comp.os.os2.networking.tcp_ip (Usenet) Saturday, 09-Oct-1999 to Friday, 15-Oct-1999 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 09-Oct-99 03:08:19 To: All 09-Oct-99 11:03:24 Subj: MediaOne Cable Modem and Injoy From: Hi, I just signed up for the new MediaOne RoadRunner cable modem service coming through my area and I was wondering how to use Injoy with the network I got at home. unfortunately I have to put Windooze 95 on one of these machines in order for the tech to come out and install the Cable modem and setup the service. What I would like to do though is delete the crap after he leaves and setup the machine with OS/2 again. I presently have the SOHO of Injoy vr. 2.2 and would appreciate any suggestions. My network config is as follows: Subnet 192.168.0.XX Netmask router (which is computer #1) ----- ( #1 computer - AMD K6-2/350 64 Mb OS/2 E-Business Serverver ( #2 computer - Intel 586-120 96MB OS/2 Warp4 FixPack 9 ( #3 computer - AMD K6 166 96Mb OS/2 Warp4 FixPack 9 ( Side note: At present I can not ping the server from the server or any other machine but Netbios is fully operational, I haven't figured out why I can't ping yet. -- Bob Bencivenga OS/2 Die Hard Flying with OS/2 E-Business Server / Smart Suite v1.11 / Netscape v4.04 /Injoy v2.2 / Pmview v1.5 /Warpzip v2.1 Sent via Before you buy. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: - Before you buy. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 08-Oct-99 20:37:01 To: All 09-Oct-99 11:03:24 Subj: Re: Annoying Netscape ad in Messenger mailbox From: "Graham C. Norris" tells you how to turn it off. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Posted via Supernews, (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Spammers@Bite.Me 09-Oct-99 12:53:17 To: All 09-Oct-99 14:41:27 Subj: Configuring Netscape roaming in Apache 1.3.9 From: "Jaime A. Cruz, Jr." -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Having a stupid problem with this. I've copied the roaming.dll module into the libexec directory, and I added the following line to httpd.conf: LoadModule roaming_module libexec/roaming.dll However, when I try to start the server, it complains that it cannot find the specified file roaming.dll. I checked the libexec directory and it is DEFINITELY in there. Everything is lower-case (which really shouldn't matter to OS/2, but you never know with these programs ported from UNIX). Has anyone gotten this to work? What did I forget? Jaime A. Cruz, Jr. o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o o o o Visit the Nassau Wings Motorcycle Club at: o o o o A Charter Member of the Motorcycle Web Ring! o o o o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPfreeware 5.0 OS/2 for non-commercial use Comment: PGP 5.0 for OS/2 Charset: cp850 wj8DBQE3/yy7gvzYfxgMc34RApWwAKCR5X9vETOMAVDEkGSjmxM/Q0XXcwCdEyzQ WcpfSNgFSHkWaRDaTVUFD/Y= =55SM -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Nassau Wings Motorcycle Club (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 09-Oct-99 13:30:16 To: All 09-Oct-99 14:41:27 Subj: Re: Warp 3 to Warp 4 Upgrade HPFS Problem From: Benno Sauer There is a much easier way: replace the IBM1S506.ADD with the DANIS506.ADD - much more performance and no problem with large drives. But never forget at the end of installation step 1 to go to a commandline and copy the .add to the harddisk, else you are in big trouble after rebooting! Greetings from Vienna/Austria Benno Graham Norris schrieb: > If the Warp 3 system has an IDE drive larger than 2G it has had > maintenance applied to allow it to address them. Warp 4 will need the > same before it is installed. Visit the Device Driver Pak Online to get > the latest IDE driver package and follow the instructions there for > creating an updated install disk. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Chello Austria (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 09-Oct-99 14:01:29 To: All 09-Oct-99 14:41:27 Subj: Re: Warp 4 and TCPIP Boot errors From: Benno Sauer Hello Steve, make sure you get the latest drivers for your card. Reinstall the card with MPTS and double check if all files needed have really been copied, in particular the elink.os2 Best Regards Benno Sauer Steve Wisnieski schrieb: > I have installed Warp4 on a NEC 8100 Powermate with a 3com 3c905b tx NIC > card. I also installed TCP/IP. When the PC boots, after the card comes up, I > get the following error: > > ifconfig:ioctl (SIOCDIFADDR): no such interface > > When I boot with ALT-F2, to see the drivers, this occurs as such.... > > 3Com Etherlink PCF.... > Found Etherlink 10/100 PCI Adaptor > In PCI Slot 12, IO Adr....... > > c:\mptn\protocol\sockets.sys > c:\mptn\protocol\afos2.sys > c:\mptn\protocol\afinet.sys > c:\mptn\protocol\ifndis.sys > > then the error occurrs. > > Any ideas? --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Chello Austria (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: {R} 09-Oct-99 13:13:18 To: All 09-Oct-99 14:41:27 Subj: Re: SYS0234 (more data avail) and NETBEUI From: {R} (Richard Ashton) In article <> "Richard Ashton" writes: >In article <> > "Brian {Hamilton Kelly}" writes: > >[...] > >>It looks to me that IBM have right royally fucked up on this issue: is >>there anyone out there with the ear of PSP (e.g. someone with a >>maintenance contract) who can "persuade" then to rerelease the IP series >>of fixpacks with ALL the APARs fixed in a cumulative fashion, as with >>other products? > >Forwarded to a UK IBM expert, not that he has sufficient influence >with Austin to unfuck this one :( > Looks like IBM have muddled themselves up, yet again :( We'll see !. > According to my research, the problem was reported in APAR IC15963 Yep, that looks like a similar hit, fixed in IP08401 which is superseded by IP08412 but what about DOC apar IC20796 for OS/2 Warp 4.0 : ERROR DESCRIPTION: Customer issues a NET VIEW command from an OS/2 client to a NT server that has some share names longer than 12 characters. The NET VIEW command will display the resources until it encounters one longer than 12 char. A NET3513 error is displayed at the client. This error means "More data is available than can be returned." This is technically correct but does not readily identify what is wrong. The browser gives even less information, i.e. a message box with no text. LOCAL FIX: The work around is to make sure to limit all share name to 12 characters or less on NT. DOC apars do not have a fix, they're DOCumentation updates >> Follow-up: The sys administrator finally got around to installing NETBEUI >> on the NT machine, but I still get SYS0234 or 3513 errors when listing the >> server resources (more data is available than can be returned.) >Basically, it looks to me as if IBM have goofed and /have/ indeed left the >fix for this APAR out of later versions of the fixpack. Is this really the exact same problem reported as reported in IC15963 ?. If it was then IP08412 would have fixed it. Since it didn't then I would suggest that this is not the same problem as in the apar. Nobody has called in to IBM and mentioned they've noticed this fix is missing from the fixpak, nor that it does not work so I think you're just dead wrong about IBM's goof, you are seeing a different problem. >According to my research, the problem was reported in APAR IC15963 (see >body/44338.shtml> on 06/06/1997. Using "Locate Fixpack" on that page >turns up the aforementioned IP08401 fixpack, and looking at the list of >APARs fixed by it, IC15963 is included: this is presumably why there are >news articles archived at Deja telling people to apply that fixpack for >the SYS0234 problem, and why people in this thread (earlier) saying that >it worked for them. Well it would fix it for the people who are experiencing the exact problem that the apar describes. >However, IP08401 is NOT available from IBM's ftp server It was not a Y2K ready fixpak so that's probably why it's been removed. >Now if one looks at the detail of what each fixpack includes, a strange >anomaly is revealed. Whereas the fixpacks for all other products (well, >all those that I've ever had cause to investigate to this level of detail) >include a list of /New/ APARs fixed and of /All/ APARs fixed, with the latter >correctly showing a cumulative history of APARs, those for the IP084xx >series seem to each include *only* the /New/ fixes. Simply not true ... the IP08412.INF file clearly lists the cumulative history in the "Things that changed" section. IC15963 is clearly listed. >So it really appears to me that the division responsible for Peer has >worked differently from other divisions of IBM, but that those who >actually *release* the fixpacks have assumed that each is cumulative. >This is probably why IP08402/6/12 doesn't work for thee or me, whereas >it has 'worked' for others (like {R}) who had, presumably, applied >IP08401 originally and then followed it up with those later fixpacks. Err, no, I don't think so. The reason it doesn't work is probably because the problem seen is not the error described by that apar. It has worked for other people so it will work for everyone with that particular code defect. Applying IP08401 first would make no difference at all. If what you were saying is true then once {R} or anyone else went to IP08412 then the problem would return. Has it ... nope, and it hasn't happened to anyone else in the world either according to IBM's databases. >However, following the "Locate Fixpack" link tells us that >there is NO fixpack for the APAR!! (I'm guessing here, but might the >fixpack in which it /was/ addressed withdrawn, and hence removed from >the database?) Not quite, this looks like a simple ommision from the source data from which the fixpak database is built for that one fix, the details of which fixpak includes the fix is missing so it's nothing more sinister than that in reality. This is about the only thing you can thow at IBM as a criticism from this posting, and it's a rather minor one at that. >It looks to me that IBM have right royally fucked up on this issue: is there anyone out there with the ear of PSP (e.g. someone with a maintenance contract) who can "persuade" then to rerelease the IP series of fixpacks with ALL the APARs fixed in a cumulative fashion, as with other products? Why .. they are cummulative, nothing is wrong as far as I can see. Also, if you suspect a defect in IBM code then read the support statement that comes in the box with the product and it will tell you how you can report a suspected defect to IBM without having a maintenance contract. >I'd like to see this done and released before we all have to start >PAYING for fixpacks from 01/01/2000 --- in case you didn't spot this in >the Software Alert newsletter, fixes will only come to those who have a >Software Choices subscription after that date. I think you should re-read that newsletter more carefully as you've mis-understood it big time. I assume you are talking about the one at : which read : Effective January 1, 2000, the option to download features and updates from Software Choice for free will be discontinued for all future features and updates. The features and updates will only be available to those customers who purchase; Software Subscription under Passport Advantage for: OS/2 Warp 4 OS/2 Warp Server for e-business WorkSpace On-Demand Software Choice Subscription for: OS/2 Warp 4 ... Exactly where does it say fixes and fixpaks are going to be chargeable ?. Software Choice is about upgrades, new versions/releases and new features for Warp and Warp Server, which are (and always have been) chargeable things from most vendors. The Software Choice program is not there for obtaining or distributing fixes or fixpaks. The newsletter was purely about the Software Choice deliverables, not fixpaks. {R} not entirely all his own work and who has always found experts with access to RETAIN better than newsgroups. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: D4 (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 09-Oct-99 21:17:21 To: All 10-Oct-99 03:23:18 Subj: Re: Warp 3 to Warp 4 Upgrade HPFS Problem From: "Graham C. Norris" There's much more to it than that. The HPFS support is separate to the IDE ADD and will need to match whatever is on the Warp 3 system. The OS/2 disk manager is also separate, in OS2DASD.DMD. This is another highly undesirable side effect of IBM neglecting to provide even a full service refresh of the OS/2 client: it can be darned difficult to install it over a well-maintained Warp 3 system as it regresses a lot of it. I've seen someone say that Indelible Blue has a thing called Warp-up which may overcome this problem. Graham. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Posted via Supernews, (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 10-Oct-99 15:04:23 To: All 10-Oct-99 14:35:10 Subj: sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora From: (John Poltorak) Has anyone managed to get the OS/2 port of sendmail 8.9.1 working with Aurora? I have tried, but get a SYS3173 in TCPIP32.DLL... IBM's sendmail offers spammers an open mail relay to route mail through your system, and they have no inclination to provide a fix so I'd like to get sendmail 8.9.1 working. And before anyone mentions it, yes, I have heard of INETMAIL, but I've already paid for a mail daemon, and it would be nice if it worked prpoerly. According to IBM, this open mail relay feature is not a bug, it was designed that way! -- John --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Legend Internet Ltd (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 10-Oct-99 10:15:00 To: All 10-Oct-99 14:35:10 Subj: Peer & HPFS 386 From: "Joseph O. Henley" Hi, Hopefully someone can help with a problem I have. I've just set up my first network: Peer to Peer, OS/2 to Win98. The OS/2 machine is ver 4.0 - FP12, HPFS386 file system. Everything is OK so far, except every time I shutdown, I loose the shares on the OS/2 machine, so I cannot see files on the OS/2 machine from the Win98 machine. Every time I start up the OS/2 machine, I have to go into the "permissions" tab of "Shared Resources and Network Connections" and re-establish the shares. I suspect this is a result of using HPFS386, but I'm not sure. I also suspect there is a command line I can use to accomplish this task, but I have not been able to find it. Any and all help will be appreciated. Thanks! Joe Henley --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: AT&T WorldNet Services (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Spammers@Bite.Me 10-Oct-99 18:37:18 To: All 10-Oct-99 19:57:00 Subj: Apache 1.3.9 with Netscape Roaming Support From: "Jaime A. Cruz, Jr." -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Has anyone successfully installed the roaming.dll file for Netscape Roaming support? I followed the directions and copied roaming.dll to the Apache libexec directory, made the appropriate change to the httpd.conf file, but Apache won't start. It ends with an error saying it can't find libexec/roaming.dll. I've checked all the obvious things, spelling, capitalization, etc. Everything looks fine, but it still doesn't work. Can anybody help? Jaime A. Cruz, Jr. o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o o o o Visit the Nassau Wings Motorcycle Club at: o o o o A Charter Member of the Motorcycle Web Ring! o o o o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o_o&o -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPfreeware 5.0 OS/2 for non-commercial use Comment: PGP 5.0 for OS/2 Charset: cp850 wj8DBQE4AM7ggvzYfxgMc34RAidCAKDmp2zO37QVHYDn09hjOZESpPWyiACg24tC j3b25dGMJT/MpEi+0IxsDws= =MXMS -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Nassau Wings Motorcycle Club (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: DAMNSPAMMERS! 