0.9b (c) 1995 Peter Childs
The function deletes a network name from the list of shared resources of a server.
MyRc = NetDelete(NETSHARE, SrvName, NetName)
The parameters specified are:
SrvName The server computer name
NetName The network name of the shared resource
The server computer name can be specified as '' for a local server.
/* Stop sharing a shared resource */ call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs' call LoadLsRxutFuncs NETSHARE = 190 SrvName = '\\ILIDC' NetName = 'BOOKS' myRc = NetDelete(NETSHARE, SrvName, NetName) if myRc <> '0' then do say 'Got error from NetDelete() ' myRc call DropLsRxutFuncs exit 9 end else do say 'Share stopped successfully' say end call DropLsRxutFuncs call RxFuncDrop 'LoadLsRxutFuncs' exit 0
Example Output
Share stopped successfully
Inf-HTML End Run - Successful