ALTERNATE APPLICATION FORM - FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE FORMS-CAPABLE BROWSERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated 10/00 If you wish to have your BBS listed on our site and do not use Netscape (or are having problems using Internet Explorer), please fill out the form below and send it to PLEASE send it in the BODY of the E-mail, NOT as an attachment! Note that at this time we are ONLY listing BBSes that are telnettable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except for regularly scheduled mail-run times or system maintenance). If your BBS is *NOT* in operation close to 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, we will not list you at this time. Fill out ALL areas of this form accurately and completely. Return the part that is under the CUT HERE line. I verify each and every application before it goes on the website. When you submit your form, I will add it immediately to the database, but do NOT expect this to be up on the web until the beginning of the next month. Forms submitted within the last 5 days of the month may or may not be included on the next month's list. If your submission is too late to be included on the next month's list, it will definately be included on the following month's list. Thanks for your understanding. David Perrusel Sysop - Diamond Mine Online Telnet: Webmaster - The BBS Corner E-mail: ----------------------------- CUT HERE ------------------------- New/Updated System Information Form: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sysop Name: (your REAL Name, no handles) System Name: (system name) Telnet Address: (your system's telnet address) IP Address: (IP address - REQUIRED except for dynamic DNS systems like TZO, Dynip, etc) FTP: (If any, host name or IP, anonymous FTP ok?) WWW: (If any, HTML address/page name) Sysop E-mail: (Sysop's E-mail address) Guest/New Login: (what do new signups or visitors login as) Dial-up Phone Access: (If any, main number or number for new users) Location: (city, state/prov, country) Number of Nodes: (total nodes - dialup & telnet) Pay: (yes/no/optional) Type: (BBS software, i.e. Wildcat, Worldgroup, etc) DESCRIPTION: (enter up to 10 lines, no longer that 72 characters long each) ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- CUT HERE ------------------------- I appreciate the information! I think a list like this will benefit everyone - and I pledge to keep it as accurate and up-to-date as is humanly possible. Please don't hesitate writing me if you have any questions or need additional info. Dave Perusel - Webmaster / verifier