10-Oct-99 21:01:11 To: All 10-Oct-99 19:57:00 Subj: Peer & HPFS 386 Message sender: DAMNSPAMMERS! From: DAMNSPAMMERS! ( Sunday October 10 1999 10:15, Joseph O. Henley wrote to All: JH> Every time I start up the OS/2 machine, I have to go into the JH> "permissions" tab of "Shared Resources and Network Connections" JH> and Click on Start sharing at workstation startup! :) KS --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: - Toronto, Canada (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 10-Oct-99 16:57:04 To: All 10-Oct-99 19:57:01 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: "Joseph O. Henley" > > Sunday October 10 1999 10:15, Joseph O. Henley wrote to All: > > JH> Every time I start up the OS/2 machine, I have to go into the > JH> "permissions" tab of "Shared Resources and Network Connections" > JH> and > > Click on Start sharing at workstation startup! :) > > KS KS, Thanks! Did that. Doesn't work. I still think it has something to do with using HPFS 386, but I'm not sure. Any other thoughts?? Joe --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: AT&T WorldNet Services (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 00:05:02 To: All 10-Oct-99 21:15:25 Subj: PostRoad Mailer through Proxy Server From: Has anyone been able to use Post Road Mailer through a Proxy Server? I have not been able to. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Team OS/2 (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 10-Oct-99 22:24:22 To: All 10-Oct-99 21:15:25 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: (Lorne Sunley) On Sun, 10 Oct 1999 21:57:08, "Joseph O. Henley" wrote: > > > > Sunday October 10 1999 10:15, Joseph O. Henley wrote to All: > > > > JH> Every time I start up the OS/2 machine, I have to go into the > > JH> "permissions" tab of "Shared Resources and Network Connections" > > JH> and > > > > Click on Start sharing at workstation startup! :) > > > > KS > > KS, > > Thanks! Did that. Doesn't work. I still think it has something to do > with using HPFS 386, but I'm not sure. Any other thoughts?? > > Joe If you are using the IP08412 fixpack for "File and Print Services Client" the automatic start up of shares is broken in this fixpack. Lorne Sunley --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: MBnet Networking Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 04:19:09 To: All 11-Oct-99 03:59:12 Subj: Re: sendmail From: (Lorne Sunley) On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 02:25:35, Shelton wrote: > Where can I find some info on how to set up sendmail as a server in > warp4 with no domain ? > Are you planning to use sendmail and some other products (some kind of POP3 server) to do E-Mail distribution on a local LAN that is not connected to the internet? You can use sendmail to send E-Mail to local LAN machines by setting up the various machines host names in the \MPTN\ETC\HOSTS file. This will allow sendmail to resolve the host IP addresses and forward E-mail to the machines. Each machine needs to have sendmail running as a demon ( the -bd switch) so it can send/receive E-Mail files. You need a local mail agent that is able to drop (write) the file into a local directory. AFAIK the MR/2 ICE E-Mail client used to have one called MR2ILDA.EXE included with the client. There was also a MR2ILDA.DOC file that explained how to set up the file to use this local mail agent. The documentation on OS/2 sendmail is fairly sparse but it is basically a port of the standard sendmail code. The SENDMAIL.CF file is used to control the processing done by the sendmail server. (this is sendmail started with a -bd switch set). I once found the sendmail man pages somewhere on the web (I think it was from one of the UC web sites) but I cannot remember where it was. The IBM redbooks site has a manual for the os/390 TCP/IP implementation that includes a section on confiuring sendmail. do a search for "sendmail" and it will find the book. They have a PDF file you can read on-line and it has a section on configuring the file. Lorne Sunley --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: MBnet Networking Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 10-Oct-99 21:34:28 To: All 11-Oct-99 03:59:12 Subj: Re: SIOCIFADDR : no such interface From: "Joseph O. Henley" Steve, I had a very similar message. In my c:\MPTN\BIN\SetUp.cmd file is where my problem was. I had two physical lan adapters listed (don't know why). I "rem'd" out the second one, Lan1, and all is OK now. Good luck! Joe > > >Can you be more specific? I do not understand what you are saying here! Are > >there .INI or .CMD files I do not know about? What "trash" are you talking > >about? what routes? route statement? I have NONE defined. This error is > >occuring during the boot binding process, where the TCP drivers is trying to > >bind to the board. Any help would be appreciated, as I have already lost 3 > >days wallowing around in this quagmire. I am NOT an OS/2 expert. > > No .. these are in the TCPIP setup sub folder in the OS2 folder. There > are involved in setting up your TCPIP requirements in that folder. > > The actual ROUTE files are in the files in your TCPIP directory. There > are in both the OS2 and DOS side of the operation. They, together with > what I think is involved in the SETUP.CMD operation, have to be all > clean and syncronized. Somehow, if they are not and an address gets > requested that cannot be found during SETUP.CMD, seem to cause this.. > > I don't claim to be an OS/2 expert. I've muddled through to this point > on the basis of what has been offered here and reading... > > --> Sleep well; OS2's still awake! ;) > > > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: AT&T WorldNet Services (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 10-Oct-99 21:29:09 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:03 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: "Joseph O. Henley" > > > Sunday October 10 1999 10:15, Joseph O. Henley wrote to All: > > > > > > JH> Every time I start up the OS/2 machine, I have to go into the > > > JH> "permissions" tab of "Shared Resources and Network Connections" > > > JH> and > > > > > > Click on Start sharing at workstation startup! :) > > > > > > KS > > > > KS, > > > > Thanks! Did that. Doesn't work. I still think it has something to do > > with using HPFS 386, but I'm not sure. Any other thoughts?? > > > > Joe > > If you are using the IP08412 fixpack for "File and Print Services > Client" > the automatic start up of shares is broken in this fixpack. > > Lorne Sunley Lorne, BINGO!! I think you've hit the problem. Thanks very much!! I looked in and found that 8412 is the latest.... and 8196 is the only one prior. I haven't done an update on Peer-to-peer per se, but I have TCP/IP 4.1 (updated to UN1001) and MPTN at W8620. Syslevel says Peer is at 8400. I would guess 8400 has the same problems as 8412, but I'm not you know? So what would you suggest? Should I install the downlevel 8196 Peer version? Or is there a command line which I could put in my Net Start-up batch file to accomplish the share? Again, thanks very much for your help. Joe --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: AT&T WorldNet Services (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 10-Oct-99 22:25:17 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: sendmail From: Shelton Where can I find some info on how to set up sendmail as a server in warp4 with no domain ? --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Posted via Supernews, (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 03:46:18 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: (Baden Kudrenecky) In <>, "Joseph O. Henley" writes: >> > > Sunday October 10 1999 10:15, Joseph O. Henley wrote to All: >> > > >> > > JH> Every time I start up the OS/2 machine, I have to go into the >> > > JH> "permissions" tab of "Shared Resources and Network Connections" >> > > JH> and >version? Or is there a command line which I could put in my Net >Start-up batch file to accomplish the share? That's all that I do. Here's one example of a command file that I just place in my Startup Folder: net start req logon baden /p: /v:local net use p: \\hippo\c$ net use q: \\hippo\d$ net use r: \\hippo\e$ net use s: \\hippo\f$ net use t: \\hippo\g$ net use u: \\hippo\h$ net use v: \\hippo\i$ net use w: \\hippo\j$ net use com2 \\hippo\modem /comm net share c$=c:\ net share d$=d:\ net share e$=e:\ net share f$=f:\ net share g$=g:\ baden OS/2, Solaris & Linux --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: @Home Network Canada (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 03:48:27 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: "John W. Pollard III" Joe, I assume when you mentioned HPFS-386 that you are running WarpServer. I am not real familiar with the server but with the workstation, I think, you have to log on to the local machine to enable file and print sharing. Try adding something like 'logon userid /p:password' to startup.cmd file. Just a thought, John Pollard Joseph O. Henley wrote in message > > > > Sunday October 10 1999 10:15, Joseph O. Henley wrote to All: > > > > > > > > JH> Every time I start up the OS/2 machine, I have to go into the > > > > JH> "permissions" tab of "Shared Resources and Network Connections" > > > > JH> and > > > > > > > > Click on Start sharing at workstation startup! :) > > > > > > > > KS > > > > > > KS, > > > > > > Thanks! Did that. Doesn't work. I still think it has something to do > > > with using HPFS 386, but I'm not sure. Any other thoughts?? > > > > > > Joe > > > > If you are using the IP08412 fixpack for "File and Print Services > > Client" > > the automatic start up of shares is broken in this fixpack. > > > > Lorne Sunley > > Lorne, > > BINGO!! I think you've hit the problem. Thanks very much!! I looked > in and found that 8412 is > the latest.... and 8196 is the only one prior. I haven't done an update > on Peer-to-peer per se, but I have TCP/IP 4.1 (updated to UN1001) and > MPTN at W8620. Syslevel says Peer is at 8400. I would guess 8400 has > the same problems as 8412, but I'm not you know? > > So what would you suggest? Should I install the downlevel 8196 Peer > version? Or is there a command line which I could put in my Net > Start-up batch file to accomplish the share? > > Again, thanks very much for your help. > > Joe --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: @Home Network (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 04:03:07 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: Re: OS2 upgrade From: (William H. Bowen) "Gnaea" wrote: >Has anyone ever upgraded warp3 to warp 4? I am trying to do so, but am >having problems. I am currently running warp 3 with HPFS and when I try to >upgrade Warp 4 does not recognize the partition and wants to reformat the >drive. If you have any insight on the matter pls let me know. Thanks. > There is another thread in this newsgroup that addresses the problem you're having. It is titled "Warp 3 to Warp 4 Upgrade HPFS Problem", started by Charlie Miller. Read the posting in that thread and you'll get some good tips on resolving your problem. Regards, Bill Bowen Daly City, CA --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Origin Line 1 Goes Here (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 04:58:17 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: "Machine has a LAN connection" From: Will Rose My machine (Warp Connect, FP 40) has suddenly started complaining that a LAN connection is present, and that it may not be possible to connect to the LAN while the PPP connection is up, every time I run DOIP. Nothing's changed in my setup (except that something obviously _has_) and I've always had a LAN (Netbios) and TCP/IP connection. Does anyone know where this error message comes from? I'd like to suppress it. (And it's wrong, btw. - the LAN connection is fine. Anyhow, I get the error message when the requester isn't even running). Thanks - Will --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: CTS Network Services (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 07:06:27 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: WR08620 & arp -f From: Hello All. I test Warp Server for e-business (Aurora) and have troubles with ARP. For example, c:>ping anyHost - all O.K. c:>arp -f - arp table flushed c:>ping anyHost - TCP/IP connection totally broken!!! Not responce from anu host, via ping, Netscape etc. NetBIOS works correctly. Then I install Warp 4. c:>ping anyHost - all O.K. c:>arp -f - arp table flushed c:>ping anyHost - all O.K. Then I install MPTS to Warp 4 from Aurora (WR08620): c:>ping anyHost - all O.K. c:>arp -f - arp table flushed c:>ping anyHost - TCP/IP connection totally broken!!! Not responce from any host. NetBIOS works correctly. (I test all cases with 3com509 and 3com905b card with 2 computers). "Arp -f" command shows one of many bad symptoms. If I not use it, then connection lost later. Any comments? Sent via Before you buy. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: - Before you buy. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 07:20:18 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: arp -f & WR08620 From: Hello All. I test Warp Server for e-business (Aurora) and have troubles with ARP. For example, c:>ping anyHost - all O.K. c:>arp -f - arp table flushed c:>ping anyHost - TCP/IP connection totally broken!!! Not responce from anu host, via ping, Netscape etc. NetBIOS works correctly. Then I install Warp 4. c:>ping anyHost - all O.K. c:>arp -f - arp table flushed c:>ping anyHost - all O.K. Then I install MPTS to Warp 4 from Aurora (WR08620): c:>ping anyHost - all O.K. c:>arp -f - arp table flushed c:>ping anyHost - TCP/IP connection totally broken!!! Not responce from any host. NetBIOS works correctly. (I test all cases with 3com509 and 3com905b card with 2 computers). "Arp -f" command shows one of many bad symptoms. If I not use it, then connection lost later. Any comments? Sent via Before you buy. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: - Before you buy. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 06:35:13 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: James Moe "Joseph O. Henley" wrote: > > If you are using the IP08412 fixpack for "File and Print Services > > Client" > > the automatic start up of shares is broken in this fixpack. > > > > BINGO!! I think you've hit the problem. Thanks very much!! I looked > in and found that 8412 is > the latest.... and 8196 is the only one prior. I haven't done an update > on Peer-to-peer per se, but I have TCP/IP 4.1 (updated to UN1001) and > MPTN at W8620. Syslevel says Peer is at 8400. I would guess 8400 has > the same problems as 8412, but I'm not you know? > The latest is 8424. You have to install 8423 first, though, since 8423 uses the CSF program to do the install instead of MPTS like previous updates. A lot of problems were cleared up by going through the 8423/24 updates. -- sma at rtd dot com Remove ".spam-not" for email --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Sohnen-Moe Associates, Inc (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 06:39:03 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: James Moe "Joseph O. Henley" wrote: > > Hi, > > Hopefully someone can help with a problem I have. I've just set up my > first network: Peer to Peer, OS/2 to Win98. The OS/2 machine is ver > 4.0 - FP12, HPFS386 file system. Everything is OK so far, except every > time I shutdown, I loose the shares on the OS/2 machine, so I cannot > see files on the OS/2 machine from the Win98 machine. > A word of caution: IBM does *NOT* support hpfs386 on warp 4 client. I tried it and had lots of woe, made worse by the fact that the performance was so much better. Ultimately, though, every warp4 machine I tried it on crashed horribly, with the directory structure itself being severly trashed (all that effort in making backups paid off!). -- sma at rtd dot com Remove ".spam-not" for email --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Sohnen-Moe Associates, Inc (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 03:16:02 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: Kris Kadela James Moe wrote: > > "Joseph O. Henley" wrote: > > > > Hi, > > > > Hopefully someone can help with a problem I have. I've just set up my > > first network: Peer to Peer, OS/2 to Win98. The OS/2 machine is ver > > 4.0 - FP12, HPFS386 file system. Everything is OK so far, except every > > time I shutdown, I loose the shares on the OS/2 machine, so I cannot > > see files on the OS/2 machine from the Win98 machine. > > > A word of caution: IBM does *NOT* support hpfs386 on warp 4 client. > I tried it and had lots of woe, made worse by the fact that the > performance was so much better. Ultimately, though, every warp4 machine > I tried it on crashed horribly, with the directory structure itself > being severly trashed (all that effort in making backups paid off!). I have tried hpfs386 on a warp 4 client as well and it usually works ok for 3-4 months and eventually trashes the whole install. Did this on 3 different boxes and in every case had to reinstall from scratch. So from my experience using hpfs386 on a client is not a good idea. > > -- > > sma at rtd dot com > Remove ".spam-not" for email -- ********************** DigiGraph Technical ********************** --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: DigiGraph Technical (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 03:19:12 To: All 11-Oct-99 10:31:04 Subj: Re: WR08620 & arp -f From: Kris Kadela I have found TCP/IP 4.1 and 4.2 to be rather buggy in general. IBM seems to be moving backwards in terms of stability here. wrote: > > Hello All. > > I test Warp Server for e-business (Aurora) and > have troubles with ARP. For example, > > c:>ping anyHost > - all O.K. > c:>arp -f > - arp table flushed > c:>ping anyHost > - TCP/IP connection totally broken!!! Not responce > from anu host, via ping, Netscape etc. NetBIOS > works correctly. > > Then I install Warp 4. > c:>ping anyHost > - all O.K. > c:>arp -f > - arp table flushed > c:>ping anyHost > - all O.K. > > Then I install MPTS to Warp 4 from Aurora > (WR08620): > c:>ping anyHost > - all O.K. > c:>arp -f > - arp table flushed > c:>ping anyHost > - TCP/IP connection totally broken!!! Not responce > from any host. NetBIOS works correctly. > > (I test all cases with 3com509 and 3com905b card > with 2 computers). > > "Arp -f" command shows one of many bad symptoms. > If I not use it, then connection lost later. > > Any comments? > > Sent via > Before you buy. -- ********************** DigiGraph Technical ********************** --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: DigiGraph Technical (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 14:49:29 To: All 11-Oct-99 14:43:20 Subj: default password in TCP/IP 4.1 configuration utility? From: (Dominique Pivard) Is there a default password in TCP/IP 4.1's Java-based configuration utility? I can't seem to remember I was ever asked to enter a password before. Thanks, Dominique --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: None!! (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: james.arnold@!!! 11-Oct-99 19:43:05 To: All 11-Oct-99 17:05:23 Subj: Re: PostRoad Mailer through Proxy Server From: james.arnold@!!! In , writes: >Has anyone been able to use Post Road Mailer through a Proxy Server? >I have not been able to. I used to run PRM 3.0 through the Igate proxy server that I ran on an OS/2 Warp connect box. Once it was set up I had no problems. What Proxy Server are you trying to connect through? As I recall in the PRM setting for mail server you enter the proxy server's name; for userid you enter "YourUserID@MailServer"; for password your password for your mail server. At least that is how it worked for Igate. Jim =========================================================================== remove !!! for e-mail James Arnold email: ICQ: 9719182 Member Toronto OS/2 User Group Brought to you by the letters O S the number 2 and NR/2 =========================================================================== --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Sympatico (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 19:55:24 To: All 11-Oct-99 17:05:23 Subj: sendmail command line options From: (John Poltorak) I know it possible to send an email from the command line using IBM's sendmail, but I've forgotten the syntax, and am a long way from my manuals. Can someone remind me, please? -- John --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Legend Internet Ltd (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 14:21:16 To: All 11-Oct-99 17:05:23 Subj: Cable Modem firewall From: Wayne Lemmon I have warp 4 and would like to use it as a firewall-fileserver on my home network. I will be running on a 225 MHz pent, with 128 megs. I tried to use redhat but with all the re-compiles and such, I never got it working and it didn't like my Jazz-Jet pci scsi card. Is there a page on the internet that describes how to do this? What upgrades and fix packs do I need? etc..... Thanks -- Wayne Lemmon Rochester MN --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Global Network Services - Remote Access Mail & Ne (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 21:39:27 To: All 11-Oct-99 19:55:28 Subj: Re: PostRoad Mailer through Proxy Server From: Thanks. Finally got it. I needed to make my userid: [myid]#mail. The # sign was needed instead of the @ sign. In , james.arnold@!!! writes: >In , writes: >>Has anyone been able to use Post Road Mailer through a Proxy Server? >>I have not been able to. > > I used to run PRM 3.0 through the Igate proxy server that I ran on an >OS/2 Warp connect box. Once it was set up I had no problems. > > What Proxy Server are you trying to connect through? > > As I recall in the PRM setting for mail server you enter the proxy server's >name; for userid you enter "YourUserID@MailServer"; for password your password >for your mail server. At least that is how it worked for Igate. > > Jim > > >=========================================================================== >remove !!! for e-mail >James Arnold email: > ICQ: 9719182 > > Member Toronto OS/2 User Group > >Brought to you by the letters O S the number 2 and NR/2 >=========================================================================== > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Team OS/2 (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 20:27:01 To: All 11-Oct-99 19:55:28 Subj: HOWTO: chat scripts? From: "Marco Shaw" I'm new to OS/2 admin. I need to develop a script that gets files newer than x date, and FTPs all these files to an FTP server, and this must be done every 4 hours. What kind of scheduling mechanism does OS/2 (Warp 4) have? Would it be best to use DOS batch scripts to do the above? Since I don't know anything about REXX... Thanks, Marco --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: NBTel Internet (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 20:22:13 To: All 11-Oct-99 19:55:29 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: (Sergey I. Yevtushenko) On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:16:05, Kris Kadela wrote: > I have tried hpfs386 on a warp 4 client as well and it usually works ok > for 3-4 months and eventually trashes the whole install. Did this on 3 > different boxes and in every case had to reinstall from scratch. So from > my experience using hpfs386 on a client is not a good idea. The rules to make such installs bullet proof are simple and worked for me for many years: 1. Partition should be formatted with so called "long" format: format x: /FS:HPFS /L 2. Never. No. *NEVER* fill out partition for more than 90% of capacity. By the way: the same rules are applicable for ordinary HPFS partitions if you don't want to see your files removed by CHKDSK. Just an example: three years ago I have installed Warp 4.0 and HPFS386 on my home PC (still used every day by my daughter and my mother). I can't say that power is very reliable in my home and there is no UPS. I have not lost even one byte of the information on that PC. Regards, Sergey. *-------------------------------------- ES@Home --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: ES@Home (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 21:38:08 To: All 11-Oct-99 19:55:29 Subj: Re: Cable Modem firewall From: Go to: for a general discussion about sharing. Then go to: for OS/2 specific stuff. In <>, Wayne Lemmon writes: >I have warp 4 and would like to use it as a firewall-fileserver on my >home network. I will be running on a 225 MHz pent, with 128 megs. I >tried to use redhat but with all the re-compiles and such, I never got >it working and it didn't like my Jazz-Jet pci scsi card. Is there a >page on the internet that describes how to do this? What upgrades and >fix packs do I need? etc..... > >Thanks >-- > >Wayne Lemmon >Rochester MN > > > > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Team OS/2 (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 17:48:06 To: All 11-Oct-99 21:17:00 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: "Joseph O. Henley" James, Are you talking about an upgrade to MPTN or Peer-to-Peer? Lorne's comment was about Peer-to-peer, which is probably where the problem lies. Is P2P up to 8424? Or are you thinking of MPTN .... (which is definitely up to that level now)? If you're thinking of P2P, can you tell me where you found that level update. Thanks! Joe James Moe wrote: > > "Joseph O. Henley" wrote: > > > If you are using the IP08412 fixpack for "File and Print Services > > > Client" > > > the automatic start up of shares is broken in this fixpack. > > > > > > > BINGO!! I think you've hit the problem. Thanks very much!! I looked > > in and found that 8412 is > > the latest.... and 8196 is the only one prior. I haven't done an update > > on Peer-to-peer per se, but I have TCP/IP 4.1 (updated to UN1001) and > > MPTN at W8620. Syslevel says Peer is at 8400. I would guess 8400 has > > the same problems as 8412, but I'm not you know? > > > The latest is 8424. You have to install 8423 first, though, since > 8423 uses the CSF program to do the install instead of MPTS like > previous updates. > A lot of problems were cleared up by going through the 8423/24 > updates. > > -- > > sma at rtd dot com > Remove ".spam-not" for email --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: AT&T WorldNet Services (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 16:24:11 To: 11-Oct-99 21:17:00 Subj: Re: TCPIP 4.1 Hard Traps To: From: John Mandeville After installing TCP/IP 4.1, I get hard traps (Trap 00e) on my Warp 4, FixPak 9 computer immediately upon a successful PEER login. J.A. Gow (thanks for the help) suggested that MPTS has an installation/configuration bug in that it incorrectly updates \IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI. He suggested that I look for, and correct if necessary, lines beginning with "net1=NETBEUI$", "net2=TCPBEUI$", "wrknets", and "srvnets". On my system, I have only TCPBEUI, no NETBEUI. Our local powers that be don't want people using NETBEUI because it creates too much network traffic. So I only had a line beginning with "net1=TCPBEUI$", and the wrknets and srvnets lines were both set to NET1. It all appeared to be correct. However, I still got the hard traps. Just to make sure that the problem was that I had only TCPBEUI and not also NETBEUI, I also reconfigured my system to use both. I ran PEERINST.EXE so that it would do its reconfiguration and again checked the IBMLAN.INI file to make sure those few lines were correct. All appeared to be in order. The hard traps continued. The TCP/IP services work fine. I only get the hard traps when log as a peer. Ideas? -- John Mandeville jemandy at earthlink dot net --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: EarthLink Network, Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 01:58:09 To: All 12-Oct-99 05:53:23 Subj: Re: sendmail command line options From: Yes. SENDMAIL -af (filename) -f (user@localhost) (user@foreignhost) In <>, (John Poltorak) writes: >I know it possible to send an email from the command line using IBM's >sendmail, but I've forgotten the syntax, and am a long way from my >manuals. > >Can someone remind me, please? think international business machines, instead. