═══ 1. Start Here ═══ ═══ 2. HELP!! ═══ This catalog has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible. When you see highlighted text or a graphic representing a topic or a product that you are interested in, click on it. Each page should have a "Return to Main menu" or similar option to make navigation easier. In some cases, using the search button at the bottom of the window may prove helpful. Wildcards (*) are necessary when you wish to search on parts of a word. For example, if you search on "stein", you will get a message that says "Cannot find search text". Whenever you get this message, it means that the word you searched for does not exist within this catalog (This catalog contains no information on steins...) However, if you search for "*stein", you will get a report of all of the panels that contain information on Einstein! Searching on "ein*" will yield the same result. If you have a multimedia-enabled machine, you are now listening to Bach. This music will end when you close the window. If this music starts to get on your nerves, use the "Volume Control" located in your Multimedia folder to turn it down or hit escape to make it stop (we won't be offended). Incidentally, I've noticed that this file will crash if you use the forward/back buttons to move past a panel that has played music or a sound file. This can be avoided by hitting 'Esc' to end the sound routine (even if the sound has completed) before clicking on forward/back. Sorry, but I haven't found a way around this. Those of you using the on-screen hypertext links don't need to worry about this... Use the "Print" button if you would like a hard-copy of any of the product information sheets. The printout will be sent to your default printer, so make sure that you have the proper printer set as default BEFORE you select print. This can be done by right clicking on your printer icon and selecting "Set Default". You can even print out a copy of our order form so that you can fax or mail in your order. Look for the icon. When you see it, clicking on it will display a screen shot. Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 3. Product Info ═══ This Section contains product information broken down by category. Click on any of the following categories for more information. If this is your first time using this catalog, PLEASE read the disclaimer! Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. Click HERE to return to the Main Menu. Use the SEARCH function if you're not sure where to look! ═══ 3.1. CD Archives ═══ Due to their immense storage capabilities, CD Archives offer more software per dollar than just about any other source.... Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. Click on a title for more information! o Walnut Creek C User Group CD o Walnunt Creek CICA CD o Walnut Creek Clipart CD o Walnut Creek FreeBSD CD o Walnut Creek GIGA Games CD o Walnut Creek Hobbes Archive CD o Walnut Creek Internet Info CD o Walnut Creek Scientific & Technology CD o Walnut Creek Linux CD o Walnut Creek Linux Toolkit CD o Walnut Creek Project Gutenberg CD o Walnut Creek QRZ Ham Radio CD o Walnut Creek Simtel CD o Walnut Creek Space and Astronomy CD o Walnut Creek Unix/DOS Source Code CD Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 3.1.1. C User Group CD ═══ WAL65 SRP$49.95 IB$29 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Archive, C, Source code Current Version: Short Description: This CD ROM gives you the entire C User Group Library - a collection of more than 100 MB of user supported C source code. You get function libraries, text editors, compilers and more! Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: IB 30-day Export: No Restriction ═══ 3.1.2. CICA CD ═══ WAL40 SRP$29.95 IB$18 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: MS Windows, Utilities Current Version: Short Description: With CICA you get hundreds of utilities: Shells, disk utilities, mouse and keyboard utilities, screen savers, backup programs, programming tools, and over 200 games. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support ═══ 3.1.3. Clipart CD ═══ WAL95 SRP$39.95 IB$25 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Clipart, .PCX, .WPG, Publishing Current Version: Short Description: Contains 5050 black and white clip art images, totaling 408 MB of files. Subjects ranging from cartoon animals and Wild West caricatures are perfect for desktop publishing projects. You get the clip art images on this disc in both .PCX (PC Paintbrush) and .WPG (WordPerfect Graphics) formats for maximum portability. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.4. FreeBSD CD ═══ WAL50 SRP$39.95 IB$25 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: BSD Current Version: Short Description: Includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley. Everything comes with source code. You get a tightly integrated build system, you can make the whole source tree with one command. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.5. GIGA Games CD ═══ WAL66 SRP$39.95 IB$25 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Games, Shareware, Arcade Current Version: Short Description: Thousands of the finest Shareware MSDOS and Windows games. You will find everything from classic arcade games to the latest Windows simulations. You get 3,000 files sorted into 40 groups. Also included is an assortment of educational software. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.6. Hobbes Archive CD ═══ WAL22 SRP$29.95 IB$15 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Internet, Hobbes, Shareware Current Version: Short Description: Hobbes is 3500 files from the largest ftp archive of OS/2 material. The Hobbes is updated quarterly. Hobbes is the major Internet distribution site for OS/2 freeware, shareware, device drivers, program updates and information. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.7. Internet Info CD ═══ WAL80 SRP$39.95 IB$25 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Internet, FAQ, FTP Current version: Short Description: Contains a sample of the wealth of information that is available on the Internet. You get 12,000 documents about computers and networks: Ftp site lists, Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, Etc.... Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.8. The Scientific & Technology CD ═══ WAL75 SRP$59.95 IB$39 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Books Short Description: Contains a wide range of material from a rich mix of the best shareware authors around the world. Aimed at the technical and scientific PC user, the Libris includes extensive software collections for electronics, engineering, medicine, mathematics and statistics. Includes a 124 page BOOK and each item on the disc has a 100-250 word description. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.9. Linux CD ═══ WAL55 SRP$49.95 IB$25 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Linux, Programming, language Current Version: Short Description: The Yggdrasil Linux with full source code. Some programs you will receive are emulators, development tools, programming languages, a database system, communications software and games, etc.. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.10. Linux Toolkit CD ═══ WAL60 SRP$39.95 IB$25 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Linux, Toolkit, Develop, Program Short Description: Features a combination of tsx-11.mit.edu and sunsite.unc.edu. Also included are news/mail packages and source from the Free Software Foundation's ftp site. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.11. Project Gutenberg CD ═══ WAL33 SRP$39.95 IB$25 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Literature, Books Current Version: Short Description: This disc contains the electronic texts of the Project Gutenberg Archives for 1991-1993 in ASCII format. It includes o The Complete Works of William Shakespeare o John Milton's Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained o The CIA World Factbook o the first million digits of pi, e, and the square root of 2 o The US Declaration of Independence o The US Constitution o NAFTA Documents o Herman Melville's Moby Dick o Literature by authors including Mark Twain, Lewis Carol, Nathaniel Hawthorne, L. Frank Baum, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert Louis Stevenson, and H.G. Wells The organization Project Gutenberg encourages the creation and distribution of English language electronic texts. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.12. QRZ Ham Radio CD ═══ WAL99 SRP$29.95 IB$18 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Ham Radio Short Description: The complete North American call sign database on your PC. You now get a great Microsoft Windows lookup program along with the MSDOS version. Contains a complete current list of the 600,000+ US and Canadian Hams (no pun intended). Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.13. Simtel CD ═══ WAL45 SRP$29.95 IB$18 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: DOS, Shareware Short Description: The disc contains utilities, communication programs, BBS editors, documentation, and programs for the handicapped. Also provides source code information and programming tools for many languages. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.14. Space and Astronomy CD ═══ WAL85 SRP$39.95 IB$25 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Space, Astronomy Short Description: A collection of images, text files and software related to space exploration and astronomy. You can run this disc on both PC compatible and Macintosh computers. There are 1000 image files on Space and Astronomy and 5000 text files on space missions and NASA news, etc... Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.1.15. Unix/DOS Source Code CD ═══ WAL70 SRP$39.95 IB$25 Shipping Weight: .45lbs Key Words: Unix, DOS Short Description: On this disc you get plenty of high quality code: the Usenet source archives, the Simtel Unix-C Archive, and MSDOS source. An index file in each subdirectory briefly describes each file, making it easy to locate files by name or subject. Support: Walnut Creek CD ROM 4041 Pike Lane Suite D-891 Concord, CA 94520 510-674-0783 510-674-0821 FAX 510-947-5996 Customer Support Export: No Restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30-Day ═══ 3.2. Backup Software ═══ Power surge... Error reading Drive D... No problem, I've got a backup. Or do you? A reliable Backup is always a smart idea, whether you are a beginner or a power user. When considering a backup solution, pay careful attention to software-hardware compatibility. Pick hardware with a good track-record and software that is flexible and easy to use. If you already own a tape drive, use the search function to locate software packages compatible with your hardware. Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main menu. Click for Help. Click on the name of a software backup package below to find out more information. o ADSM/2 o ARCSolo for OS/2 o Back Again/2 Professional o BackMaster o BakupWiz o DualStor o FastBack Plus o NovaBack for OS/2 o Sytos Premium Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 3.2.1. ADSM/2 ═══ Click here for Part numbers and pricing. Key Words: Backup, Archive Description: ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager/2 (ADSM/2) provides businesses with a recovery and storage management solution that manages network storage and protects valuable data found on diverse Intel-based, Unix based and Macintosh platforms. The process of backing up hundreds of workstations and file servers is labor intensive, time consuming, and costly. With IBM's ADSM/2, businesses have a storage management solution for their enterprise that helps reduce labor costs, protects hardware and software investments, and helps manage storage costs. As a heirarchical storage mnanager, ADSM/2 automates the backup and archive process, provides easy-to-use and powerful data recovery capabilities, manages and balances storage resources, and supports a broad range of network environments and storage devices. ADSM/2's broad range of client support includes Apple Macintosh, DEC ULTRIX, DOS, Hewlett-Packard HP-UX, IBM AIX/6000, IBM OS/2, Microsoft Windows, Novell Netware, SCO UNIX, 386 or Open Desktop, and Sun Microsystems SunOS or Solaris. NOTE: base product includes support for DOS, OS/2, Netware and Windows clients. The Alternate Client Pak contains a registration and ordering card for support for the following clients and their associated documentation: AIX, HP-UX, SunOS/Solaris, SCO UNIX, DEC Ultrix, Macintosh, DBCS for OS/2 1.3 or later. Physical: 17-3.5" disks for the server and support for the following clients: DOS, OS/2, Netware and Windows Extensive Hardcopy manuals Support: IBM Corporation ADSM/2 Customer Support 800-237-5511 Courses available through Skill Dynamics 800-IBM-TEACH Intro to ADSM 2-days ADSM planning and implementation 3-days DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ ADSM/2 P&P ═══ 89G1342 ADSM/2 (ADSTAR) Base (server+10 backup clients) 3.5" IB$978.00 89G1347 ADSM/2 Add'l Backup Client authorization IB$58.00 14H0250 ADSM/2 Alternate Client Pack IB$445.00 05H0299 ADSM/2 10-pack Add'l Backup Client authorization IB$445.00 05H0301 ADSM/2 50-pack Add'l Backup Client authorization IB$1,855.00 ═══ 3.2.2. ARCSolo for OS/2 ═══ CHE43 SRP$295 IB$225 Shipping Weight: 2.1lbs Current Version: Short Description: ARCsolo for OS/2 offers reliable backup and restore to OS/2 workstations and LAN Server servers. This stand-alone application offers powerful storage management tools, which include features such as Intelligent Restore and the File Tracking System, as well as a variety of logs and reports. ARCsolo for OS/2 combines an object-oriented drag and drop interface for ease-of use, and a multi-threaded device engine for maximum performance. Features: Multithreaded PM Interface Physical: 3.5" media hard copy documentation Technical: Requires minimum 8MB RAM RECOMMENDED 16MB RAM Recommended 5MB free disk space Requires Supported Tape Backup device (see below) Support: Cheyenne Software, Inc. Three Expressway Plaza Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 800-243-9462 516-484-5110 516-484-3446 FAX International: 33-1-39 23 18 80 33-1-39 63 33 41 FAX Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty Period: IB 30-Day DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Export: No restriction Notes: Easy to Use Desktop users will marvel at how easy it is to navigate through the program with a minimal amount of instruction, utilizing ARCsolo's user-friendly interface. The tree and icon views aid users in finding specific files, while drag & drop functionality offers maximum simplicity. If a question arises, on-line help screens provide fast, accurate answers. Administrators will appreciate quick installation which leaves little room for error; ARCsolo automatically identifies the SCSI tape drives being used, and sets the appropriate parameters. High Performance The multi-threaded backup/restore engine performs simultaneous operations, so your backup/restore jobs will be faster than you imagined. ARCsolo will report the progress of these operations in real-time, so you can track its performance every step of the way. ARCsolo will help control the cost of backup tapes because it supports hardware data compression and backs up multiple sessions to one tape -- combining to substantially reduce the number of tapes required. Automated processing means less operator intervention, and fewer opportunities for human error. The convenience of unattended backups will free up employee as well as CPU, resources. When a tape is full, backup will automatically continue onto the next tape drive. Reliable Backup/Restore With ARCsolo you can rest assured that your backup and restore jobs are complete. ARCsolo ensures backup integrity with an optional byte-by-byte tape to disk comparison. Cheyenne's Tape Maintenance Utilities ensure tape integrity prior to backup. Flexible Backup may be full, incremental, or differential; enabling you to create a systematic backup scheme. You can execute common jobs via a reusable script. A database records backed up files, so you can locate files for restoration without scanning numerous tapes. Because ARCsolo is compatible with leading industry-standard drives and host adapters, you are free to select the hardware which best suits your operating requirements and your budget. IBM LAN Server Support ARCsolo for OS/2 can back up on-line User Account Information and Access Control Lists (ACL), which are essential to the operation of LAN Server. In the event of corruption or failure, these mission-critical files need not be recreated, so you can quickly restore network files. Certified Device List (others MAY be supported) 4MM (DAT) Conner Python 4322NP Conner Python 4324NP Conner Python 4326 Dynatek DAT 2.01HD (HP35470A) Dynatek DAT 4.0HD (HP35480A) Dynatek DAT 4.0ED (Exabyte 4200c) Dynatek DAT 4.0SD (Sony-SDT 4000) Emerald 2GB SYSA2DT Emerald 4GB SYS4DT (HP35480A) Exabyte 4200c Hewlett Packard 35470A Hewlett Packard 35480A Hewlett Packard C1520E HP JetStore 2000 (35470A) Hewlett Packard C1525E HP JetStore 2000i (35470A) Hewlett Packard C1533A DDS/DDS-2 Hewlett Packard C2224B (HP35470A) Hewlett Packard C2224C (HP35470A) Hewlett Packard C2225A (HP35480A) Hewlett Packard C2225C (HP35480A) HP JetStore 2000 (HP35470A) HP JetStore 2000e (HP35470A) HP JetStore 2000i (HP35470A) HP JetStore 5000 (HP35480A) HP JetStore 5000e (HP35480A) HP JetStore 5000i (HP35480A) IBM 2.0GB Internal Option IBM 4/10 GB Sony SDT-2000E Sony SDT-4000 Sony SDT-4000E Sony SDT-5200 Sony 5000 WangDAT 3100 WangDAT 3200 WangDAT 3400 (DDS-2) Wangtek 6200HS 8MM Dynatek HSB5.0ED (Exabyte 8500) Dynatek HSB10.0 (Exabyte 8500c) Dynatek HSB2.3EA (Exabyte 8205) Emerald 4.4 SYSO2G (Exabyte 8205) Emerald 5.0 GB SYSO5G (Exabyte 8500) Exabyte 8200 Exabyte 8205 Exabyte 8500 Exabyte 8500c IBM 5.0GB 8mm Internal Option Quarter Inch Cartridge (QIC) Dynatek QIC1.2TD (Tandberg 4120) Dynatek QIC2.0TD (Tandberg 4220) IBM 3450 1.2 GB QIC Ext. Model 1 IBM 2.0 GB QIC (TDC-4200) Tandberg 3600 Tandberg 3660 Tandberg 3800 Tandberg Panther 250s (TDC 3660) Tandberg Panther 1200 (TDC 4120) Tandberg 4100 Tandberg 4120 Tandberg 4200 Tandberg 4220 Wangtek 5150ES Wangtek 5525ES Wangtek 51000 SCSI Adapters Adaptec AHA- (1520, 1522, 1540, 1542, 1540CF, 1640, 1740, 1742) IBM MicroChannel SCSI (with or without cache) IBM Fast AT SCSI Note: Cheyenne Software, Inc. assumes no liability for failure of third-party hardware to perform as expected. If you require a device to be certified, please contact Cheyenne. ═══ 3.2.3. Back Again/2 Professional ═══ CDS82 SRP$149 IB$99 Shipping Weight: 1lb Key Words: Backup, recovery, tape, floppy Version Number: 2.01 Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag & Drop LAN Enabled Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk 40 page hardcopy manual Softcopy docs included Online Help function Boxed Technical: Requires 1.5MB disk space Supports OS/2 2.1 or later Support: CDS PO Box 25123 Woodbury, MN 55125 612-730-4156 8-5pm M-F 612-730-4157 BBS (24hrs) CIS:73662,3011 Upgrades: Competitive UG available Returns: 30-day satisfaction guarantee, 60-day replacement of defective media Export: No restrictions MSRP: $149 Notes: Supports any device supported as nameable drive, including SCSI tape drives, Bernoulli Boxes, Syquest removable hard drives, floppy diskettes, etc. Will support EA's, HPFS, HPFS386, and long file names. Quoted from CDS literature dated 9/13/94: Ease of use and powerful capabilities go hand-in-hand with Back Again/2 Professional. Featuring an attractive point and click interface modeled after the OS/2 'drives object', Back Again/2 Professional also features a built-in scheduler, password protection, and multiple levels of data compression. Once a backup set has been defined, it can be saved for later use. And by taking advantage of the Workplace Shell, a defined backup can be initiated by simply pointing at the backup set object and double clicking on the mouse. Back Again/2 also provides a standalone restore utility which can be used to restore an entire system, including the OS/2 boot partition. This feature makes it possible to perform a full system recovery without first having to reload OS/2. In addition the standalone restore utility can be used to replicate network clients: an entire system including OS/2, network software, applications, and a customized OS/2 desktop can be installed in a matter of minutes. ═══ 3.2.4. BackMaster ═══ MSR79 SRP$79.95 IB$69 Shipping Weight: 1.2lbs Key Words: Backup, Tape Current Version: 1.1a Short Description: BackMaster is an easy to use backup software for OS/2. BackMaster includes support for many popular tape drives as well as a set of disaster-recovery utilities. Features: 32-bit Multithreaded Online help function PM Interface Complement: Iomega Tape250 Physical: 1-3.5" disk 35 page hardcopy manual boxed Technical: requires 1-2MB free disk space supports OS/2 2.1 or later Supported tape drive required Support: MSR Development PO Box 632070 Nagadoches, TX 75963 409-564-1862 9-6 Central M-F 409-560-5970 BBS 409-560-5868 FAX Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 days Warranty: return defective media to MSR-90 days Upgrade: Handled through vendor Export: no restrictions Notes: Quoted from MSR brochure: AUTO-VERIFY BackMaster allows you to automatically verify after backup has completed. DOS COMPATIBILITY BackMaster supports bi-directional DOS compatibility. Backups made with BackMaster can be restored using your existing DOS QIC 40/80 software. COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS BackMaster allows you to customize your backups with command line arguments. Create command files to run from an OS/2 window or add parameters to icon settings. Use OS/2's alarm features to schedule backups. EASY TO USE INTERFACE BackMaster is as easy to use as the OS/2 file manager. Total, partial, incremental, and unattended backups can be performed easily by beginners. BACKUP FAT AND HPFS SYSTEMS BackMaster handles extended attributes, long file names, INI files, system files, and the desktop. Backup HPFS, FAT, and stacked FAT partitions. BackMaster also allows a customized forced read of locked files. READ EXISTING QIC 40/80 TAPES BackMaster uses your existing QIC 40/80 tapes to handle OS/2's extended system information. Backups made with BackMaster can coexist with previous QIC 40/80 volumes on a single cartridge. Backups made with your QIC 40/80 DOS or Windows software can easily be migrated to OS/2 using tapes. DISASTER RECOVERY UTILITIY Recover from even the worst disasters. BackMaster's text-based restore utility looks and feels like the PM restore. Simply reboot from the floppy and restore your system. HIGH SPEED TAPE CONTROLLERS BackMaster Tape Accelerator II Colorado Memory Systems FC-10/20, TC-15 Iomega Fast Floppy Controller "AT" Iomega Tape Accelerator Generic 2.88 MB Floppy Controller QIC 40/80 DRIVES BackMaster Tape250 Parallel/Internal CMS Trakker 120/250, 350/700 CMS Jumbo 120/250, 350/700 Conner 420/850 Iomega TAPE250 Iomega 420/700 & parallel port Conner 250 (internal) MicroSolutions BackPack 250*/900 * Note: serial # 14864995 & above Mountain 4000/8000 Archive LX Series Summit SE120/250 CoreTape 250 Generic QIC 40/80 (through floppy controller) ═══ 3.2.5. BakupWiz ═══ PCX55 SRP$149 IB$99 Shipping Weight: 1.35 PCX69 OS/2 & DOS SRP$225 IB$175 Shipping Weight: 1.6 Key Words: Backup, Restore, Tape Current Version: 1.1 Short Description: Powerful and easy to use SCSI tape backup/restore program. Backup and restore entire volumes or only selected directories and files. Restore files to a different subdirectory/tree structure and much more, including EA's, HPFS, and QFA support. Also allows backup to floppy disk. Features: 32-bit Text interface Multithreaded LAN Enabled Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk 84 page hardcopy manual Technical: Supports OS/2 v2.1 or later Requires supported tape device Support: PCX 3525 Del Mar Heights Rd Suite 313 San Diego, CA 92130 800-800-4PCX 619-259-9797 619-481-6474 FAX 619-481-6479 BBS CIS: 70216,174 Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty Period IB 30-day Export: no restrictions Notes: BACKUP * Entire volume or selected files and directories * Include or exclude lower level subdirectories * Changed files & optionally reset changed file status * Files modified before/after/on specific date/time * Automatic verify option * Automatic Inclusion/Exlusion lists RESTORE * Entire volume or selected files and directories * Include or exclude lower level subdirectories * Existing files may be preserved or overwritten * Changed files may be preserved or overwritten * Files modified before/after/on specific date/time * Restore files to different subdirectory/tree structure * Automatic Exlusion lists DIRECTORY * List all FileSets on the tape. * Files in any FileSet * List information about specified files SUPPORTED SCSI ADAPTERS * OS/2 - All adapters with ADD drivers * DOS - All future Domain ISA & MCA adapters * DOS - All ASPI supported drivers GENERAL * OS/2 - EAs, long file names, and HPFS supported * OS/2 - Completely restores OS/2 from tape * Citrix fully supported * Full Netware 286/386 support including MAC files * QFA support * Ability to span multiple tapes * Tension and Erase tape option * Logfile of all actions is created SUPPORTED TAPE DEVICES * ARCHIVE ANCDA 2750,2800 * ARCHIVE Python (all models) * ARCHIVE VIPER 2060S, 2150S, 2525S * BRAEMAR SCSI QicBac * CALIPER CP150, CP320 * CIPHER ST150 * EXABYTE 8200SX, EXB-2501, EXB-4200, EXB-4200c * EXABYTE EXB-8200, EXB-8200/IBM, EXB-8205 * EXABYTE EXB-8500, EXB-8505, EXB8500c, IBM-8505 * EXABYTE EXB-10e * HP C1533A, HP35450A, HP35470A, HP35480A * IRWIN 2320 * R-BYTE RB100, RB150 * SANKYO CP150, CP525, CP1000 * SONY SDT-1000, 1020, 2000, 4000, 5000 * TANDBERG TDC3600, TDC3800, TDC4100, TDC4200 * TEAC MT-2ST/45S2, MT-2ST/F50B * MT-2ST/F50, MT-2ST/N50 * WANGTEK 5150, 5525, 51000, 6130, 6200 * WangDAT Model 1300, 3100, 3200, 3400 ═══ 3.2.6. DualStor ═══ Click here for Dualstor part numbers and pricing... Key Words: Backup Current version: 3.0 Short Description: DualStor is an easy-to-use tape backup and restore utility that supports a wide variety of QIC 80 and Servo-Track tape formats including CMS Jumbo250, Iomega, and others. It provides data compression and network support for both IBM and Non-IBM ISA based hardware. Features: PM Interface LAN Enabled Physical: 3.5" media only Technical: Supported Tape Backup device required (see list below) Requires OS/2 v2.x or later For Network support: OS/2 LAN Server 2.0 or higher Novell Netware 2.2 through 3.1x NETBIOS Compatible Networks Support: IBM Options Center 800-426-7299 Supported Drives: IBM - Dualstor Internal Tape Backup Unit PS/2 Internal Tape Backup Unit Conner - ArchiveXL 80 Model 5580 Int ArchiveXL 80 Model 5580 Ext AccuTrak A120, Accutrak A250 Irwin 487, 785, 445, 745 Irwin DC2000 Series Model 2040, 2080, 2120 Tape*Stor C250MQ Compaq- Internal 40 and 80MB Tape Colorado- Jumbo 250 Model DJ-20 (w/grey interior, not white.) Mountain- FileSafe TD-8000 Summit- Express SE 250 Iomega- Tape250 Insider Most QIC80 drives adhering to the QIC-80 standard ═══ DualStor Parts and Pricing ═══ Stock_Num Description Price SRP ---------- ----------------------------------------------------- -------- --------- 31H5621 DualStor 800 Convenience Kit for DOS/Win 299.00 299.00 31H5622 DualStor 800 Convenience Kit for OS/2 311.00 311.00 44H3346 DualStor v3.0 for OS/2 UG from any prev version 48.00 48.00 44H3366 DualStor v3.0 for OS/2 55.00 55.00 44H3369 DualStor v3.0 for DOS/Win UG from any prev version 37.00 37.00 44H3393 DualStor v3.0 for DOS/Win 42.00 42.00 ═══ 3.2.7. FastBack Plus ═══ SYM45 SRP$189 IB$129 Shipping Weight: 1.45lbs WARNING - NOT WARP COMPATIBLE! Key Words: Backup, Restore Short Description: FastBack Plus is a true 32-bit back-up and restore application that takes full advantage of OS/2's multitasking and drag & drop capabilities. Supports backup to floppy, SCSI and QIC 40/80 tape drives, Bernoulli cartridges, Syquest drives, external hard drives, or floptical drives. