Bulletin Boards under OS/2 (Fidonet) Saturday, 20-Nov-1999 to Friday, 26-Nov-1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Alan Ianson 24-Nov-99 16:14:19 To: All 25-Nov-99 05:59:27 Subj: Lord IGM's * Original Area: MUFFIN * Original To : All (1:153/757) Hello All! I'm having a problem with some LORD IGM's. I'm running Maximus/2 3.01 with SIO 1.60D. Lord runs fine, and about 1/2 of my IGM's are also fine, but the rest don't seem to work. The user see's ***Hold On*** and that's the last thing they see on their screen. The IGM does see the carrier I think, since it just sits there waiting for input and doesn't say "Carrier Lost" and dropping back to lord. Anyone know what's going on here, or what I can do to fix it? Ttyl :-), Al --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Vancouver, B.C. Canada (1:153/757) 201/505 911 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Troy-williams 25-Nov-99 21:15:19 To: Alan Ianson 26-Nov-99 03:58:15 Subj: Lord IGM's AI> * Original Area: MUFFIN AI> * Original To : All (1:153/757) HEY YOU ARROGANT DUMBASSWHOLE: Send your cross-posted spam somewhere else!!!! --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Gargoyle's Place BBS (1:365/3253) 396/1 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +============================================================================+