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: @Home Network (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 00:47:06 To: All 12-Oct-99 05:53:23 Subj: Re: HOWTO: chat scripts? From: (Paul Ratcliffe) On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:27:02 GMT, Marco Shaw wrote: >I'm new to OS/2 admin. I need to develop a script that gets files newer >than x date, and FTPs all these files to an FTP server, and this must be >done every 4 hours. You need REXX and a library package called RxSock. This all comes with Warp 4. >What kind of scheduling mechanism does OS/2 (Warp 4) have? It doesn't, but there is a choice of Cron-like utilties on Hobbes which will do the job. >Would it be best to use DOS batch scripts to do the above? No. >Since I don't know anything about REXX... An ideal opportunity to learn then. My homepages are maintained automatically by such a system as you describe - whatever I change here automatically gets uploaded to the server whenever I connect. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: The Floppy BBS (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 01:29:18 To: All 12-Oct-99 05:53:23 Subj: PPP secrets.. From: .can anyone point me to information regarding the format/syntax of the PAP/CHAP secrets files for authentication using PPP? ... the information within OS/2 itself is not very informative.. TIA Paul Grayce --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Global Network Services - Remote Access Mail & Ne (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 06:50:07 To: All 12-Oct-99 05:53:24 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: James Moe "Joseph O. Henley" wrote: > > James, > > Are you talking about an upgrade to MPTN or Peer-to-Peer? Lorne's > comment was about Peer-to-peer, which is probably where the problem > lies. Is P2P up to 8424? Or are you thinking of MPTN .... (which is > definitely up to that level now)? If you're thinking of P2P, can you > tell me where you found that level update. Thanks! > Oops! You are correct. I was thinking of MPTN. I do, however, have a copy of ip08410. I have found it to be very stable. If you are interested, I will e-mail it to you. -- sma at rtd dot com Remove ".spam-not" for email --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Sohnen-Moe Associates, Inc (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 05:47:03 To: All 12-Oct-99 10:16:26 Subj: Re: sendmail command line options From: (James Knott) In article <>, (John Poltorak) wrote: >I know it possible to send an email from the command line using IBM's >sendmail, but I've forgotten the syntax, and am a long way from my >manuals. > >Can someone remind me, please? At an OS/2 command line, enter "tcphelp sendmail". -- E-mail _________________________________________________________________________ The above opinions are my own and not those of ISM Corp., a subsidiary of IBM Canada Ltd. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Global Network Services - Remote Access Mail & Ne (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 15:04:15 To: All 12-Oct-99 16:57:24 Subj: Re: sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora From: Michael Warmuth On 10.10.99, 15.04.47, (John Poltorak) wrote regarding "sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora": > Has anyone managed to get the OS/2 port of sendmail 8.9.1 working with > Aurora? > I have tried, but get a SYS3173 in TCPIP32.DLL... [...] No help, but: Same here with Warp 4.0 FP 12, TCP/IP 4.1 MPTN WR08620. I am interested in a solution, too. Greetings Michael -- Michael Warmuth Austria - The place in the heart of Europe where no kangaroos are hopping around --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Customer of EUnet Austria (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 07:18:10 To: 12-Oct-99 16:57:25 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 To: From: "Joseph O. Henley" James, For Peer-to-peer? Yes, please do! The version I have, 8400, loses its shares every time I shut down. Thanks very much! Joe James Moe wrote: > > "Joseph O. Henley" wrote: > > > > James, > > > > Are you talking about an upgrade to MPTN or Peer-to-Peer? Lorne's > > comment was about Peer-to-peer, which is probably where the problem > > lies. Is P2P up to 8424? Or are you thinking of MPTN .... (which is > > definitely up to that level now)? If you're thinking of P2P, can you > > tell me where you found that level update. Thanks! > > > Oops! You are correct. I was thinking of MPTN. I do, however, have a > copy of ip08410. I have found it to be very stable. If you are > interested, I will e-mail it to you. > > -- > > sma at rtd dot com > Remove ".spam-not" for email --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: AT&T WorldNet Services (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 13:22:02 To: All 12-Oct-99 16:57:25 Subj: Re: TCPIP 4.1 Hard Traps From: (Jim Burke) I get a trap 00E when I do a netstat -s. fixpack 10 and warpup from this summer. I think I'm running tcp/ip 4.1. Anything in the popup log? John Mandeville wrote: >After installing TCP/IP 4.1, I get hard traps (Trap 00e) on my Warp 4, >FixPak 9 computer immediately upon a successful PEER login. J.A. Gow >(thanks for the help) suggested that MPTS has an >installation/configuration bug in that it incorrectly updates >\IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI. He suggested that I look for, and correct if >necessary, lines beginning with "net1=NETBEUI$", "net2=TCPBEUI$", >"wrknets", and "srvnets". >On my system, I have only TCPBEUI, no NETBEUI. Our local powers that be >don't want people using NETBEUI because it creates too much network >traffic. So I only had a line beginning with "net1=TCPBEUI$", and the >wrknets and srvnets lines were both set to NET1. It all appeared to be >correct. However, I still got the hard traps. >Just to make sure that the problem was that I had only TCPBEUI and not >also NETBEUI, I also reconfigured my system to use both. I ran >PEERINST.EXE so that it would do its reconfiguration and again checked >the IBMLAN.INI file to make sure those few lines were correct. All >appeared to be in order. The hard traps continued. >The TCP/IP services work fine. I only get the hard traps when log as a >peer. >Ideas? >-- >John Mandeville >jemandy at earthlink dot net --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: ioNET Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 15:20:27 To: All 12-Oct-99 16:57:25 Subj: Re: HOWTO: chat scripts? From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F8rn?= Vermo Paul Ratcliffe wrote: > On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:27:02 GMT, Marco Shaw wrote: > > >I'm new to OS/2 admin. I need to develop a script that gets files newer > >than x date, and FTPs all these files to an FTP server, and this must be > >done every 4 hours. > > You need REXX and a library package called RxSock. This all comes with Warp 4. > It may also be useful to run SWITCHRX.CMD to change to the new Object REXX. It has some new functions which are very useful, such as access to semaphores. It is also very fast and convenient to use the container classes (tables, arrays, queues &c) to organize the files you need to transmit. It is easier to use the REXX ftp API if you do not need all the socket capabilities. From the online documentation: The REXX FTP API package is contained in the file rxftp.dll. This dynamic link library (DLL) must be placed in a directory listed in your LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. To use the functions in the REXX FTP API package, execute this REXX code: rc = RxFuncAdd("FtpLoadFuncs","rxFtp","FtpLoadFuncs") rc = FtpLoadFuncs() To unload the DLL, you should first call the FtpDropFuncs() function, then exit all CMD.EXE shells. After exiting all the command shells, the DLL will be dropped by OS/2 and can be deleted or replaced. > > >What kind of scheduling mechanism does OS/2 (Warp 4) have? > > It doesn't, but there is a choice of Cron-like utilties on Hobbes which will > do the job. > It certainly does! I have used the scheduler in the bonus pack for years with no problems. It will allow a wide range of different scheduling options (like every n days, third wednesday in every month, or whatever). It is also possible to do the scheduling in REXX if it is fairly straightforward. Your batch control program can be started from the startup folder, and stay in the background like any other daemon. /* REXX timing loop for daily task */ iScheduled = TIME('S', '22:14:00') /* Convert scheduled time 22:14 to seconds after midnight */ do forever iNow = TIME('s') /* Seconds since midnight */ iWait = iScheduled - iNow if iWait < 0 then iWait = iWait + TIME('S', '23:59:59') /* Not until tomorrow */ SAY 'Wait' iWait 'seconds, until' TIME('N', iScheduled, 'S') CALL SysSleep iWait 'START /B myjob.cmd' end --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Norbionics (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 17:13:25 To: All 12-Oct-99 16:57:25 Subj: Re: PPP secrets.. From: Anssi Saari writes: > ..can anyone point me to information regarding the format/syntax > of the PAP/CHAP secrets files for authentication using PPP? ... > the information within OS/2 itself is not very informative.. You put three things, userid server password on one line. Server can be a '*' to match anything. I don't know how much more info one would want to have and this is in the documentation of Warp 4 at least. -- Anssi Saari - --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Tampere University of Technology (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: jroesner@removethis.stone.kconli... 12-Oct-99 10:19:02 To: All 12-Oct-99 16:57:25 Subj: IP Forwarding not working Message sender: From: "Jeff Roesner" I have a 3 machine LAN that until today could all connect to the internet without the use of NAT or a proxy. All of the machines have a ststic IP address and my OS/2 box is the gateway for them. For some reason I can no longer connect to the internet with the machines inside my LAN, nor can I connect to the machines within the LAN from the outside. The addresses are: OS/2 dialup OS/2 lan0 (subnet Solaris 7 (subnet Windoze 95 (subnet All had been working well until today, and I can't seem to figure out what happened. I made no changes to my configuration and I have rebooted thinking that would fix it. Any help is appreciated. j e f f d . r o e s n e r || ICQ 36626514 || "...he's like a detuned radio..." --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: KC Online - HoosierLink (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 14:51:27 To: All 12-Oct-99 21:21:11 Subj: Re: TCPIP 4.1 Hard Traps From: John Mandeville No, There is nothing in the popup log. I think you only get stuff entered into the popup log on soft traps. At any rate, there was nothing there for my hard traps. (I didn't mean to attach this to the Print Server thread. I still haven't gotten used to the changes in Netscape 4.61 Colaborator.) -- John Mandeville jemandy at earthlink dot net Jim Burke wrote: > > I get a trap 00E when I do a netstat -s. > fixpack 10 and warpup from this summer. > I think I'm running tcp/ip 4.1. > > Anything in the popup log? > > John Mandeville wrote: > > >After installing TCP/IP 4.1, I get hard traps (Trap 00e) on my Warp 4, > >FixPak 9 computer immediately upon a successful PEER login. J.A. Gow > >(thanks for the help) suggested that MPTS has an > >installation/configuration bug in that it incorrectly updates > >\IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI. He suggested that I look for, and correct if > >necessary, lines beginning with "net1=NETBEUI$", "net2=TCPBEUI$", > >"wrknets", and "srvnets". > > >On my system, I have only TCPBEUI, no NETBEUI. Our local powers that be > >don't want people using NETBEUI because it creates too much network > >traffic. So I only had a line beginning with "net1=TCPBEUI$", and the > >wrknets and srvnets lines were both set to NET1. It all appeared to be > >correct. However, I still got the hard traps. > > >Just to make sure that the problem was that I had only TCPBEUI and not > >also NETBEUI, I also reconfigured my system to use both. I ran > >PEERINST.EXE so that it would do its reconfiguration and again checked > >the IBMLAN.INI file to make sure those few lines were correct. All > >appeared to be in order. The hard traps continued. > > >The TCP/IP services work fine. I only get the hard traps when log as a > >peer. > > >Ideas? > > >-- > >John Mandeville > >jemandy at earthlink dot net --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: EarthLink Network, Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 21:33:26 To: All 12-Oct-99 21:21:12 Subj: Re: sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F8rn?= Vermo Michael Warmuth wrote: > On 10.10.99, 15.04.47, (John Poltorak) > wrote regarding "sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora": > > > Has anyone managed to get the OS/2 port of sendmail 8.9.1 working with > > Aurora? > > > I have tried, but get a SYS3173 in TCPIP32.DLL... > [...] > > No help, but: Same here with Warp 4.0 FP 12, TCP/IP 4.1 MPTN WR08620. > > I am interested in a solution, too. > Try Weasel instead. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Norbionics (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 11:32:20 To: All 12-Oct-99 23:18:16 Subj: Unprofessional people From: "Steve Wisnieski" I posted a question to this forum, hoping for PROFESSIONAL responses( I did get a few ), but then, we get jerks like this guy. sent me this email....... Nerd... no need to be an OS/2 expert. Internetworking basics are sufficient. Check your tcp/ip configuration, especially the initializing statements in \mptn\bin\setup.cmd (ascii file, may be directly edited). the statements are almost similar to winxx and unix. god safe the rfc's. To be more direct: Run \mptn\bin\setup.cmd line by line and then post the complete file and mention the line that gives the error message. And to be an asshole: fuck off and leave.... --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Posted via Supernews, (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 18:28:02 To: All 12-Oct-99 23:18:17 Subj: Re: IP Forwarding not working From: (Dominique Pivard) On Tue, 12 Oct 1999 14:19:05, "Jeff Roesner" wrote: > > All had been working well until today, and I can't seem to figure out > what happened. I made no changes to my configuration and I have > rebooted thinking that would fix it. It's obvious, but did you check you still have an 'IPGATE ON' statement somewhere? Have you tried to enter it manually? --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: None!! (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 17:06:13 To: All 12-Oct-99 23:18:17 Subj: network-based modem router From: Hi Guys, I'd like to begin using a network modem router to access the internet instead of my locally connected serial modem, but can't seem to make the connection. How and where do I tell OS/2 V4 to use the network based modem router. I assume it's done at the TCPIP Config file but haven't had any luck as of yet. Any help would be appreciated. