OS/2 Lan discussion (Fidonet) Saturday, 13-Nov-1999 to Friday, 19-Nov-1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: JOHN HENTSCH 12-Nov-99 08:53:08 To: DAVID CALAFRANCESCO 13-Nov-99 01:05:25 Subj: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ In a message to John Hentsch <10/17/19> David Calafrancesco wrote: JH> Has anyone been successful in getting a D-Link NIC JH> DFE-530TX+ 10/100 Ethernet NIC to work with OS/2 Warp v3 or JH> v4? I can't get it OS/2 to see the card at boot up. DC> What driver are you running? You will want the OS2 ODI driver, not the Lan DC> Manager 2 or 3 drivers that may be on the same disk. If you haven't used t DC> driver that came with the card, go back and check the disk for it's OS2 dr DC> and then get back to us. Dave, I finally found a person who has solved the problem. I'll forward a copy of the message to D-Link. Apparently, they don't even know they have a problem with their driver for the card... ÄÄ comp.os.os2.networking ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg : 28 Written : 11/11/1999 5:34pm From : DAN CASEY Status : Rep RcA To : ALL Subj : Re: D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ From: dcasey@ibm.net (Dan Casey) > Has anyone been successful in getting a D-Link NIC DFE-530TX+ 10/100 > Ethernet NIC to work with OS/2 Warp v3 or v4? I can't get it OS/2 to > see the card at boot up. Yes, I have several of them working. It takes a bit of doing, though, since the drivers for the DFE530TX won't work with it (different chipset on the card). On the disk that came with the card, there is a NDIS directory, with an OS/2 Subdirectory. In there, you'll find the Lanserver drivers for this card. You need the driver, but not the NIF file (the NIF file will not work). Use the NIF file from the DFE530TX card. Rename the DLKFET.NIF file to RTL8139.NIF Copy the RTSND.OS2 file to the x:\ibmcom\macs directory (where x is the boot drive). Open the RTL8139.NIF file with a plain text editor, and change the references to DLKFET.OS2 to RTSND.OS2 (also the DLKFET$ to RTSND$). Edit your config.sys file, and change the line that loads the driver: DEVICE=x:\IBMCOM\MACS\RTSND.OS2 (again, where x is the boot drive). Reboot, and go into MPTS setup and ADD the card and whatever protocols you wish to use. After you have completed these steps, open the x:\ibmcom\protocol.ini file (with a plain text editor) and make sure that the references are correct (should point to RTL8139.NIF). If you have any problems, e-mail me and I'll send you samples of my files. -- ************************************************************** * Dan Casey * * President * * V.O.I.C.E. (Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education * * http://www.os2voice.org * * Abraxas on IRC * * http://members.iquest.net/~dcasey * * Charter Associate member, Team SETI * * Warpstock 99 in Atlanta http://www.warpstock.org * ************************************************************** * E-Mail (subject: Req. PGP Key) for Public Key * ************************************************************** jh - * WCE 2.1G1/2241 * Unknown error on unknown device for unexplainable reason --- * Origin: mBox BBS Glendora, CA (1:218/907) 209/7211 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Linda Proulx 12-Nov-99 10:23:10 To: Elvis Hargrove 13-Nov-99 01:05:25 Subj: Re: Lan OS/2 w/DOS Greetings and Salutations, -=> Elvis Hargrove wrote to Linda Proulx <=- EH> Knowing what you obviously know about computers and you ask THIS? EH> EH> ^..