Running DOS BBSs under OS/2 (Fidonet) Saturday, 18-Sep-1999 to Friday, 24-Sep-1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Gary Crain 17-Sep-99 17:57:25 To: All 18-Sep-99 11:24:17 Subj: Running external Pgms Hi, I'm trying to get the BBS moved to OS/2 but I've run into a bit of a problem. Anything that is called external to the BBS refuses to run, i.e. DSZ, PKZIP, etc. I can download/upload Bluewave packets via the door as long as I use the internal DSZ, same for downloading files via the BBS. I can't pack mail in the Bluewave door because PKZIP refuses to run. What's up? Gary --- Msged/2 TE 05 * Origin: Rendezvous!! 4gigs_10000files_500echoareas 512-303-1324 (1:382/92) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Leonard Erickson 19-Sep-99 12:45:01 To: Gary Crain 20-Sep-99 07:46:04 Subj: Running external Pgms -=> Quoting Gary Crain to All <=- GC> Hi, GC> I'm trying to get the BBS moved to OS/2 but I've run into a bit of GC> a problem. Anything that is called external to the BBS refuses to GC> run, i.e. DSZ, PKZIP, etc. I can download/upload Bluewave packets via GC> the door as long as I use the internal DSZ, same for downloading files GC> via the BBS. I can't pack mail in the Bluewave door because PKZIP GC> refuses to run. What's up? One likely problem is that when DOS windows open, they open with the current directory being the root directory of the boot drive (or the 4dos directory if you are runnig 4dos). You need to make sure that the batch files for running the dos programs start by changing to the proper drive & directory. --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: Shadowshack (1:105/51) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Gary Crain 22-Sep-99 18:02:25 To: Leonard Erickson 23-Sep-99 07:00:12 Subj: Running external Pgms On Sep 19, 1999, at 12:45, Leonard Erickson of 1:105/51 wrote: Hi Leonard, LE> You need to make sure that the batch files for running the dos LE> programs start by changing to the proper drive & directory. Thanks for the message. You got the old brain going and I checked the obvious. Sure enough, I found a typo in the path statement. Boy do I feel dumb. :-( Thank again. Gary --- Msged/2 TE 05 * Origin: Rendezvous!! 4gigs_10000files_500echoareas 512-303-1324 (1:382/92) 251/25 278/111 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +============================================================================+