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Drag & Drop LAN Enabled Complements: Physical: 1 - 3.5" Disk Hardcopy manual (approx 100pp) Boxed Technical: 4 MB RAM required (8MB recommended) Requires OS/2 v2.0 or higher Requires 2MB disk space Support: Symantec Corporation 1-800-441-7234 Customer Service 1-503-465-8420 Tech Support Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-day IB applies Warranty: 30-day IB applies Upgrades: Handled through vendor Export: not for export Supports: Floppy Diskettes QIC 40 and QIC 80 Colorado DJ-10 Jumbo120 and DJ-20 Jumbo 250 Irwin 5540 i/e and 5580 i/e Archive XL internal and XL external Iomega Tape 250 Insider and Tape 250 Outsider SCSI tape drives IBM 2.88 MB Floppy drives Bernoulli boxes and Syquest drives Quoted from Symantec Literature Can-Do for OS/2 Reliability, versatility and ease of use have made Fastback Plus a leader in backup software for Windows, DOS, and Macintosh platforms. Now, Fastback Plus comes to OS/2, with a unique three-level interface that lets you choose the style that suits you- whether you're a computer novice, a PC or Mac user or an OS/2 Pro. The World's Best Data Insurance for OS/2 Fastback Plus sets the standard for effective and reliable backup and recovery. With its Advanced Error Correction, Fastback Plus can recover data from a diskette with up to 11% damage and from a tape with up to 50% damage. Quick Crash Recover lets you quickly restore your entire system after a crash, without having to re-install OS/2 or spend hours rebuilding your system. Fast and Convenient Fastback Plus is a true 32-bit application that takes full advantage of OS/2's multitasking abilities. It provides unparalleled backup speed (up to 28 MB/min), and data compression of up to 85% (so you can use fewer disks or tapes each time you backup) Backup to diskettes, SCSI and QIC40/80 tape drives, Bernoulli cartridges, Syquest drives, external hard drives or floptical drives. Choose files from a directory tree, or by attribute, or drag and drop files onto a device icon. Automatic Backups Perform backups automatically in the background while working on other applications, or use the scheduler to run unattended backups. Use pre-set backup procedures to set the schedule that best meets your needs. Trust your vital data to the world's most proven protection for OS/2: Fastback Plus. ═══ 3.2.8. NovaBack ═══ NOV25 NovaBack for SCSI v1.01 SRP$149 IB$75 NOV26 NocaBack for QIC v3.01 SRP$139 IB$69 Shipping Weight: 1.8 Key Words: Backup, Restore Short Description: NovaBack offers support for a wide variety of tape backup systems. NovaBack supports any ASPI compliant SCSI host adapter and supports QIC-80 and QIC-36 drives. It safely backs up and restores HPFS and FAT files and extended attributes. NovaBack offers a complete range of high-end features such as unattended scheduled backups, software data compression, subsystem diagnostics, on-line help and more. Now includes NovaBoot for quick recovery from hard-disk failure. Features: 32-bit PM Interface LAN Enabled Physical: 1-3.5" Disk Hardcopy Documentation Boxed Technical: 4MB free disk space recommended Supports OS/2 v1.3 or later Supported tape drive required Support: NovaStor Corporation 80-B West Cochran St Simi Valley, CA 93065 805-579-6700 805-579-6710 FAX 805-579-6720 BBS Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 days Warranty: 30 days Export: No Restriction MSRP $149 Quoted from Novaback Literature: NovaBack Disaster Recovery Utilities The most powerful all purpose tape disaster utilities for your PC or network, file server or workstation. EASY TO USE... With the click of one button, you are off and running a complete backup of your system. Customizing is simple too, just follow the logical steps outlined with big, well labeled buttons. It's easy to save your custom configuration for running again and again, just click the Save Procedure button and give it a name. Even the most timid users will feel like a professional in no time! HIGH PERFORMANCE... NovaBack is the performance leader. Fast setups, fast backups, fast restores, and fast recovery. NovaBack configures your system for optimum performance, speed, and reliability. COMPLETE FLEXIBILITY... NovaBack offers a wide range of high-end features including the backup of Novell bindery files and trustee rights, database management of file names and tapes, command line execution, and advanced tape drive settings and customizing. From the simple to the sophisticated, NovaBack has what you need for complete disaster recovery! INDUSTRY STANDARD COMPATABILITY... NovaBack offers support for over 300 different types of SCSI tape drives, QIC-80 tape drives, QIC3010/3020, and parallel tape drives, including stackerrs and changers, and hundreds of different SCSI and floppy controller card combinations! NOVABOOT - THE SINGLE FLOPPY SOLUTION... For the ultimate in disaster recovery utilities, NovaStor's NovaBack complete with NovaBoot, the greatest invention since the computer. NovaBoot creates a single, bootable floppy disk, which boots your computer and starts the tape recovery program, without having to rebuild your entire operating system! One floppy, no hassle, no mess. The easiest way to recover from a complete disk crash. Supported Hardware (check with NovaStor for latest additions) TAPE DRIVES Aiwa ADIC Alloy Anritsu Archive AT&T GIS Caliper Cipher Colorado Memory Compaq Conner Contemporary Cybernetics Core DEC Dell Dynatek Emerald Exabyte Fujitsu Gigatrend HammerDAT Hewlett Packard IBM Iomega Irwin JVC Legacy LMSI M4 Data Maynard MicroNet Mountain Overland Data Qualstar Sankyo Sony Storage Dimensions Storage Tek Summit Tallgrass Tandberg Teac Tecmar Toshiba Transitional Technologies WangDAT WangTek Y E Data SCSI HOST ADAPTERS AMI Acculogic Adaptec Always BusLogic Compaq CSC DTC DTP Future Domain Grassroots IBM Mylex Procomm Procomp QLogic Rancho Technology Sankyo Seagate Shuttle Trantor UltraStor WangTek ═══ 3.2.9. Sytos Premium ═══ SYT41 - SRP$299 - IB$199 Shipping Weight: 2.0 Current Version: 2.1 Key Words: Backup, Restore Short Description: Sytron has now given Sytos Plus a new look with Sytos Premium Backup and Disaster Recovery for OS/2. It features easier access to its powerful features, emergency disaster recovery, a graphical multiple event scheduler, and built in autoloader support. Sytos is now faster, easier to use and more flexible than ever before. Now includes support for Colorado Memory tape drives. Features: 16-bit PM Interface Text Interface LAN Enabled Online Help Physical: 3.5" media Hardcopy Docs Boxed Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Supports LAN Server 1.2, 2.0, and 3.0 requires 2MB disk space See below for note on supported drives Support: Sytron Corporation 134 Flanders Road PO Box 5025 Westboro, MA 01581-5025 508-898-0100 508-898-2677 FAX Warranty: 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 day Note: Call Sytron's SyFAX information on demand line at 508-898-0001 for a complete list of supported backup devices. ═══ 3.3. Books & Tapes ═══ Ready to learn about the best operating system around? Then these books and videotapes should fit the bill. Packed with information, there are titles for the novice and expert alike. Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. Click on a title for more information! BOOKS o The REXX Cookbook o The REXX Reference Summary Handbook VIDEOS o Getting Started with OS/2 Warp (Video) o Learning OS/2 Warp, Advanced (Video) o Using Internet with OS/2 Warp (Video) o Using OS/2 Warp for Multimedia (Video) Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 3.3.1. Getting Started with OS/2 Warp ═══ VGR30 SRP$49.95 IB$41 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: Video, Beginner Short Description: This 70 minute video is an excellent way to get acquainted with Warp. The following topics are covered: o Computer requirements o Easy installation options o Advanced installation o Installing OS/2 Warp o OS/2 Warp Tutorial o OS/2 objects o Opening a folder o Tree window views o Detail window views o Moving the LaunchPad o Assigning passwords o Using Find o Viewing minimized windows o Explaining the Information Window o OS/2 Command Prompt o Drives folders o Working with folders o Using the Shredder o Formatting a disk o Using Check Disk o Installing a Windows application o Using Add Programs o Installing a DOS application o Installing an OS/2 application o IBM Works o Explaining DualBoot o Shutting down OS/2 Warp Support: ViaGrafix 5 South Vann St. Pryor, OK 74361 918-825-6700 918-825-6744 FAX 800-842-4723 Export: No restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30 Day ═══ 3.3.2. Learning OS/2 Warp, Advanced ═══ VGR81 SRP$49.95 IB$41 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: Video, Advanced Short Description: This 75 minute video will help the advanced user learn more about Warp. The following topics are covered: o Changing colors, fonts o Changing the system clock o Altering settings o Using the spooler o Installing printer drivers o Using the templates folder o Creating a template o Settings Notebook o Enhancing OS/2 startup o Preventing automatic startup o Customizing CONFIG.SYS o Altering DELETE confirmations o Using Command prompts o Changing mouse settings o OS/2 Bonus Pak o Installing IBM Works, PIM o Using Appointments o Using the Phone/Address Book o Discussing the Notepad o The Planner App o Using the To-Do List o Switching programs with IBM Works o Using the PIM Preferences Notebook o Using HyperAcces Lite o Installing HyperAccess Lite o Calling a bulletin board o Installing Faxworks o Sending a fax Support: ViaGrafix 5 South Vann St. Pryor, OK 74361 918-825-6700 918-825-6744 FAX 800-842-4723 Export: No restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30 Day ═══ 3.3.3. Using Internet with Warp ═══ VGR82 SRP$49.95 IB$41 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: Video, Internet Short Description: This 67 minute video will help you learn how to use Warp to connect with the Internet and Compuserve. The following topics are covered: o Compuserve Information Manager o Installing the Compuserve Information Manager o Signing up o Discussing the graphical interface o Using Compuserve o Going into forums o IBM's Internet connection for OS/2 Warp o Installing the connection o Register with a service provider o Sending e-mail o Explaining the UltiMail Lite program o Using UltiMail Lite o Using Access Online bulletin boards o Using Gophers Support: ViaGrafix 5 South Vann St. Pryor, OK 74361 918-825-6700 918-825-6744 FAX 800-842-4723 Export: No restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30 Day ═══ 3.3.4. Using OS/2 Warp for Multimedia ═══ VGR83 SRP$49.95 IB$41 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: Video, Multimedia Short Description: This 71 minute video will help you learn how to use the Multimedia features of Warp. The following topics are covered: o Associating sounds with system events o Using the sound program o The Digital Audio App o Using digital audio o Playing a .WAV file o Using Volume Control o Playing an audio CD o Using the Compact Disc folder o Using the MIDI program o Playing MIDI files o Opening sound bites o Using Multimedia Application Install o Digital Video folder o Playing an animation file o Explaining Video IN o Playing a movie CD o Discussing the Multimedia Data Converter o The Multimedia Viewer o Installing from the Bonus Pak o Explaining the light table window o Using the browsers Support: ViaGrafix 5 South Vann St. Pryor, OK 74361 918-825-6700 918-825-6744 FAX 800-842-4723 Export: No restrictions Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-Day Warranty: IB 30 Day ═══ 3.3.5. The REXX Cookbook ═══ The REXX Cookbook WST10 - SRP$42.90 - IB$34 Weight: 2.5lbs User level: Beginner to Advanced Description: The REXX Cookbook is a unique tutorial designed to teach anyone, even non-programmers, to programm in REXX by presenting detailed explanations of useful REXX programs. Those who have experienced the frustration of trying to write real-world code after finding only fragmentary examples in reference books will appreciate the programs in this book. Contains a 3.5" companion diskette containing all of the programs contained within the book and more. Published by Whitestone Written by Merril Calloway ═══ 3.3.6. The REXX Reference Summary Handbook ═══ The REXX Reference Summary Handbook - 3rd Edition CFS16 - SRP$27.95 - IB$21 Weight: 1lb User Level: Intermediate/Advanced Description: Anyone using REXX, from curious beginners to professional programmers, will find themselves reaching often for this quick reference pocket guide. It provides descriptions for all OS/2 2.1 REXX commands and syntax and includes SAA REXX and REXXLIB. This latest edition includes creating Workplace Shell Objects with REXX and is updated for OS/2 Warp. Published by CFS Nevada Written By Dick Goran ═══ 3.4. Communications & Networking ═══ Want to get your computer talking with other computers? Be it through a modem or through a network connection, communicating with other computers is often helpful and necessary. Need the Corrective Services patch for your favorite application? Just dial into the vendor's bulletin and download it! Or maybe you're interested in surfing the net.... we've got just what you need! Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main menu. Click here for help. o 3780Link for OS/2 o ChipChat o ChipChat Wireless Communicator o eXceed/OS2 o Golden CommPass o HyperACCESS/5 o LAN Server 4.0 o LANtastic for OS/2 o NetOpPM o PM2You o PMComm o PolyPM/2 o PostRoad Mailer o RhinoCom o TCP/IP o TE/2 o TalkThru for OS/2 o UnTieCom Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main menu. Click here for help. ═══ 3.4.1. 3780Link for OS/2 ═══ SRI43 ISA Bus SRP$995 IB$945 SRI54 MCA Bus SRP$1095 IB$1040 Shipping Weight: 4lbs Key Word: BSC, RJE, 3780, 2780, emulation Version Number: Short Description: Full-featured 3780/2780 BSC RJE emulation for OS/2. The menu-driven interface and mouse support makes it easy to install, configure, and operate, while the powerful script language is perfect for unattended sessions. 3780Link can be configured for virtually any BSC RJE application. Enhanced features include client/server hooks, built-in text editor and line monitor, configurable ASCII-EBCDIC translation, and time activated commands. A variety of external auto-dial and auto-answer synchronous modems are supported. Features: Multithreaded 16-bit Physical: 2 - 3.5"disks 114 page hardcopy manual Technical: Cable and synchronous hardware adapter included Supports OS/2 1.3 or later Recommended 4MB RAM Requires approx 1MB hard-drive space Support: Serengeti Systems 808 West 10th Street Suite 101 Austin, Texas 78701 800-634-3122 (VOX) 10am-6pm CST 512-345-2211 (VOX) 512-480-8729 (FAX) Notes: Advanced Features: o Up to 38.4 kbps over dial-up or leased lines o Detailed log file with date and time stamp o Line trace for monitoring and diagnostics o Auto-dial with UDS, v.25 bis, SADL, and the 'AT' command set o Multiple BSC ports on a single system Integrated Environment: o Menu-driven interface with mouse support o Easy setup and configuration o Save and use multiple configuration files o Built-in file-viewer and text-editor o Real-time session statistics o Smart phone directory o Print and receive files in "background" Script Language: o Execute scripts from the command line, batch files, parent process, or menu o Supports unattended operation o Call scripts from within scripts o Time activated commands o Branching and looping commands o Extensive result codes in error testing 3780/2780 BSC Features: o Complete IBM 3780/2780 RJE emulation o Point-to-point bisync protocol o Vertical Forms Control (VFC) recognition o Device selection support o Selectable half- or full-duplex operation o Space compression and expansion (3780) o Space truncation and expansion (2780) o WACK, RVI, and TDD support o Transparent text mode support o Terminal identification support o CRC-16 error checking Enhanced BSC Features: o Receive files to console, printer, or disk o Binary file mode to send and receive non-text files o Ability to strip VFC and device selection sequences o Communications buffers up to 4K bytes o Configurable ASCII-EBCDIC translation tables o Configurable in-bound record separator recognition o of outbound record separators Synchronous Adapters: o SSI SyncCard single port for PC/XT/AT or MCA o SSI SmartSync 4 or 8 port co-processor for AT or MCA Modem Options: o UDS Sync-Up internal auto-dial modems including the v.32, 201C/D, Racal-Vadic 4850PA, and MultiModem V32 o Most external synchronous modems in manual dial mode ═══ 3.4.2. ChipChat ═══ CAW16 SRP$299 IB$259 Shipping Weight: 2.5 Key Words: Communication, File transfer, Asynchronus Current Version: 1.3 Short Description: ChipChat gets your computer chips chatting with the rest of the world using the OS/2 Presentation Manager. ChipChat performs file transfers using Xmodem, Xmodem-1k, Ymodem, Ymodem-G, and Kermit, and supports terminal emulations of ANSI, VT-100, VT-102, VT-220, VT-320, and TTY. Most popular high-speed error-correcting modems are supported. ChipChat can use 8 COM ports per ARTIC card with up to 4 cards per system. Use ChipChat on a TCP/IP LAN to access your host using the Telnet protocol. 24-hour Customer Support BBS. Features: 16-bit PM Interface LAN Enabled Physical: 3.5" media Hardcopy documentation Support: ChipChat-Cawthon Software 24224 Michigan Avenue Dearborn, MI 48124 313-565-4000 313-565-4001 FAX Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty Period: IB 30-day Export: No restriction ═══ 3.4.3. ChipChat Wireless Communicator ═══ CAW29 SRP$79 IB$69 Special Pricing through June 31st Shipping Weight: .5 Current version: 1.0 Short Description: The ChipChat Wireless Communicator is an exciting new software product that allows text paging to be done quickly, easily and conveniently from OS/2. It works with most paging services using your computer, a modem, and a telephone line. You can track your paging use and monitor your paging costs. ChipChat is a 32-bit object-oriented solution for OS/2 - Available now at a very competitive price. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Physical: 3.5" media Includes EXTENSIVE softcopy docs with color illustrations and ability to print hardcopy manual Technical: Includes support for Ameritech, AirTouch, MobileComm, Pac*Tel, PageNet, SkyTel plus other paging services. Support: ChipChat-Cawthon Software 24224 Michigan Ave Dearborn, MI 48124 313-565-4000 313-565-4001 FAX Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: IB 30-day Export: No restriction ═══ 3.4.4. eXceed/OS2 ═══ HUM44 SRP$545 IB$399 Shipping Weight: 3.6lbs Current Version: 1.1 Key Words, X Windows, X Server, Unix Short Description: eXceed/OS2 is a high performance 32-bit PC X server which allows OS/2 users to connect to and display applications from X windows system hosts. eXceed/OS2 takes full advantage of the multitasking and performance capabilities of OS2 and allows data transfer between X hosts. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag & Drop LAN Enabled On-line Help Physical: 4-3.5" Disks Hardcopy Documentation Technical: eXceed/OS2 supports the following transports: IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 V 1.2.1 IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 V 2.0 FTP TCP/IP for OS/2 V 1.3 Novell LAN Workplace for OS/2 V 3.0 4MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later Support: Hummingbird Communications 2900 John Street, Markham Ontario, Canada L3R 5G3 Customer Service: 905-470-1203 (8-5) FAX: 905-470-1207 BBS: 905-470-0825 (24 hrs) Internet: support@hcl.com Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 day applies Warranty period: 90 day replacement of media Upgrade: Through Developer ═══ 3.4.5. Golden CommPass ═══ CSP20 SRP$99 IB$69 Shipping Weight: 2.0 Key Words: Communications, Compuserve Version: 2.20 Short Description: Golden CommPass is a specialized 32-bit OS/2 communications program designed to fully automate navigation of CompuServe forums, libraries, mail, etc. You save money because you select, read and compose messages off-line. Golden CommPass logs on, grabs what you need, and logs off. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Context-sensitive help LAN enabled Physical: 1-3.5" Disk 9.25x7.5x1.5" Boxed Hardcopy Docs (250pp) Technical: 2MB free hard disk space Supports OS/2 v2.0 and v2.1 Hayes-compatible modem Support: Creative Systems Programming P.O. Box 961 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 Phone Support: (609) 234-1500 10:00am - 4:00pm EST CIS Support: GCPSUPPORT CIS Customer Service: 71511,151 Satisfaction guarantee: 90 days Warranty period: 90 days Upgrades available directly from Creative Systems Demo available on CompuServe DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Export: No restrictions Long Description: Time is money when you're connected to CompuServe, an Golden CommPass saves you both. Want to join forums? Just scroll down the list, and point and click. Golden CommPass logs on, joins and logs off. Want to read forum messages? Golden CommPass retrieves and saves message subject lists for each forum you've selected. Peruse them at your leisure and mark any and all that interest you. When you tell Golden CommPass to log on again, it grabs the messages and logs off. You can also retrieve library lists and files with the same simplicity and convenience. Want to send electronic mail? Compose a message off-line, then send it with a few clicks of you mouse. Golden CommPass brings out the best in OS/2 It looks great, with easy-to-change fonts, colors and window sizes, and it abounds with attractive and practical features including:  Graphical objects that represent each task and its current status  Dialog boxes with clear, concise information on options and settings  "Bookmarks" to tag messages you'll return to later  Full clipboard support to let you cut and paste text between any applications  Complete support for uploading files  A customizable button bar for frequently used commands  A scrollable window to show your on-line communications with CompuServe  Context-sensitive help Golden CommPass takes full advantage of OS/2 multithreading. For example, you can:  Read messages from one forum while retrieving subject lists and messages from others.  