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Kidsoncomputers (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 02:31:11 To: All 13-Oct-99 03:37:03 Subj: TCP/IP Routing and Hostnames Configuration From: I'm a newbie with TCP/IP and hope that someone can help me configuring TCP/IP for a "client" machine in a 2 computer peer network. Here's the setup: 1 - "server" - Win96b running Internet Gate Proxy Server - Computer Name: cg950645-a IP address: This machine is connected to a cable modem. 2 - "client" - OS/2 Warp - tcp/ip 4.1 - 8620 stack - IP address: - Computer Name: Dad I need to run a SOCKS server to access secure web sites, so I have that enabled and pointing to the "server" ( The question is: How do I configure the Routing page and the Hostnames pages? Any help would be appreciated. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Team OS/2 (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 03:32:11 To: All 13-Oct-99 03:37:03 Subj: Re: FTPD for os/2 that support resume? From: (Peter Moylan) Tim Stephen wrote: >What options are there for an FTP server for OS/2 that supports >restart of a download? What OS/2 clients support restart? I suspect that nearly all of them support restart. Basically, everyone except Microsoft is using the 1985 version of the ftp standard. Microsoft, for reasons best known to itself, uses the 1972 version. The OS/2 server that I prefer is my own: FtpServer, available via the web address in my signature. Of course, that's a biased recommendation. If you want alternatives, look at either Hethmon ftpd or Penguin ftpd, both available on Hobbes. My favourite ftp client is NcFtp, and it too supports restart. -- Peter Moylan See for OS/2 information and software --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: The University of Newcastle (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 06:02:29 To: All 13-Oct-99 03:37:03 Subj: Re: PPP secrets.. From: check the ppp howto for linux, it has all the info in it. Ken > ..can anyone point me to information regarding the format/syntax > of the PAP/CHAP secrets files for authentication using PPP? ... > the information within OS/2 itself is not very informative.. > > TIA > Paul Grayce > > > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: EarthLink Network, Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 23:07:12 To: All 13-Oct-99 06:16:02 Subj: Re: PostRoad Mailer through Proxy Server From: "Thomas A. Heller" Sounds like this might be of interest to me....but I'm not clear on what advantage running a mail client trhough a proxy server may be. (I've been researching Junkbusters, so am I correct to surmise that a proxy server setup for e-mail may enable more robust screening of incoming stuff?) wrote: > > Thanks. Finally got it. I needed to make my userid: [myid]#mail. The # > sign was needed instead of the @ sign. > > In , james.arnold@!!! writes: > >In , writes: > >>Has anyone been able to use Post Road Mailer through a Proxy Server? > >>I have not been able to. > > > > I used to run PRM 3.0 through the Igate proxy server that I ran on an > >OS/2 Warp connect box. Once it was set up I had no problems. > > > > What Proxy Server are you trying to connect through? > > > > As I recall in the PRM setting for mail server you enter the proxy server's > >name; for userid you enter "YourUserID@MailServer"; for password your password > >for your mail server. At least that is how it worked for Igate. > > > > Jim > > > > > >=========================================================================== > >remove !!! for e-mail > >James Arnold email: > > ICQ: 9719182 > > > > Member Toronto OS/2 User Group > > > >Brought to you by the letters O S the number 2 and NR/2 > >=========================================================================== > > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: EarthLink Network, Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 16:47:18 To: All 13-Oct-99 06:16:02 Subj: Re: HOWTO: chat scripts? From: JASMINE HAS to be the best way to do this. Look for on Hobbes etc. Written in Java it is quick and you can FTP toa server or copy to a disk. Brian <>, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F8rn?= Vermo writes: >Paul Ratcliffe wrote: > >> On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:27:02 GMT, Marco Shaw wrote: >> >> >I'm new to OS/2 admin. I need to develop a script that gets files newer >> >than x date, and FTPs all these files to an FTP server, and this must be >> >done every 4 hours. >> >> You need REXX and a library package called RxSock. This all comes with Warp 4. >> > >It may also be useful to run SWITCHRX.CMD to change to the new Object REXX. It has >some new functions which are very useful, such as access to semaphores. It is also >very fast and convenient to use the container classes (tables, arrays, queues &c) >to organize the files you need to transmit. > >It is easier to use the REXX ftp API if you do not need all the socket >capabilities. >From the online documentation: > > The REXX FTP API package is contained in the file rxftp.dll. This dynamic link >library (DLL) must be placed in a > directory listed in your LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. To use the >functions in the REXX FTP API > package, execute this REXX code: > > rc = RxFuncAdd("FtpLoadFuncs","rxFtp","FtpLoadFuncs") > rc = FtpLoadFuncs() > > To unload the DLL, you should first call the FtpDropFuncs() function, then exit >all CMD.EXE shells. After exiting all > the command shells, the DLL will be dropped by OS/2 and can be deleted or >replaced. > > > >> >> >What kind of scheduling mechanism does OS/2 (Warp 4) have? >> >> It doesn't, but there is a choice of Cron-like utilties on Hobbes which will >> do the job. >> > >It certainly does! I have used the scheduler in the bonus pack for years with no >problems. It will allow a wide range of different scheduling options (like every n >days, third wednesday in every month, or whatever). > >It is also possible to do the scheduling in REXX if it is fairly straightforward. >Your batch control program can be started from the startup folder, and stay in the >background like any other daemon. > >/* REXX timing loop for daily task */ >iScheduled = TIME('S', '22:14:00') /* Convert scheduled time 22:14 to seconds >after midnight */ >do forever > iNow = TIME('s') /* Seconds since midnight */ > iWait = iScheduled - iNow > if iWait < 0 then iWait = iWait + TIME('S', '23:59:59') /* Not until tomorrow */ > > SAY 'Wait' iWait 'seconds, until' TIME('N', iScheduled, 'S') > CALL SysSleep iWait > 'START /B myjob.cmd' >end > > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Web One Internet (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 06:14:16 To: All 13-Oct-99 06:16:02 Subj: PPP over LAN modem From: (Baden Kudrenecky) Hi: Does anybody have or know how to set up OS/2 Connect, so that that PPP will work across a Lan to a network modem? I get a pop up error message when I start the DOIP object, stating that "You may not access machines on the Lan with a dial-up link", and then nothing happens after "slattach" fails. baden OS/2, Solaris & Linux --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: @Home Network Canada (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 06:05:04 To: All 13-Oct-99 06:16:02 Subj: Re: IP Forwarding not working From: hehe, ipgate is in the tcpcfg utility on the first page I think "IP Forwarding" is what you are looking for. Ken > On Tue, 12 Oct 1999 14:19:05, "Jeff Roesner" > wrote: > > > > All had been working well until today, and I can't seem to figure out > > what happened. I made no changes to my configuration and I have > > rebooted thinking that would fix it. > > It's obvious, but did you check you still have an 'IPGATE ON' > statement somewhere? Have you tried to enter it manually? > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: EarthLink Network, Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 11:14:17 To: All 13-Oct-99 10:22:20 Subj: Re: PostRoad Mailer through Proxy Server From: I only do this so that both my peer machines can access my cable modem (at the same time). One peer machine has the cable modem and the other is connected in a peer network. In <>, "Thomas A. Heller" writes: >Sounds like this might be of interest to me....but >I'm not clear on what advantage running a mail >client trhough a proxy server may be. (I've been >researching Junkbusters, so am I correct to surmise >that a proxy server setup for e-mail may enable more >robust screening of incoming stuff?) > > wrote: >> >> Thanks. Finally got it. I needed to make my userid: [myid]#mail. The # >> sign was needed instead of the @ sign. >> >> In , james.arnold@!!! writes: >> >In , writes: >> >>Has anyone been able to use Post Road Mailer through a Proxy Server? >> >>I have not been able to. >> > >> > I used to run PRM 3.0 through the Igate proxy server that I ran on an >> >OS/2 Warp connect box. Once it was set up I had no problems. >> > >> > What Proxy Server are you trying to connect through? >> > >> > As I recall in the PRM setting for mail server you enter the proxy server's >> >name; for userid you enter "YourUserID@MailServer"; for password your password >> >for your mail server. At least that is how it worked for Igate. >> > >> > Jim >> > >> > >> >=========================================================================== >> >remove !!! for e-mail >> >James Arnold email: >> > ICQ: 9719182 >> > >> > Member Toronto OS/2 User Group >> > >> >Brought to you by the letters O S the number 2 and NR/2 >> >=========================================================================== >> > > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Team OS/2 (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 11:44:17 To: All 13-Oct-99 10:22:20 Subj: Re: HOWTO: chat scripts? From: Tim Timmins wrote: > JASMINE HAS to be the best way to do this. > > Look for on Hobbes etc. > > Written in Java it is quick and you can FTP toa server or copy to a disk. > > Brian > > <>, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Bj=F8rn?= Vermo writes: > >Paul Ratcliffe wrote: > > > >> On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:27:02 GMT, Marco Shaw wrote: > >> > >> >I'm new to OS/2 admin. I need to develop a script that gets files newer > >> >than x date, and FTPs all these files to an FTP server, and this must be > >> >done every 4 hours. > >> > >> You need REXX and a library package called RxSock. This all comes with Warp 4. > >> > > > >It may also be useful to run SWITCHRX.CMD to change to the new Object REXX. It has > >some new functions which are very useful, such as access to semaphores. It is also > >very fast and convenient to use the container classes (tables, arrays, queues &c) > >to organize the files you need to transmit. > > > >It is easier to use the REXX ftp API if you do not need all the socket > >capabilities. > >From the online documentation: > > > > The REXX FTP API package is contained in the file rxftp.dll. This dynamic link > >library (DLL) must be placed in a > > directory listed in your LIBPATH statement in your CONFIG.SYS file. To use the > >functions in the REXX FTP API > > package, execute this REXX code: > > > > rc = RxFuncAdd("FtpLoadFuncs","rxFtp","FtpLoadFuncs") > > rc = FtpLoadFuncs() > > > > To unload the DLL, you should first call the FtpDropFuncs() function, then exit > >all CMD.EXE shells. After exiting all > > the command shells, the DLL will be dropped by OS/2 and can be deleted or > >replaced. > > > > > > > >> > >> >What kind of scheduling mechanism does OS/2 (Warp 4) have? > >> > >> It doesn't, but there is a choice of Cron-like utilties on Hobbes which will > >> do the job. > >> > > > >It certainly does! I have used the scheduler in the bonus pack for years with no > >problems. It will allow a wide range of different scheduling options (like every n > >days, third wednesday in every month, or whatever). > > > >It is also possible to do the scheduling in REXX if it is fairly straightforward. > >Your batch control program can be started from the startup folder, and stay in the > >background like any other daemon. > > > >/* REXX timing loop for daily task */ > >iScheduled = TIME('S', '22:14:00') /* Convert scheduled time 22:14 to seconds > >after midnight */ > >do forever > > iNow = TIME('s') /* Seconds since midnight */ > > iWait = iScheduled - iNow > > if iWait < 0 then iWait = iWait + TIME('S', '23:59:59') /* Not until tomorrow */ > > > > SAY 'Wait' iWait 'seconds, until' TIME('N', iScheduled, 'S') > > CALL SysSleep iWait > > 'START /B myjob.cmd' > >end > > > > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Origin Line 1 Goes Here (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 08:15:16 To: All 13-Oct-99 14:36:18 Subj: Network modem router problems From: Hi, I would like to acess my network modem router from all machines on my nnetwork, but can't figure out how to set the OS/2 warp 4 machines to acees the router. All win 98 machine can do so with no problems, but OS/2 machines only use their local serial modems. I think I need to point the TCPIP config file to the router address but can't figure it out...Do I also need socks? Am new to OS/2 and could use some help. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Kidsoncomputers (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 09:32:05 To: All 13-Oct-99 14:36:18 Subj: TCP/IP Version 4.1 Header files and libraries ? From: Paul Randall This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------5282A1366681A9F0504A7218 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I just installed TCP/IP Version 4.1 on OS/2 Warp 4 and I can't find the corresponding header files or libraries. I am still using the TCP/IP Version 4.0 header files and libraries which came on the Warp 4 install CD. While this seems to work, I'd feel better using the correct files. I've explored the Developer Connection CDs (member level) and haven't found anything. I'd appreciate any pointers to these files. Thanks in advance, Paul -- Paul Randall Delta Information Systems --------------5282A1366681A9F0504A7218 Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="prandall.