OS/2 Lan discussion (Fidonet) Saturday, 20-Nov-1999 to Friday, 26-Nov-1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Sean Dennis 19-Nov-99 09:19:18 To: George White 20-Nov-99 08:40:00 Subj: Lan OS/2 w/DOS Hello, George. -=> Replying to a message of George White to Sean Dennis: SD>> Since we've moved so far off the subject, I've moved this into SD>> netmail (and pray that it gets to you; right now I can only use SD>> routed netmail :) GW> Spoil sport, I think you should have moved it to OS2BBS! :) Later, Sean . o O ( Happy holidays from the staff at AfterHours/2 BBS! ) --- FleetStreet 1.25 * Origin: The home of CheepWare - AfterHours/2 BBS (1:395/610) 201/505 102 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Peter Knapper 21-Nov-99 09:33:16 To: All 20-Nov-99 20:27:18 Subj: Peer Services REPLICATOR service. Hi Folks, Has anyone actually USED the REPLICATOR function of OS/2 Peer Services? I have set it up in a test environment and after some intensive reading of the minimalist "Documentation" (now THAT could do with a serious re-write, currently its classic IBM Gobildy-gook!), it appears to work as I would expect. I am surprised that there is so little mention of this "feature" of Peer Services. In fact after running Warp Connect for 4 years I only "discovered" REPLICATOR very recently. I would also be interested to hear anyone elses comments about it (good and bad), before I put it to "productive" use. Cheers............pk. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Don Guy 21-Nov-99 10:46:21 To: Peter Knapper 21-Nov-99 21:30:15 Subj: Peer Services REPLICATOR service. Greetings Peter! A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a coded message from Peter Knapper to All was intercepted... PK> In fact after running Warp Connect for 4 years I only "discovered" PK> REPLICATOR very recently. You're one up on me--I don't even know what a replicator service is! -Don ... Windows users would use CP/M if MS told them it was new and good --- * Origin: EI/2 [Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada] (1:249/176) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Don Guy 21-Nov-99 21:28:02 To: All 22-Nov-99 07:24:20 Subj: Warp 3 Logon prompt Greetings All! Picture if you will, a lonely little system, hiding in a closet with no joy other than to share its files and a printer. My desire is for an unattended boot & logon to the network. I had thought that by adding "logon username /p:password" to StartUp.Cmd, I might be able to get around the logon prompt that pops up when the requester service is started. Unfortunately I was wrong. The logon dialog sits there, and waits indefinately until it's dismissed manually. Meanwhile neither the shared files nor the printer is available. Does anyone know how I can bypass that nasty little pop-up? -Don ... Keyboard error or no keyboard. Press to continue. --- * Origin: EI/2 [Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada] (1:249/176) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Peter Knapper 22-Nov-99 19:31:24 To: Don Guy 22-Nov-99 07:24:20 Subj: Peer Services REPLICATOR service. Hi Don, PK> In fact after running Warp Connect for 4 years I only "discovered" PK> REPLICATOR very recently. DG> You're one up on me--I don't even know what a replicator service is! In simple terms, if you have multiple OS/2 Peer Systems (and I understand other OS's can participate) on a LAN, it allows you to automatically replicate a directory structure from one machine to the other, AND the system will automatically track changes to the source directory tree and replicate those changes on the destination machine. If a file changes on the "exporter" machine, then that same file change will be replicated on the "importer" machine. Please note that replication takes place some time AFTER the original file is changed, so this is not a replacement for a Disk Array. Cheers..........pk. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) 2320/38 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Elvis Hargrove 22-Nov-99 14:02:05 To: Don Guy 22-Nov-99 19:44:15 Subj: Warp 3 Logon prompt -> Does anyone know how I can bypass that nasty little pop-up? Mine DOESN'T! I have no mention of "Logon" NOR "Password" Anywhere. Mine boots and shares and runs unattended even when it's not shut down in an orderly manner. (Power failure) ^..^ --- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'j' * Origin: Personal Freedom is NEVER really FREE! (1:397/6.2) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Will Honea 22-Nov-99 23:45:00 To: Don Guy 22-Nov-99 23:45:00 Subj: Warp 3 Logon prompt Don Guy wrote to All on 11-21-1999 DG> Greetings All! DG> DG> Picture if you will, a lonely little system, hiding in a DG> closet with no joy other than to share its files and a DG> printer. DG> DG> My desire is for an unattended boot & logon to the network. DG> I had thought that by adding "logon username /p:password" DG> to StartUp.Cmd, I might be able to get around the logon DG> prompt that pops up when the requester service is started. DG> Unfortunately I was wrong. The logon dialog sits there, and waits DG> indefinately until it's dismissed manually. Meanwhile neither the DG> shared files nor the printer is available. DG> DG> Does anyone know how I can