^ One lives in hope that there is a logic somewhere..... Anon, Linda ... OS/2 VirusScan: WINDOWS detected. Delete? (Y/Y) --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.32 * Origin: Robin's Universe BBS - Winnipeg MB (1:348/807) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Sean Dennis 15-Nov-99 09:02:06 To: Elvis Hargrove 15-Nov-99 21:24:16 Subj: Lan OS/2 w/DOS Hello, Elvis. -=> Replying to a message of Elvis Hargrove to Sean Dennis: EH> -> It's also slow as hell. It's one of the slowest sites that I've EH> ever -> used on the WWW, period. EH> That's strange, Sean. I found it to be pretty quick! Certainly not as EH> slow as many I've seen. But then my ISP is in Mexico so slow is a way EH> of life with me. Since we've moved so far off the subject, I've moved this into netmail (and pray that it gets to you; right now I can only use routed netmail :). Later, Sean --- FleetStreet 1.25 * Origin: "HAL, open the bay doors." "Dave, put away that Windows (1:395/610) 201/505 102 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Elvis Hargrove 14-Nov-99 09:50:05 To: Sean Dennis 15-Nov-99 21:24:16 Subj: Lan OS/2 w/DOS -> It's also slow as hell. It's one of the slowest sites that I've ever -> used on the WWW, period. That's strange, Sean. I found it to be pretty quick! Certainly not as slow as many I've seen. But then my ISP is in Mexico so slow is a way of life with me. -> I used to run AdeptXBBS for a while... got tired of it screwing up my -> mail, so I went to Maximus/2 and BinkleyTerm/2 and not looked back. -> :) Well, I certainly don'e need any help screwing up mail! My system has been so dead reliable for so long, I sure do hate for the Millenium to kill it, but it probably will. The guy who wrote my tosser has been dead for years, and he never actually FINISHED the version I run. Max and Squish are running dead reliable on the OS2 box, but Max is sort of 'terse.' I'll stay with it though if Adept is unreliable. From reading the Docs so far it certainly is a departure from anything ELSE I've ever seen. ^..^ --- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'j' * Origin: Personal Freedom is NEVER really FREE! (1:397/6.2) 201/505 102 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Sean Dennis 12-Nov-99 09:06:05 To: Elvis Hargrove 15-Nov-99 21:24:16 Subj: Lan OS/2 w/DOS Hello, Elvis. -=> Replying to a message of Elvis Hargrove to Gord Hannah: EH> Folks, HTTP://cereal.mv.com is a great site! It's also slow as hell. It's one of the slowest sites that I've ever used on the WWW, period. If you would have said something, I have 1.11y here... and 1.11z1 and 1.11z2 also... the z series are replacements for ADEPT.EXE. Bug fixes and stuff Be forewarned, however, GateKeeper can be a PITA if it starts messing up. Also, look around for a replacement MAIL.CMD (a REXX file that will handle GateKeeper accordingly after mail comes in). I used to have it but no more. I used to run AdeptXBBS for a while... got tired of it screwing up my mail, so I went to Maximus/2 and BinkleyTerm/2 and not looked back. :) Good luck with AdeptXBBS-it's a good program, but it needs a home (someone to keep updating it). Later, Sean --- FleetStreet 1.25 * Origin: The heart of Central Texas - AfterHours/2 BBS (1:395/610) 209/7211 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: George White 16-Nov-99 08:54:24 To: Sean Dennis 18-Nov-99 06:15:01 Subj: Lan OS/2 w/DOS Hi Sean, On 15-Nov-99, Sean Dennis wrote to Elvis Hargrove: SD> Since we've moved so far off the subject, I've moved this into SD> netmail (and pray that it gets to you; right now I can only use SD> routed netmail :) Spoil sport, I think you should have moved it to OS2BBS! George --- Terminate 5.00/Pro * Origin: A country point under OS/2 (2:257/609.6) 201/505 102 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Elvis Hargrove 18-Nov-99 11:14:05 To: George White 18-Nov-99 17:36:09 Subj: Lan OS/2 w/DOS -> Spoil sport, I think you should have moved it to OS2BBS! So many echos, so little time! If I read all the echos. I'd LIKE to, or even all the ones I NEED to, I'd have no time to work on the system..... ^..^ --- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'j' * Origin: Personal Freedom is NEVER really FREE! (1:397/6.2) 201/505 102 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +============================================================================+