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Paul Randall Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="prandall.vcf" begin:vcard n:Randall;Paul tel;fax:215-657-5273 tel;work:215-657-5270 x147 x-mozilla-html:FALSE org:Delta Information Systems adr:;;;;;; version:2.1 email; title:Communications Engineer fn:Paul Randall end:vcard --------------5282A1366681A9F0504A7218-- --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Delta Information Systems (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: dennis@maserv.mathematik.uni-kar... 13-Oct-99 21:34:20 To: All 13-Oct-99 16:43:25 Subj: Re: Cable Modem firewall Message sender: From: Dennis Luemkemann > I have warp 4 and would like to use it as a firewall TCP/IP 4.1 and higher includes a firewall. It can be configured manually (not easy) or with a config program (easier) such as ServerConfig or Zampa. Dennis --- "In a world without fences, who needs Gates?" - Scott McNealy *PGP Public Key available* --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: University of Karlsruhe (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 21:06:13 To: All 13-Oct-99 19:52:21 Subj: Any PostRoad mailer address book conversion programs? From: I have been using PostRoad Mailer almost from the beginning, and I am generally satisfied with it. However, since Innoval exited the OS/2 market, I will probably have to eventually move to another email client (anything out there besides Netscape that is still being supported?) My question is: how can I export my PostRoad Mailer address book? Any utilities out there? I checked Innoval's site, and didn't find anything. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Verio (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 23:29:24 To: All 13-Oct-99 19:52:21 Subj: Kein Connect zum Provider unter OS/2 From: Stefan Sobina Moin zusammen, ich habe einen P2 mit 333Mhz, Warp4+FP9 und ein externes ISDN-Modem (ELSA-Tango2000). Mein Provider ist OKAYnet. Auf der Seite ist zwar sehr gut beschrieben, wie man unter OS/2 Zugang bekommt. Ich habe genau diese Einstellungen, wie auf der Webseite beschrieben. Beim Anw„hlen bekomme ich aber nur ein l„cherliches "NO CARRIER" zurЃck. Hat jemand ne Idee? so denn Stefan --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Okay.Net Newsserver @ Gigabell (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 22:34:05 To: All 13-Oct-99 19:52:21 Subj: IP masquerading with TCP/IP >= 4.1? From: "Adrian Gschwend" AFAIK there is no way to do IP masquerading in Warp 4 without 3rd party tools, is this correct? What about Warp Server for e-business, AFAIK this is a port of the FreeBSD stack. Can I do IP masquerading with this stack without any other tools? If so, how? Thanks cu Adrian --- Adrian Gschwend @ OS/2 Netlabs ICQ: 22419590 ------- The OS/2 OpenSource Project: --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: OS/2 Netlabs (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 20:59:05 To: All 13-Oct-99 19:52:21 Subj: Re: Unprofessional people From: In , "Steve Wisnieski" writes: >I posted a question to this forum, hoping for PROFESSIONAL responses( I did >get a few ), but then, we get jerks like this guy. > > sent me this email....... > > >Nerd... no need to be an OS/2 expert. Internetworking basics are >sufficient. Check your tcp/ip configuration, especially the initializing >statements in \mptn\bin\setup.cmd (ascii file, may be directly edited). >the statements are almost similar to winxx and unix. god safe the rfc's. > >To be more direct: Run \mptn\bin\setup.cmd line by line and then post >the complete file and mention the line that gives the error message. > >And to be an asshole: fuck off and leave.... This is probably one of those Microsoft employees whose job is it to trash OS/2 :) Ignore, ignore, ignore! --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Verio (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 21:54:18 To: All 13-Oct-99 21:24:24 Subj: Re: sendmail command line options From: huug >>>>> "John" == John Poltorak writes: John> I know it possible to send an email from the command line using John> IBM's sendmail, but I've forgotten the syntax, and am a long way John> from my manuals. John> Can someone remind me, please? Don't you have online documentation? "Assistence Center -> Information -> Tasks -> TC/IP Guide" sendmail -a file -f from -t to -- Note: I reserve the right to publish or return unsolicited, harassing or annoying (e-)mail. /hy:x/ PGP keyID: 0xDF28F4C1 "All are strange but thee and me; but sometimes thee acts funny."- Chuck Blake --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: voluntary (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 12-Oct-99 21:11:06 To: All 13-Oct-99 21:24:24 Subj: Re: sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora From: huug >>>>> "John" == John Poltorak writes: John> Has anyone managed to get the OS/2 port of sendmail 8.9.1 working John> with Aurora? Not even on Warp4: it just keeps disappearing. John> I have tried, but get a SYS3173 in TCPIP32.DLL... John> IBM's sendmail offers spammers an open mail relay to route mail John> through your system, and they have no inclination to provide a fix John> so I'd like to get sendmail 8.9.1 working. John> And before anyone mentions it, yes, I have heard of INETMAIL, but John> I've already paid for a mail daemon, and it would be nice if it John> worked prpoerly. Peter Moylan ( wrote a small POP/SMTP server called Weasel, which is very inexpensive (0 to 20 US$) and looks much easer to setup then Sendmail. The latest version of Weasel is normally kept at John> According to IBM, this open mail relay feature is not a bug, it John> was designed that way! When it was designed - 10 years ago? - there weren't any spammers yet so you wouldn't loose your account for running an open relay. Nowadays, IBM ought to be blacklisted itself for daring to continue shipping such dangerous software. -- Note: I reserve the right to publish or return unsolicited, harassing or annoying (e-)mail. /hy:x/ PGP keyID: 0xDF28F4C1 "All are strange but thee and me; but sometimes thee acts funny."- Chuck Blake --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: voluntary (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 19:47:19 To: All 13-Oct-99 21:24:25 Subj: Re: IP masquerading with TCP/IP >= 4.1? From: "Chris Stumpf" The easiest way to find out, and I do believe that the wseb stack supports ip masquerading, is to use Server Config. It started out as a tool to configure apache web servers, but the author also added the ability to configure all the advanced funtions in the 4.1 ip stack for OS/2 such as firewall, vpn, ect. Here is the url: On Wed, 13 Oct 1999 22:34:10 +0200 (CDT), Adrian Gschwend wrote: :>AFAIK there is no way to do IP masquerading in Warp 4 without 3rd party :>tools, is this correct? :> :>What about Warp Server for e-business, AFAIK this is a port of the FreeBSD :>stack. Can I do IP masquerading with this stack without any other tools? If :>so, how? :> :>Thanks :> :>cu :> : Chris Stumpf C.S.E. Computer Services Computer Consultant (OS/2, Lan, Wan, CTI) Serenity Systems Channel Partner IBM Certified Systems Expert - OS/2 Warp 4 web: email: phone: (732)918-2480 --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Monmouth Internet (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 00:40:03 To: All 14-Oct-99 03:59:07 Subj: Re: Any PostRoad mailer address book conversion programs? From: James Arnold wrote: > I have been using PostRoad Mailer almost from the beginning, and I am generally > satisfied with it. However, since Innoval exited the OS/2 market, I will probably have > to eventually move to another email client (anything out there besides Netscape > that is still being supported?) > > My question is: how can I export my PostRoad Mailer address book? Any utilities > out there? I checked Innoval's site, and didn't find anything. From the Jstreet mailer Address Book help file: *****************start quoted text********************** For example, to import an address book file (only the individual entries, not the groups) from the Post Road Mailer, use the latter program's ADR2ASC.CMD to export the entries to an *.ASC file, and that's the file you will import into the J Street Mailer. Use an editor which does not convert tab characters to spaces, such as OS/2's E.EXE, to remove the first four lines of the file (the title lines and the blank line). Then, here in the Import a delimited file dialog, assign the fields in this order: Last Name, First Name, Organization, Email Address, Nickname; then select Do not use for the next eight fields since each J Street Mailer address book entry can have only one email address and only one nickname; then Telephone Number, Do not use again since there can only be one telephone number, and then Fax Number, and Notes. Or, if your address book entries contain a lot of second telephone numbers and few fax numbers, you might want to select Telephone Number, Fax Number, Do not use, and Notes instead, and then remember that your address book entries contain two phone numbers rather than a phone number and a fax number as the field labels will specify. *******************end quoted text****************** I think from the above description you should be able to work something out. Jim --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Sympatico (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 02:01:06 To: All 14-Oct-99 03:59:07 Subj: Stop others from using your computer!!! 4444 From: That's right....stop others from using your computer now! Desktop Blocker will password protect your Windows system so that nobody except for you will be able to access your desktop. Keep that co-worker off your computer, keep the babysitter off the Internet, and keep the wife from discovering your "collection"(you shouldn't be looking at that stuff anyway). Desktop Blocker is a FREE download at: Take a couple seconds to view our SCREENSHOT: Lock-up your desktop today!!! -EggMan Network wpxjwcbqmhsvizfsbcmmdxyjxhyozevhuigfhlgceijtfmlcsrtmnjpoxluychvnn --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: @Home Network (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: jroesner@removethis.stone.kconli... 13-Oct-99 21:18:28 To: All 14-Oct-99 03:59:08 Subj: Re: IP Forwarding not working Message sender: From: "Jeff Roesner" On 13 Oct 1999 06:05:09 GMT, wrote: >hehe, ipgate is in the tcpcfg utility on the first page I think "IP >Forwarding" is what you are looking for. Thanks for the replies. It turned out to be a problem with my ISP. Just took me awhile to figure that one out. j e f f d . r o e s n e r || ICQ 36626514 || "...he's like a detuned radio..." --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: KC Online - HoosierLink (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 13-Oct-99 22:35:16 To: All 14-Oct-99 03:59:08 Subj: Re: default password in TCP/IP 4.1 configuration utility? From: (Will Honea) On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 14:49:59, (Dominique Pivard) wrote: > Is there a default password in TCP/IP 4.1's Java-based configuration > utility? I can't seem to remember I was ever asked to enter a password > before. The default is no id/password for TCP/IP admin. You can set it as an option after installation. Will Honea --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Origin Line 1 Goes Here (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 17:06:20 To: All 14-Oct-99 05:36:09 Subj: os2 as client for samba very slow compared to win95 From: Sean Hennessy - Geishan I'm in the act of setting up a small network (7 stations) to replace an os/2 peer server with linuxand samba. The workstations are mainly os/2 but with 2 win machines(1 95; 1 NT). Problem. current access for a particular page: using os/2 server = 3.5 secs - All machines using Samba = 3 secs windows = 22 secs OS/2 Now 22 secs is just a little bit on the slowwww side. This reeks of an adjustment somewhere, but I'm just not cluey enough to know what it is. Can someone please HHEEELLLLPPPPPP. TIA Sean Hennessy --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: OzEmail Ltd, Australia (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 07:31:15 To: All 14-Oct-99 05:36:09 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: (Mark Mellin) Hiya Sergey, I'm curious, I thought the "/L" or long format was for optical disks - how does this affect or "correct" the problems with Peer2Peer and HPFS386 on HDD's ? Also, when you said to never fill out more than 90% of a partition's capacity, did you mean; never allow a HPFS386 partition to reach +90% of that particular partition's capacity -or- never create a HPFS386 partition that is +90% of a HDD's capacity ?? My concern is that the "problem" will occur once Peer-2-Peer has been installed along with HPFS386. Thanks, Mark On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 20:22:27, (Sergey I. Yevtushenko) wrote: > 1. Partition should be formatted with so called "long" format: > > format x: /FS:HPFS /L > > 2. Never. No. *NEVER* fill out partition for more than 90% of > capacity. > > By the way: the same rules are applicable for ordinary HPFS partitions > if you don't want to see your files removed by CHKDSK. > > Just an example: three years ago I have installed Warp 4.0 and HPFS386 > on my home PC (still used every day by my daughter and my mother). > I can't say that power is very reliable in my home and there is no > UPS. > I have not lost even one byte of the information on that PC. > > Regards, > Sergey. > > *-------------------------------------- > ES@Home > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: @Home Network (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 05:52:14 To: All 14-Oct-99 10:29:21 Subj: Re: default password in TCP/IP 4.1 configuration utility? From: (Dominique Pivard) On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 05:35:33, (Will Honea) wrote: > > > Is there a default password in TCP/IP 4.1's Java-based configuration > > utility? I can't seem to remember I was ever asked to enter a password > > before. > > The default is no id/password for TCP/IP admin. You can set it as an > option after installation. Thanks. Actually, the TCP/IP configuration utility no longer asked me for an ID / password after I added SET LANTCP=EN_US (a tip I found in older posts). Now what I get when I start tcpcfg2.cmd is the following: FATAL error message: Can not start the local TCP/IP configuration notebook at this time because the remote TCP/IP configuration server is running and has files locked. Stop the remote TCP/IP configuration server to run the local configuration notebook. Now my next question is: how do I stop the remote configuration server, which I swear I never knowingly started in the first place. Thanks, Dominique --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: None!! (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 18:15:11 To: All 14-Oct-99 10:29:21 Subj: Services for PC Hardware, Software, Internet, Network, Email, NT Server From: "Cornelius Chu" Greetings from Penang, Malaysia. If you stay in Penang and any of the following problems or needs, feel free to email me or call me at 016-4570 838: 1. Hardware fails to work 2. Software corrupted 3. Internet related areas 4. Network failure 5. Need to setup network for your workplace 6. Need to setup Email Server for your workplace 7. Need a File Backup solution for your workplace 8. Need to setup NT Servers for whatever purposes 9. Network Sharing Access to internet with only one modem 10. Any other areas, you name it. I will go to your house or office with reasonable charges. And please take note that you will be given free follow-up support and service thru phone. Email me or phone me if you need my service. Thank you!! --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Unconfigured (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 10:05:24 To: All 14-Oct-99 10:29:21 Subj: Re: IP masquerading with TCP/IP >= 4.1? From: (Vit Timchishin) On Wed, 13 Oct 1999 20:34:10, "Adrian Gschwend" wrote: > AFAIK there is no way to do IP masquerading in Warp 4 without 3rd party > tools, is this correct No. IBM in manual says that this may produce security problems. So TCPIP 4.1 firewall has no NAT. > > What about Warp Server for e-business, AFAIK this is a port of the FreeBSD > stack. Can I do IP masquerading with this stack without any other tools? If > so, how? AFAIR It is the same stack with some enhancements and better documentation. It is numbered 4.2. P.S. All OS/2 stacks are BSD-compliant stacks. 