IBM OS/2 LAN Server REXX Utility DLL

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The Base Functions

The LSRXUT.DLL contains a set of work related functions that where written 
during a redbook residency in Austin Texas. These functions are still 
included, but avoid using them. They do for most cases not handle the 
presence of multible domains correctly. The base functions are: 
GetDCName()            Get the domain controller name 
CopyDirAcls()          Copy directory access control profiles specified in 
                       the source location to the destination location. 
                       The source directory will be created if it does not 
                       exist. Local support only 
DumpAllUsers()         Dump information about all userids to a binary file 
DumpUser()             Dump information about a specified userid to a 
                       binary file 
InsertAllUsers()       From a dump file re-establish all userid 
                       definitions. A new password must be supplied for 
                       each userid 
QueryDirAliasPath()    Query the path of a directory alias 
MoveDirAlias()         Redefine a directory alias and specify a new 
                       directory path 
SetLogonAsn()          Set logon assignments for a userid 
GetLogonAsn()          Get logon assignments for a userid 
NetEnum()              Enumerate some of the LAN Server provided 
GetLogonAsnAcp()       Get logon assignments access control profiles 

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