OS/2 Upload Information Template for ftp-os2.nmsu.edu Archive Name: rxnews1a.zip Program Description: RexxNews 1.0a NNTP Client Newsreader for OS/2 using rxSock Operating System: OS/2 2.x Program Source: Uploaded by author [This file was uploaded to replace rxnews1.zip which had a flaw. rxnews1.zip was available for about 20 minutes on April 19, 1993.] Uploaded by: Albert Crosby acrosby@uafhp.uark.edu Proposed directory for placement: os2/2.x/networking RexxNews v 1.0a is a simple NNTP based newsreader for OS/2 2.x. It requires rxSock from the IBM EWS Program. RexxNews's features include: * Reading news articles from an NNTP server with OS/2 2.x * No limit on article size or number of articles in a group * Can use a Unix .NEWSRC file to ease transition to RexxNews * Able to save articles to a file. * Able to search header fields and group list for specified strings. * Uses an external customization file. * Paging that understands formfeeds Targets for later releases include: Optional Visual Rexx support Post and Followup commands ROT13 decryption NEXTGROUP/LASTGROUP commands to implement subscribed groups Automatic reconnection in the event of server timeout RexxNews is free software. I'd appreciate hearing from about it's usefullness, if any, and any comments or suggestions for future releases. Be sure to look at the README.RXN and INSTALL.RXN files that come in the archive. -- Albert Crosby | Microcomputer & Network Support | WANTED: any good acrosby@uafhp.uark.edu | University of Arkansas | "Intro To The Net or AL.CROSBY on GENIE | College of Agriculture And | For Newbies" guides 1 501 575 4452 | Home Economics | (email for mine...)