SysOp Information & BBS Addition/Update Submission Info ------------------------------------------------------- Updated 10/00 Adding your BBS to the Telnet BBS Guide --------------------------------------- There is no fee required to become a part of this list. The ONLY requirements are: 1. YOUR BBS MUST BE IN OPERATION 24 HOURS A DAY OTHERWISE WE WILL NOT CONSIDERED IT FOR THIS LIST. The only exceptions are down time for regularly scheduled maintainance and mail-run times. For example, sites that connect to the Internet for only couple of hours a day are NOT on this list. 2. The BBS should be privately owned. BBSes that are run by university students that have an Internet connection via their school will be accepted but PLEASE inform us when it will be down for any period of time (like Christmas, etc). Other non-private BBSes such as government BBSes and Freenets will be considered on a case-by-case basis (remember, you MUST have some local content to be considered a BBS). 3. The BBS must be accessible on the Internet via TELNET, RLOGIN, and/or Special Client. This means you must be able to actually LOGIN to the BBS through the Internet. 4. It must BE a "BBS" of some kind - sites that provide internet services, must also have a variety of local services. This is not a listing of mere "internet providers". Though we are not currently accepting web-only BBSes, we may do so in the near future. We have not yet established a criteria for Web based BBSes as far as content that would define them as a BBS. 5. Your BBS must have a STATIC IP address associated with the domain name. The only exception to this is if you have a pseudo- static domain name from Darktech ( or similar service (such as DynIP, DHS, TZO, etc) In addition, we will NOT list services that require the user to go to an outside source (i.e. a web page) to get the "current" address for a BBS. The "address" that will be listed here must work without the need to go to an outside source to get the "current" address for a user to access your system. 6. The BBS must accept new users. What's the point in advertising a "closed" system that won't let anyone login? If your BBS does not describe exactly how to login as a new user, then you must include that information in your listing. We also request that any additions or changes to this list be submitted by a sysop of the system (we don't take user-contributions of list information) - this is to protect the integrity of the list, and the systems on the list. Please also be sure to supply a valid internet address. THE LIST AUTHOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY SUBMISSION. So far, this hasn't happened...but you never know. I wouldn't include a BBS dedicated to kiddie porn or warez or Multi-level marketing for example. NOTE: I WILL verify additions to this list via telnet! I do not require or request a "guest" account - I am merely confirming that the telnet address is "alive" and eventually gets me to some kind of login prompt. SUBMITTING NEW/UPDATED SYSTEM INFORMATION ----------------------------------------- There are two ways of submitting new or updated information to the BBS Corner's Telnet BBS Guide: 1. Use the text-based form (FORM.TXT) that is included with this packet and E-mail it IN THE BODY OF THE E-MAIL (no attachments) to the webmaster of The BBS Corner. All instructions that are required can be found in that file. 2. If you use Netscape as your web browser, you can fill out the web-based form at: This form may NOT work correctly with other browsers such as Internet Explorer, AOL browser, etc. Thanks for your interest in the Telnet BBS Guide! Dave Perrusel - Webmaster / verifier ==================================================================== WHERE TO FIND THE BBS CORNER TELNET BBS LISTINGS WWW - (also home to The BBS Corner and "thedirectory" of ISPs and BBSes) BBS: Diamond Mine Online Modem: (540) 785-9135 Telnet: Or call you Favorite BBS and download IBBS1000.ZIP ========================================================================