** Congratulations! ** You are about to discover one of the most powerful tools yet designed to organize and track your source code files. SourceSafe tracks teams of programmers on a LAN, making sure they don't overwrite each other's code. SourceSafe stores source code histories, so you can retrieve old versions of a file--or of an entire program or system! SourceSafe tracks modular code--that is, it remembers which programs use which reusable files. SourceSafe provides a comprehensive multi-platform solution, with one unified code database accessible from DOS, Windows, Windows/NT, OS/2, UNIX, and the Macintosh. This demo is a full working copy of SourceSafe, limited only by a 30-day timeout (and without the 200-page User's Manual that accompanies the actual product). The recommended usage is to start with the tutorials in this document, and then actually integrate SourceSafe into your daily work for 30 days: this provides the most efficient, thorough evaluation of how the product fits into your development environment. For maximum convenience, you may wish to print this document. Unlimited permission is granted to reproduce this document any any quantity for use with the SourceSafe demonstration product. ** Getting Started with the SourceSafe Demo ** * Installing SourceSafe * 1. Users of Microsoft Windows must exit Windows before running the SourceSafe INSTALL program. The SourceSafe INSTALL program for DOS and Windows will not run successfully under Microsoft Windows! 2. Run the program INSTALL from this disk. The INSTALL program will ask a few simple questions (such as "what directory should SourceSafe be installed to?) and will then create a complete SourceSafe installation on your hard drive or network. After INSTALL is through, you can immediately start running SourceSafe as the user GUEST. It is preferable, however, to start by adding a few real names to the SourceSafe user list. * Adding Names to the SourceSafe User List * 1. Underneath the directory you installed SourceSafe to is a directory called ADMIN (for DOS and Windows users only) or OS2. Run the program SSADMIN in this directory. Windows users may notice that the SSADMIN program on this demo is DOS-based (although, unlike the INSTALL program, it can be run under Windows). The shipping version of SourceSafe comes with a Windows-based SSADMIN program. 2. Choose the "Add User" menu option to add a user. Enter the name of a SourceSafe user, and (optionally) a password. If possible, make sure every user's SourceSafe name is the same as his network username. When you are done, hit Okay to add the user. (DOS and Windows users without a mouse can use Alt-O for Okay.) 3. Repeat as necessary, then exit. That is, add all the users who will be running the SourceSafe demo. When you are done, choose the "Exit" menu option to exit the SSADMIN program. ** Tutorial: Your First SourceSafe Session ** This tutorial will take 15-30 minutes, at the end of which you will be familiar with SourceSafe's interface and basic concepts. Of course, many of the more powerful features discussed in the SourceSafe User's Manual and On- Line Help are not covered in this beginning tour. * Running SourceSafe and Logging In * 1. Run the program SSD.EXE (DOS), SSW.EXE (Windows), or SSOS2.EXE (OS/2). At this point, the SourceSafe login box may come up. If it does not, skip down to "Create a Project!" 2. Type your SourceSafe username (or GUEST), hit , type your SourceSafe password, and hit . You are now logged into SourceSafe, seeing the main SourceSafe screen for the first time. * Create a Project! * The first step in starting a program in SourceSafe is creating a "project" to hold the files for the program. 1. Choose the "Create Project" option from the "File" menu. 2. Type your initials (or any other name, such as "MyProject" or "Hardware_Driver"). 3. to the Comment box, and type a comment. For instance, "This is a dummy project being created for the SourceSafe tutorial." 4. Push the Okay button to Create the project. DOS users will need to know the following rule: use the alt-key, in combination with the highlighted letter, to activate buttons and other controls. For instance, hit Alt-O to "push" the Okay button. 5. Select the project you just created. Mouse users can simply single-click on the project in the project tree: keyboard users can to the project tree, then use the up-and-down arrows to select the project. Selecting sets your "current project"; the next steps you take will assume that you have set the current project correctly. * Set a Working Directory * The first step in beginning to work on any project is setting your personal "Working Directory" for that project. 1. Choose "Working Directory" from the Setup menu. 2. Use the "Directories" and "Drives" boxes to navigate to your personal working directory for the project. You can also use the "Create" button to create a new directory to act as your working directory. 