4.0 has older compliance and 4.1, 4.2 newer. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Navigator Online Internet News Server (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 16:35:12 To: All 14-Oct-99 14:36:09 Subj: Sendmail 8.9.3 on Hobbes From: "Ivan Adzhubei" In <>, on 10/12/99 at 09:33 PM, Bj rn Vermo said: I have just uploaded OS/2 port of sendmail to Hobbes, currently in , proposed placement . This one reportedly works with Aurora. You will need to have EMX 0.9d with emxfix 2 installed. Configuration samples and standard documentation (as well as the source code) are included. Note that I am not an author of this port nor that I bear any responsibility for its quality and/or features. Cheers, Ivan >Michael Warmuth wrote: >> On 10.10.99, 15.04.47, (John Poltorak) >> wrote regarding "sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora": >> >> > Has anyone managed to get the OS/2 port of sendmail 8.9.1 working with >> > Aurora? >> >> > I have tried, but get a SYS3173 in TCPIP32.DLL... >> [...] >> >> No help, but: Same here with Warp 4.0 FP 12, TCP/IP 4.1 MPTN WR08620. >> >> I am interested in a solution, too. >> >Try Weasel instead. -- ----------------------------------------------------------- "Ivan Adzhubei" ----------------------------------------------------------- --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Moscow State University (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Tim Stephen@CIOS.ORG 14-Oct-99 13:08:02 To: All 14-Oct-99 14:36:09 Subj: Re: sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora From: Tim Stephen@CIOS.ORG (Tim Stephen) On Tue, 12 Oct 1999 21:33:52 +0200, Bj›rn Vermo wrote: > >Try Weasel instead. > > Weasel looks okay but (1) is there support from the author? and (2) it seems to require that all incoming mail be sorted into a predetermined list of known user's mailboxes. That is a bad idea in circumstances in which you want to accept mail generally rather than rejecting mail to unknown users. We've run about 30 listserv lists on our system as well as personal mailboxes for the last 15 years and its not a good idea for us to return mail that naive users have addressed to major-domo, majordomo, listproc, listserv, listserve, listserver, comserve, comserv, comsve, etc. etc. You can set up aliases for these variations but you won't know what new twists your overactive SMTPD has rejected. INETMAIL unlimited user edition has author support and the capability to turn off verification that mail is to a "known user". Unfortunately INETMAIL unlimited is pretty expensive, especially is you really just want it to be a non-relay-accepting SMTPD replacement. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Monmouth Internet (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 11:52:20 To: All 14-Oct-99 16:31:18 Subj: Re: sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora From: Grant Bierman In <7u4kjk$krq$>, on 10/14/99 at 01:08 PM, Tim Stephen@CIOS.ORG (Tim Stephen) said: >Weasel looks okay but (1) is there support from the author? and (2) it >seems to require that all incoming mail be sorted into a predetermined >list of known user's mailboxes. That is a bad idea in circumstances in >which you want to accept mail generally rather than rejecting mail to >unknown users. I run weasel, and after a bit I go it sorted out to accept mail from anyone/anywhere and send it on. Just put in * for acceptable destinations and for acceptable sources, works fine for me. One ofo several very good programs that the author puts out and updates. As for support I have yet to need to contact them myself, but have seen them active in the newsgroups. ------------------[ Web Master/Author For Hire ]----------------- Grant Bierman !personal --------------------------[ Random Url ]------------------------- !urls -------------------------[ Random Quote ]------------------------ !random ------------------------[ ICQ: 22733875 ]------------------------ --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: UseNet Server, Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 20:02:10 To: All 14-Oct-99 20:03:12 Subj: Dial in networking From: "Karl M. Beem" I am evaluating Desktop On-Call which works fine on my internal Lan. Now I want to control my wife's office machine and all I need is a TCP-IP connection. How do I get it in OS/2? If an Injoy dial in will work, what on my wife's machine will receive it? The documentation in Desktop On-Call says absolutely nothing about OS/2 except that the capabilities are built in to the OS. Everything that I have seen about Dialers talks about connecting to ISPs not just one of your own machines. Karl --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: MediaOne - Atlanta (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 20:55:10 To: All 14-Oct-99 20:03:13 Subj: Re: Peer & HPFS 386 From: (Sergey I. Yevtushenko) On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 07:31:30, (Mark Mellin) wrote: Hi, > > I'm curious, I thought the "/L" or long format was for > optical disks - how does this affect or "correct" the > problems with Peer2Peer and HPFS386 on HDD's ? Long format wipes out disk and helps CHKDSK to restore metainformation. > Also, when you said to never fill out more than 90% of > a partition's capacity, did you mean; never allow a > HPFS386 partition to reach +90% of that particular > partition's capacity -or- never create a HPFS386 partition > that is +90% of a HDD's capacity ?? I mean 90% of particular partition capacity. File system driver does not know anything about full size of HDD. Even more: in case of WSEB and LVM you can create HPFS volume greater than size of particular HDD. As far as I know, HPFS drivers (ordinary HPFS.IFS too) has somewhat different algorithms for nearly full partitions and partitions with some free space. All known sources of information (in particular HPFS description from MS) says that treshold is set at 10% of free space of partition. My experience agrees with this information. > My concern is that the "problem" will occur once Peer-2-Peer > has been installed along with HPFS386. There are some inconveniences but there are definitely no problems with reliability. Regards, Sergey. *-------------------------------------- ES@Home --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: ES@Home (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 22:16:04 To: All 14-Oct-99 21:38:25 Subj: Re: TCP/IP Routing and Hostnames Configuration From: In <_9SM3.767$>, writes: >I'm a newbie with TCP/IP and hope that someone can help me configuring TCP/IP >for a "client" machine in a 2 computer peer network. Here's the setup: >1 - "server" - Win96b running Internet Gate Proxy Server - Computer Name: cg950645-a >IP address: This machine is connected to a cable modem. >2 - "client" - OS/2 Warp - tcp/ip 4.1 - 8620 stack - I'm doing the same thing myself and it appears that you have the addresses reversed. should be the server. The help with I Gate should tell you what to do from there. At least I hope so, I'll be doing that next! >IP address: - Computer Name: Dad >I need to run a SOCKS server to access secure web sites, so I have that enabled >and pointing to the "server" ( >The question is: How do I configure the Routing page and the Hostnames pages? >Any help would be appreciated. --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Verio (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 00:11:22 To: All 14-Oct-99 21:38:25 Subj: Re: Dial in networking From: (Lorne Sunley) On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:02:20, "Karl M. Beem" wrote: > I am evaluating Desktop On-Call which works fine on my internal Lan. > Now I want to control my wife's office machine and all I need is a TCP-IP > connection. How do I get it in OS/2? If an Injoy dial in will work, what > on my wife's machine will receive it? The documentation in Desktop On-Call > says > absolutely nothing about OS/2 except that the capabilities are built in to > the OS. > Everything that I have seen about Dialers talks about connecting to ISPs not > just one of your own machines. > > Karl You can use PPP to set up a simple TCP/IP connection. You run the PPP program on the machine you are dialing to. The parameters that you use to set it up are fairly obscure but they are discussed in the on-line TCP/IP documentation. There is also a (I believe freeware) dial in server that uses PPP to answer the phone and requests a user id and password for the login. It is called TSERVE and you can get it from Lorne Sunley --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: MBnet Networking Inc. (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 14-Oct-99 20:27:29 To: All 15-Oct-99 02:48:14 Subj: OS/2 v2.1 TCP? From: "Walter S. Rue" Is there a way to install TCP/IP on OS/2 v2.1? I've used only v3 & v4, so don't know if v2.1 even has selective install. If it does, where would the stack come from? Would the v4 CD be usable, or v3 (Connect)? This isn't a Y2K issue. They need it within the next two weeks for about a dozen machines. Thanks in advance! Walter Rue --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Global Network Services - Remote Access Mail & Ne (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 00:57:21 To: All 15-Oct-99 02:48:14 Subj: Re: TCP/IP Routing and Hostnames Configuration From: I'm led to believe that it makes no difference which one is Can anyone confirm? In , writes: >In <_9SM3.767$>, writes: >>I'm a newbie with TCP/IP and hope that someone can help me configuring TCP/IP >>for a "client" machine in a 2 computer peer network. Here's the setup: >>1 - "server" - Win96b running Internet Gate Proxy Server - Computer Name: cg950645-a >>IP address: This machine is connected to a cable modem. >>2 - "client" - OS/2 Warp - tcp/ip 4.1 - 8620 stack - > >I'm doing the same thing myself and it appears that you have the addresses reversed. should >be the server. The help with I Gate should tell you what to do from there. > >At least I hope so, I'll be doing that next! > >>IP address: - Computer Name: Dad >>I need to run a SOCKS server to access secure web sites, so I have that enabled >>and pointing to the "server" ( >>The question is: How do I configure the Routing page and the Hostnames pages? >>Any help would be appreciated. > --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Team OS/2 (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 01:13:13 To: All 15-Oct-99 02:48:14 Subj: Help: 4.1 install From: (Rusty Boyd) When I run \tcpip\install.cmd I get the following message: Cannot write file c:\os2\install\tcpinst.log This seems to be a bogus message, since *I'm* able to write a file by that name (it did not exist before I wrote an empty file from epm). Any idea what the real problem is? TIA, Rusty --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Origin Line 1 Goes Here (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 05:35:09 To: All 15-Oct-99 02:48:16 Subj: Re: sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora From: (Peter Moylan) Grant Bierman wrote: >In <7u4kjk$krq$>, on 10/14/99 > at 01:08 PM, Tim Stephen@CIOS.ORG (Tim Stephen) said: > >>Weasel looks okay but (1) is there support from the author? and (2) it The author (that's me) spends a lot of time in the OS/2 newsgroups, and new versions of Weasel come out from time to time. >>seems to require that all incoming mail be sorted into a predetermined >>list of known user's mailboxes. That is a bad idea in circumstances in >>which you want to accept mail generally rather than rejecting mail to >>unknown users. An interesting point. My attitude has been that "unknown user" mail should be bounced immediately, so that the sender knows that he's addressed it badly. However it would be feasible in principle to add an option that says that all mail to unknown users should be routed to a special mailbox. You'd also have the opportunity in that case to use a smart filter that tried to figure out the most sensible destination. I'd never use such an option myself, but I can appreciate that others might want it. I'll take a look soon to see how easy this would be to implement. >I run weasel, and after a bit I go it sorted out to accept mail from >anyone/anywhere and send it on. Just put in * for acceptable destinations >and for acceptable sources, works fine for me. I wouldn't recommend running it that way. It means that you've turned your mail server into an open relay. That's OK if you're running a private internet, or something