name:                 IBM 4019 LaserPrinter

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