Bulletin 9 What's fixed with this update. 11/16/94 Session files can now be saved to a different drive directory or volume. See FAQ's for how to do this. Modem initializaiton has been changed to overcome a problem where some modems would not initialize. The previous version sent a CR LF to the modem first so that the initialization string would appear on a clean line. Some modems could not handle the CR and would not see the initialization string. Fix for the VT100 Emulation. Previously a function to clear to end of screen was clearing entire screen. This has been corrected and should clear up some display problems. Some minor cosmetic fixes to dialog boxes and prompts. To install this new version just unzip the halite.zip file and copy the new HALITE.EXE to your HyperACCESS Lite directory. 12/16/94 Support added for Motorola modems Modem support for IBM Thinkpad PCMCIA 144 has been added Files now closed after interrupted trasfers without having to exit program. Sessions are now saved correctly when phonebook is closed. Previously no icon was created if phonebook wasn't open when session was saved. Initialization strings are now sent twice if needed to insure that modem will be initialized. Pressing the F1 key when running VT100 emulation no longer brings up OS/2 help if settings are correct and you are in the terminal screen area when you press F1. Pressing F1 outside of the termainal screen area will bring up OS/2 help. The last used capture file now appears on the dropdown list box in the capture dialog. 4/95 Problems with Zmodem fixed.