About the Telnet BBS Guide -------------------------- Written 11/98 Last updated 10/00 The BBS Corner's Telnet BBS Guide is not the first telnet Bulletin Board System list, nor is it the last - but as far as I can tell, it is the largest. This list is the a compilation of telnettable BBSes found by various means (old lists that have been updated/verified, submissions, research, etc.) This list was compiled with information from other lists and as much info from as many sources as possbible. For all your efforts we say THANKS! The list is by no means complete, but its probably the most complete (and verified) listing of these kinds of systems available anywhere. But why in the heck is this list here to begin with? Mainly because no one else was doing it and people were asking for a good Telnet BBS list. So I started this one and based it upon a telnet BBS list known as the SBI (Select BBSes on the Internet). The SBI telnet BBS list was at one time (from 1994 to 1997) the "official unofficial" Telnet BBS list. However, the author of the list (Richard Scott Mark) "fell off the face of the earth" after writing a book on Internet Accessable Bulletin Board Systems. (I guess he took the money and ran!) The last time his list was updated was April of 1997. By the time I unofficially took over this list in the fall of 1997, his list was old getting very innacturate - many of the BBSes no longer were running. The list was still in operation (though not being updated) until July 1998 when the site host suffered a hard drive failure and did not put the old pages back up. The SBI list, for all practical purposes, had died. In October of 1997, I went through Richard's old list and threw out over 1/3 of the BBSes that were on the list. At the same time, I inherited the old "Thedirectory" list which used to be hosted on the main website where the Telnet BBS Guide is located. That list also had a lot of "dead" listings. So weeding out both lists and combining what I had left, this list tries to duplicate the efforts of Richard Scott Mark's old SBI list by using his format. I have tried as much as humanly possible to keep an accurate Telnet BBS list out there - simply because no one else is doing a Telnet BBS list project as large as this one! There are many out there - and someone has to do it, so I volunteered myself. But why did I decide to do it? Two reasons - the first is that I also run a Telnettable BBS (Diamond Mine Online) and the second is that I already was running a very popular BBS related website (The BBS Corner). I felt that if BBSes are to continue, it is to continue on the Internet. Most people realize the future of BBS systems is on the Internet and I'm trying my hardest to help out any way I can. Thanks to all the users of the Telnet BBS List! ----------------------------------------------- I do have to thank all of you for making the Telnet BBS listings a huge success. Over 100,000 hits to the main Telnet listings page in the last year and a half is much more than I'd ever expect to get! If you have any questions - please visit the Telnet FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page at http://www.thedirectory.org/telnet/faq.htm or E-mail the webmaster at telnet@thedirectory.org.