IBM OS/2 LAN Server REXX Utility DLL

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The function adds a use to a resource using either a UNC name or an alias. 

MyRc = NetAdd(NETUSE, 'useInfo', ComputerName)
MyRc = NetAdd(NETUSE, DcName, aliasName, LocalName, ComputerName)

The parameters required are: 
'useInfo'  The REXX variable holding the use information. The variable is 
           divided into: 
   o useInfo.local 
     The local device name being redirected to the shared resource. The 
     variable can either be a device name connection or a UNC connection. 
     The following format can be used: 
     Connection type                  Format
     ---------------                  ------
     Device Name                      D: to Z:
                                      LPT1: to LPT9:
                                      COM1: to COM9:
     UNC                              ''
     For UNC connections the remote parameter will be used to specify the 
     resource to be used 
   o useInfo.remote 
     The UNC name of the remote resource being accessed. 
     The following UNC syntax must be used: 
     The sharename is identical to the netname 
   o useInfo.password 
     This password if required. A value of 'N/A' or '' will be used as no 
     password required. If the variable does not exist the default default 
     value is no password required 
   o useInfo.asg_type 
     The resource type. The following values must be used: 
     Device type                      Value
     -----------                      ------
     Disk Device                      'Disk device'
     Spooled device                   'Spooled printer'
     Serial device                    'Serial device'
     Interprocess communication (IPC) 'Interprocess communication (IPC)'
     UNC where local is ''            'UNC'
ComputerName The name of the computer that performs the net use operation. 
           For a local workstation the value can be ''. 

The second form requires that the resource specified by the alias already 
is shared, otherwise a return code 67 will be returned. The second form of 
the function call is divided into: 
DcName            The domain controller computer name, which holds the 
                  alias information 
aliasName         The alias name 
LocalName         The local device name being redirected to the shared 
                  resource. The variable can either be a device name 
                  connection or a UNC connection. The following format can 
                  be used: 
                  Connection type                  Format
                  ---------------                  ------
                  Device Name                      D: to Z:
                                                   LPT1: to LPT9:
                                                   COM1: to COM9:
                  UNC                              ''
                  For UNC connections the remote resource name will be 
                  created from the alias 
ComputerName      The name of the computer that performs the net use 
                  operation. For a local workstation the value can be ''. 
The ComputerName and DcName can be specified as '' for a local server   
A example using the useInfo structure   

/* Net use add using a net use info structure */
call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'
call LoadLsRxutFuncs

NETUSE       = 270
ComputerName = '\\ILIDC'

useInfo.local    = 'W:'
useInfo.remote   = '\\ILIDC\BOOKS'
useInfo.password = ''
useInfo.asg_type = 'Disk device'

myRc = NetAdd(NETUSE, 'useInfo', ComputerName)

if myRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Got error from NetAdd() ' myRc
 call DropLsRxutFuncs
 exit 9
else do
 say "Successfully using resource"

call DropLsRxutFuncs
call RxFuncDrop 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'

exit 0

Example Output   

Successfully using resource

A example using an alias as parameter   

/* Net use add using an alias */
call RxFuncAdd 'LoadLsRxutFuncs', 'LSRXUT', 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'
call LoadLsRxutFuncs

NETUSE       = 270
DcName       = '\\ILIDC'
aliasName    = 'BOOKMGR'
LocalName    = 'X:'
ComputerName = '\\ILIDC'

myRc = NetAdd(NETUSE, DcName, aliasName, LocalName, ComputerName)

if myRc <> '0' then do
 say 'Got error from NetAdd() ' myRc
 call DropLsRxutFuncs
 exit 9
else do
 say "Successfully using resource"

call DropLsRxutFuncs
call RxFuncDrop 'LoadLsRxutFuncs'

exit 0

Example Output   

Successfully using resource

Inf-HTML End Run - Successful