VRX OS/2 v2.13 VRWindow dialog Modal CALL DDEAPP8_Close cont: Poking Commands to WSQL DDE Server Bottom DDEAPP8 VRDescriptiveText WSQL Example: Poke Clear text To reset the query buffer. data is set to the string you wish to place at the beginning of the query buffer. WSQL Examples: Poke Clip_Data [text] Poke Clip_Column_Names [text] Poke Clip_Column_Names_And_Data [text] These command copy the results of a query to the clipboard. Each adds the contents of the data buffer to the query buffer, and evaluates the query stored in the query buffer. The result of the query are formatted and placed on the clipboard. Use the VX-REXX method GetClipboard to retrieve the query results from the clipboard. Clip_Data: places the result of the query on the clipboard in text format. Each datum separated by a tab character and rows are separated by a newline character. Clip_Column_Names: place the names of the columns reference in the query onto the clipboard. Column names separated by tab character and rows terminated by newline characters. Clip_Column_Names_and_Data: does both the above operations and appends the data after the column names. Black White VRPushButton NoPointerFocus CALL PB_1_Click Press to continue DDEAPP8