Upload a technical support question while writing a message reply in a window that splits to let you review the original message  Install a new printer driver you just downloaded while Golden CommPass gets your mail  Select your on-line tasks in any order and work with each as soon as it's processed  Collect messages and download files error-free in the background, without any significant impact on CPU space utilization  Open multiple windows and work simultaneously with multiple files ═══ 3.4.6. HyperACCESS/5 ═══ HGR55 SRP$199 IB$125 Shipping Weight: 1.75lbs Key Words: Communications, terminal emulation, Asynchronous Current Version: 3.1 Short Description: HyperACCESS/5 is a telecommunications program which takes advantage of OS/2's multitasking capabilities. Emulates most popular async terminals and 12 different file transfer protocols. DOS and OS/2 versions are included in the same package. Features: 16-bit Text mode Multithreaded LAN enabled Complements: Physical: 1-3.5" Disk & 1-5.25" Disk Hardcopy documentation (380pp) Technical: Requires Supported modem Support: Hilgraeve, Inc. Genesis Centre 111 Conant Avenue Monroe, MI 48161 313-243-0576 313-243-0045 FAX Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty period: IB 30-day Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.4.7. LAN Server 4.0 ═══ Click here for Part numbers and pricing. Powerful new graphical object-oriented interfaces for installation, configuration, administration and performance tuning make LAN server 4.0 an administrator's dream. Resource assignment, security and user administration are performed via simple drag & drop routines. LAN Server's support for non-OS/2 clients has been further enhanced, providing high performance for DOS, Windows, OS/2 and Macintosh clients. Plus, it's CID enabled for installation over the network and can support over 1000 clients. The advanced version also offers HPFS386 support, improved disk fault tolerance (mirroring & duplexing), asymmetrical multi-processor enabling on IBM PS/2 server 295 and local security enhancements. Features: 32-bit PM Interface/Text interface LAN Enabled Support: IBM Corporation 800-992-4777 DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ LAN Server 4.0 P&P ═══ 10H9763 Lan Server 4.0 Requester 10pk 390.00 10H9764 Lan Server 4.0 Requester 25pk 870.00 10H9765 Lan Server 4.0 Requester 50pk 1,485.00 52G8468 Lan Server 4.0 Entry 3.5" 510.00 52G8474 Lan Server 4.0 Entry CD-ROM 510.00 52G8475 Lan Server 4.0 Advanced 3.5" 1,485.00 52G8476 Lan Server 4.0 Advanced CD-ROM 1,485.00 52G8478 Lan Server 4.0 Entry AL 465.00 52G8480 Lan Server 4.0 Advanced AL w/cert 1,415.00 52G8510 Lan Server 4.0 Requester w/ cert. 42.00 52G8511 Lan Server 4.0 Requester UG 15.00 52G8512 Lan Server 4.0 Requester UG w/ cert. 15.00 52G8481 Lan Srvr 4.0 Entry CD UG from all other Entry 265.00 52G8482 Lan Srvr 4.0 Entry 3.5" UG from all other Entry 265.00 52G8485 Lan Srvr 4.0 Adv. CD UG from all other Entry 1,080.00 52G8486 Lan Srvr 4.0 Adv. 3.5" UG from all other Entry 1,080.00 52G8489 Lan Srvr 4.0 Adv. CD UG from 2.0,3.0 Adv. 340.00 52G8490 Lan Srvr 4.0 Adv. 3.5" UG from 2.0,3.0 Adv 340.00 ═══ 3.4.8. LANtastic ═══ ARS11 SRP$139 IB$109 ARS15 5-user SRP$629 IB$495 ARS20 10-user SRP$1119 IB$835 Shipping Weight: 2lbs Key Words: Network, Peer Version: 1.0 Description: LANtastic for OS/2 is a true peer-to-peer network operating system with a native OS/2 interface. LANtastic peacefully coexists with Netware requesters and LAN server clients. It will also connect to LAN Server and Windows NT servers, and LANtastic for any other platform! Features: 32-bit PM Interface LAN Enabled Drag & Drop Physical: 2-3.5" disks 2" box 300+ page hardcopy docs Technical: Recommend 8MB RAM Recommend 5MB Free disk space Supports OS/2 2.1 or later Requires Network Adapter with NDIS 2.0 driver Support: Artisoft, Inc. 2202 N. Forbes Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85745 800-293-3926 602-670-7100 FAX ═══ 3.4.9. NetOpPM ═══ MCC85 SRP$1495 IB$1195 Shipping Weight: 3lbs MCC90 Add'l Master SRP$795 IB$649 Shipping Weight: 2lbs MCC92 Add'l 50 remotes SRP$995 IB$820 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Version: 4.21 Description: NetOpPM is a full-blown Presentation Manager application, which from an OS/2 PC will allow you to take control of any OS/2, DOS or Windows PC on your LAN or WAN. NetOp PM's intuitive graphical interface with pull-down menus and toolbar buttons makes the program extremely easy to use. Features: PM Interface 32-bit LAN Enabled Multithreaded Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Requires IBM NetBios or Novell IPX Physical: 3.5" media Boxed Support: Markham Computer Corporation One South Ocean Blvd Suite 207 Boca Raton, Fl 33432-5111 407-394-3994 Additional Description: NetOpPM lets you control multiple PCs simuiltaneously, each remote PC is viewed through a window on your screen. Use the zoom button to switch to a full screen view. XGA and SVGA are supported for OS/2, even if you are remotely controlling from a PC with a lower resolution. Optimized compression routines assure fast performance. Multiple platforms are supported: You can control OS/2, Windows and DOS PC's using the NetBIOS and/or Novell's IPX/SPX interface, and all this simultaneously! NetOpPM is the first remote control package on the market to achieve this. Complete OS/2 Support: NetOpPM lets you control PC's running OS/2 PM, Seamless Windows, OS/2 Window, OS/2 Full Screen, and DOS - windowed or fullscreen. Taking full advantage of OS/2's multithreaded features, NetOpPM gives you the ultimate in OS/2 remote control. Performance: Speed is crucial for remote computing and NetOpPM was developed with this in mind. Features such as local mouse, non-synchronous screen updates and advanced compression ensure optimal speed and excellent network performance. Security has high priority in NetOpPM. Password on multiple levels, view-only and access confirmation/notification ensures you against any Big Brother syndrome. And much more: Chat mode lets you chat on-line with remote users running OS/2, DOS or Windows. Build facility automatically creates list of available remote PCs. Auto bridge support makes NetOpPM ideally suited for WANs. Peer to Peer file transfer for all platforms, etc. etc.. ═══ 3.4.10. PM2You ═══ RID25 SRP$259 IB$225 Shipping Weight: .55lbs Key Words: Remote Control Short Description: With PM2You remote control software you can remotely control any other computer running OS/2 1.1 or later with a dial-up modem connection or a network (LAN). PM2You supports several communication devices and protocols, including ISDN, TCP/IP, SPX and APPC. Features: 32 & 16-bit (Autodetects OS/2 version) Multithreaded LAN Enabled Physical: 1-3.5" Disk 40 page hardcopy manual (softcopy included) Technical: 2MB free disk space recommended Support: Ridax Programutveckling Kransen 4E 41672 Gothenburg Sweden +46-31-196074 (VOX) +46-31-196417 (FAX) +46-31-196046 (BBS) CIS 100114,3127 DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty period: IB 30-day Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.4.11. PMComm ═══ MNC20 SRP$99 IB$79 Shipping Weight: 1.2lbs Key Words: Communication, terminal emulation, asynchronous Version: 2.32 Short Description: Pmcomm is a 32-bit high speed asynchronous communications application for OS/2. Supports many advanced features of OS/2 such as drag-and-drop, clipboard, file association, and flat memory space. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multihreaded Drag-and-drop Context-sensitive help Physical: 1-3.5" disk Hard copy Docs (204pp) Technical: Requires supported modem Requires approx 1MB free disk space Supports OS/2 v2.1 or later Support: Multi-Net Communications 15702 Black Bear Court Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (503) 883-8099 (503) 883-7879 FAX BBS: (503) 883-8197 DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days Warranty period: 30 days 1 year free upgrade via BBS Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.4.12. PolyPM/2 ═══ SCA20 Teacher & Pupil SRP$295 IB$249 Shipping Weight: 2.8lbs SCA21 Teacher SRP$195 IB$165 Shipping Weight: 2.8lbas SCA22 Pupil SRP$195 IB$165 Shipping Weight: .8lbs Key Words: Remote control Short Description: PolyPM/2 is a remote control product for OS/2 which allows a Teacher OS/2 workstastion to control a OS/2 DOS or Windows pupil workstation. Features: 16 Bit PM -Interface Lan Enabled Multi- Threaded Physical: 3.5" media Softcopy Docs Technical: 1.8MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 v1.3 or later Support: Software Corporation of America 100 Prospect Street Stamford, Conn 06901 1-203-359-2773 1-203-359-3198 FAX Satisfaction guarantee: DUE TO RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY SOFTWARE CORPORATION OF AMERICA, WE CANNOT ACCEPT RETURNS ON THIS PRODUCT Warranty period: IB 30 Upgrade: Not Available Demo: Available through SCA Notes: PolyPM supports the following methods for teachers and pupils to communicate: NULL or Asynchronus Modem LAN NetBios OS/2 LAN Server MicroSoft LAN Manager IPX_SPX APPC/APPN (IBM x.25 and SNA) Atlantis, ICL, Synaptel or EICON x.25 and ISDN Cards TCP/IP ═══ 3.4.13. PostRoad Mailer ═══ INO20 Green Edition (Internet) - SRP$59 - IB$49 INO21 Blue Edition (PROFS) - SRP$79 - IB$64 Shipping weight: 1lb Key Words: Email, PROFS Current Version: 1.02 Short Description: Sending and receiving email couldn't be easier... With a built in editor supporting word-wrap; quoted replies; MIME attachments; drag-and-drop filing, printing and shredding, you can be communicating with the world in no time! PostRoad Mailer lets you sort within folders, configure inbound filters, and archive folders. The Green Edition includes POP3 for sending and receiving and SMTP for sending. The Blue Edition supports OS/2 EHLLAPI and Innoval Mail Management Protocal and VM SENDFILE attachments. Features 32-bit Multi-threaded Drag&Drop Physical 1-3.5"disk boxed softcopy docs Technical Green: o OS/2 2.11 o IBM Internet Access Kit or TCP/IP 2.0 (or equivalent) o SLIP, PPP, or other connection to mailserver Blue: o OS/2 2.11 o IBM Communications Manager/2 and / or o Advantis Passport/2 for OS/2 Support: Innoval Systems 600 Mamaroneck Avenue Harrison, Ny 10528-1632 914-835-3838 914-835-3857 FAX Email: postsvc@ibm.net Web: http://aescon.com/innoval Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: 90 days Upgrades: free 'til april '96 ═══ 3.4.14. RhinoCom ═══ RNE16 - SRP$199 - IB$179 Shipping Weight:1lb Current Version:1.0 Key Words: Communication Short Description: Developed for OS/2's Presentation Manager, RhinoCom is a general purpose, industrial strength communications package. Utilizing powerful object-oriented design, RhinoCom provides extensive capabilities for the sophisticated user. Features multithreading, multiple sessions, multimedia sounds and OS/2 REXX script language. Customizable, yet easy to use, with a configurable status box, macro compatibilities, and an interactive "coach" to help you learn. Transfer protocols include text, binary, Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem. Features: 32-bit Multithreaded PM Interface LAN Enabled Online Help Physical: 1-3.5" disk 8.5 x 10 x 1.5" Box Hardcopy docs (approx. 120 pp) Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Requires Modem Support: Rhintetek Incorporated 8835 Columbia 100 Parkway Columbia MD 21045 410-730-2575 VOX M-F 9am-11pm EST CIS: GO RHINETEK Warranty: 30-day replacement by vendor Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-day ═══ 3.4.15. TCP/IP ═══ Click here for parts and pricing. IBM's TCP/IP Your link to the Information Superhighway TCP/IP is actually not a single product, but a family of related protocols designed to transfer information across a network and provide information about the network. TCP/IP was originally proposed in 1973 as a communications protocol that could handle the rapidly expanding ARPANET, the precursor to what is known today as the Internet. TCP/IP became so closely linked to the Internet that it is now the communications standard when it comes to navigating the Internet. The family of TCP/IP programs allows users to send mail messages, share files and access remote applications across LANs and WANs. Using the TCP/IP protocol, users can take advantage of the processing power and storage capacities of a broad range of equipment and operating systems including UNIX systems, X-Window system support, FTP, and TELNET. IBM's implementation of TCP/IP version 2.0 for OS/2 has been a rock solid, powerful performer and, although the TCP/IP version 2.0 Base product is still available, it has been upgraded to Version 3.0 in OS/2 Warp Connect. If you need the latest and greatest then I recommend upgrading to OS/2 Warp Connect and taking advantage of the powerful implementation of TCP/IP version 3.0 in the Warp Connect package. If you need to remain with OS/2 version 2.x, then you'll still need to buy the TCP/IP version 2.0 Base product. The family products such as the NFS kit, X-Window kits, etc. will work with either TCP/IP version 2.0, or the version 3.0 included in OS/2 Warp Connect. You will probably want to check out the latest service packs for the kits if you plan to use them with TCP/IP version 3.0. ═══ TCP/IP Pricing ═══ AL=Additional License UG=Upgrade Part# Description Price SRP ------- ------------------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 65G1220 TCP/IP v2.0 Base 169.00 230.00 65G1222 TCP/IP v2.0 Base AL w/certificate 145.00 195.00 65G1223 TCP/IP v2.0 Base UG 50.00 69.00 65G1224 TCP/IP v2.0 Extended Networking Kit(X.25) 140.00 195.00 65G1226 TCP/IP v2.0 Extended Networking Kit(X.25) AL w/cert. 135.00 175.00 65G1227 TCP/IP v2.0 Extended Networking Kit(X.25) UG 42.00 59.00 65G1228 TCP/IP v2.0 X-Windows System Server 140.00 195.00 65G1230 TCP/IP v2.0 X-Windows System Server AL w/cert. 135.00 175.00 65G1231 TCP/IP v2.0 X-Windows System Server UG 42.00 59.00 65G1232 TCP/IP v2.0 Total Kit 525.00 722.00 65G1234 TCP/IP v2.0 Total Kit AL w/certificate 495.00 635.00 65G1235 TCP/IP v2.0 Total Kit UG 155.00 217.00 65G1236 TCP/IP v2.0 Programmer's Toolkit 395.00 550.00 65G1238 TCP/IP v2.0 Programmer's Toolkit AL w/certificate 385.00 495.00 65G1239 TCP/IP v2.0 Programmer's Toolkit UG 125.00 165.00 65G1240 TCP/IP v2.0 NetBIOS 80.00 110.00 65G1242 TCP/IP v2.0 NetBIOS AL w/certificate 75.00 99.00 65G1243 TCP/IP v2.0 X-Windows System Client Kit 140.00 195.00 65G1245 TCP/IP v2.0 X-Windows System Client Kit AL w/cert. 135.00 175.00 65G1249 TCP/IP v2.0 Ulti-Mail Kit 70.00 99.00 65G1251 TCP/IP v2.0 Ulti-Mail Kit AL w/certificate 65.00 89.00 65G1255 TCP/IP v2.0 NFS Kit 100.00 140.00 65G1257 TCP/IP v2.0 NFS Kit AL w/certificate 80.00 102.00 65G1258 TCP/IP v2.0 NFS Kit UG 30.00 42.00 70G3751 TCP/IP v2.0 DOS/Windows Access Kit 60.00 85.00 70G3752 TCP/IP v2.0 DOS/Windows Access Kit AL w/cert. 60.00 77.00 70G3754 TCP/IP v2.0 Base 5-pack 735.00 975.00 70G3755 TCP/IP v2.0 Base 25-user pack 3,465.00 3,750.00 70G3756 TCP/IP v2.0 Base 100-user pack 11,005.00 11,500.00 70G3759 TCP/IP v2.0 NFS Kit 5-user pack 415.00 510.00 70G3760 TCP/IP v2.0 NFS Kit 25-user pack 1,540.00 1,625.00 70G3761 TCP/IP v2.0 NFS Kit 100-user pack 5,646.00 5,900.00 70G3764 TCP/IP v2.0 X-Windows System Server 5-user pack 675.00 830.00 70G3765 TCP/IP v2.0 X-Windows System Server 25-user pack 3,150.00 3,425.00 70G3766 TCP/IP v2.0 X-Windows System Server 100-user pack 10,264.00 10,700.00 70G3768 TCP/IP v2.0 Applications Kit 5-user pack 605.00 745.00 70G3769 TCP/IP v2.0 Extended Networking Kit 5-user pack 675.00 830.00 70G3770 TCP/IP v2.0 Ulti-mail kit 5-user pack 340.00 420.00 70G3772 TCP/IP v2.0 Total kit 5-user pack 2,496.00 3,070.00 70G3773 TCP/IP v2.0 Total Kit 25-user pack 11,735.00 12,625.00 70G3775 TCP/IP v2.0 NetBIOS 5-user pack 384.00 470.00 70G3778 TCP/IP v2.0 X-Windows System Client 5-user pack 675.00 830.00 70G3781 TCP/IP v2.0 DOS/Windows Access Kit 5-pack 290.00 360.00 70G3782 TCP/IP v2.0 DOS/Windows Access Kit 25-user pack 1,350.00 1,500.00 70G3784 TCP/IP v2.0 Domain Name Server 5-user pack 1,706.00 2,105.00 70G3785 TCP/IP v2.0 Programmer's Toolkit 5-user pack 1,895.00 2,340.00 70G3884 TCP/IP v2.0 Applications Kit 125.00 175.00 71G9305 TCP/IP v2.0 Base UG AL 45.00 62.00 71G9307 TCP/IP v2.0 Extended Networking Kit UG AL 40.00 53.00 71G9309 TCP/IP v2.0 X-Windows System Server UG AL 40.00 53.00 71G9311 TCP/IP v2.0 Total Kit UG AL 135.00 195.00 71G9313 TCP/IP v2.0 Programmer's Toolkit UG AL 100.00 149.00 71G9315 TCP/IP v2.0 NFS Kit UG AL 29.00 38.00 71G9486 TCP/IP v2.0 OSF/Motif Kit 140.00 195.00 71G9487 TCP/IP v2.0 Domain Name Server AL w/cert 350.00 445.00 71G9488 TCP/IP v2.0 OSF/Motif Kit AL w/cert 140.00 195.00 71G9490 TCP/IP v2.0 Applications Kit AL w/cert 125.00 157.00 76G8086 TCP/IP v2.0 Domain Name Server Kit 350.00 495.00 87G7187 TCP/IP v2.0 Total Kit for DOS 410.00 550.00 ═══ 3.4.16. TE/2 ═══ OBE10 SRP$49.95 IB$49 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: Communications, asynchronous, terminal emulation Short Description: TE/2 is a full-featured general purpose telecommunications program and terminal emulation package for OS/2. Supports ANSI, Extended ANSI, VT100, IBM3101 and TTY as well as the most common file transfer protocols. Features: 32- and 16-bit included Text Mode Multithreaded LAN Enabled Complements: TCP/IP enablement add-on available from Oberon Physical: 1-3.5" Disk Hardcopy documentation (150 pages) Technical: Requires supported modem or other asynchronous connection Supports all versions of OS/2 Support: Oberon Software (507) 388-7001 1405 East Main Street (507) 388-7568 Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 388-7001 11:00am - 5:00pm Central BBS: (507) 388-1124 24 hours Internet: brady@genie.geis.com DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Satisfaction guarantee: 90 days Warranty period: 90 days Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.4.17. TalkThru for OS/2 ═══ SCA25 With VT340 & HP emulation SRP$350 IB$325 Shipping Weight: 3lbs SCA30 SRP$190 IB$175 Shipping Weight: 3lbs Key Words: Communications Current Version: Short Description: TalkThru is a fully graphical communications product that provides terminal emulation for over 22 protocols (DEC VT340 and HP are available at additional cost). TalkThru also provides file transfer for the most popular protocols, including IND$File and Compuserve B, not to mention the most sophisticated scripting language on the market today. Features: 32 Bit PM -Interface Lan Enabled Multi- Threaded Complements: Physical: 3.5" Media Softcopy Docs Techincal: 4 MB free hard disk reccomended Supports OS/2 versions 1.3 and above Support: Software Corporation of America 100 Prospect Street Stamford, Conn 06901 1-203-359-2773 1-203-359-3198 FAX Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 Warranty period: IB 30 Upgrade: Not Available Demo: Available through SCA ═══ 3.4.18. UnTieCom ═══ MSK21 SRP$12 IB$12 Shipping Weight: .25lbs Key Words: Communications, Fax Current Version: Short Description: UnTieCom is a nifty little utility that works with the phone company's RingMaster service to automatically turn your fax/data application on and off when dialing out or using your communication packages. Features: PM & Text interface Multithreaded CID enabled uupc support Physical: One 3.5" disk On-line documentation only Technical: Requires RingMaster service from phone company Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 and 2.1 Support: MISTIK Systems P.O. Box 7064 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-7064 (313) 741-1844 voice (313) 741-1937 fax Internet: UnTieCom@mistik.express.net Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days Warranty period: 30 days Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.5. Diversions ═══ Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. All work and no play? Can't have that, can we? Take a look at these programs that will give you a break from the daily grind... o BocaSoft System Sounds o BocaSoft WipeOut o Card Games for OS/2 o The COSMOS o Cursor Power o Galactic Civilizations o OS/2 Black Jack o OS/2 Poker o PM CrossWords o SimCity Classic for OS/2 o Tools 'n Games for OS/2 o Window Washer Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 3.5.1. BocaSoft System Sounds ═══ BOC11 SRP$59 IB$44 Shipping Weight: 1.2lbs BOC99 WipeOut/System Sounds Bundle SRP$118 IB$79 Shiping Weight: 1.75lbs Key Words: Sound, MMPM/2 Current Version: Short Description: Make your system sound off by attaching dazzling multimedia sound effects to OS/2 system events and keystrokes. BocaSoft System Sounds (TM) includes over a megabyte of professionally recorded sound effects in .WAV format, plus keystroke recordings to give your system a "talking keyboard". You can even record your own sounds to "audio enable" REXX scripts, .CMD files, DOS batch files and DataBase scripts. Customize your system by simply selecting a sound file for over 40 OS/2 system events including alarm clock, window open and close, mouse move and mouse button click. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Sound enabled (with MMPM/2 supported sound card) Complements: BocaSoft WipeOut Physical: 1-3.5"disk Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Requires MMPM/2 and supported sound card Requires 1.5 MB Disk space Support: BocaSoft 117 NW 43rd Street Boca Raton, FL 33431 407-241-1812 Compuserve - BocaSoft forum on OS2AVEN Export: No restriction ═══ 3.5.2. BocaSoft WipeOut ═══ BOC30 SRP$59 IB$44 Shipping Weight: 1.3lbs Key Words: Sound, MMPM/2, Screen Saver Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: Prevent screen burn-in in style with BocaSoft WipeOuts eye-popping animated displays and video screen savers. Run your favorite AfterDark modules with the special upgrade ad-on. Capture any screen for display with the built-in screen capture. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Sound Enabled Complements: BocaSoft System Sounds Physical: 1-3.5" Disk Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Requires MMPM/2 and supported sound card for Sounds (MMPM/2 included OS/2 2.1 or later) Requires 1.5MB Disk Space Support: BocaSoft 117 NW 43rd Street Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (407)241-1812 Compuserve - BocaSoft Forum on OS2AVEN Export: No restrictions DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB SPECIAL NOTES: Version 1.2 has exhibited negative reactions to Warp. Previous versions are fine, but lack some features. BocaSoft HIGHLY recommends using v1.3 patch before running under Warp. ═══ 3.5.3. Card Games for OS/2 ═══ BMT51 SRP$34.99 IB$29.95 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Current version: 1.51 Short Description: Card Games is Solitaitre for OS/2 in a way you've never experienced. Card Games features 8 of the most popular versions of the game including Astra, Towers, Elfer, and more. Quality graphics and ease of use make this a game you'll play for hours on end. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag & Drop Physical: 1-3.5" disk 6x9" padded envelope 25 page hardcopy manual Technical: Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later Support: BMT Micro 452 Horn Rd Wilmington, NC 28412-2411 910-791-7052 910-350-8061 BBS 24hrs 910-350-2937 FAX Satisfaction guarantee: 30 Day Warranty period: 30 Day Export: No restriction ═══ 3.5.4. The COSMOS ═══ MNS40 SRP$89 IB$79 MNS41 UG from 3.0 SRP$39 IB$35 MNS45 SAO database for COSMOS IB$15 Shipping Weight: 1.85 Key Words: Planetarium, Sky Chart Current Version: 4.0 Short Description: Learn about the fascinating world of astronomy! See the stars and planets in the past, present and future from any place on Earth. With the COSMOS for OS/2 you can teach yourself and your children the exciting world of astronomy. The COSMOS for OS/2 is a fast 32-bit, multithreading application which displays colorful pictures of many celestial objects. It is highly accurate and has been awarded with an IBM OS/2 Development award. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Physical: 1-3.5" Disk 20 page softcopy docs Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 and up Support: MENSYS P.O. Box 674 2100 AR Heemstede The Netherlands 31-23-471196 FAX 31-23-470837 Compuserve 100272,3130 Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 day Warranty period: IB 30 day Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.5.5. CursorPower ═══ NSS20 SRP$49.95 IB$39 Shipping Weight: .5lbs Key Words: Cursor, Pointer Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: Make your point with CursorPower - cursor enhancement for OS/2 and Windows. Convert the small cursor on laptops to a large, easy to see cursor. Replace the OS/2 pointer, Wait, Text, and sizing pointers. Replace the Windows pointer, wait, I-beam and resize cursors. CursorPower lets you personalize your computer and keep a library of your favorite pointers. Features: PM Interface Online Help Physical: 1-3.5" Disk Softcopy Documentation (20 pp) Support: North Shore Systems P.O. Box 8687 Incline Village, Nevada 89452 1-702-831-1108 1-702-831-8553 Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 Day Warranty period: IB 30 Day Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.5.6. Galactic Civilizations ═══ AIM84 SRP$69.95 IB$55 Shipping Weight: 1.25lbs Key Words: Diversion, Game, Interstellar Domination Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: This exciting space based strategy game will cause you many sleepless nights. This game utilizes multithreading, video driver independence, sound, and full-motion video. The artificial intelligence engine that controls competitive civilizations goes far beyond anything seen in any DOS or Windows game. In fact, AIM is willing to back this claim with the following promise: If you can beat GalCiv at the most difficult level, they will program a new AI and provide it free on their BBS. Features: PM Interface 32-bit Multithreaded Multimedia Enabled Physical: 5-3.5" Disk Extensive Softcopy Docs Support: Advanced Idea Machines PO Box 188 Draper, UT 84020 801-572-4018 801-571-8625 FAX Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 Day Warranty period: IB 30 Day Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.5.7. The MicroLearn Game Pak vol. 1 ═══ MLN16 IB$39.95 Shipping Weight: .5lbs Key Words: Games, Strategy, Entertainment, Diversion Short Description: Put some fun in the Workplace Shell with this 10-game package from MicroLearn Nordic. Games included in volume one are: Block Bouncer, Combo, Four Fun, Go-Moku, Manta Ghiis, MindSweeper, OS/2-litaire, SokoPM, The Wall and WordMaster. Every application is 32-bit and completely multithreaded. So start having some fun today - just don't let the boss catch you! Features: 32-Bit Multithreaded PM Interface Physical: 3.5" Media Support: MicroLearn Nordic Box 49016 S-400 64 Gothenburg Sweden +46-31-199770 (VOX) +46-31-845170 (FAX) Internet: jari@microlearn.se Technical: Requires OS/2 v2.0 or later Export: No restriction Warranty: IB 30-day Satisfaction: IB 30-day ═══ 3.5.8. OS/2 BlackJack ═══ RES35 SRP$49.95 IB$19.95 Shipping Weight: 1lbs RES37 BlackJack/Poker Bundle SRP$99.90 IB$29.95 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: Game Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: This 32-bit OS/2 version of Black Jack/21 was written by a former LasVegas Casino Pit Boss. Experience the thrill of a real casino as you decide to HIT, SPLIT, or DOUBLE DOWN on your hand. This game is easy for the beginner and challenging for the advanced player. Order "cocktails" and watch them go down as you play. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Complements: OS/2 Poker Physical: 1-3.5" Disk 8x10x2" box 12 page hardcopy documentation Technical: .5MB required disk space Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Support: Reed Software, Inc. 3343 E. Marco Polo Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85024 602-569-6641 602-569-1389 Fax CIS: 102361,2216 Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: Reed will replace defective media (30 day) ═══ 3.5.9. OS/2 Poker ═══ RES36 SRP$49.95 IB$19.95 Shipping Weight: 1lbs RES37 BlackJack/Poker Bundle SRP$99.90 IB$29.95 Shipping Weight: 1.5lbs Key Words: Game Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: This 32-bit OS/2 program was written by a former LasVegas Casino Pit Boss. OS/2 Poker is two games in one: Play video poker just like a real video poker machine, or play interactively against the dealer's cards. Choose customizable settings from a variety of options. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Complements: OS/2 BlackJack Physical: 1-3.5" Disk 8x10x2" box Hardcopy documentation Technical: .5MB required disk space Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Support: Reed Software, Inc. 3343 E. Marco Polo Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85024 602-569-6641 602-569-1389 Fax CIS: 102361,2216 Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: Reed will replace defective media (30 day) ═══ 3.5.10. PM CrossWords ═══ RBR20 SRP$39.95 IB$34 Shipping Weight: .6lbs Key Words: Games, Diversion Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: Need a little break in your day? PM CrossWords is an OS/2 application that contains an amusing assortment of straight and offbeat puzzles contributed by three dozen puzzle creators and edited by Stanley Newman, the first US Open Crossword Champion. PM Crosswords has six levels of difficulty and two sizes. With over 300 crosswords included, you're guaranteed to be entertained for quite a while... Features: 16-bit PM Interface Physical: 1-3.5" Disk Rule book included Technical: Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later Data file requires 1 MB free disk space Support: Robar, Inc. 1238 Starlit Drive Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (714) 497-4623 Export: No restriction Warranty: IB 30-day Satisfaction: IB 30-day ═══ 3.5.11. SimCity Classic for OS/2 ═══ DUX73 SRP$49 IB$45 Shipping Weight: 1.2lbs Key Words: Games, Diversion Short Description: There's never been a simulation like SimCity. It's won 10 major awards, including "Best Consumer Program of the Year" and "Best Educational Program". In SimCity, you become the mayor of an evolving, ever-growing city. There are two distinct modes from which to choose: you can build a city from scratch, or you can try to manage an existing city. SimCity gives you the keys to the city, the rest is up to you. You'll need to plan for various types of land use, build power plants and roads, take actions against monsters, earthquakes, pollution, crime, gridlock and much more. All the while, you must maintain the approval of the Simians... Unlike many other games, you win by building and protecting, rather than destroying. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Multimedia Enabled Physical: 3.5" media Hardcopy docs Technical: MPM/2 Supported Sound Card required for sound Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later Support: DUX Software 425 Sherman Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94306 415-473-1800 415-462-8723 FAX Export: No restriction Warranty: IB 30-day Satisfaction: IB 30-day ═══ 3.5.12. Tools 'n Games for OS/2 ═══ BMT61 SRP$29.99 IB$25 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: Games, Tools, Character Mapper, Screen Saver Short Description: Tools 'n Games brings you the best of both worlds. This suite contains 3 utilities and 8 entertainment programs. The flagship program is Screen Blanker, a highly functional screen saver that includes support for DeskPic modules and DPMS/APMS "green" monitors. Clipchar is a character mapper allowing simple cut-and-pasting of characters not found on the keyboard. Kuvert/2 is an easy to use program to manage addresses, print address labels, envelopes and dial phone numbers. Games included are BackGammon, Connect Four, Galaxy, MasterMind, Othello, Pegged, Tetravex and Tic-Tac-Toe. Features: 32-bit Multi-threaded PM Interface Physical: 1-3.5" Disk 19 page hardcopy manual Technical: Requires 1MB free disk space for full install Supports OS/2 2.x or later Support: BMT Micro 452 Horn Rd Wilmington, NC 28412-2411 910-791-7052 910-350-8061 BBS 24hrs 910-350-2937 FAX Satisfaction guarantee: 30 Day Warranty period: 30 Day Export: No restriction ═══ 3.5.13. Window Washer ═══ OUP25 SRP$39.95 IB$37 Shipping Weight: 1.15lbs Key Words: Screen Saver, Keyboard Lock Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: Wash away your idle screen with Window Washer's unique screen saver modules. Trigger MIDI or WAV files or even play CD's. Create your own selections by incorporating your own video clips and images (utilizes TIFF, GIF, BMP, and PCX's). Features keyboard/mouse password protection and hotkey activity. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Physical: Shrinkwrapped box and Disk Media 3.5" 1 Disk Softcopy Documentation 15-20 pages Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or higher 3 MB free hard disk space recommended Support: One Up Corporation 1603 LBJ Freeway Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75234 1-214-620-1123 1-214-620-9626 Tech. Support Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 Day Warranty period: IB 30 Day Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.6. Multimedia ═══ Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. Whether you are editing and manipulating images for desktop publishing or just putting together a new image for your desktop bitmap, these applications are sure to come in handy. o Applause o ColorWorks for OS/2 o CorelDRAW for OS/2 o ImpOS2 o Pj2 CAD Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 3.6.1. Applause ═══ SLT25 For HP 2c, 2p, 2x Scanners SRP$199 IB$155 SLT38 For Logitech Scanners SRP$149 IB$115 Shipping Weight: 1.2 Key Words: Scanner, Image, TWAIN Short Description: Applause is a TWAIN enabled image utility for OS/2 that allows a user to quickly navigate throughout a bitmap image. Applause also allows the user file manipulation and conversion capability on bitmap image files. Applause provides support for both HP and Logitech scanners. Features: 32-bit TWAIN enabled PM Interface Physical: 3.5" Media Technical: Supports SOME Logitech ScanMan 256 (see note below) Supports HP 2c, 2p, 2x Requires 8MB Ram Requires OS/2 2.x or later Support: Solution Technologies 1101 South Rogers Circle #14 Boca Raton, FL 33487 Export: No Restriction Notes: Due to problems with Logitech (they make regular changes to their hardware interface without making this information readily available to developers), It is difficult to keep compatible with ScanMan. The simple test for compatability is this: If the ScanMan shipped with a piece of software called PhotoTouch Color, then Applause WILL NOT WORK with it. This has nothing to do with a problem with the PhotoTouch software. This is simply the only way to identify the "new" logitech cards. Applause supports the following image formats: o TIFF (Uncompressed) o TIFF (Modified Huffman) o TIFF (pack bits) o TIFF (G3) o TIFF (G4) o PCX and DCX o OS/2 and Windows bitmaps o FAXIT for Windows fax files o WINFAX Pro fax files o QuickLinks II fax files o IBM PSEG3820 o GIF SPEED: View images 2 to 10 times faster than other viewers VERSATILE: Cut images for pasting into other applications without scanning. View FAXs faster and easier. Rotate, invert, and scale each of the files before they are written. Fit-to-width feature makes almost any document readable. SCREEN CAPTURE: Captures current screen for use as a bitmap. FILE CONVERSION: Batch conversion of an entire directory of image files from any source format to a specified destination format. Automatically delete original images after the target files are successfully created. Convert/Compress one image/FAX to another ; change a 300DPI FAX to a 200DPI FAX image. COLOR MODIFICATION: Convert between 1-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, and 24-bit (gray-scale, 16 color, and 256 color) images. Modify color brightness in ё10% increments. PRINT: Print one or more pages from an image file. TWAIN: Uses TWAIN compliant scanner drivers in native OS/2 2.x mode. ═══ 3.6.2. ColorWorks for OS/2 ═══ SPG73 SRP$495 IB$375 Shipping Weight: 2.8lbs Key Words: Image, Edit, Graphic Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: ColorWorks is a powerful 32-bit multi-tasking image editor for creative professionals, artists, and other people who wish to manipulate scanned images for publishing, multimedia, presentations or for creating unique works of art. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Physical: 3.5" Media Hardcopy Manual Technical: Recommend 5MB free disk space for install plus a healthy allowance for swap-file growth. Supports OS/2 2.1 or later Support: SPG, Inc. 15505 Bull Run Rd #303 Miami Lakes, FL 33014 305-362-6602 9-5EST 305-823-2753 FAX CIS: 74723,3437 Return Policy: IB 30-day Warranty: SPG will replace defective media-30 days Long Description: Quoted from Press release dated 12/28 SPG has announced today it is shipping ColorWorks for OS/2, the most advanced graphics image editor ever developed for the computer artist or designer, and the ultimate frame processor for multimedia, desktop publishing and presentation applications. ColorWorks is a 32-bit multi-tasking, multithreaded application that offers core technology, speed of operation, and valuable features far beyond that delivered by the current 16-bit, single threaded, Macintosh or Windows based image editors. ColorWorks' configurable tool architecture yields many thousands of possible drawing tools and the most flexible way to define floated images. In draw mode, any drawing tool can be configured to draw with a color, effect or a combination of multiple effects. In mask mode, any drawing tool can be used as a selection tool to define a mask for application of effects and transformations. ColorWorks has a powerful set of professional photo retouching effects, unique filter labs, special effects, multiple methods of warping, and free form distortion mapping. In addition, any effect can be used by itself or in combination with any number of other effects you choose. There are literally millions of different effect combinations. ColorWorks offers 255 levels of undo per canvas, the ability to drag and drop images between canvases, provides ultra-precise image editing by enabling you to change a canvas' magnification level while you are in the middle of a drawing operation, and enables users to become their own plug-in effects developer without having to be a programmer. For power-users, ColorWorks can be set to dynamically divide drawing tasks to up to 64 processors, for huge linear increases in performance. This advanced parallel processing architecture (named SMP Smart Threading) increases total program performance using the multiple processors of a SMP system. SMP Smart Threading eliminates the need to spend money on expensive DSP boards that speed up only a handful of effects on a single program. Also for power-users, ColorWorks' unique DIMIC (Dynamic In-Memory Image Compression) can reduce the RAM requirements of editing images by up to 90%, allowing you to edit large "workstation size" images on a PC! This revolutionary technology of editing compressed data renders obsolete cumbersome schemes of editing tiny portions or low-resolution copies of large images to later "play back" into the real image using a macro recorder. SPG, Inc. is a developer of computer graphics software, committed to excellence, and to continued development of the most unique, exciting, and the highest performance computer software in the world. ═══ 3.6.3. CorelDRAW for OS/2 ═══ COR32 SRP$199 IB$139 Shipping Weight: 8lbs Key Words: Graphics Current Version: 2.5 Short Description: CorelDRAW for OS/2 is a value-packed, 32-bit graphics software program that takes full advantage of the power and multithreading capabilities of OS/2. Full-featured illustration, chart and photo-paint modules are all included in one package. CorelDRAW for OS/2 is up to 25% faster than previous versions and comes with 150 scaleable fonts. Input your own data or import from the provided clipart images. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Physical: 3.5" Media Hardcopy Docs Free image CD Included Technical: 12MB free disk space recommended Supports OS/2 2.0 or greater Support: The Corel Corporation The Corel Building 1600 Carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1Z 8R7 613-728-8200 613-728-9790 FAX 800-77COREL Cust. Service ═══ 3.6.4. ImpOS2 ═══ CMP15 SRP$129 IB$95 Shipping Weight: 1.7lbs Key Words: Image, Edit, Graphics Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: This powerful new tool lets you create and process images of most popular formats. Import your image via scanner, video camera, Kodak Photo CD, or create a new image with a screen shot. ImpOS/2 gives you numerous tools to process your image, including brush, airbrush, drawing tools, smear, color highlighting, contrast and exchange, plus many other special effects. ImpOS/2 was used to create some of the Images and screenshots within this catalog! Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Multimedia Enabled Physical: 3.5" Media Technical: Recommend 8MB RAM Recommend 3MB free disk space Support: Compart GmbH Hanns-Klemm-Str.5 71034 Boblingen 011-07031/6205-0 011-07031/6205-55 FAX CIS: Go OS2UGER section 10 (NovaStar) DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Export: Cannot export to Europe Notes: Impos/2 Supports the following Scanners: o Epson GT 8000 o Epson GT 9000 o Highscreen Color 2^24, Scanner 2, II SHR, and II S o HP ScanJet Plus, ScanJet IIp, ScanJet IIc, ScanJet IIcx o IBM 3119 Page Scanner o Microtek ScanMaker II, ScanMaker IISP, ScanMaker IIHR, and Sannmaker III o Mustek CG 6000, CG 8400, MFS 6000 CX o Plustek Color 6000 Impos/2 Supports the folowing Video Inputs: o Creative Lab's Movie-Blaster o Creative-Lab's Video-Blaster o compatible Video Overlay Adapters, eg CPS (8MB of Ram) Impos/2 supports the following Image File Formats: o GIF o IOCA o JPEG o BMP (Windows & OS/2) o OS/2 Metafile o PCX o Photo CD o PNM o TGA o TIFF ═══ 3.6.5. Pj2 CAD ═══ CAD70 - SRP$1500 - IB$1200 Shipping Weight: 5.30lbs Key Words: CAD Current version: 3.1 Short Description: Pj2 CAD is a professional CAD package which gives you powerful drafting tools by exploiting the advanced features of OS/2. Pj2 manages an unlimited number of graphical entities, allowing you to create highly sophisticated technical drawings on your PC. Its powerful drafting tools include more than 300 commands with 2D and 3D commands, 1023 layers, viewports, blocks, macros, and internal database, associative dimensioning, drawing exchange formats and customization capabilities. A built-in utility for plotting, PjPlot, supports most popular plotting formats. you can exchange data with other input/output formats such as DXF and IGES. One of the most exciting features is the Pj2 Application Kit (PAK) which allows you to create an application program and access Pj2's functions from within it, in essence creating your own CAD system exploiting the PAK functions. More than a simple CAD program, the Pj2 CAD system is a CAD engine best suited for mechanical and technical drafting. Features: 32 Bit PM Interface Online Help Physical: 2-3.5"disks Hardcopy Docs Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Requires 8036 w/ co processor or better Requires 8MB RAM Requires 800x600 SVGA graphic card Recommend 10-20 MB free disk space Support: CadWare s.r.l. Via Roma 55 35027 Noventa Padovana (PD) Italy Voice: +39-49-8932551 FAX: ++39-49-8932561 Warranty: IB 30-Day Demo Available thru IB Export: No restriction ═══ 3.7. Productivity ═══ Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. o 4OS2 o Arcadia Workplace Companion o CA Simply Accounting for OS/2 o CA Super Project o Check+ Financial Software o Clearlook o DB2/2 & DDCS/2 o DBExpert o DeScribe o DeskMan/2 Productivity Pak o Desktop Observatory o FaxWorks Pro for OS/2 o FileStar/2 o FormTalk o IBM Antivirus o IPF Editor o ImagePlus/2 o In Charge o KidProof/2 o KopyKat o Lotus SmartSuite o Mesa2 for OS/2 o Open Shutter o OS/2 Essentials o OS2Tree (Lite & Pro) o PageTurner o PM Assistant o PM Patrol o Power Translator Professional o PrntScrn o QwikSwitch o RBase o Recognita Plus o Recognita Plus Developer's Toolkit o Relish o ReView o RPlot for OS/2 o SearchManager/2 o Secure Workplace for OS/2 o Smart-Lock o SuperType Master Library o Time & Place/2 o UniteLite o Visual Document Library o Visualizer o XL Keyboard o ZipStream Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 3.7.1. 4OS2 with 4DOS ═══ JPS11 SRP$89 IB$69 Shipping Weight: 2.6lbs JPS22 5-user license SRP$249 IB$197 Key Words: Command Line enhancement Current version: 2.0d Short Description: 4OS and 4DOS are the first utilities to combine the power of the command line with the pleasure of an easy to use interface. Each is a refreshing replacement for CMD.EXE and COMMAND.COM respectively. If you've ever been frustated by the limitations of the traditional command line, then get 4OS2 with 4DOS. Features: 32-bit & 16-bit Text Interface Physical: 3.5" media 380 page hardcopy documentation Technical: Supports OS/2 v1.2 or later Support: JP Software, Inc. PO Box 1470 East Arlington, MA 02174 617-646-3975 9-5est 617-646-0904 FAX DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Satisfaction guarantee: 90 day money-back Warranty period: 90 day Upgrade: Through JP Software Export: No Restriction ═══ 3.7.2. Arcadia Workplace Companion ═══ ARC12 - SRP$49.95 - IB$49 Shipping Weight: 1.8lbs Key Words: PIM, Schedule, Address Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: An integrated personal information manager including a full-featured Calendar and versatile Clock, Telephone/Address Book with contact management features, flexible Appointment Book, and customizable Notepad. Utilizes Workplace Shell features such as drag-and-drop. Reminders can be scheduled which will pop up even if you're running another application. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag & Drop Physical: One 3.5" disk Hardcopy Docs (230+) Technical: Hayes-Compatible modem required for auto-dial function Supports OS/2 v2.0 or higher Support: FREE SUPPORT AVAILABLE ONLY VIA COMPUSERVE, INTERNET, & BBS Arcadia Technologies, Inc. 315 W. Duarte Rd. Arcadia, CA 91007 818-446-6945 9-5pst 818-477-8289 BBS (settings: N81) CIS: 72662,1042 or OS2AVEN forum (section 15) Internet: 72622.1042@compuserve.com GEnie: R.LIU or OS/2 RoundTable Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: 90 days Upgrades: from Arcadia DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Export: No restrictions Notes: The Arcadia Workplace Companion 2.00 is a full product version of the PIM applications which ship with OS/2 Warp. As such, the PIM modules in the BonusPak IBMWorks can be considered a stripped down version of WPC 2.00. There are, however, several additional features and enhancements in WPC 2.00 which make it desirable to upgrade. 1) The Clock/Calendar Module: Since the clock/calendar module is not in the IBMWorks product, associated features are not present. Among these features are the visual clock, holiday/julian day/week view, International time feature, and mini clock, calendar view. 2) Multiple databases for the Phone Book, Appointment Book, and To-Do List Because of limitations in the IBMWorks product, multiple databases for the various PIM modules was not supported. This feature allows for separate data files which the user can create and switch between. Phone Book Example: a database for personal and a separate one for work. WPC 2.00 also allows the user to change the location of its data subdirectory. 3) Import/Export/Archiving WPC 2.00 includes the ability to import and export data for the purposes of archiving obsolete information and to facilitate the sharing of data between separate Companion products. The export format is ASCII CSV flat file. 4) Built-in Screen Saver WPC 2,00 includes an optional screen saver which blanks the screen and displays a moving image of the mini clock/calendar which shows the time and date. 5) Maintained Compatibility WPC 2.00 can be configured to work in substitution of the IBMWorks PIM and maintain compatibility with the other modules such as the word processor and the FAX program. The only catch is that the IBMWorks PIM has to be removed as the two products should not be run concurrently. 6) Better Integration WPC 2.00 works with the Clock/Calendar module as a central launching point and supports a greater variety of drag and drop operations between its modules. 7) Better Performance Since WPC 2.00 was released 1-2 months after OS/2 Warp, more time was spent optimizing speed and performance, specifically in areas of The To-Do List, printing, and modem dialing. 8) Support and Future Upgrades Registered full-product users will receive Arcadia technical support as well as information on other products and special upgrade offers for future versions. ═══ 3.7.3. CA Simply Accounting ═══ CAS12 SRP$89 IB$79 Shipping Weight: 4.7 Key Words: Accounting Software Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: CA Simply Accounting is easy to use small business accounting software. Included in the package is everything you need to get up and running: a basic accounting textbook with General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Inventory Control and Job Costing and Reporting. Features: 32-bit PM Interface LAN Enabled Complements: Physical: 2-3.5" Disks 8.5x10" Box Documentation: CA-SA Getting Started Guide CA-SA Workbook CA-SA Accounting Manual CA-SA User Guide Technical: Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later Support: Computer Associates International OneComputer Associates Plaza Islandia, NY 11788-7000 800-225-5224 516-342-5224 408-432-1764 Tech Support Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: IB 30-day Upgrade: Competitive UG avail. through IB Export: No Restriction MSRP $89 Notes: Includes both OS/2 and Windows versions. ═══ 3.7.4. CA Super Project ═══ CAS25 SRP$649 IB$495 Shipping Weight: 10.25 CAS25CU Competitive Upgrade IB$149 Shipping Weight: 11.25 Key Words: Project Management, Presentation Tool Current Version: Short Description: CA Superproject brings a complete set of project management and presentation tools for managers of all levels. Features: 32-bit PM Interface LAN Enabled Complements: Physical: 6-3.5" Disks 8.5x10" Box Documentation: User Guide Reference Guide Getting Started Guide Network Activator Guide Technical: Supports OS/2 v2.0 or higher Support: Computer Associates International OneComputer Associates Plaza Islandia, NY 11788-7000 800-225-5224 516-342-5224 408-432-1764 Tech Support Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty Period: IB 30-day Upgrade: Competitive UG available through IB Export: No restriction Notes: Includes both OS/2 and Windows versions. ═══ 3.7.5. Check+ Financial Software ═══ CIC35 - SRP$89 IB$78 Shipping weight: .75lbs Version: 2.0 Short Description: Check+ Financial Software is an intuitive, fully graphical OS/2 application that provides powerful financial management for the home or office. Check+ saves you time and effort by printing your checks, recording your deposits and withdrawls, and automatically balancing your bank statements - all in quick, easy steps, using a state of the art OS/2 GUI. And once youve covered the basics, Check+ can show you how to budget expenses, track credit card balances, analyze income and expense categories and print out reports for tax preparation, accounting, etc. Includes special and unique features like payment prompting and Mailed Balance Tracking. Features: PM Interface 32 Bit Multithreaded Physical: 2-3.5"disks 153 page hardcopy manual Technical: Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later Recommend 3-5MB free disk space Support: Computer Interface Corp 5 Whittier Road Natick, Massachusetts 01760-1429 508-651-8111 508-651-8112 FAX CIS: OS2AVEN or email at 71151,1526 Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: 30 day ═══ 3.7.6. Clearlook ═══ CLK29 SRP$169 IB$129 Shipping Weight: 2lbs Key Words: Word processor Version: 1.51 Description: Developed exclusively for OS/2, Clearlook takes full advantage of its 32-bit power. This fast, compact and multithreaded application gives users significant document processing capabilities. Invoke Clearlook's flexible format control via an unlimited number of text areas and text cells. Just pick the text, move it, size it, clone it, and place it! Unsurpassed flexibility, always WYSIWYG and easy to use. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded LAN Enabled Drag & Drop features Complements: SuperType Master Library Physical: 3.5" and 5.25" media 200+ page hardcopy docs Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later recommend 3MB free disk space Support: Clearlook Corp Suite 9 1465 41st Street Moline, IL 61265 309-764-2060 800-818-LOOK 309-764-2086 FAX 309-764-0082 BBS CIS: 71773,3360 DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ 3.7.7. DB2/2 & DDCS/2 ═══ Click here for PART NUMBERS & PRICING. DB2/2 has been long known in the mainframe world for its reliability and integrity. Now you can have the same power and dependability on your desktop. DB2/2 delivers raw database power to OS/2 desktops and used in combimnation with DDCS/2, you can have seamless access to host based DB2 data. DB2/2 is loaded with functionality and with DDCS/2, you get a very cost effective way to integrate your desktop computers with your critical mainframe data. You can quickly create easy-to-use graphical front-ends to access your database using one of the powerful new visual programming tool such as IBM's Visualizer or HockWare's VisPro. Note: Client/Server edition comes with 4 clients Features: 32-bit PM Interface Text Interface Physical: 3.5" or CD available Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 with servicepak level XR06055 or later Recommend 12MB memory Support: IBM Corporation 800-992-4777 DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ DB2/2 & DDCS/2 P&P ═══ Part # Description Price SRP ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- 41H2112 DB2/2 v2.1 SU CD-ROM 302.00 495.00 41H2113 DB2/2 v2.1 SU 3.5" 327.00 525.00 41H2114 DB2/2 v2.1 Client/Server CD-ROM 1,345.00 1,995.00 41H2115 DB2/2 v2.1 Client/Server 3.5" 1,395.00 2,045.00 41H2118 DB2/2 v2.1 Entitlement for 10 additional users 622.00 900.00 41H2119 DB2/2 v2.1 Entitlement for 50 additional users 2,945.00 4,275.00 41H2126 DB2 SDK (developer's toolkit) v2.1 3.5" 205.00 295.00 41H2142 DB2 SDK for Windows v2.1 3.5" 205.00 295.00 41H2451 DB2 v2.1 Product Library v2.1 Hardcopy 139.00 199.00 41H2454 DB2/2 v2.1 SU UG from v1 or v1.2 3.5" 140.00 200.00 41H2455 DB2/2 v2.1 SU UG from v1 or v1.2 CD-ROM 128.00 170.00 41H2456 DB2/2 v2.1 Client/Server v2.1 UG from v1 or v1.2 C/S 3.5" 568.00 825.00 41H2457 DB2/2 v2.1 C/S UG from v1 or v1.2 C/S CD-ROM 545.00 795.00 41H2458 DB2/2 v2.1 C/S UG from ES 1.0 with Database Server 3.5" 775.00 1,025.00 41H2459 DB2/2 v2.1 C/S UG from ES 1.0 with Database Server CD-ROM 752.00 995.00 41H2460 DB2/2 v2.1 C/S UG from ES 1.0 or DB2/2 v1/v1.2/v2.1 SU 3.5" 1,287.00 1,700.00 41H2466 DB2 SDK UG from v1/v1.2 3.5" 85.00 120.00 41H2467 DB2/2 v2.1 C/S UG AL 10-pk from ES1.0 or DB2v1 Distr Client 3.5" 106.00 150.00 41H2120 DDCS/2 v2.3 SU 3.5" 345.00 500.00 41H2121 DDCS/2 v2.3 Multi-user Gateway 2,755.00 3,995.00 41H2124 DDCS/2 v2.3 Multi-user Gateway Entitlement for add'l 10 use 622.00 900.00 41H2125 DDCS/2 v2.3 Multi-user Gateway Entitlement for add'l 50 use 2,945.00 4,275.00 41H2462 DDCS/2 v2.3 UG from v1/v2.1/v2.2 3.5" 140.00 200.00 ═══ 3.7.8. DBExpert ═══ DRS25 - SRP$299 - IB$259 Shipping Weight: 2lbs Key Words: DataBase, Interface Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: DBExpert is the only full-featured OS/2 database that is easy to use without learning a programming language or SQL. Users and developers can use DBExpert to quickly create tables, forms, reports, or complete applications. Works with DB2/2, dBase, and Oracale and more. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Workplace Shell Integrated LAN Enabled Drag & Drop features Physical: 3-3.5"disks Boxed 200 pp hardcopy manual Technical: Recommended 5MB free disk space Supports OS/2 version 2.0 or later Supports the following databases o dBase III o dBase IV o Clipper o FoxPro o FoxBASE o DB2/2 for OS/2 o DB2/6000 o SQL/400 (thru DDCS/2 or DDCS/6000 gateway) o MVS DB2 (thru DDCS/2 or DDCS/6000 gateway) o SQL/DS (thru DDCS/2 or DDCS/6000 gateway) o Oracle 7 Database for OS/2 (no additional software required for dBASE, Clipper, FoxPro, or FoxBASE tables> Support: Designer Software, Inc. 542 Willow Street Fruita, CO 81521 (303)858-0200 FAX:(303)858-3313 Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty Period: IB 30-day Export: No restriction ═══ 3.7.9. DeScribe ═══ DES50 SRP$159 IB$159 Shipping Weight: 8lbs DES51 Describe Voyager CD - SRP$49 - IB$45 Shipping Weight: 3lbs Version: 5.0 Key Words: Word Processor Description: DeScribe is the fastest, most technically advanced OS/2 word processor available. It fully exploits the multithreading, multitasking capabilities of OS/2, allowing you to continue working in an application while another operation is underway. While performing a mail merge, you can continue entering data into a different file. Drag an unopened document to the print icon to print a document without opening it. Powerful and easy to learn. Some of the new features in 5.0 include an online tutorial to help you get the most out of DeScribe, automatic footnotes, special context menus, a new merge interface, the ability to send e-mail directly from DeScribe, drag & drop graphics into documents. , and attach sounds to DeScribe events. DeScribe is also speech-enabled to allow you to use it with IBM's Personal Dictation System. The Describe Voyager CD contains full working versions of the OS/2, Windows '95, Windows NT, and 16bit Windows 3.1. It is intedned for single users only and includes no LAN support or Tech support. NOTE: We cannot take returns on the Voyager Product. Features: 32-bit PM Interface LAN Enabled Speech Enabled Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Physical: 3.5" media Support: DeScribe, Inc. 4234 N. Freeway Blvd., Suite 500 Sacramento, CA 95834 813-732-5500 ═══ 3.7.10. DeskMan/2 Productivity Pak ═══ DEV50 - Deskman Productivity Pak- SRP$99.95-IB$74 Key Words: Manage, Secure, Backup, WPS Current Version: DeskMan: 1.51b Short Description: Combining five powerful OS/2 utility and productivity tools in one package, the DeskMan/2 Productivity Pak has been hailed as the definitive OS/2 Survival Kit. The Kit includes DevTech's powerful DeskMan/2, a light version of Proportional Software's DCF/2 (one VDU), version 2.12 of Sundial Systems' Relish, a light version of Warpspeed Computers' The Graham Utilities and a Special Edition of BonAmi Software's CPU Monitor Plus. In addition, you'll get valuable product coupons and a FREE upgrade to version 2.0 of DeskMan/2 when it ships! DeskMan/2 is the first and only tool designed to manage the workplace shell! Using a simple Drag & Drop interface, you can Backup & Restore your WPS desktop, share WPS o bjects with other users, query objects for their settings, and set up personalized or standardized desktops that can be accessed from any workstation. Incorporates the powerful VUEMan/2 virtual desktop manager, the potent WPS snapshot facility and more. A corporate version is also available when purchasing in quantity, that provides object-security measures. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Drag-and-drop LAN enabled Physical: 1 - 3.5" Disk Extensive softcopy documentation Hardcopy Manual Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 w/service pack or greater Support: Development Technologies 308 Springwood Road Forest Acres, SC 29206-2113 (803)790-9230 (VOX) (803)738-0218 (FAX) CIS: 76704,34 DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB (for DeskMan/2) Export: No restriction ═══ 3.7.11. Desktop Commander ═══ PIN70 - SRP$59 - IB$55 Shipping Weight: 1lb Version: 1.0 Key Words: Desktop, Protection, Security Description: Placing the Desktop Commander on your OS/2 workstations is just plain smart management. With the commander installed, you can centrally create and manage OS/2 desktops from a server or host. Users get their desktop whenever and wherever they log on. Create custom desktops for each user, whole departments, or your entire enterprise. And, since the Desktop Commander uses small configuration file sizes, even mobile laptop desktops are built in a flash! Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag-and-drop LAN enabled Physical: 3.5" media boxed Technical: Supports OS/2 Warp v3.0 or higher Support: Pinnacle Technology PO Box 128 Kirklin, IN 46050 Customer Service: 800-525-1650 Phone Support: 317-279-5157 FAX: 317-279-8039 BBS: Number unlisted, call Pinnacle for Scheduling Satisfaction guarantee: 30 day through Pinnacle Warranty period: 30 day through Pinnacle Upgrade: Through Pinnacle Demo: None Available Export: US and Canada Only ═══ 3.7.12. DeskTop Observatory ═══ PIN54 SRP$179 IB$149 Shipping Weight: .75lbs Key Words: Desktop, Protection, Security Current Version: 3.1 Short Description: With Desktop Observatory, you can build an instant desktop anyway and anywhere you want, in seconds, or perform maintenance on client desktops from any machine on the network. Password protect folders, programs and even what files a program can process, set up mobil desktops and security or standardize an entire network with one secure desktop. Start your own REXX or C utilities when folders open or close. Great for selective backups, statistics or copying files from the server... and more. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag-and-drop LAN enabled Physical: 1-3.5" Disk Hard Copy Docs (40 pages) Softcopy Docs included Technical: Supports OS/2 versions 2.1 or later Support: Pinnacle Technology PO Box 128 Kirklin, IN 46050 Customer Service: 800-525-1650 Phone Support: 317-279-5157 FAX: 317-279-8039 BBS: Number unlisted, call Pinnacle for Scheduling Satisfaction guarantee: 30 day through Pinnacle Warranty period: 30 day through Pinnacle Upgrade: Through Pinnacle Demo: None Available Export: US and Canada Only MSRP: $179 ═══ 3.7.13. FaxWorks Pro for OS/2 ═══ SFN13 SRP$149 IB$115 Shipping Weight: 1.75lbs SFN40 LAN Base (30 users) SRP$699 IB$587 Shipping Weight: 2lbs SFNUG Upgrade from Faxworks in Warp SRP$49 IB$44 Shipping Weight: 1.75lbs Key Words: Fax, PCL, OCR Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: FaxWorks for OS/2 provides a complete PC fax solution that's fast, flexible and easy. Combine and fax files from OS/2, DOS or Windows applications running under OS/2. Includes phone books, fax logs, customized cover sheets, group broadcasting and more. Sends, receives and prints in the background so you never have to wait to get on with business. Unmatched editing capabilities give you true "paperless fax" capability. The Built in OCR feature converts received documents into editable text. Features: 32-bit PM Interface LAN enabled Multi-channel option available - supports up to 32 channels Physical: One 3.5" disk 9.5" x 8.0" x 2.9" box Hard copy documentation (130 pages) Technical: Requires fax modem (supports over 200 class 1 & 2 modems) 3MB free hard disk space (depends on volume of stored faxes) Supports OS/2 versions 1.3, 2.0 and 2.1 Support: SofNet 1110 Northchase Parkway (404) 984-9956 fax Suite 150 Marietta, GA 30067 404-984-8088 404-984-9956 FAX Tech Support: (404) 984-9958 9:00am - 5:30pm EST BBS: (404) 984-9926 24 hours CIS: 71333,310 or GO SOFNET Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days Warranty period: 30 days Upgrades available directly from SofNet Export: US & Canada only ═══ 3.7.14. FormTalk ═══ 72G6248 SRP$139 IB$99 72G6262 Add'l License SRP$119 IB$84 FormTalk lets any user design and fill in on-line forms, and then send them to others via Lotus Notes, cc:Mail or other e-mail systems. The ability to automate and manage the routing and approval of forms can greatly improve productivity. FormTalk validates data as it is entered and uses a powerful macro language to perform calculations and eliminate errors. Plus you save on the costs of using outside services to create, print and store paper forms. FormTalk also integrates with Visual Document Library, allowing FormTalk forms to be stored and retrieved from the library. Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 with all CSD's applied or a later version Requires at least 8MB RAM Recommend 5MB free space for instalation Requires a LAN-based mail system that supports the VIM interface with appropriate hardware/software installed Support: IBM Corporation PS Support Line 1-800-237-5511 or 1-800-992-4777 CIS: GO IBMDESK DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ 3.7.15. IPF Editor ═══ PCC84 - SRP$139 - IB$135 Shipping Weight: 2.0lbs Key Words: IPF, On-line help Current Version: 1.01 Short Description: IPF Editor creates on-line documents and context-sensitive help for OS/2 appliactions without learning the IPF language. It automatically adds help to your OS/2 programs by scanning source code and creates on-line references from existing wordprocessor files. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag-and-drop Physical: 1- 3.5" & 1- 5.25" disk 8 x 6" Softcopy documentation (130 pp.) Technical: requires IBM OS/2 2.x toolkit 2 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.1 or later Support: Perez Computer Consulting 4725 Monte Vista Place Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Customer Service: 206-428-5025 CIS: 70410,2416 Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 Day Warranty period: 60 day replacement of media Upgrade: through PCC Demo: Available on Compuserve Export: no restriction MSRP: $150 ═══ 3.7.16. ImagePlus/2 ═══ 95G0756 CD SRP$2495 IB$1649 95G0755 Add'l License SRP$2370 IB$1570 95G0753 Distr. Feature SRP$395 IB$279 Scanned images, audio, video, electronic text, graphics - how do you manage them all? ImagePlus/2 is a comprehensive LAN-based image and document management system using OS/2 servers and workstations (or you can use it on a single workstation). Flexible indexing, sophisticated work management, and storage & retrieval of many document types are just some of the features of this highly functional tool. Automated work processing and an intuitive interface using drag-and-drop features makes it easier than you thought possible. ImagePlus/2 is available on CD only. Technical: SERVER REQUIREMENTS Requires OS/2 v2.x or later Requires 16MB RAM, 24MB recommended Fixed disk (320MB+ recommended) Token-Ring or Ethernet adapter and cable LAN Server v2.0 or later DB2/2 or Extended Services with Database Server for OS/2 v1.0 WORKSTATION REQUIREMENTS OS/2 2.x or higher Requires 12MB RAM Fixed disk (100MB+ recommended) Token-Ring or Ethernet adapter and cable OS/2 LAN Requester (a feature of LAN Server) Distributed Feature for Extended services or DB2/2 Support: IBM Corporation 1-800-237-5511 Compuserve Literature: 301-803-3169 DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ 3.7.17. In Charge ═══ SPT45 SRP$79 IB$79 Shipping Weight: .8lbs Key Words: Finance, Accounting Short Description: In Charge (InC) sets a new standard for power, performance, ease-of-use, and flexibility in managing your finances by exploiting OS/2's 32-bit processing and flat address space. InC is a CUA '91 compliant application fully integrated with the OS/2 Workplace Shell. Extensive context sensitive help is available on-line. InC uses Spitfire Software's Proprietary relational database engine which provides a high degree of data integrity, flexibility, and performance. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Physical: 2-3.5" disks (5.25 avail from developer on request) Hardcopy Docs Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Recommend 5MB free disk space for install Support: Spitfire Software 325 Breakwater Ridge Atlanta, GA 30328 404-257-0187 Satisfaction: 30 Day IB Warranty: 30 Day IB MSRP $79 Long Description: Quoted from Spitfire Announcement: In Charge supports multiple sets of books and all types of accounts and currencies, enabling each asset and liability to be tracked in its native form. InC automatically handles currency conversion when moving funds between different assets and liabilities and in combining them for various reports. It provides a set of integrated systems for managing multiple-year budgets, accounts payable/receivable, fixed assets, securities, insurance, and tax data. The check printing facility provides for both immediate and queued printing. Any type of continuous or laser check forms may be used - InC adapts to your check forms. Tax data can be exported directly to most major tax preparation programs. A full function home inventory system is integrated within InC for insurance and net worth calculations. Account reconciliation is fast and easy; any previous account statement is available for immediate review. There are no limitations to the number of accounts transactions, assets, and liabilities managed by InC other than that imposed by the size of your disk drive. Quoted from other Spitfire Literature: o InC supports as many different sets of financial books as you define. Multiple sets of books may be opened concurrently. o You control the start date for the fiscal year. Budget months start on the fiscal year start dates. o InC provides full support for multiple types of currency within each set of books, with automatic currency conversion handled by InC. Cross account reports, such as Net Worth or Budgets, are expressed in the base currency. o Allows you to specify an unlimited number of accounts, based on three generic account type templates. Fourteen common types of accounts are predefined. o Supports six types of account transactions: check, deposit, withdraw, interest, charge, and payment. Groups of transactions can be processed as a batch, either as scheduled or on command. o A powerful and easy-to-use account reconciliation facility tracks the statement date of all cleared transactions, supports transaction entry for special charges and payments and for adding and correcting account transactions, tracks beginning and ending balance and total credits and debits, and supports recall of any previously reconciled statement. o Prevents duplicate check numbers and allows use of skipped check numbers. Check number format supports international requirements (up to 8 characters long). Tracks different sequences of check numbers for handwritten and computer written checks. o Supports printing of checks on all available continuous and laser check stock, and on checks removed from a wallet-sized checkbook (printer dependent). Provided a multiple year budgeting subsystem with extensive reporting, analysis, and projection facilities. Past year's budgets can be recalled instantly; next year's budget can be prepared quickly from this years budget. Transactions may be allocated among multiple budget categories. o Provides a complete payables/receivables subsystem for tracking and managing bills and loans. The system notifies you when bills are due, prints payment checks, and tracks the complete history of a bill. Loan status is updated in real time. o Provides a home inventory and personal/real property management subsystem; uses a multi-level index (which you define) to facilitate access and analysis. The inventory records can be cross referenced easily with photo and video tape records. o A securities portfolio management subsystem supports stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other financial investments. Stock margin accounts, family of mutual funds accounts, stock reinvestment plans, and more are handled. Stock quotes are tracked over time, and can be imported directly from Prodigy. o An insurance management subsystem handles ten different types of insurance policies. Current cash value for selected types of policies is included in net worth. o A powerfuil tax data tracking and reporting subsystem significantly reduces the effort required for income tax preparation. You can define your own tax codes or use the InC standard codes. At tax time the system gathers all pertinent data into .TXF files for imput directly into any of the major tax preparation programs, including TaxCut and TurboTax. o The system provides numerous predefined reports. The report facility enables you to format, save, retrieve, and edit all reports. Reports are provided in tabular form. o A full querey capability is provided for selecting and extracting information from the database. A querey by example type interface enables you to format information as you want it and create special reports. ═══ 3.7.18. KopyKat ═══ HGR48 2-user standard pak SRP$199 IB$125 Shipping Weight: 2lbs Key Words: Graphical Remote Software Current Version: v1.1 Short Description: KopyKat is an exciting new remote control solution designed specifically for OS/2. KopyKat gives you fast, reliable graphical remote control between OS/2 v1.3, 2.x or Warp PC's on LANs with NetBIOS, such as Novell Netware or LAN Server. And Hilgraeves hot compression technology and built-in support for 250 brands of modems makes it the fastest, easiest solution for dial-up remote control. Each copy ships with software, manuals, and licenses for two machines to allow them to remotely control each other or be controlled by another licensed copy of KopyKat. New to version 1.1: o KopyKat now supports file transfer between hosts! o Network access via TCP/IP now supported. o Even faster remote control! Features: 32-bit PM Interface Lan Enabled Physical: 3.5" media Shrinkwrapped Box with manuals and 2 liscenses. Soft copy documentation Technical: 800K free hard disk space recommended 6 MB memory Supports OS/2 versions 1.3or later Support: Hilgraeve 111 Conant Ave, Suite A Monroe, Michigan 48161 313-243-0576 313-243-0645 FAX Customer Service: 1-800-826-2760 Tech Support: 1-313-243-0576 BBS: (313)243-5915 CIS: 71333,31 Internet: 71333.31 @ Compuserve.com Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-Days Warranty period: 30-Days Demo: Not available Export: None MSRP: $199.00 ═══ 3.7.19. LinkWiz ═══ PCX25 - SRP$189 - IB$159 Shipping Weight: 3lbs Key Words: Transfer, Laplink Current Version: Short Description: LinkWiz is a standalone software utility that allows users to transfer data between similar operating systems (OS/2-OS/2, DOS-DOS, Unix-Unix, OS/2-DOS, OS/2-Unix, etc.) at speeds up to 15Mb per minute! UniBeam will detect your port and automatically adjust transfer speed to achieve the fastest and most accurate transfer rate possible, without the need for user intervention. Experience "Warp Speed" data transfer with LinkWiz. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Drag & Drop LAN enabled Online help feature Physical: 1-3.5" disk and 1-5.25" disk Boxed 36 page hardcopy docs Parallel and Serial cables included Technical: Each PC must have at least one parallel or one serial port 25MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later Support: PCX 3525 Del Mar Heights Rd. Suite 313 San Diego, CA 92130 800-800-4PCX 619-259-9797 619-481-6474 FAX 619-481-6479 BBS CIS:70216,174 Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: IB 30-day Export: No Restrictions Demo: No ═══ 3.7.20. Lotus SmartSuite for OS/2 ═══ 25H7850 SRP$439 IB$149 SPECIAL GOOD THRU MAY 31, 1995. Shipping Weight: 10.2lbs After 5/31: 25H7850 SRP$439 IB$275 Shipping Weight: 10.2lbs 25H7852 Add'l License w/cert. SRP$395 IB$248 25H7853 Add'l License SRP$395 IB$2489 Version: 2.0 Current users of SmartSuite v1.1 may receive a no-cost upgrade to v2.0 by calling 1-800-TRADE-UP (800-872-3387). Description: Now you can unleash your own productivity and fully exploit the power of OS/2 with Lotus SmartSuite for OS/2. A complete solution for OS/2 desktops, the package includes four power-proven applications for OS/2 and the Lotus Value Pack for OS/2. The products included in SmartSuite are: o Lotus 1-2-3 v2.1 o AmiPro v3.0b o Freelance Graphics v2.1 o A single user license and software for cc:Mail v1.03 o Lotus Value Pack The Value Pack includes: o SmartCenter o AmiPro bonus macros o 1-2-3 file translator o Freelance File Translator o Freelance Graphics SmartMasters o Lotus REXXLink for 1-2-3 Physical: 3.5" Media only Technical: Requires OS/2 v2.1 or later Minimum of 4MB RAM required 8+MB RAM HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Requires 23MB min. free disk space ═══ 3.7.21. Mesa2 for OS/2 ═══ ATH30 SRP$199 IB$175 Shipping Weight: 2lbs ATH99 Manual for purchasers of earlier versions IB$19.95 Shiping Weight: 2lbs Key Words: Spreadsheet Version Number: 2.02 Short Description: Mesa 2 is a powerful, full-featured, 32-bit, native OS/2 spreadsheet application. It takes advantage of OS/2 features, including SOM, Open Doc (when available), multi-threading and the object-oriented user interface. In addition, Mesa 2 will include an object library so that customers can integrate Mesa objects into their own line-of-business applications. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Drag and Drop features Multithreaded Online Help feature Physical: 3.5" Media Technical: Recommended 8Mb RAM Recommended 2-3Mb Disk Space Recommend 486/25 w/ co-processor or higher Support: Athena Design 17 St. Mary's Court Boston, MA 02210-1217 Customer service: 617-426-6372 (VOX) 617-426-7665 (FAX) Internet - m2-support@athena.com Export: No Restrictions Demo: Available Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: 30 day DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB New to Version 2.02: Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Mesa now supports DDE links, both as a client and a server, to other OS/2 and Windows DDE applications. This is primarily intended to allow Mesa-to-Mesa file linking, a frequently requested feature. Zoom You can now magnify or shrink the view of a Mesa window: zoom out to get "the big picture" of a range of data, or zoom in to get a closer look. Improved File Import and Export Mesa now supports full import and export for WK1, WK3, and XLS (Excel 3&4 workbook) files. A variety of reported import/export bugs have been corrected. File Passwords You can now save files with passwords. Files savved under v2.02 can still be read by earlier versions of Mesa, although the earlier versions do not check for passwords, nor do they save out passwords once a file has been opened. Support for OS/2 System Settings Mesa2 now reads its default currency and numeric settings directly from the desktop. This can be overridden through the Preferences Panel, if you like. Direct Manipulation of Color and Fonts for Graphs You can drag and drop color from the OS/2 color pallette directly onto various parts of a graph. Drag and drop color directly onto bars, columns, etc. Obtaining the Upgrade The updated version of Mesa2 is available via ftp from ftp.athena.com:/pub/mesa2/mesa202.zip & mesa202.txt, and hobbes.nmsu.edu:/os2/32bit/demos/mesa202.zip. ═══ 3.7.22. OS2Tree (Lite & Pro) ═══ LEV30 OS2Tree Pro SRP$149.99 IB$79.95 LEV34 OS2Tree Lite SRP$79.99 IB$29.95 Shipping Weight: 1.1lbs Key Words: File management, navigation Current version: 2.0a Short Description: OS2TREE is a flexible & easy to use file management program. You can use either your mouse or keyboard to copy, move, and view directories and files on your drives. OS2TREE PRO provides network access and gives you the capability to create your own custom commands and assign them to any key. OS2TREE Lite can be upgraded to the OS2TREE Pro version through the developer. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Physical: 3.5" Media (5.25" available 18 page hardcopy documentation Technical: 1 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 v 1.3 or later Support: OS/2 File Management Solutions, Inc. 800-383-9495 703-790-1660 703-790-0670 FAX Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day applies Warranty Period: IB 30 Day applies Export: No restriction ═══ 3.7.23. OS/2 Warp V3 ═══ Click here for part numbers and pricing OS/2 Warp If you haven't already tried the 32-bit multitasking operating system that's earned more than 65 top industry honors, now's the time! The BonusPak that ships with OS/2 Warp gives you a set of applications that allows you to be productive right out of the box. It includes an integrated word processor, spreadsheet, data filer, chart and report writing suite, fax communications software, a personal information manager, electronic conferencing, video and audio capture, dial-up internet access and more! Features: o Installs quickly and easily. o Performance-tuned to run on as little as 4MB. o Includes ready-to-use software for direct Internet and CompuServe access, word processing, spread sheets, charting, database, report writing, personal organization, fax/modem communications and software development. o Allows users to access any object with a single mouse click through a customizable tool bar. o Provides multimedia support to play full-motion video, store/display photos and host video teleconferences. o Supports PCMCIA interfaces, industry-standard networking protocols, plus Ethernet and Token-Ring networks. Hardware Requirements: o 386 compatible or higher personal computer. o 4MB RAM minimum; 6MB or more recommended. o 35-55MB free hard disk space. o 1.44MG 3.5" disk drive (requires that 3.5" be on drive "A"). o VGA video support. o IBM-compatible mouse. o Multimedia-ready systems for sound. o BonusPak for OS/2 requires up to 30 MB additional free space. 9600 baud modem or higher for on-line access. Software Requirements: Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later, or Windows for Workgroups 3.1 or 3.11 must be previously installed on the system in order for Windows applications to run under OS/2 Warp version 3. ═══ Warp Parts and Pricing ═══ (AL=Additional License) P/N Description $IB $SRP _______ ______________________________________ ____ ____ 83G8100 OS/2 Warp v 3 3.5" $69 $129 83G8102 OS/2 Warp v 3 CD 69 129 83G8103 OS/2 Warp v 3 AL W/Cert. 69 119 83G8111 OS/2 Warp v 3 AL 69 119 83G8700 OS/2 Warp v3 with Win/OS2 code 3.5" 114 199 83G8701 OS/2 Warp v3 with Win/OS2 code CD 114 199 83G8702 OS/2 Warp v3 with Win/OS2 code AL w/cert 108 189 83G8703 OS/2 Warp v3 with Win/OS2 code AL 108 189 ═══ 3.7.24. Open Shutter ═══ OUP60 SRP$69.95 IB$62 Shipping Weight: 1.15lbs Key Words: Screen Capture, Conversion Current Version: 1.11 Short Description: Master your desktop images with Open Shutter, a 32-bit screen capture and conversion utility. Open Shutter provides full-function screen capture capabilities at an affordable price. Capturing a window, rectangular region, or the entire desktop is made effortless by pressing as single key. Once captured, manipulate your image by rotating, editing the palette, or resizing the image. Output the image directly to the OS/2 clipboard, printer, or save in a variety of image file formats. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Online help function Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk 9 x 7 x 1" box Hardcopy documentation (21 pp.) Technical: Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: One Up Corporation 1603 LBJ Freeway, Suite 860 Dallas, TX 75234 (214) 620-1123 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 day Warranty period: 30 day Export: no restrictions ═══ 3.7.25. PM Assistant ═══ UTI30 SRP$129 IB$99 Shipping Weight: 1.5lbs Key Words: Hot-key, Macro, Schedule Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: Wouldn't it be great if there was one, affordable program with all the utilities you want the most? Now there is! PM Assistant is a comprehensive, integrated suite of six utilities including hot-key access to applications, automatic placement of application windows, keyboard macros, task scheduling, screen saver and password protection. These capabilities can be combined into powerful compound macros to automate lengthy tasks involving one or more application. A well thought out user interface makes it easy to get started. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag & Drop Physical: 3.5" Media Hardcopy docs Technical: Uses <400K RAM Uses <1MB Drive Space Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later (PM Assistant v1.0 runs on OS/2 v1.1-1.3) Support: Utilis PO Box 367 Redmond, WA 98073 206-467-4025 206-869-4981 FAX CIS: 73552,2367 Internet: 73552.2367@compuserve.com Upgrade Policy: free minor UG's, approx half-cost major UG's Warranty: Utilis will replace defective media for 90-days Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-day Export: No restriction MSRP $129 ═══ 3.7.26. PageTurner ═══ MAG35 SRP$179 IB$159 Shipping Weight: .9lbs Key Words: PostScript, Document Version Number: 1.01 Short Description: Magus PageTurner is the solution for cross-platform document viewing. It can view or print industry-standard PostScript-language documents produced by virtually any application on any computer, without the need for the originating application. PageTurner supports all standard PostScriptdisplay functions, including vector and bit-mapped fonts and the standard vector graphics and clipping functions. By viewing and printing PostScript documents, Magus PageTurner protects your investment in software, procedures, and personnel, opening a new universe of document imaging. Features: 32-bit PM interface Physical: 3.5" disk Hardcopy manual Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Recommended 8 Mb RAM Requires 2Mb disk space Support: Magus PO Box 390965 Mountain View, CA 94039-0965 800-848-8037 (VOX) 415-940-1109 (VOX) 415-940-1238 (FAX) Export: No restrictions MSRP $179 ═══ 3.7.27. Power Translator Professional ═══ GLB11 Spanish SRP$1195 IB$124 Shipping Weight: 3lbs GLB12 French SRP$1195 IB$124 Shipping Weight: 3lbs GLB13 German SRP$1195 IB$124 Shipping Weight: 3.2lbs Additional Dictionaries Available $99 Shipping Weight: .25lbs Call for topics. Key Words: Language, Translation Current Version: 4.0 Short Description: Winner of the 1993 Discover Award for Technological Innovation for software, Power Translator Professional is the foreign language translator that everyone is talking about. Business is now widely conducted on a global level, a trend which will only increase in the future. Although English may be considered the international language of business, most people prefer correspondence in their own language. Power translator is fast, accurate, and customizable. Create your own subject dictionary or use the ones created by Globalink. Available in French, German or Spanish. Features: 32-bit PM Interface LAN enabled Physical: 4-8 3.5" disks 9.5 x 6.5 x 2.25" box Hardcopy documentation (117 pp.) Technical: 18 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or higher Support: Globalink, Inc. 9302 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22031 Customer Service: 800-255-5660 703-273-3866 (FAX) Tech Support:703-273-5600 (VOX) Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days Warranty period: 1 yr. replacement of defective media by Globalink Upgrade: Available through Globalink Demo: None Available Export: No Restriction MSRP: $249 ═══ 3.7.28. PrntScrn ═══ MIT15 SRP$115 IB$99 Shipping Weight: .75lbs Key Words: Screen Capture, Printing Current Version: 2.01 Short Description: PrntScrn is a very useful utility for printing or capturing images from the OS/2 WPS. Captured immages can be imported into a word processor or desktop publishing package to document what you see on your OS/2 screen. Built in screen saver prevents burn-in. Features: 32-bit and 16-bit versions included PM Interface LAN enabled Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk Hardcopy documentation (62 pp.) Technical: 450 Kb free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 1.3 or later Support: MITNOR Software 28411 E. 55th Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014-1765 (918)357-1628 (VOX) (918)357-2869 (FAX) Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days Warranty period: 30 days direct from Mitnor Export: No restrictions MSRP: $115 ═══ 3.7.29. QwikSwitch ═══ BWC20 SRP$39.95 IB$32 Shipping Weight: .55lbs Key Words: Hot-Key, Launcher, Keystroke(s), Utility, Association, application-switching Current Version: 1.2c Short Description: QwikSwitch by BitWare Consulting is a program association utility that is convenient at first, and ultimately indispensable. QwikSwitch allows the user to assign "hot-keys" to desired applications. These hot-key associations enable one to actually launch applications via the keystroke combination, in addition to simply switching between applications that are already open. Hot-keys can be assigned to folders, and also to customized environment settings, such as "full-screen DOS", etc. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded in every process IBM ICSS Speech-Enabled Physical: 1-3.5" Diskette Hardcopy docs Technical: requires OS/2 v2.1 or later Support: Bitware Consulting 1729 8th Ave New Westminster, BC V3M-2S8 Canada 604-525-5959 CIS: 7203,412 Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: IB 30-day Export: no restriction Notes: QuickSwitch is a handy utility aimed at replacing OS/2's CTRL-ESC window to make task-switching much faster and more direct. QwikSwitch also allows you to actually launch your applications if they're not already open using the same convenient keystrokes. ═══ 3.7.30. R:Base ═══ MRM40 SRP$795 IB$535 MRM88 LAN Pak SRP$995 IB$699 Shipping Weight: 8.5lbs Key Words: Data Base Management System Current Version: 4.5 Short Description: R:Base is a 32 bit fully relational database management system for single or multi-user file server based OS/2 systems. Users can run multiple sessions of R:Base at the same time and can develop high end applications that run in a multi threaded enviernment. Row level locking and optomistic concurrency controls enable several users on a network to access data quickly and efficiently, without compromising data integrity. Features: 32-bit Pm Interface Multithreaded Drag and Drop Lan Enabled Physical: Media 3.5" and 5 1/4 included Shrinkwrapped box and disks Supports OS/2 2.0 and up Softcopy documentation Technical: 2.5 MB of free hard disk space reccomended. 8 MB free memory reccomended Support: MicroRim 15395 S.E. 30th Place Bellevue WA 98007 206-649-9500 206-746-9350 FAX Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty period: IB 30-day Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.7.31. Recognita Plus ═══ REC75 SRP$595 IB$499 Shipping Weight: 2.1lbs Key Words: OCR Version Number: 2.0 Short Description: Recognita Plus is a powerful Optical Character Recognition (OCR) package that offers fast and flexible recognition of eighty languages, dozens of fonts and supports some eighty scanners. Recognita uses a Self Assertion Technology to deliver extremely accurate recognition together with sophisticated page layout decomposition. You get faster and more accurate recognition than ever before, even with "challenging" documents on colored background, with graphics or stains. The only commercially available stand-alone OCR package specifically for OS/2. Features: PM Interface 16-bit Complements: Developer's Toolkit available Physical: 3.5" or 5.25" disks available Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Recommended 4Mb RAM Requires 4Mb disk space Support: Recognita America 1156 Aster Ave #F Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-241-5722 (VOX) 800-255-4627 (VOX) 8am-2pm PST 408-241-6009 (FAX) Export: North and South America Distribution Only MSRP: $595 ═══ 3.7.32. Recognita Plus Developers Toolkit ═══ REC80 SRP$995 IB$799 Key Words: Development, OCR Version Number: 2.01 Short Description: Integrate Recognita's powerful OCR engine into your application. The DTK package includes a convenient platform-specific setup program, the executable code of the Recognita Plus Engine, the toolkit itself with sample code included, a stand-alone version of Recognita Plus for training purposes, and an introductory sample application which can be run and examined to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the product. Features: PM Interface 16-bit Physical: 3.5" or 5.25" disks available Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Recommended 4Mb RAM Requires 4Mb disk space Support: Recognita America 1156 Aster Ave #F Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-241-5722 (VOX) 800-255-4627 (VOX) 8am-2pm PST 408-241-6009 (FAX) Export: North and South America Distribution Only MSRP: $995 ═══ 3.7.33. Relish ═══ SUN10 SRP$189 IB$68 Shipping Weight: 2lbs SUN12 Relish Net 2 user - IB$119 Shipping Weight: 5.6lbs Key Words: Personal Information Manager, Scheduling, Phone Book Version Number: 2.2 Short Description: Relish 32-bit is the desktop time andinformation organizer ideal for everyone coordinating tasks or managing time. This intuitive calendar, reminder, and personal scheduling system brings ease and reliability to time management. With Relish, drag and drop supplements the more traditional methods of using menus and buttons. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Drag & Drop Multi-threaded Online help feature Complements: BocaSoft System Sounds (add sound to Relish reminders) Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk 7-1/2 x 9 x 1-1/2 box 187+ page hard copy manual Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Recommended 2Mb disk space Support: Sundial Systems 909 Electric Avenue #204 Seal Beach, CA 90740 Customer Service: 310-596-5121 (VOX) 8:30-5pm PST Technical Support: 310-596-5721 (VOX) 8:30-5pm PST 714-965-9963 (BBS) 24hrs CIS: Sundial Systems forum on OS2AVEN Many upgrades automatically sent free to registered users. Major upgrades available to registered users at minimal cost. Export: No Restriction DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Notes: 16-bit version available as special order ═══ 3.7.34. ReView ═══ SLT42 SRP$299 IB$249 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: Document, TWAIN, Scanner Version Number: 1.0 Short Description: ReView is a TWAIN enabled document management system for native OS/2, allowing the user Document Indexing, Storage, and Retrieval. ReView provides the user instantaneous scrolling around images for easy viewing. The document indexing system allows flexible use of files and folders for efficient indexing and retrieval on multiple search fields. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded TWAIN Enabled Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk 75 page hard copy manual Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Recommended 8Mb RAM Support: Solution Technology, Inc. 1101 S. Rogers Circle, Bldg. 14 Boca Raton, FL 33487 407-241-3210 (VOX) 9-5 EST 407-997-6518 (FAX) CIS 70403,2773 Export: US Orders only ═══ 3.7.35. SearchManager/2 ═══ 80G0045 SRP$99 IB$79 Shipping Weight: 2.9lbs 80G0046 Add'l License SRP$85 IB$65 Version: 1.0 Description: In today's competitive business world, where information is becoming the number on asset, IBM's solution for text retrieval provides advanced full-text search technology. SearchManager/2 includes IBM's exclusive linguistic search technology that allows knowledge-based conceptual searches. SearchManager supports a variety of document formats, types, and languages. The documents may be located in either the OS/2 file system or the Lotus Notes document database. Features: 32-Bit PM Interface Drag & Drop support Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Supports the following file formats: o DisplayWrite/370 (RFT/E, FFT) o Flat Text Files o WordPerfect (OS/2) o Word for Windows, RTF o AmiPro (RFT) o SearchManager/370 and STAIRS format (ECTF, with limited support for Attributes/Formatted fields) Physical: 3-3.5" Disks (+2 diskette containing NLPS Dictionary) Hardcopy Docs Support: IBM Corporation 800-992-4776 ═══ 3.7.36. Secure Workplace for OS/2 ═══ SNT54 SRP$79.95 IB$62 Shipping Weight: 1.15lbs Version: 2.03 Key Words: Security Short Description: The Secure Workplace for OS/2 is a collection of software objects and programs designed to provide Workplace Shell protection, setup and support while reducing support time and cost. Gain extended access to the Workplace Shell with additional pages in each settings notebook. Dynamic passwords allow you to reveal a password to the user without compromising the integrity of the system. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Drag & Drop Technical: Requires OS/2 v2.1 or later Physical: 1-3.5" disk 44+ page hardcopy manual Support: Syntegration 13241 Norton Avenue Chino, CA 91710 909-464-9450 909-464-9438 FAX Satisfaction guarantee: 30 Day Warranty period: 30 Day ═══ 3.7.37. Smart-Lock ═══ CIM20 Dual User SRP$139 IB$145 Shipping Weight: 2lbs CIM38 Multi User SRP$220 IB$205 Shipping Weight: 2lbs CIM45 Client/Server SRP$1450 IB$1369 Shipping Weight: 4lbs Key Words: Security Short Description: Smart-Lock enables both large organizations and individual users to configure and protect their OS/2 workstations by restricting access to WPS settings, access to system resources and the computer itself and by automatically presenting one of up to 255 pre-configured desktops to the active user. Switching between desktops/user rights does NOT require reboot, but is activated when user is changed. Smart Lock is availaible in Dual-User, Multi-User and Client-Server packages. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag-and-drop LAN enabled Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk Hardcopy documentation Support: Corporate Info Management PO Box 7251 Wilton CT 06897 Customer Service: 203-834-2799 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 Day Warranty period: 30 Day Export: no restriction ═══ 3.7.38. SuperType Master Library ═══ IQE37 SRP$50 IB$29.95 Shipping Weight: 1.5lbs Key Words: Fonts, Type 1, Print Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: The award-winning SuperType Master Library contains 96 fully scalable, professionally-designed, display, text and headline fonts from 44 typefamilies. Available in Type 1 format for OS/2, the fonts are optimized to provide the highest quality type a given printer can produce at any size. Features: 32-bit LAN enabled Physical: 4 - 3.5" disks 10" x 8.25" x 2" box Softcopy documentation (8 pp.) Technical: 6 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 1.2 or later Support: IQ Engineering 1028 W. Maude Avenue Suite 403 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408)733-1161 (VOX) 8-5 PST (408)733-2585 (FAX) BBS: (408)733-2580 24hrs DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Satisfaction guarantee: 30 money-back guarantee Warranty period: 30 days Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.7.39. Time & Place/2 ═══ 79G9867 SRP$120 IB$84 79G9868 Add'l Lic. IB$49 Description: Group scheduling was never easier... Coordinate meetings and travel itineraries without endless callbacks and voicemail messages. This powerful LAN-based group scheduling and calendar program supports OS/2 Windows and DOS clients on an OS/2 based server. Use your time more productively by letting Time & Place/2 search for free time, display calendars, leave important reminders and provide a convenient notepad for meeting notes. Features: PM Interface 32-Bit Technical: SERVER REQUIREMENTS 5.5MB RAM in addition to the space needed for your software prerequisites 4MB free disk space LAN adapter OS/2 2.0 w/ServicePak orhigher NetBIOS, TCP/IP or IPX CLIENT REQUIREMENTS 2.5MB RAM in addition to the space needed for your software prerequisites 4MB free disk space LAN Adapter or modem used with IBM LAN Distance Support: IBM Corporation IBM Programming Systems Westlake Product Service Operations 800-237-5511 24HRS message IBM responds on call back 8am to 6pm central Mon-Fri DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ 3.7.40. UniteLite ═══ CIR17 SRP$295 IB$239 Shipping Weight: 2lbs Key Words: Document Imaging Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: UniteLite is the only Workplace Shell enabled personal imaging system designed for OS/2 Warp. UniteLite provides scanning, viewing, storage and retrieval capabilities for organizing and managing both black-and-white documents and color photographs. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded LAN Enabled Drag & Drop Physical: 4-3.5" Disks Hardcopy Docs Technical: Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later Recommended 8MB RAM Recommend plenty of free swapper drive space Supports Fujitsu and HP Scanjet II Scanners Support: Cirrus Technology Fourth Floor 5301 Buckeystown Pike Frederick, MD 21701 301-698-1900 301-698-1909 FAX Export: No Restriction Upgrade: 6 months free through Cirrus to registered users Warranty: Cirrus will replace defective media for 6 months MSRP $295 Notes: The small work group information challenge Have you ever had trouble finding that critical piece of information you need... when you need it? There are few things more frustrating than spending valuable time, sometimes hours, trying to locate a vital, but misplaced, document. Perhaps you've considered a PC based document imaging system, but you've put it off because of the big price tag, the complexity or a feature list that isn't appropriate with your small work group's needs. UniteLite was created just for you. Unpretentious personal power By combining state-of-the-art features, an intuitive interface, and an inexpensive price tag, UniteLite has expanded the world of imaging to include both the small business and the novice PC user. It is an advanced, yet easy-to-use office tool that gives you the ability to scan, view, organize, and print memos, reports and other key documents that are crucial to the success of your business. You get absolute control over the way your documents are organized, and UniteLite's powerful search and retrieval capabilities provide easy access to the documents you need when you need them. Even a novice can begin using UniteLite almost immediately because its three basic icons represent things you already know how to use: a file cabinet, a folder and a document. UniteLite is designed to take advantage of all the advanced features of the OS/2 workplace shell, such as: o context-sensitive searching o file associations o drag-and-drop funcitions What this means to you is that never before has there been such an easy-to-use imaging system. ═══ 3.7.41. Visual Document Library ═══ 10H8015 Sybase based English SRP$360 IB$255 89G1512 DB2/2 based English SRP$360 IB$255 89G1513 Server AL SRP$300 IB$199 97G5640 Client Distr. Feat SRP$300 IB$199 10H8134 Client 10 user Pak SRP$2850 IB$1890 With Visual Document Library, you can streamline document management across your enterprise and give diverse workgroups quick and easy access to reliable information. Built on a client/server architecture, Visual Document Library is a powerful, affordable document-management library and retrieval system that can store, organize and locate your vital business information. IBM Visual Document Library's open design supports industry standards, accomodates alternative database technologies and integrates with popular desktop applications such as WordPerfect, AmiPro and Lotus 1-2-3. Handles virtually any kind of electronic data files - text, business graphics, multimedia presentations,and more. Technical: SERVER REQUIREMENTS Requires OS/2 2.1 plus ServicePak XR06200 or higher Requires LAN Server 3.0 or later, or Novell Netware 3.11, 3.12, or 4.0 16MB RAM CLIENT REQUIREMENTS Requires OS/2 2.1 plus ServicePak XR06200 or higher Requires IBM Lan Server 3.0 or Novell Netware Requestor 2.01 for OS/2 operating in a Novell Netware 3.1, 3.12 , or 4.0 LAN Adapter 12MB RAM DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ 3.7.42. Visualizer ═══ Click here for Part #'s and pricing. Description: Wouldn't it be great to put your hands on enterprise data no matter where it's stored? Quickly AND easily? Visualizer lets you analyze and present information from IBM relational databases right on your desktop, visually, using a powerful client-server querey tool, sophisticated presentation tools, and a data analysis toolkit which includes an exciting new technology to querey multimedia objects by content such as color, shape and layout. It even includes visual procedures to graphically define repetitive tasks and a development toolset to customize solutions. For seamless access to DB2 data, look into Visualizer. Technical: VISUALIZER QUEREY 8MB RAM in additional to OS/2 20 MB Disk space for product files Math co-processor HIGHLY recommended OS/2 v2.1 or later DDCS/2 for DRDA Links PC/Support/400 v2.3 for connection to AS/400 AS v2.2 or 3.x for S/390 Client Connection to AS via SRPI AS v3.2 for S/390 Client Connection to AS via CPI-C ULTIMEDIA QUEREY MMPM/2 6MB Free disk space for product files 80MB free disk space for 8-bit sample images, and 15MB for the catalog of the files. (these may be left on CD-ROM) 235MB free disk space for 24-bit sample images and 15MB for the catalog of the files (also may be left on CD) Speakers & supported Sound Card for audio playback Support: IBM Corporation 800-992-4777 CIS: GO IBMDB2 support@asicvm1.ibm.vnet.com DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ Visualizer P&P ═══ 10H7306 Visualizer Query v1.1 3.5" 139.00 10H7307 Visualizer Charts v1.0 59.00 10H7308 Visualizer Procedures 94.00 10H7309 Visualizer Plans 180.00 10H7310 Visualizer Statistics 180.00 10H7311 Visualizer Development v1.0 649.00 10H7649 Visualizer Ultimedia Query 195.00 10H7651 Visualizer Query v1.1 UG from DB2/2 Query Manager 77.00 10H7658 Visualizer Query v1.1 with DB/2 SU 3.5" 364.00 10H7673 Visualizer Query v1.1 AL w/cert 128.00 10H7675 Visualizer Query v1.1 with DB2/2 AL 308.00 10H7697 Visualizer Query v1.1 CD 139.00 14H0504 Visualizer Charts v1.1 CD 59.00 27H7767 Visualizer Query v1.1 add'l 4 users 460.00 27H7768 Visualizer Query v1.1 add'l 10 users 1,110.00 27H7769 Visualizer Query v1.1 add'l 50 users 4,975.00 ═══ 3.7.43. Warp Connect ═══ Click here for part numbers and pricing OS/2 Warp Connect Your connection to the world... Get a complete connectivity solution together with OS/2 Warp and the Bonus Pak - all in one box! Everything has been tested to work together, so you'll save time and hassle. Warp Connect has everything that's currently in Warp, PLUS: o Peer to Peer Support o LAN Distance Remote o OS/2 LAN Requester o TCP/IP for OS/2 version 3 o Novell Netware Requester o Information CD o Network SignON Coordinator o Lotus Notes Express Warp Connect will interoperate with: o IBM LAN Server (and PCLP 1.3) o Windows for Workgroups o NetWare o Windows NT o TCP/IP Media: CD-ROM and Additional Licenses only "Flavors": Warp Connect comes with WINOS2 and without WINOS2 Upgrades: Please note that there are two separate upgrade paths for the OS/2 products with and without WINOS2, and you can't cross over between them. In other words, you can't get upgrade pricing forWarp Connect w/WINOS2 if you have Warp without WINOS2. There is a special 90-day promotion (order before 9/30)for current users of Warp and OS/2 2.1x who purchase Warp Connect shrinkwrap copies: 1. OS/2 Warp w/ WINOS2 to Warp Connect w/ WINOS2 -=- $50 Rebate 2. OS/2 2.1x to OS/2 Warp Connect w/ WINOS2 -=- $25 Rebate 3. OS/2 Warp to OS/2 Warp Connect (when available) -=- $25 Rebate When you order Warp Connect from us at regular price you will receive a rebate coupon to send direcly to IBM to obtain your upgrade discount. A Rebate Exception Form will be available for large accounts which cannot process rebates directly. ═══ Connect Pricing ═══ (AL=Additional License) P/N Description $IB $SRP _______ ______________________________________ ____ ____ 10H9800 OS/2 Warp Connect CD-ROM (no WinOS2) $124 $229 10H9804 OS/2 Warp Connect (no WinOS2) AL 120 159 10H9810 OS/2 Warp Connect with WinOS2 CD-ROM 159 199 10H9813 OS/2 Warp Connect with WinOS2 AL 154 199 ═══ 3.7.44. Xact for OS/2 ═══ SCI66 SRP$495 IB$398 SCI66e Educational Edition IB$198 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: Scientific, business, Graphics Short Description: This powerful OS/2 PM-based scientific and business graphics package from Germany is now available in the US. Featuring a combination of a data sheet and graphics editor with object-oriented charting functions, Xact is well prepared for all your charting needs. Xact lets you edit data and graphs with easy annotation features to make publication quality graphs. Intuitive and easy-to-use, Xact gives you options for line, scatter, bar, pie, 3D lines, 3D pie, 3D Bar, 3D surface, polar, contour plots and more. Smoothing, nonlinear fits and more included as well as a powerful REXX macro capability to customize and massage your data. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag & Drop Technical: Recommend 8MB RAM Recommend 3MB disk space Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Physical: 2-3.5" disks 100+ Page Hardcopy docs Support: SciLab GmbH Isestr. 