Handy Little Interface Number 1 for use with IBM's LOADDSKF and SAVEDSKF utilities Quick start instructions ======================== Installation ============ - Place the VROBJ.DLL file in a directory in your LIBPATH. - Place the remaining files from this archive in a sub-directory of your choice. - In the executable's settings book, ensure that the working directory is set to reflect the directory where the files were installed. - Open a OS/2 full-screen or windowed session or alternately use the drive icon to change drive:\directory to where the Number 1 files are located. - Execute the NUMBER1.EXE file. NOTE: The first time that Number 1 is executed you will be asked to supply information about the location of the LoadDskF and SaveDskF utilities. This information will be written to the NUMBER1.INI file which will be created in the directory containing the Number 1 files. Failure to supply the required information will abort the program. User's guide ============ Operation ========= - Execute the NUMBER1.EXE file. - Choose whether to create an image file of a floppy by pressing the [Create] button or to restore an image file to a floppy by pressing the [Restore] button. - Depending on which button was pressed, either the create options area or the restore options area will be available for input. - Choose the desired options by checking the options boxes or push buttons. - Press the [Execute] button. - To exit the interface, press the [Quit] button. - NOTE: Help is available within the program by clicking the right mouse button on an item.