HOW DO I ACCESS THESE BBS'S VIA THE INTERNET? --------------------------------------------- Updated 10/00 This "guide" is not designed to be a tutorial of "how to use the Internet", nor is it a guide to "how to get access to the Internet". There are hundreds of "help" files available on the network, or on your favorite BBS to help you out. Telnet is the process of using a computer from a remote location. This is the equivalent of using a computer from the main console (keyboard) but you are at a different location and using the Internet as a transport of data from where you are now to where the computer is. Telnet has been used for many years - even before the World Wide Web. To access a Telnettable BBS, you will need a Telnet "client". If you access the Internet from a Unix or VAX shell account, this client is built in to the operating system. Accessing telnet systems from the Unix or VAX command line varies from system to system but here's the general syntax: telnet (ex: or telnet (ex: Some systems integrate "telnet" into a menu prompt, which after execution will simply ask you to enter the host name or IP address. Some systems also offer the ability to use RLOGIN for the same purpose as TELNET. I'd suggest you try TELNET first... Most systems use telnet "port" 23. If no port is specified in the listings, more than likely it its port 23 and no special commands are needed. If there is a number beside the listing, you will need to use that port number. The syntax for these is: telnet (ex: 3004) If you are accessing BBSes from a PPP account on Windows 3.1x, Win 95/98, Win NT/2000, OS/2 or Macintosh - you need a Telnet "client" program. These are either shareware or freeware and are widely available for download. If you want to know where to get one of these - see the Telnet BBS FAQ ( for a brief listing of examples of Telnet clients. For Windows 95/98/NT/2000 users - we highly suggest using mTelnet. It is included in this ZIP file. It is also available at the author's website at or telnet at Note: DO NOT use the built-in Telnet program in Windows 95/98 or OS/2. These do not properly display ANSI colors and characters. Windows 98 users can use the Hyperterminal that comes pre-installed, but we highly suggest you use mTelnet instead. Many of these Telnet programs can be "called" from your web browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer). See the instructions from these browsers on how this works.