3. Turn the "Save as Default for Project" checkbox on. DOS users, remembering the button rule discussed above, can use "Alt-P" to flip this checkbox to [Y]. 4. Press Okay to save your personal working directory for the current project. The bottom-left-hand corner of the SourceSafe window will change to reflect your new working directory. * Add a File to SourceSafe * Adding a file means copying it from a directory into the current project. 1. Choose "Add..." from the SourceSafe menu. 2. Using the "Directories" and "Drives" boxes, go to the "Users\Guest" subdirectory under the SourceSafe directory. 3. In the "Files" list, choose the file HELP.C. This is the dummy file which has been provided for this tutorial. Of course, you can instead choose any other file from any other directory and drive if you like. 4. Push the "Add" button. You will then be prompted for a comment: type one and press Okay. Finally, Close the Add dialog box. * Retrieve That File * HELP.C is now in the SourceSafe database. In the normal course of running SourceSafe, you will frequently want to retrieve it--that is, copy it into your working directory. 1. to the file list, and select the file HELP.C. 2. Choose Get from the SourceSafe menu. SourceSafe has not been changed at all, but a copy of the file HELP.C now exists in your working directory. You may want to confirm this fact before proceeding. 3. Select HELP.C again and choose Checkout from the SourceSafe menu. Once again, SourceSafe copies the file into your working directory--but this time, it marks the file for editing. 4. Modify the file using your favorite text editor. Make some change to the file (not the file in USERS\GUEST, but the copy you just Checked out to the working directory). DOS users will need to exit SourceSafe to do this, and then re-run it. 5. Select HELP.C and choose Difference... from the Info menu. This command does nothing to SourceSafe: it simply displays, for your information, the changes you have made. Hit to close the Difference dialog box. 6. Select HELP.C and choose Update... from the SourceSafe menu. After you press Okay, the file will be Updated in SourceSafe and your change recorded. Other users can now check out and modify the file. * An Historical Digression * 1. Select HELP.C and choose History from the Info menu. History shows you every version in the history of this file, and allows you to View or Get the old versions. 2. Press F1 to get Help on the History dialog box. SourceSafe's Help is context-sensitive; so when you hit F1, you get help on the dialog box you are currently in. Inside the help screen, use the up-and- down arrows to move among the highlighted words and scroll the text; hit on any word to jump to help on a related topic. 3. Press to exit the dialog box, and again to exit SourceSafe itself. ** The SourceSafe Command-Line ** The command-line provides an alternative entry point which is frequently faster than running the user-interface. It is highly recommended that you go through the user-interface tutorial first: then use the following instructions to see the command-line equivalents of the SourceSafe operations you already understand. 1. Put the SS.EXE directory in your path. For DOS users, this is the SourceSafe directory itself; for OS/2 users, the OS2 subdirectory. There is no command line with the Windows version of SourceSafe. 2. Set the environment variable SSUSER to your SourceSafe username. This step is unnecessary for Novell NetWare users, since SourceSafe can find your login name from your network. 3. Type SS CP $/ Comparable to the CD (Change Directory) command, CP sets your current project: in this case, to the root project $/ 4. Type SS Create Project2 SourceSafe asks for a comment: type any comment, as long as you like, and hit the key. The project is now created under the current project. 5. Type SS Dir This command displays all the files and projects under the current project, and is therefore one of the most commonly used in the command-line. 6. Type SS CP Project2 to switch into the project you have created. 7. Change directory to your personal working directory for the project. 8. Type SS Add . You may want to try SS Dir again to confirm that the file has been added to the current project. 9. Type SS Get HELP.C This Gets a copy of the file into your current directory. 10. Type SS Checkout HELP.C This is similar to Get, but indicates that you will be modifying the file. You may want to try typing SS Status to get a list of all the checked-out files in this project. 11. Modify the file using your favorite text editor. 12. Type SS Diff HELP.C This displays the changes you have made. 13. Type SS Update HELP.C This Updates SourceSafe's copy of HELP.C with the changes you have made. 14. Type SS History HELP.C This shows all the old versions of HELP.C. 15. Type SS Help History Similar to pressing F1 in the user-interface, the command SS Help is your command-line window into the SourceSafe Help system. ÿ