bypass that nasty little pop-up? Poor little feller... The way I handle this is to remove ALL of the start requester (or server, if it's Warp server) options from the WPS configuration tools. Then make the FIRST operation in the startup.cmd a 'logon nnn /p:ppp' line. That will start the server/requester and procede with the logon as requested. Works for Warp 3 + Lan Requester, Connect, Warp 4, and all the Warp Server versions I work with. Will Honea --- Maximus/2 2.02 * Origin: OS/2 Shareware BBS, telnet://bbs.os2bbs.com (1:109/347) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Peter Knapper 23-Nov-99 19:34:10 To: Don Guy 23-Nov-99 06:55:08 Subj: Warp 3 Logon prompt Hi Don, DG> I had thought that by adding "logon username DG> /p:password" to StartUp.Cmd, I might be able to get DG> around the logon prompt that pops up when the requester DG> service is started. It is possible start up OS/2 Peer Services without any login prompt, or even logging in a user, in fact this is the "normal" method of starting it up. All my OS/2 machine start up without a prompt of a usr to log on... If you are seeing a LOGIN panel, then something that requires a user to be logged in is ALSO starting up, and this is forcing the action you see. There are 2 main ways to start up OS/2 networking - 1. From an icon titled "File and Printer Sharing" (Warp 4 name, Warp 3 is called "Start OS/2 Peer"), in the Startup Folder, 2. Via a command line action that can be either - 1. An explicit Networking command such as - NET START REQ (or similar) 2. The use of a NETWORK function that forces the network to start up - LOGON userid /p:password /r /s I use method 2.2 if I want Networking automatically running and need a user logged in, but otherwise I prefer method 2.1 for startup. If you dont find anything obvious, list the contents of your Startup Folder, and also list your STARTUP.CMD file (if used). Regards..................pk. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) 2320/38 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Bryan Rubingh 23-Nov-99 11:27:00 To: Don Guy 23-Nov-99 11:27:00 Subj: Warp 3 Logon prompt Don, Exact same problem I had. Took me a couple years before I stumbled across the solution. You need to edit the config.sys file. You have a line which looks like: SET AUTOSTART=TASKLIST,FOLDERS,LAUNCHPAD,CONNECTIONS Remove the ",CONNECTIONS" from the list. Then the logon prompt will no longer appear when you boot the machine. You do need to leave the logon command in your startup.cmd. (Note: I think it is "CONNECTIONS". I removed it from mine so I'm going by memory.) The problem is that OS/2 attempts to autostart the LAN connections as they were when you powered down. To do that it needs to logon. Thus, that pops up before the "net start" has even finished. It is NOT "net start" which is bringing up the logon window. One other tip I found that may assist you. We have some machines which we want logged on all the time. We have a rexx program which updates some files on the server every ten minutes. If they encounter an error accessing the server, they logoff and logon again. I don't have the rexx code here, but as I recall there is a parameter we added to logon so it doesn't display an error if it can't logon. That way if an error occurs while trying to logon, it won't bring up the logon window, the program will continue and try again in 10 minutes. If you are interested, let me know and I'll try to get the code. Could be a couple weeks before I get over there though. Bryan Rubingh -=> Quoting Don Guy to All <=- DG> Greetings All! DG> Picture if you will, a lonely little system, hiding in a DG> closet with no joy other than to share its files and a DG> printer. DG> My desire is for an unattended boot & logon to the network. DG> I had thought that by adding "logon username /p:password" DG> to StartUp.Cmd, I might be able to get around the logon DG> prompt that pops up when the requester service is started. DG> Unfortunately I was wrong. The logon dialog sits there, and waits DG> indefinately until it's dismissed manually. Meanwhile DG> neither the shared files nor the printer is available. DG> Does anyone know how I can bypass that nasty little pop-up? DG> -Don DG> ... Keyboard error or no keyboard. Press to continue. DG> -!- DG> ! Origin: EI/2 [Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada] (1:249/176) ... Rube Ink - Custom Programming/Computer Solutions ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 --- Maximus/2 2.02 * Origin: OS/2 Shareware BBS, telnet://bbs.os2bbs.com (1:109/347) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Alan Bremner 22-Nov-99 23:55:00 To: Peter Knapper 24-Nov-99 06:35:29 Subj: Peer Services REPLICATOR PK> I would also be interested to hear anyone elses comments about it PK> (good and bad), before I put it to "productive" use. I used it to create an exact duplicate of my mail folders on to Warp Server, so that I could answer my mail from whichever computer was convenient. It's a very useful service, although I have to agree with you about the woefully inadequate docs. It was a PITA to get working at first - very much a case of trial and error. Alan --- Platinum Xpress/Win/Wildcat5! v3.0pr2 * Origin: FONiX Info Systems * Berkshire UK * +44 1344 641625 (2:252/171) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Don Guy 24-Nov-99 06:53:14 To: Peter Knapper 24-Nov-99 15:13:14 Subj: Peer Services REPLICATOR service. Greetings Peter! A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a coded message from Peter Knapper to Don Guy was intercepted... PK> In simple terms, if you have multiple OS/2 Peer Systems (and I understand PK> other OS's can participate) on a LAN, it allows you to automatically PK> replicate a directory structure from one machine to the other, Ahhh... Sounds an awful lot like FTP mirrors. Thanks for the info! -Don ... DOS: Defective Operating System --- * Origin: EI/2 [Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada] (1:249/176) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Don Guy 25-Nov-99 20:52:06 To: Robin Iwamoto 26-Nov-99 06:02:02 Subj: Warp 3 Logon prompt Greetings Robin! A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a coded message from Robin Iwamoto to Don Guy was intercepted... RI> It might be that using the STARTUP.CMD is doing the logon "before OS/2 is RI> ready". I don't have a better explanation for that; but what I do instead RI> of using STARTUP.CMD is use another file (in my case, CLEANUP.CMD) RI> and shadow that file in the Startup Folder. Thanks for the suggestion. While it didn't solve the problem, while tinkering with what was being started from where I gained some insight into where the logon dialog box is coming from... After disabling all of the network-related items in both StartUp.Cmd and the Startup folder, the logon dialog /still/ appears. My conclusion at this point is that something in the Config.Sys. Determining which item that is however, is another story--there are 8 executables and one .cmd in the network portion of the config.sys, and I don't know one from the other. :-/ -Don ... Assembler Command: ROO - Rub Out Operator --- * Origin: EI/2 [Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada] (1:249/176) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Don Guy 25-Nov-99 21:12:03 To: Elvis Hargrove 26-Nov-99 06:02:02 Subj: Warp 3 Logon prompt Greetings Elvis! A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a coded message from Elvis Hargrove to Don Guy was intercepted... EH> Mine boots and shares and runs unattended even when it's not shut EH> down in an orderly manner. (Power failure) Precisely what I'm looking for... Now what'd you do that I didn't (or vice versa)? :-) -Don ... Assembler Command: ROO - Rub Out Operator --- * Origin: EI/2 [Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada] (1:249/176) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Peter Knapper 26-Nov-99 22:54:02 To: Alan Bremner 26-Nov-99 09:22:12 Subj: Peer Services REPLICATOR Hi Alan, AB> It's a very useful service, although I have to agree with you about AB> the woefully inadequate docs. It was a PITA to get working at first - AB> very much a case of trial and error. Agreed on that count. Another "issue" I have is that I can't figure out how to set up an EXPORT from more than ONE drive/path per exporting machine. It would also be nice to be able to set up more than ONE IMPORT path, however that means its just a case of ensuring the destination partition is large enough for EVERYTHING coming from ALL Exporters. Effectively I would like to be able to spread the replication over multiple drives on each machine. Oh well, perhaps I should just dream on.....;-) Cheers........pk. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) 2320/38 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Peter Knapper 26-Nov-99 23:05:26 To: Don Guy 26-Nov-99 09:22:12 Subj: Warp 3 Logon prompt Hi Don, DG> After disabling all of the network-related items in DG> both StartUp.Cmd and the Startup folder, the logon DG> dialog /still/ appears. My conclusion at this point is DG> that something in the Config.Sys. Hmmmmm. Perhaps you could post the entire contents of your CONFIG.SYS and STARTUP.CMD files. We might see something there that is triggering things off. Cheers...........pk. --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Another Good Point About OS/2 (3:772/1.10) 2320/38 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Elvis Hargrove 26-Nov-99 14:04:05 To: Don Guy 26-Nov-99 20:16:18 Subj: Warp 3 Logon prompt -> Precisely what I'm looking for... Now what'd you do that I didn't -> (or vice versa)? :-) Well, fer starters, mine wasn't Warp Connect to begin with. I added network services at a later time, and just setup the parts that I wanted piecemeal from a set of floppies. I never did have the problems that Roy J. had with the requester starting etc, or any logon passwords or anything. That may have nothing to DO with it, but that's what *I* did differently. Configuring the networking, I only added two protocols Netbios and TCP/IP, put in the NIC driver stuff and it worked. Of course I already had Lantastic running in a Dos window so I knew what it took to make THAT work, and didn't have to worry about whether the LAN itself was good. ^..^ --- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'j' * Origin: Personal Freedom is NEVER really FREE! (1:397/6.2) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +============================================================================+