like that, but if you're connected to the real internet then the junk mailers will find you sooner or later. I'd suggest that you tune the "acceptable sources" to be the purely local machines, or the machines belonging to your own users, or some variation on that theme. -- Peter Moylan See for OS/2 information and software --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: The University of Newcastle (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 05:46:09 To: All 15-Oct-99 02:48:16 Subj: СУПЕР ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ!!! Minibrowser, Который Вам Платит! From: "Alex" Дорогой Друг, Я пишу это Вам, чтобы сообщить о новом интернет сервисе, который позволит получать Вам до $1.00 в час за использование в сети нового minibrowser! Он работает ontop вашего текущего броузера, так что нет тяжелый загрузки или изменения, которые Вам могут мешать. Вы не должны посещать любые специальные места или читать любые специальные e-mails. Надо только зарегистрироваться, и продолжить юзать сеть Интернет так, как Вы делали это раньше. Регистрация займёт только несколько минут. Как это работает? В правом верхнем углу вашего текущего неиспользованного пространства в вашем броузере помещается мини-реклама, и за нее Вы получаете деньги. Кроме того, Вы можете сами выбирать тематику рекламы, которая будет Вам демонстрироваться! Плюс к этому вы получаете $.10 с каждого заработанного доллара, с каждого человека, зарегистрировавшегося под Вами! В дальнейшем, если человек, который присоединился под Вами, присоединит кого-то еще, тогда Вы будете получать гонорар $.05 за доллар, который они зарабатывают... и так далее до 5 уровня. Этот путь, по которому ваши заработки могут умножиться до бесконечности! Если Вас заинтересовала эта отличная возможность заработка, нажмите здесь: Благодарю Вас. P.S. Уверяю Вас, Вы не пожалеете! -- ============= Alex ================= --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: InfoGate (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 05:38:00 To: All 15-Oct-99 02:48:16 Subj: Re: Help: 4.1 install From: (Rusty Boyd) After I posted the first message, I tried two things: 1) I created an install.rsp file, changing the two log paths to C:\tcpinst.log - install still complains that it can't write the log file to c:\os2\install. 2) I started the fi program from Netscape - it proceeds until the following error is encountered: 10-14-1999 10:34:08 PM TCPIP :: ERROR: Failed to create directory: \OS2\DLL 10-14-1999 10:34:08 PM TCPIP :: Installation complete. which again, is nonsense. Of course the directory exists and the install did not complete (fi did report this correctly). I also find this error at the beginning of the log created by the fi attempt: 10-14-1999 9:57:02 PM DHCP_DDNS_Server :: Unable to execute User Exit '\INSTALL\DHCPCHK.EXE 222314 Y' : error 5424. .EXE 222314 Y' : error 5424. I tried again without DHCP enabled, but the resutls were the same. TIA, Rusty --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Origin Line 1 Goes Here (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 02:09:29 To: All 15-Oct-99 05:27:03 Subj: Re: Dial in networking From: Kris Kadela You can also use DOIP in answer mode (easier to configure). Lorne Sunley wrote: > > On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:02:20, "Karl M. Beem" > wrote: > > > I am evaluating Desktop On-Call which works fine on my internal Lan. > > Now I want to control my wife's office machine and all I need is a TCP-IP > > connection. How do I get it in OS/2? If an Injoy dial in will work, what > > on my wife's machine will receive it? The documentation in Desktop On-Call > > says > > absolutely nothing about OS/2 except that the capabilities are built in to > > the OS. > > Everything that I have seen about Dialers talks about connecting to ISPs not > > just one of your own machines. > > > > Karl > > You can use PPP to set up a simple TCP/IP connection. You > run the PPP program on the machine you are dialing to. The > parameters that you use to set it up are fairly obscure but they are > discussed in the on-line TCP/IP documentation. > > There is also a (I believe freeware) dial in server that uses > PPP to answer the phone and requests a user id and password > for the login. It is called TSERVE and you can get it from > > > > Lorne Sunley -- ********************** DigiGraph Technical ********************** --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: DigiGraph Technical (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 09:42:24 To: All 15-Oct-99 10:27:10 Subj: Re: OS/2 v2.1 TCP? From: Will Rose Walter S. Rue wrote: : Is there a way to install TCP/IP on OS/2 v2.1? : I've used only v3 & v4, so don't know if v2.1 even has selective : install. If it does, where would the stack come from? Would the v4 CD : be usable, or v3 (Connect)? : This isn't a Y2K issue. They need it within the next two weeks for : about a dozen machines. There was a TCP/IP for 2.1, a separate package; it was around $200, so I doubt many people bought it, but you might find a copy on Ebay. Will --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: CTS Network Services (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 11-Oct-99 14:58:20 To: All 15-Oct-99 10:27:11 Subj: Re: Apache 1.3.9 with Netscape Roaming Support From: (Brian Havard) "Jaime A. Cruz, Jr." writes: >Has anyone successfully installed the roaming.dll file for Netscape Roaming >support? I followed the directions and copied roaming.dll to the Apache >libexec directory, made the appropriate change to the httpd.conf file, but >Apache won't start. It ends with an error saying it can't find >libexec/roaming.dll. >I've checked all the obvious things, spelling, capitalization, etc. >Everything looks fine, but it still doesn't work. Can anybody help? Unfortunately it gives that error message when it can't find another dll that the dll being loaded requires. It seems that when I built the roaming module it ended up with a dependency on pthrdrtl.dll (used by MySQL). To make it work, either install pthrdrtl.dll in your LIBPATH (it's included in the PHP3 module zip) or re-download the roaming module as I've fixed it. All available at -- ______________________________________________________________________________ | Brian Havard | "He is not the messiah! | | brianh at | He's a very naughty boy!" - Life of Brian | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Australian Public Access Network Association (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 12:08:02 To: All 15-Oct-99 10:27:11 Subj: WR08610 & WR08620 From: Gilbert Saint-flour Hello: I'd like to apply these MPTS fixes to the 4.1 stack; is there a way to apply them that doesn't require diskettes? Thanks. Gilbert Saint-flour --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: @Home Network (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Tim Stephen@CIOS.ORG 15-Oct-99 13:09:06 To: All 15-Oct-99 14:34:16 Subj: Re: sendmail 8.9.1 & Aurora From: Tim Stephen@CIOS.ORG (Tim Stephen) On 15 Oct 1999 05:35:18 GMT, Peter Moylan: >An interesting point. My attitude has been that "unknown user" mail >should be bounced immediately, so that the sender knows that he's >addressed it badly. However it would be feasible in principle to >add an option that says that all mail to unknown users should be >routed to a special mailbox. You'd also have the opportunity in >that case to use a smart filter that tried to figure out the most >sensible destination. I'd never use such an option myself, but I can >appreciate that others might want it. I'll take a look soon to see >how easy this would be to implement. Hi Peter! That's great news. This is exactly our situation. With Sendmail as the SMTP receiving agent, all our incoming mail is directed to C:\tcpip\etc\mail and our own smart filter detects the new mail and figures out what to do with it. We support a large academic community with a big range of services and just need a reliable SMTPD that is relay-proof. No other functionality is required for us because its all implemented in other software we evolved and need to continue to use. I'd rather have the unknown user items to look at (in case there's some obvious little address problem that I can sort out manually) than to reject out of hand. Many thanks. Tim Stephen CIOS --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Monmouth Internet (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: Tim Stephen@CIOS.ORG 15-Oct-99 13:19:16 To: All 15-Oct-99 14:34:16 Subj: How to monitor Bytes Sent/Received From: Tim Stephen@CIOS.ORG (Tim Stephen) An ISP we're considering using imposes a 12 GIG/month limit on total traffic on one's link, excess to cost addition per month over the base rate. I can see two ways of calculating link traffic on OS/2. Both involve netstat. NETSTAT -n lists a "total bytes sent" figure and a "total bytes received" figure. However NETSTAT -t lists a "data bytes sent" figure and a "data bytes received" figure. What is the difference between these numbers and which numbers will correspond with what the ISP's are tracking? Thanks! Tim Stephen CIOS --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Monmouth Internet (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 14:04:20 To: All 15-Oct-99 14:34:17 Subj: Your New StartPage ! From: (Shikojo) I found the best ever site on the net !!! Here you could find best Computers, Internet, Games, Entertainment and other links ! -- The Revolution In Internet Begins ! Get Paid By The Net ! Make Money Surfing The Web ! --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Get Paid By The Net (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 14:28:28 To: All 15-Oct-99 14:34:17 Subj: Re: OS/2 v2.1 TCP? From: (Kevin Croxen) Do you have a copy of Connect around? If so, providing you have fixpacked 2.1 *all the way up to the final fp108*, then 2.1 will install and run *all* the networking components included with Warp Connect. I keep just such a patched-up 2.1+Connect system around for occasional amusement, so I know it works. Heck, even Connect's version of Webex runs, though on fp108 the Win3.1 version of Netscape Communicator 4.08 is a better choice. Use prodinst.cmd on the Connect CD to install tcpip/mpts directly on 2.1, or, if you haven't gotten around to hacking 2.1 so it runs ATAPI CD-ROM drives yet, then on some other Warp machine prodinst will extract the tcpip/mpts products to diskette, and they may be installed on 2.1 in that fashion. Note that the 2.1 fixpacks are not completely cumulative, and the massive xr6200a fixpack must be applied first, followed by the very small xr_b098 and xr_b108 issues. At Cheers, --Kevin On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:27:59 -0400, Walter S. Rue wrote: >Is there a way to install TCP/IP on OS/2 v2.1? > >I've used only v3 & v4, so don't know if v2.1 even has selective >install. If it does, where would the stack come from? Would the v4 CD >be usable, or v3 (Connect)? > >This isn't a Y2K issue. They need it within the next two weeks for >about a dozen machines. > >Thanks in advance! > >Walter Rue --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 16:24:25 To: All 15-Oct-99 21:58:14 Subj: Re: WR08610 & WR08620 From: James Moe Gilbert Saint-flour wrote: > > Hello: > > I'd like to apply these MPTS fixes to the 4.1 stack; is there a way to > apply them that doesn't require diskettes? > Yes. Do one of the following in a temp directory: 1. Get the RSU distribution which has the files in ZIP format. Unzip the files. 2. Use the DSKXTRCT utility to unpack the DSK files. DSKXTRCT is on Hobbes. 3. Use LOADDSKF to unpack the DSK files to diskette, xcopy the diskette to the temp dir. Unpack the latest CSF (v1.41?) into the same temp dir. Use the following REXX script to apply the fixpak. /* REXX */ '@ECHO OFF' PARSE SOURCE os2 type invocation lastslash = LASTPOS('\',invocation) path = SUBSTR(invocation,1,lastslash-1) csfpath=path'\csf'; 'set CSFUTILPATH='csfpath 'set CSFCDROMDIR='path csfpath'\SERVICE.EXE' Ta da. IIRC, 8610 still uses MPTS to do the install while 8620 uses CSF. -- sma at rtd dot com Remove ".spam-not" for email --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: Sohnen-Moe Associates, Inc (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 16:29:09 To: All 15-Oct-99 21:58:14 Subj: Re: WR08610 & WR08620 From: (Alex Taylor) On Fri, 15 Oct 1999 12:08:04 GMT, Gilbert Saint-flour wrote: > Hello: > > I'd like to apply these MPTS fixes to the 4.1 stack; is there a way to > apply them that doesn't require diskettes? You can use the DSKXTRCT program (do a search on Hobbes) to extract the disk-images to directories on the hard drive. (You can overwrite the file "CSF_DISK" during extraction, BTW.) For WR08610, you then just have to run the setup program as instructed in the readme. WR08620 is a bit trickier, you need the CSF tool to apply it. Unzip the CS_141 package wherever, then - assuming you have the XR08620 files in C:\WR_8620, say something like: FSERVICE /R:RESPONSE.WP4 /S:C:\WR_8610 You might need to use a different response file, though - I've never done this with 8620, specifically. If you're not comfortable using FSERVICE, it might be simpler just to do WR08620 off floppies - it's only 4 disks. (That's what I did.) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Alex Taylor BA - CIS - University of Guelph ----------------------------------------------------------------- --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: @Home Network Canada (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: 15-Oct-99 13:48:05 To: All 15-Oct-99 21:58:14 Subj: Re: How to monitor Bytes Sent/Received From: Kris Kadela Tim Stephen wrote: > > An ISP we're considering using imposes a 12 GIG/month limit on total > traffic on one's link, excess to cost addition per month over the base > rate. > > I can see two ways of calculating link traffic on OS/2. Both involve > netstat. > > NETSTAT -n lists a "total bytes sent" figure and a "total bytes > received" figure. However NETSTAT -t lists a "data bytes sent" figure > and a "data bytes received" figure. > > What is the difference between these numbers and which numbers will > correspond with what the ISP's are tracking? > > Thanks! > > Tim Stephen > CIOS I think these numbers get reset if you restart the PC so you would need to keep a record of previous xfer stats. -- ********************** DigiGraph Technical ********************** --- WtrGate+ v0.93.p7 sn 165 * Origin: Usenet: DigiGraph Technical (1:109/42) +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +============================================================================+