57 20149 Hamburg Germany (0)40-4603702 (0)40-479344 FAX CIS: 100125,57 DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Demo Available ═══ 3.7.45. XL Keyboard ═══ EXC50 SRP$99 IB$79 Key Words: Keyboard, Mapping, International Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: XL Keyboard enables you to do word processing in most West European languages right from any OS/2 application. Twelve country-specific keyboard layouts are provided. When the program is active, your physical keyboard is remapped acccording to the keyboard layout chosen. No more hunting for those "non-traditional" characters! XL Keyboard provides support for the folowing languages: Spanish French German Italian Swedish/Finnish Portuguese Dutch U.K. English- Features: 32-bit PM Interface Drag-and-drop On-line Help Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk 6 x 12" disk mailer packaging Soft- and Hardcopy documentation (4 pp.) Technical: .4 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Exceller Software Corporation 2 Graham Road West Ithica, NY 14850 Customer Service: 607-257-5634 FAX: 607-257-1665 Phone Support: 607-257-6003 9-5pm EST CIS: 70761,2132 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days through Exceller Warranty period: 90 Days Through Exceller Demo: None Available Export: No Restriction MSRP: $99 ═══ 3.8. Tools & Utilities ═══ Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. o ATS for OS/2 o AccessWPS o AlertVIEW o Archive Manager o Batch Manager o Borland C++ for OS/2 o BOXER/OS2 o C++/Views o CPU Monitor Plus o Central Point Antivirus o chartParts o Chron o CheckIt o dbfLIB o dbfREXX o DCF/2 o Desktop Commander o Error Manager o Experience C++ -- A Multimedia Tutorial o EZRAID for OS/2 o FileStar/2 o Gamelon File I/O Library o GammaTech File Secure o Gamma Tech PowerPack o GammaTech REXX Superset/2 o GammaTech Utilities o The Graham Utilities for OS/2 o GraphiC OS/2 o Guidelines o Hyperwise o IBM Antivirus o JCL Navigator o The J&J Utilities for OS/2 o Kedit o KidProof/2 o LinkRight o LinkWiz o Lotus SmartSuite o MKS ToolKit o McAfee VirusScan o MetaWare High C/C++ o The Object Factory - IDL o ObjectPM o OnCmd o OS/2 Essentials o Osrm2 Lite Performance Monitor o OS/2 Warp v3 o PM Patrol o PartitionMagic o Performance 3.0+ o PREDITOR/2 o Priority Master o Prominare Release 4 o Prominare Validator o PowerChute for OS/2 o Prospero Extended Pascal for OS/2 o REXXBase o Rimstar Programmer's Editor o RPlot o SPF/PC o SQL Objects o Secure Workplace for OS/2 o SkyScraper Virtual Desktop Manager o Softouch Suite o SourceLink o SpaceMap o System Notebook o Tools 'n Games for OS/2 o UniMaint o Unite Image Viewer Object o Unite Scanner Object o VisPro C o VisPro C++ o VisPro Reports o VisPro REXX o Visual SlickEdit o VisualAge o VisualAge C++ o Visual SlickEdit o VX REXX (Standard and Client/Server) o Watchit o Watcom C/C++ o Watcom Fortran o Watcom SQL o zApp for OS/2 o ZipStream Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 3.8.1. ATS for OS/2 ═══ MHR20 - SRP$349 - IB$295 Shipping Weight: 1lb Version: 3.0 Key Words: Scheduler Short Description: ATS (Advanced Task Scheduler) is a full function job scheduler that has been designed to allow you to build complete job streams giving complete control of how and when to rrun each program. ATS allows you to define an unlimited number of tasks, dependencies, and holidays. ATS logs all activity to disk and provides windows for Log, Status, and Running Tasks. ATS is designed to handle all of your mission critical scheduling needs. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Online Help Physical: 3.5" Disks HardCopy Manuals Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Support: MHR Software And Consulting 2227 US Highway #1 Suite 146 North Brunswick, NJ 08902 908-821-0359 (VOX) 908-821-0350 (FAX) Warranty: 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 Day ═══ 3.8.2. AccessWPS ═══ CRY30 SRP$49.95 IB$42 Shipping Weight: .7lbs Key Words: Programming, Object, DLL Short Description: AccessWPS is a 32-bit development tool that allows any PM program to call any SOM or WPS method for any existing WPS Class or Object directly from the PM program without the need for SOM or the need to develop a custom Object. The methods can be called just like any PM, OS/2 or Compiler API. The tool consists of three DLL's and Import Library, a DEF file and an included file with the method prototypes for all available SOM and WPS methods. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Online Help Function Physical: 1 - 3.5" Disk Softcopy documentation Technical: 2 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.1 or later Support: Carry Associates 990 Ironwood Ct. Marco Island, FL 333937-4458 813-642-9126 813-642-1007 FAX CIS: 72662,3616 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days (through Carry Associates) Warranty period: 1 year replacement of defective media (through Carry Associates) Demo: Shareware demo available on Compuserve, Internet, and many BBS's Export: no restriction ═══ 3.8.3. AlertVIEW ═══ SHY10 SRP$1150 IB$1035 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: LAN, Troubleshooting, Errors Short Description: AlertVIEW is a LAN application management software that troubleshoots application errors on networks. AlertVIEW monitors applications running on networked PCs, detects errors, reports the errors to the administrator and can be configured to correct the problems encountered. Features: 32-bit LAN Enabled Complents: Physical: 3.5" Disks 2 softcopy manuals (143pp & 48pp) Technical: Supports OS/2 1.2 or later Requires 8MB disk space Support: Shany 1101 San Antonio Road Mountain View, CA 94043 415-694-7410 8-5pst 415-694-4642 BBS 24Hrs Online Help Funciton DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ 3.8.4. Archive Manager ═══ VAC38 SRP$29 IB$22 VAC50 Archive Mgr/ Sys Notebook bundle IB$36.50 Description: Archive manager is a 32-bit, multithreaded PM front end for PKZip, InfoZIP, LH and LH32 OS/2 archive programs, which allows for the easy creation and maintenance of archive files. You can drag files into or out of archives, from one archive to another, and more. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Physical: 3.5" media Support: VACNAT Software 1370 White Oak St. Harrisonville, MO 64701 816-380-2928 913-752-2329 FAX DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ 3.8.5. Batch Manager ═══ MBA39 SRP$150 IB$135 Shipping Weight: .5lbs Key Words: Job, Que, Execution Version: 1.0 Short Description: Batch Manager for OS/2 provides the user with a method of managing delayed execution job que via an OS/2 PM program. Batch Manager is ideal for any batch process, including backing-up of files, producing routine reports, and downloading data from a mainframe. The product is excuted at each station and the jobs are controlled by the individual user. Features: 32- and 16-bit included PM Interface Physical: 1-3.5" disk Support: M. Bryce and Associates 813-786-4567 813-786-4765 FAX Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.8.6. Borland C++ for OS/2 ═══ BOR65 SRP$499 IB$395 See SPECIAL Pricing! Shipping Weight: 12lbs Key Words: Programming, Compiler, C, C++, Object, High-Level, Language, High-Level Language Current Version: v2.0 Short Description: Borland C++ is a mature, fully ANSI-compliant C/C++ development suite consisting of Borland's C/C++ Compiler, Turbo Debugger, and 32-bit Turbo Macro-Assembler. Borland's Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a straightforward and sophisticated platform with which to design professional-grade high quality applications. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded/ Multithread building Complements: ObjectPM, dbfLIB, GraphiC OS/2, Physical: CD-ROM (3.5" w/ mail in card) 7.5x9.5x6" Box 650 Page hard copy Docs Technical: 20-60 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 v2.1 or later Support: Borland International 100 Borland Way Scotts Valley, CA 95066-3249 408-431-1000 HQ 408-461-9001 Cust. Service 800-222-4269 FaxBack 800-524-8420 Phone Support 6-5pst 408-431-5096 BBS CIS: GO BORLAND Satisfaction guarantee: 30-day Warranty period: 90-day Borland replaces defective media Upgrade: Borland Demo: Call customer service Export: No restrictions Notes: Borland has an extensive Customer Support system. There are several complimentary and pre-paid plans available. One must call to establish such service @800-523-7070 and obtain a PIN#. Free installation support is also provided. All technical support is provided within the hours of 6am and 5pm Pacific Daylight Time. ═══ 3.8.7. BOXER/OS2 ═══ BOX10 SRP$89 IB$69 Shipping Weight: 1.1lbs Version: 7.0 Key Words: Editor Description: The BOXER Text Editor for OS/2 is an affordable, yet powerful and easy to use character mode text editor for OS/2. This 32-bit application takes full advantage of OS/2's advanced features, such as virtual memory and long file names under HPFS. Many of BOXER's powerful features set are usually found in more expensive editors. BOXER is fully configurable with many built-in emulations such as Brief, EPM, QEdit, Norton, etc. Note: Registered DOS version is included! Features: Text Interface 32-bit Physical: 3.5" media Indexed, printed reference manual quick reference card coupon for 1 free UG Registered DOS version Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Support: Boxer Software PO Box 3230 Peterborough, NH 03458-3230 603-924-6602 800-982-6937 603-924-4471 FAX 603-924-3859 BBS CIS: 70242,2126 Internet: 70242.2126@compuserve.com Demo: Look for BOXOS2_6.zip on BBS's or BOXOS2.zip on Compuserve ═══ 3.8.8. C++/Views ═══ LIA50 SRP$999 IB$899 Shipping Weight: 5lbs Key Words: Framework, Programming, GUI, C++ Current Version: 3.01 Short Description: C++/Views is an object-oriented application framework for developing multi-platform GUI applications using C++. C++/Views OS/2 includes a comprehensive library of over 100 C++ classes for interface design, data management, event processing and more. C++/Views applications are portable across OS/2 Presentation Manager, OSF/MOTIF, MS Windows and Macintosh, allowing you to take your application across an enterprise. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Drag-and-drop Physical: 2 - 3.5" Disks 4" x 8" x 6" Hardcopy documentation (30 pp. Release Notes, 290 pp. Programmers Manual, 100pp. User Guide) Technical: Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Liant Software Corporation 959 Concord Street Framingham, MA 01701-4613 Customer Service: (800)237-1873 (9-5 EST) Phone Support: (508)875-2294 BBS:(508)626-0681 CIS: support@lpi.liant.com Satisfaction guarantee:30 day Warranty period: 30 day (through Liant) ═══ 3.8.9. Central Point Antivirus ═══ CPT40 SRP$129.95 IB$109 Shipping Weight: 1.5lbs Key Words: Virus, Detection, Protection Version Number: 1.0 Short Description: Central Point Anti-Virus provides the most comprehensive, easy to use virus protection for both corporate and single user environments. Its transparent and automatic operation provides total virus protection. Because it can be customized for individual needs, Central Point Anti-Virus is simple to introduce into organizations with diverse computing environments. Features: 32-bit LAN Enabled Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Requires 4Mb RAM Requires 2Mb Disk Space LAN Support includes Novell Network, LAN Server, LAN Manager Support: Central Point 503-690-8090 Export: Some restrictions may apply ═══ 3.8.10. chartParts ═══ DAK25 SRP$249 IB$209 Shipping Weight: .65 Key Words: VisualAge, Business Graphics Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: chartParts provides customizable and fully reusable business graphics for IBM's VisualAge applications. chartParts allows a user to build all sorts of graphs including bars, lines, pies, and cylinders from VisualAge without the need for writing additional code. Features: 32-bit Multithreaded On-line Help Complements: VisualAge Physical: 1 - 3.5" Disk 9 x 8 x .25" shrinkwrapped Softcopy documentation (32 pp.) Technical: Requires IBM VisualAge Supports OS/2 versions 2.1 or later Support: Dakota Technologies 14208 Secluded Lane Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Phone: 301-738-0259 Fax: 301-279-8739 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days through Dakota Technologies Warranty period: 60 days through Dakota Technologies ═══ 3.8.11. Checkit ═══ CSN49 SRP$249 IB$218 Shipping Weight: .7lbs Key Words: Lan, Lan Server,Tuning, Analysis Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: Checkit to "take charge" of the IBM LAN Server. Checkit monitors all of your servers in up to 4 domains (1000+ servers) from a single workstation. Continually updated graphics provide a visual display of availability. If during the polling process a server becomes inoperative, Checkit will send a message and/or call your pager. Select an icon to get the current status of shares, users, and response. Selectively trace any server's activity and graph mean response, sessions, shares, bytes transferred, print jobs, big buffer and request buffer allocations. Export statistical data to your favorite spreadsheet for further analysis or archiving. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag-and-drop LAN enabled On-line Help Complements: Lan Server Physical: 3.5" media Hardcopy documentation Technical: Requires IBM Lan Server 1.5 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Client Server Networking Inc. PO Box 370111 West Hartford CT 06137-0111 (203)233-2951 WATCHIT forum on IBM Talklink Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 Day Warranty period: IB 30 Day Export: No Restriction ═══ 3.8.12. CPU Monitor Plus ═══ BAS17 SRP$129.95 IB$79 Shipping Weight: 1.3lbs Key Words: CPU, RAM, performance analysis, monitor Current Version: 2.3 Short Description: CPU Monitor Plus is a package of advanced performance and analysis tools. Continuously monitors and displays real-time CPU, RAM, Disk and COM port activity. Also dynamically monitors and controls OS/2, Windows and DOS programs. Detect and stop invisible, runaway and background programs and more. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Physical: One 3.5" disk 7-5/8 x 9-1/4 x 1-5/8 in. box Hard copy documentation (82 pp.) Technical: Supports OS/2 versions 1.2, 1.3, 2.0 or later Support: BonAmi Software Corporation 60 Thoreau Street Suite 219 Concord, MA 01742 Customer Service: (508) 371-1997 FAX: (508) 371-2333 Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty period: BonAmi will replace defective media - 90 days Upgrades available directly from BonAmi for nominal charge DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.8.13. Chron ═══ HIL45 SRP$99 IB$95 Shipping Weight: .85lbs Key Words: Scheduler Current Version: 4.0 Short Description: Chron is an OS/2 PM application that will schedule events and reminder messages at a specified time and frequency. Chron provides the ideal starting point for time-based automation tasks. Features: 32-bit (also ships w/16-bit for OS/2 1.x) PM Interface Multithreaded Complements: DB2/2, Lan Server, Multinet BBS (all require unattended operations) Physical: 1 - 3.5" disks 9 x 13 x .5 " shrink wrapped Hardcopy documentation (24 pp.) Technical: <1 MB free hard disk space required Supports OS/2 versions 1.x or later Support: Hilbert Computing 1022 N Cooper Olathe, KS 66061 Phone Support: 913-780-5051 8-7 Central - 7 days/week BBS: 913-829-2450 (24 hr) CIS:73457,365 Also OS2AVEND Library 1 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days Warranty period: 30 days through Hilbert Upgrade: Through Hilbert DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Demo: On Compuserve & Hilbert's BBS Export: No Restriction ═══ 3.8.14. dbfLIB ═══ DSF22 SRP$195 IB$159 Shipping Weight: 1lb Key Words: C/C++, dBASE Short Description: dbfLIB is a C/C++ programmer's library for accessing dBASE data files and indexes. Included are libraries and DLLs for DOS, Windows, OS/2 1.3, and OS/2 2.x Features: 32-bit Multithreaded LAN enabled Complements: MetaWare High C/C++, IBM C Set++ Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk and 1 - 5.25" disk Hardcopy documentation (100 pp.) Technical: 2 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 1.2 or later Support: dSOFT Development Inc. 4710 Innsbruk Drive Houston, TX 77066 Customer Service: 715-537-0318 8-5 CST CIS: 70562,1044 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 day Warranty period: 30 day (dSOFT) Upgrade: Through dSOFT Export: No Restriction ═══ 3.8.15. dbfREXX ═══ DSF25 SRP$99 IB$95 Shipping Weight: 1lb Key Words: REXX, dBASE Short Description: dbfREXX is a DLL that enables REXX programs to read and write dBASE data files and indexes. Supported file formats are DBF, DBT, and NDX. Features: 32-bit LAN enabled Complements: VisPro REXX, VX/REXX Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk Hardcopy documentation (100 pp.) (Softcopy included) Technical: Recommend 12Mb RAM 1 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: dSOFT Development Inc. 4710 Innsbruk Drive Houston, TX 77066 Customer Service: 715-537-0318 8-5 CST CIS: 70562,1044 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 day (dSOFT) Warranty period: 30 day (dSOFT) Upgrade: Through dSOFT Export: No Restriction ═══ 3.8.16. DCF/2 ═══ PSC11 SRP$149.95 IB$115 Shipping Weight: 1.1lbs Key Words: Compression, Storage Version Number: 1.4 Short Description: The all new DCF/2 is the only "on-the-fly" data compression product designed to support all of OS/2 - including the High Performance File System - transparently and automatically. The DCF/2's unique architecture supports all OS/2 DASD devices, as well as removable media and network drives. Ideal for laptops, and systems with limited diskspace. Password protection and volume mirroring included. Features: 32-bit Multi-threaded LAN Enabled Online help Physical: 1 - 3.5" disks 100 page softcopy manual Technical: Recommended 8Mb RAM Disk space dependent on size of Virtual Drive Unit. Install of files requires .5Mb. Requires OS/2 2.11 or 2.1 w/ service pack for HPFS support. FAT support requires OS/2 2.x or later. Support: Proportional Software 1717 Linden Lake Road Fort Collins, CO 80524 Administrative inquiries: 303-484-2665 (VOX) 303-484-2670 (FAX) CIS 71333,2765 Tech Support (for registered users): 717-698-8300 Tech Support CIS 76470,1343 DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Proportional offers a 90 day satisfaction period. Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.8.17. Error Manager ═══ SGU44 SRP$225 IB$175 Shipping Weight: .9lbs Key Words: Error, Development, Tool, API Version Number: 2 Short Description: Error Manager is a 32-bit OS/2 software development tool that watches over 950 IBM SDK tool kit API's. EM tells you which API failed, where it failed, and why. EM can log all errors to a file or pipe, and optionally notifies your window procedure, enabling centralized error processing. During QA testing, it can trap intermittent errors on the first instance. Finally, in production, it can route errors directly to your help desk, enabling your support staff to have answers even before your users have questions. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Physical: 3.5" disks Support: Soft & Gui Inc. 2224 East 21st Street Brooklyn, NY 11229 718-769-8017 (VOX) 718-934-2177 (FAX) Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.8.18. Experience C++ ═══ 52H3690 - SRP$119 - IB$95 Key Words: C++, Tutorial, Multimedia Short Description: Experience C++ is a multimedia tutorial that describes the full scope of the C++ language, from the basics of object-oriented programming to the advanced concepts of templates and exception handling. The tutorial is distributed on CD-ROM and runs under DOS or a full-screen DOS session. Physical: 1 CD Technical: Requires 386 SX or higher VGA Display or compatible DOS- or OS/2- compatible CD-ROM Drive For audio support, one of the following audio cards: o Digispeech DS-201A o IBM Audio Capture/Playback Adapter o Thinkpad 750 built-in audio card o PS/1 Audio/Joystick Adapter o Soundblaster or compatible Software Requirements: o DOS 5.0 or later, OS/2 2.0 or later Support: IBM Corporation 800-992-4777 ═══ 3.8.19. EZRAID for OS/2 ═══ PRO23 SRP$795 IB$675 Shipping Weight: 1.5lbs PRO24 EZRAID Lite SRP$195 IB$159 Shipping Weight: 1.5lbs Key Words: RAID, Disk, Array Version 2.0 Short Description: EZRAID for OS/2 is a software based RAID solution for desktops and servers running OS/2 version 2 and above. It simplifies the intricacies of configuring a RAID system by allowing you to quickly create and manage fault-tolerant disk array storage systems uisng RAID levels 0,1,4 and 5. EZRAID Lite provides the same RAID features as EZRAID but will handle no more than two drives and provides no networking support. Features: 32-bit LAN enabled Support for RAID levels 0, 1, 4 and 5 Multithreaded On-line help function Physical: 1 - 3.5" Disk 50 page hardcopy manual 9.5x8x2.75in. Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Recommended 8Mb RAM Recommended 2Mb hard disk space Support: Pro Engineering 1145 Hunt Club Road Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0Y3 Canada 613-738-3864 (VOX) 8:30-5pm M-F 613-738-3871 (FAX) CIS: GO EZRAID Internet: support@proeng.com Export: No restrictions DISK SPANNING - Simplifies storage management by combining different size disks into a single logical drive PERFORMANCE MONITOR - This PM utility allows users to visually monitor internal statistics and optimizethe EZRAID PRO cache hit rate. REMOTE ERROR NOTIFICATION - When DISK ALERT detects a disk failure, it uses any standard OS/2 messaging system to broadcast a user defined message to those who need to know. Disk Alert provides an open solution by allowing you to use Pocket Paging software, LANview, NETview or any other OS/2 messaging system. Users can customize messages to fit their needs. CID-ENABLED - EZRAID PRO is fully CID-enabled. Users can automate the installation of EZRAID PRO using standard Software Distribution Managers such as IBM's Configuration, Installation and Distribution utility (CID). ERROR LOGGING - EZRAID PRO now generates a detailed error log file in the event of disk failure. ═══ Understanding RAID ═══ Quoted from EZRAID product info: The basic idea behind RAID is to combine multiple, independent, inexpensive disks into an array of drives which yeilds performance exceeding that of a Single Large Expensive Drive (SLED). This array of disks appears to the computer as a single logical storage unit or drive. A disk array can be fault-tolerant by redundantly storing information in various ways as seen in RAID levels 1, 4, and 5. With EZRAID PRO, you have the option to combine different RAID levels on the same set of disks to achieve a customized storage system. RAID Level 0 Designed to maximize I/O performance, RAID level 0 stripes data across all the disks in your array permitting parallel reads and writes, which multiplies data transfer rates. This is a non-redundant, striped array of disks. RAID Level 1 For complete fault tolerance, RAID level 1 protects against failure by duplicating or "mirroring" all data to a second disk. EZRAID PRO is the only software product that will mirror an existing drive without the need to backup and restore data. Mirroring your OS/2 boot partition ensures total system fault tolerance. RAID Level 4 and 5 RAID levels 4 and 5 add fault tolerance to the performance enhancements gained from data striping in RAID level 0. The equivalent capacity of one disk in the array is used to store Error Correction Codes (ECC). In the event of a disk failure, these ECC blocks are used to transparently regenerate data. A RAID level 4 array with four disk drives would stripe data across three disks and dedicate the fourth disk to ECC. With a RAID level 5 array, ECC is distributed across all the disks in the array. RAID levels 4 and 5 allow you to create a fully redundant disk array at a much lower cost per megabyte than disk mirroring. Disk Spanning Disk spanning simplifies storage management by combining different sized disks into a single logical drive. Unlike striping which requires the partitions of a drive to be the same size, spanning allows the use of various sized disks. For example, you could combine a 200MB, 300MB and 500MB disk into a 1gb logical drive. ═══ 3.8.20. FileStar/2 ═══ STS45 SRP$99 IB$59 (introductory price) Shipping Weight: 1lb Version 1.0 Description: Strap on your helmet and navigate the far-flung recesses of your disk drives with FileStar/2 for OS/2 - the newest utility from SofTouch Systems. Manipulate all your disk files with a drive window, a directory window, and two file windows within a single session. Browse files with your favorite browser or viewer; ZIP files to save space; monitor free space, swapper size and RAM size dynamically! Highly customizable! Don't engage Warp without it! Also available as part of the Softouch Suite. Features: 32-bit Multithreaded PM Interface Drag & Drop Technical: Requires OS/2 2.1 or later Recommend 2MB free disk space Physical: 1-3.5" disk Boxed Soft- & Hard-copy docs included (128pg) Support: Softouch Systems, Inc. 1300 Meridian Ave. Suite 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73108-1751 (405)947-8080 (800)944-3036 (405)947-8085 Tech. 9:30-4:30 EST (405)632-6537 FAX CIS: GO SOFTOUCH ═══ 3.8.21. GammaTech File Secure ═══ GTU40 SRP$39.95 IB$35 Shipping Weight: .55lbs Key Words: Encryption Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: GammaTech File Secure for OS/2 provides a high degree of file level security by encrypting data using US Data Encryption Standard Algorithms. Options provide for file obliteration which meet US Department of Defense 5220.22-M specifications. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Physical: 3.5"disks (1) 83/4" x 53/4" x 2 1/2" Soft copy documentation (25 pp.) Technical: .5MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.1 or later. Support: Softouch Systems, Inc. 1300 Meridian Ave. Suite 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73108-1751 (405)947-8080 (800)944-3036 Satisfaction guarantee: 30-Days Warranty period: 30-Days Upgrade: directly from SoftTouch Export: *The US Department of Defense prohibits the sale, resale or use of any product outside the US and Canada which incorporates US Data Encryption Standard Algorithms. ═══ 3.8.22. GammaTech PowerPack ═══ GTU30 SRP$69.95 IB$59 Shipping Weight: 1.25lbs Key words: Editor, Hotkey, EA Editor Short Description: GammaTech PowerPack for OS/2 increases user productivity by defining hot-key sequences to automatically access high priority applications. PowerPack also includes a file editor for OS/2 .ini and Extended Attribute files. A screen saver is also included. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Physical: 3.5"disks (1) 8-3/4" x 5-3/4" x 2-1/2" Hard copy documentation (68 pp.) Technical: 1MB free hard disk space recommended 1MB recommended RAM Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Softouch Systems, Inc. 1300 Meridian Ave. Suite 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73108-1751 (405)947-8080 (800)944-3036 Satisfaction guarantee: 30-Days Warranty period: 30-Days Upgrade: directly from SoftTouch Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.8.23. GammaTech REXX Superset/2 ═══ GTU64 SRP$79.95 IB$69 Shipping Weight: 2.6lbs Key Words: DLL, REXX, Functions Version Number: 1.0 Short Description: The Gammatech REXX SuperSet/2 provides the most complete set of REXX external functions available from one package; 7 Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) contain over 300 separate functions. SuperSet/2 functions permit the REXX programmer to initiate file and system operations, issue network commands, execute video I/O, manipulate processes and semaphores, and much more. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Complements: Watcom VX-REXX, VisPro/REXX Physical: 1 - 3.5" Disk 8-3/4 x 5-3/4 x 2-1/2 Boxed 648 page hardcopy manual Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Recommended 1Mb RAM Recommended 1Mb disk space Support: Softouch Systems, Inc. 1300 Meridian Ave. Suite 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73108-1751 (405)947-8080 (800)944-3036 Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.8.24. GammaTech Utilities ═══ GTU20 Special Pricing!! IB$99 GTU28 LAN Administrator License IB$299 GTU29 LAN Client IB$49 Shipping Weight: 1.35lbs Key Words: Defrag, Utility, Disk, Recovery Current Version: 3.0 Short Description: GammaTech Utilities for OS/2 provide the ability to perform HPFS volume recovery, FAT and HPFS optimization and essential maintenance operations easily without extensive technical knowledge. Undelete files, backup desktop files. Also available as part of the Softouch Suite. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multi-threaded Lan enabled Complements: Physical: 1-3.5" disk 8-3/4 x 5-3/4 x 2-1/2" Boxed 110 page hard copy documentation Technical: 2MB free disk space recommended Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later Mouse required Support: Softouch Systems, Inc. 1300 Meridian Ave. Suite 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73108-1751 (405)947-8080 (800)944-3036 Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 days Warranty Period: 30 days Upgrades available directly from Softouch (see below) ┌───────────────┬───────────────┬───────────────┐ │From │To │Price │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │2.1 │3.0 │$49 │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │2.0 │3.0 │$59 │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │1.3 │3.0 │$69 │ └───────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┘ Export: Permitted New 3.0 version includes: o Support for large disk drives (>2GB) o LAN Server 4.0 HPFS Support o Backup Super Block and spare blocks o Automated HPFS Disk Optimization o Graphic Disk Map o Plus 200 other enhancements!! ═══ 3.8.25. Gamelon File I/O Library ═══ MNI30 - SRP$495 - IB$475 Shipping Weight: 2.0 Current Version: 1.1 Key Words: Data, Object, Library Short Description: The Gamelon File I/O Library provides an object-based abstraction for the design and implementation of platform-independent data files. The objects in these files can be exchanged among programs running on different platforms and can be re-used as models in cumulative programming efforts. Features: 32-bit Multithreaded Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Requires .5MB disk space For use with compiler Physical: 1-3.5" disk 390 page hardcopy manual Support: Menai Corporation 1010 El Camino Real Suite 370 Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-853-6450 (VOX) 9-6 PST 415-617-5726 BBS 415-853-6453 FAX Email: support@menai.com Export: No export to embargoed countries Warranty: 30-dat Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 day ═══ 3.8.26. The Graham Utilities for OS/2 ═══ WAR61 - SRP$133 - IB$95 Shipping Weight: 2lbs Key Words: Defrag, Disk Utility, Network Drives Current Version: 1.04 Short Description: The Graham Utilities for OS/2 are the largest, most comprehensive suite of disk, file and general utilities written for OS/2 systems that are available today. The suite consists of 52 separate programs and modules. The new release offers significant changes and enhancements over previous versions. The new features include: o System diagnostics utility. Test and report on your system configuation, parallel and serial ports, video, hard and floppy disks and the keyboard. o Full LAN Server 4.0 HPFS386 support o Full support for HPFS versions 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 o New disk editor module which allows you to edit ALL of the HPFS disk structures - includes context sensitive help o All of the HPFS disk structures are documented. o Crash recovery support. All of the partition table, boot sectors, super and spare blocks (HPFS only) are saved to the crash recovery disk (supplied). They may be selectively written back to the disk in the event of a crash. Features: 32-bit Text Interface Multi-threaded LAN Enabled Physical: 3.5" Media (5.25" available) 324 page hardcopy manual (softcopy included) boxed Technical: 32/16 Bit Supports OS/2 1.x or later Support: WarpSpeed Computers PO Box 212 Brunswick VIC 3056 Australia +61-3-9384-1060 +61-3-9386-9979 FAX +61-3-9386-3104 BBS (300-28,800bps) Compuserve: 100250,1645 Internet: 100250.1645@compuserve.com Web: http://www.netins.net/showcase/spectre FidoNet: 3:632/344 Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 days Warranty Period: 30 days DEMO AVAILABLE Demo contains 19 out of the 52 applications contained within the Graham Utilities. It can be found at the Hobbes FTP Archive, the Walnut Creek Site, the University of Stuttgart FTP site (ftp://ftp.uni-stuttgart.de), and on Compuserve (file: GULITE.ZIP, library 4, forum:OS2USER). ═══ 3.8.27. GraphiC OS/2 ═══ SEC15 SRP$495 IB$395 Shipping Weight: 2.6lbs Key Words: C, Scientific, Technical, Graphical Version Number: 7.0 Short Description: GraphiC is a library of 'C' routines for creating publication quality technical graphics. With GraphiC it is easy to display data with maximum impact. High resolution GraphiC output may be exported to any of the most common graphic file formats. GraphiC provides the interface to OS/2 so no knowledge of PM programming is needed. Features: 32-bit Multithreaded Includes source code to allow customization Excellent technical support Physical: 2 - 3.5" Disks 260 Page hardcopy manual Technical: requires C Set/2 or Borland C++ compilers Supports OS/2 2.1 or later Support: Scientific Endeavors Corporation 508 North Kentucky Street Kingston, TN 37763 615-376-4146 (VOX) 8:30-5:00 EST CIS ID# 70760,1711 (Tim Rolen) Export: No Restriction GraphiC has the capability of generating many types of plots: linear x-y plots linear contout plots 3-D surfaces polar plots pie charts error function plots wedge plots log-log plots 3-D curves 3-D bars bar charts Smith charts polar contour plots triangle contour plots statistical functions ═══ 3.8.28. Guidelines ═══ JBA53 SRP$595 IB$535 Shipping Weight: 8lbs Key Words: GUI, Development Tool Version Number: 2.1 Short Description: Guidelines is a 32 bit Visual Application Development tool for OS2 that provides developers with a powerful graphical way to interactively design and implement OS/2 PM GUI applications. It offers an application development environment that eliminates much of the drudgery of traditional approaches to GUI based applications. Features: 32-bit LAN Enabled Physical: 7 - 3.5" disks 750 page hardcopy manual Technical: Requires OS/2 2.1 or later Recommended 16 Mb RAM Recommended 2.2 Mb disk space Support: JBA Software 80 Tiverton Court Suite 700 Markham, Ontario Canada L3R 0G4 CIS 100316,3353 Export: No Restriction ═══ 3.8.29. Hyperwise ═══ 83G7829 SRP$295 IB$195 Shipping Weight: 2.0lbs 83G8161 Add'l License SRP$285 IB$185 Shipping Weight: .15lbs Description: If you like this catalog, you'll love Hyperwise. Hyperwise makes it possible to build book-like .INF files and .HLP help files that can add online help to your applications without needing to undestand the IPF language! A completely graphical interface makes it easy to link text to panels, graphics, sounds, or even animation. The interface is so intuitive that you will be creating dynamic online documents in no time. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multimedia Enabled Technical: MMPM/2 required for including sound Supports OS/2 2.1 or later Physical: 3.5" media "Getting Started" manual (Extensive online docs) Support: IBM Corporation 800-887-7771 (Ultimedia Tools Series) 800-465-7999 Canada Additional Notes: Multimedia: Your new way to communicate. Multimedia communications is the 90's revolution. Hyperwise helps you easily assemble multimedia content so your information gets attention and action. How can you use Hyperwise in your business? Imagine being able to integrate multimedia into: o Effective online helps and titles for your software products. o Exciting online titles for consumers o Effective tutorials and training materials for reinforced learning Hyperwise gives you the capability of all this and more! And when you're done creating and assembling the content, it will run on both OS/2 2.1 and Microsoft Windows. Easy drag and drop creation and assembly Hyperwise lets you assemble, as quick as a mouse drag and click, multimedia content. Link text, graphics, audio and video. And start other OS/2 programs from within your document. Create lists, tables and other text elements without typing Information Presentation Facility (IPF) script tags (all those hard tags are done for you!). Key Features: Hyperwise runs on OS/2 2.1 and includes o Audio (.MID, .WAV) o Video (.AVI) o Graphics (.BMP and .MET) o IPF 2.1 features, including - Push Buttons - Global Index - Multiple Windows - Manual Links, Auto Links, Partial Links IPF for Windows Create online help or other information using Hyperwise and play it back on OS/2 and Windows. ═══ 3.8.30. IBM Antivirus ═══ Click here for part numbers and pricing. Key Words: Virus, Detection, Protection Current Version: 3.0 Short Description: Powerful virus protection, detection, and disinfection for your personal computer. With IBM Antivirus, you get "install and forget" detection of over 2000 known viruses, as well as the ability to analyze and detect new and undocumented viruses. With three new viruses appearing every day, don't settle for less and don't delay. Features: 16-bit PM Interface Physical: 1 - 3.5" Disk Hardcopy documentation (75 pp.) Technical: Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: IBM Antivirus Services (817)961-6412(FAX) Tech Support: (817)961-5021 Subscriptions and LAN versions available directly from IBM at (800)551-3579. Export: No restrictions ═══ IBM Antivirus Pricing ═══ P/N Description Price SRP ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- 33H4170 IBM Antivirus Desktop Edition (OS/2 and DOS/Win) SU 45.00 49.00 33H7142 IBM Antivirus Enterprise Edition (OS/2 & DOS/WIN) 1-50 users 820.00 995.00 33H7194 IBM Antivirus Enterprise Edition add'l 50 user 552.00 630.00 ═══ 3.8.31. JCL Navigator ═══ CAN20 SRP$975 IB$975 Shipping Weight: 3lbs Key Words: MVS, JCL Version Number: 3.0 Short Description: It's no secret that batch systems are often a jumbled mass of lost documentation and confusing programs. The JCL Navigator turns your JCL into a gold mine of batch systems information. The system reads in your existing MVS JCL, automatically creates beautiful, production-ready flowcharts and an information-packed database to help you understand and document your entire batch systems area. Painlessly. Quickly. Can you really afford to keep your system documentation up-to-date without JCL Navigator? Features: 32-bit PM Interface Complements: DB2/2 Physical: 3.5" disk Technical: Requires DB2/2 or OS/2 Database Manager (from Extended Services) Requires a minimum of 12 Mb RAM Support: Canyon Software 300 Central Park West New York, NY 10024 800-872-6290 (VOX) 212-580-2788 (VOX) 212-580-3676 (FAX) Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.8.32. The J&J Utilities ═══ JJC83 SRP$49.95 IB$39 Shipping Weight: 1.2lbs Key Words: Utility, Defrag Version Number: 1.5 Short Description: The J&J Utilities is a collection of over 20 powerful PM utilities that range from disk defragmentation to job control. Full HPFS and FAT support. Search for text and files. Defragment a drive safely in the background and much more! A must have for all OS/2 users. Features: PM Interface 32 & 16-bit code included Physical: 54 page hard copy documentation 1 - 3.5" disk Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Support: J&J Computer Consulting 2321 W 7th Place Stillwater, OK 74075 405-624-1472 (VOX) 405-743-2613 (FAX) Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.8.33. Kedit ═══ MSG50 SRP$210 IB$159 Shipping Weight: 4.0lbs Key Words: Editor, Text Current Version: 5.0 Short Description: Kedit is a powerful, general-purpose text editor that is compatible with Xedit, IBM's VM/CMS editor. Features include: most Xedit commands, multiple files/windows, redefinable keys, UNDO/REDO, file locking, online help, a macro debugger and extensive support for REXX language macros. Includes both OS/2 and DOS versions. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded On-line help Physical: 3.5" and 5.25" media included Boxed Hardcopy documentation (600 pp.) (Softcopy docs included) Technical: Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Mansfield Software Group PO Box 532 Storrs, CT 06268 Phone: 203-429-8402 (9-5 EST) FAX: 203-487-1185 BBS: 203-487-1185 (24hrs) CIS: GO PCVENA Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 Day applies Warranty period: 90 Days through Mansfield Upgrade: Available through Mansfield Demo: Available through Mansfield Export: Mansfield has exclusive dealer arrangements in Denmark and Sweden ═══ 3.8.34. KidProof/2 ═══ PIN65 - SRP$59 - IB$55 Shipping weight: 1lb Version: 1.0 Key Words: Desktop, Protection, Security Description: KidProof/2, the single machine version of the best-selling Desktop Observatory for OS/2 gives you complete control over your OS/2 desktop, applications and data files. KidProof/2 is the ultimate answer to your frustrations with OS/2's Workplace Shell. KidProof/2 lets you create a customized desktop for each user of your system, and recreates that desktop for them each time they log on to the computer. Each user sees only the icons for the files and programs they are allowed to use, and no more. As the system's administrator, you control user access to what is displayed on the desktop. But there is more to KidProof/2. Since the icons are built dynamically when the user logs on, you have direct control over restricton options. For example, you can keep an object from being deleted or moved. You can even apply system-wide protection, like prohibiting Ctrl-Alt-Del resets. You can also filter access to certain areas of the Internet! Features: PM Interface 32-bit Multithreaded Online Help Physical: 3.5" media boxed Technical: Supports OS/2 Warp v3.0 or higher Support: Pinnacle Technology PO Box 128 Kirklin, IN 46050 Customer Service: 800-525-1650 Phone Support: 317-279-5157 FAX: 317-279-8039 BBS: Number unlisted, call Pinnacle for Scheduling Satisfaction guarantee: 30 day through Pinnacle Warranty period: 30 day through Pinnacle Upgrade: Through Pinnacle Demo: None Available Export: US and Canada Only ═══ 3.8.35. LinkRight ═══ RTW95 SRP$119 IB$69 Shipping Weight: 1.15 RTW99 with cables SRP$189 IB$99 Shipping Weight: 2.15 RTW10 LinkRight for LANs 100 user pack SRP$395 - IB$249 RTW12 LinkRight for LANs 1000 user pack SRP$1495 - IB$995 Key Words: file transfer, parallel/serial Current Version: Short Description: LinkRight is a parallel port and serial port file transfer utility made especially for OS/2. The package includes a PM version, on OS/2 command line version, and a DOS version. Copy files to/from OS/2 and to/from DOS systems and retain EAs and long filenames on each transfer. Uses CRC checking to insure accurate transfers, nad provides full support for long filenames and HPFS. Compatible with LapLink cables. Linkright is available with and without cables. Features: 32-bit PM or Text Interface Multithreaded On line Help Physical: 1 - 3.5" Disk, boxed Softcopy documentation (20 pp.) Technical: Requires Laplink or Linkright cables. Printer cable will not work. Null modem may work. 1 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.x or later Support: Rightware, Inc. 15505 Villisca Terrace Rockville, MD 20855 Customer Service: 301-762-1151 (10-6EST) BBS: 703-385-4325 (24hrs) CIS: 71033,3517 (Jeff Tremble) Satisfaction guarantee: 30 day Warranty period: 30 day Demo: CIS, OS/2 Shareware BBS Export: no restriction Notes on LinkRight for LANs taken from Rightware press release: LinkRight for LANs has two basic uses. You can establish a connection between two systems and transfer files between them, or you can clone complete systems across the network. LinkRight for LANs uses NetBIOS. The next release will include support for Novell IPX/SPX and for TCP/IP. LinkRight for Lans allows you to transfer files from one system to another on your network. It works much like the serial and parallel port version of LinkRight in that one system is the Local system which controls everything and the other system is the Remote system that sends or receives files at the request of the Local system. Included with the package are 3 versions for 3 different situations. An Administrator version is for cloning systems. The Administrator version includes the multicasting feature for sending one to many. The User version is for normal file transfers between two systems on the network. A command line version is included for use on a system that has been booted from OS/2 floppies with no Presentation Manager installed. LinkRight for Lans can be used to clone systems across the network. It uses Netbios Multicasting so you can send one to many. The basic procedure is to create your seed system, pack it into a single big file, and broadcast that file, and unpack it on the receiving end(s). We have tried to make it as easy and automated as possible. Our initial measure of timing is that you can clone a 40 MB partition to one machine in about 15 minutes. Do 30 machines in an hour. Do 400 machines in 8 hours. This does not include the setup time required to boot the target systems from bootable OS/2 floppies, do partitioning and formatting, etc. LinkRight Utilities Included with LinkRight for LANs are some stand-alone utilities that you can use. These utilities do not require a network connection or PM so they can be used from bootable floppies or a system that does not have a network connection. These utilities are built for OS/2 systems and handle a number of OS/2 specific situations. PACKPART.EXE can be used to pack an entire partition into a single big file. SHOWPACK.EXE can be used to display the files and directories in a packed file. SHOWPART.EXE can be used to display the files and directories in a partition. LRCRC.EXE can be used to do a CRC and Checksum on a single file. LISTDIFF.EXE can be used to compare two files that were created using SHOWPART.EXE or SHOWPACK.EXE. SORTPACK.EXE can be used to sort a packed file. If you created a packed file using PACKPART.EXE, the packed file will be automatically sorted. If you created a packed file by using the Administrator Version and packing received files on the fly, the packed file will not be sorted and you will need to run SORTPACK.EXE before using SHOWPACK.EXE. LRNBIO.EXE is a NetBIOS test program. You can use this program totest all the network functionality that LinkRight for LANs needs to operate properly. This test program is available separately on Compuserve forum OS2AVEN lib 1 filename LRNBIO.ZIP. You can download and use this test program to see if LinkRight for LANs will work on your network before you purchase the product. You can use these utilities to verify a complete OS/2 installation. At a later time, after the system has been used for days, weeks, or months, you can compare the ORIGINAL.LST to the CURRENT.LST to see if any drivers, .dll's, or executables have been trashed. If the partition that contains the important OS/2 files is also used for data, this partition could have a large number of files in CURRENT.LST that do not exist in ORIGINAL.LST so you can use /I to ignore these user data files and only look for the files from ORIGINAL.LST. ═══ 3.8.36. MKS ToolKit ═══ MKS55 SRP$295 IB$230 Shipping Weight: 4.95lbs Key Words: Utilities, Development Current Version: 4.2 Short Description: MKS Toolkit is a powerful suite of 160+ easy-to-use development utilities. Developers working in OS/2 can now get the extraordinary power of tools that were once available only in UNIX. Features include a KornShell command interpreter, a Vi editor, an Awk prototyping language and compiler, and a Make configuration builder. MKS Toolit provides a complete emulation of UNIX - you can have the same look and feel across all PC-based platforms for increased productivity. Features: 32-bit Multithreaded LAN enabled Physical: 4 - 3.5" disks 9.5 x 6.25 x 3.75" Boxed Hardcopy documentation (1015 pp.) (Includes Softcopy docs) Technical: 3-7.5 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or higher Support: Mortice Kern Systems, Inc. 35 King Street North Waterloo, Ontario N2J 2W9 Customer Service: 519-884-2270 (8-6 EST) FAX: 519-884-8861 BBS: 519-884-2861 (24 Hrs) CIS: 73260,1043 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days Warranty period: 60 days through MKS Export: No restriction (Classification #103770095) ═══ 3.8.37. McAfee VirusScan ═══ MCF33 SRP$129 IB$59 Shipping Weight: 1lb Key Words: Virus, Detection, Protection Description: McAfee's VirusScan provides the best protection of any anti-virus software product. In independent testing, it consistently detects over 97% of known viruses - more than 25% more effective than its nearest competitor. We do this by providing the most advanced technology and by providing monthly updates to the detection and removal data files. Features: PM and text interface Technical: Requires OS/2 2.1 or higher Recommend 2MB free hard disk space Physical: 3.5" media Softcopy Docs 110 pages Boxed Support: McAfee 2710 Walsh Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 408-988-3832 7-5:30 PST 408-988-4004 BBS CIS: GO MCAFEE ═══ 3.8.38. MetaWare High C/C++ ═══ MET32 - SRP$595 - IB$524 Key Words: Compiler, SOM, C++ Version Number: 3.2 Short Description: MetaWare High C/C++ for OS/2 is a robust 32-bit compiler, with DirectToSom support. High C/C++ can compile extremely large programs, is ANSI 3.0 compatible, and has the capability to generate fast code. C++ templates and ANSI exception handling have been implemented. High C/C++ provides accurate error messages and excelent diagnostics. The compiler's code can also be optimized to take full advantage of 486 and Pentium CPU's. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Complements: o Hockware's Vispro C and Vispro C++ o dSoft's dbfLIB Physical: 12 - 3.5" disks 12 x 10 x 10 box 2100 page hardcopy manual Technical: Requires OS/2 2.1 or later Reccomended 10Mb RAM Recommended 16Mb disk space Support: MetaWare Inc. 2161 Delaware Ave Santa Cruz, CA 95060-5706 408-429-6111 (VOX) 8-5 M-F PST 408-429-9273 (FAX) 408-429-9182 (BBS) Internet: tech@metaware.com Export: US Sales only MSRP: $795 ═══ 3.8.39. ObjectPM ═══ RAL50 For Borland C++ SRP$235 IB$210 RAL51 For Borland C++ w/ Source code SRP$399 IB$359 RAL60 For IBM C Set++ SRP$235 IB$210 RAL61 For IBM C Set++ w/source code SRP$399 IB$359 Shipping Weight: 1.5lbs Key Words: Class Library, Programming Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: ObjectPM is the first class library geared specifically for OS/2 and the Presentation Manager. It provides over 200 classes of objects encapsulating windows, controls, graphic tools, forms, threads and much more. By far the finest class library available for OS/2. ObjectPM is available with and without source code. Be sure to order the version that pertains to your compiler (Borland/IBM). Features: 32-bit PM Interface Online help Physical: 2 - 3.5" disks Hardcopy documentation (40 pp.) "Getting Started" softcopy documentation Technical: Requires Borland C++ v1.5 or CSet++ 5 - 15 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.1 or later Support: Raleigh Systems, Inc. 23811 Chagrin Blvd. #344 Cleveland, OH 44122 (216)292-7225 (VOX) (216)292-2546 (FAX) BBS:(216)831-4805 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 Days Warranty period: 30 Days (Raleigh Systems will replace defective media) Upgrade: Mailed to customers signing up for maintenance, otherwise available to registered users on BBS Export: No restriction ═══ 3.8.40. The Object Factory - IDL ═══ SAC40 SRP$250 IB$229 Shipping Weight: 2lbs Key Words: IDL, OOUI, Development, Class, SOM Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: The Object Factory removes the complexities of SOM class definition by providing an OOUI interface directly subclassed from OS/2's Workplace Shell. Anyone familliar with the WPS will be instantly at home with the Object Factory. This seamless integration into the WPS allows the object factory to express complex object-oriented concepts visually, not programmatically. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Drag-and-drop LAN enabled Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk Technical: Requires SOM toolkit 1 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Synaptec, Inc. 5085 Forest View Trail Douglasville, GA 30135 (404)942-8699 (VOX) CIS: 74264,3435 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 Days (Through IB) Warranty period: 30 days Export: no restriction ═══ 3.8.41. OnCmd ═══ ONL40 SRP$249 IB$199 Shipping Weight: 2.7 ONL45 Multi-user UG SRP$299 IB$260 ONL46 Runtime License SRP$399 IB$349 Key Words: xBase, conversion Current Version: 1.5.1 Short Description: OnCmd delivers high performance multi-user xBase functionality to OS/2. Create new applications or easily convert FoxPro, Clipper or dBase programs to native 32-bit OS/2 PM Applications Features: 32-bit Drag & Drop PM & Text interface Multithreaded Physical: 3.5" Media Demo: Available on Compuserve (70022,104) DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Technical: Recommend 1MB free disk space Support: OnLine Data 5 Hill Street PO Box 65 Kitchener, Ontario N2G 3X4 Canada 519-579-3930 519-579-2130 FAX CIS: 70022,104 Internet: oncmd@onlinedata.com Export: No restriction Notes: Multiple User UG allows one programmer to develop multiple user products. An unlimited runtime license is available (SRP$399). Licensing questions for v1.1.5 o What do I purchase if I want to develop OnCmd single-user applications and distribute them to my clients? Purchase the basic OnCmd xBase for OS/2 package to develop single-user applications and purchase the OnCmd Runtime Licensing package. List Price=$249+$399=$648 o What do I purchase if I want to develop OnCmd single-user applications and distribute them as shareware? Purchase the basic OnCmd xBase for OS/2 package to develop single-user applications and purchase the OnCmd Runtime Licensing package. List Price=$249+$399=$648 o What do I do if I want to develop OnCmd multi-user applications and distribute them to my clients? Purchase the basic OnCmd xBase for OS/2 package with the OnCmd Multi-User Upgrade package as well as the OnCmd Runtime Licensing package. List Price=$249+$299+$399=$947 o What does my company purchase if more than one programmer wants to develop OnCmd applications at the same time? Each programmer developing OnCmd applications concurrently must be licensed separately. Therefore, purchase multiple copies of the basic OnCmd package (with multi-user UG's if developing network applications). List Price=n*($249+$299) where n=the number of programmers developing networked applications o Can I distribute a multi-user application (ie. network runtime) by purchasing the OnCmd Runtime Licensing package and ONLY the OnCmd basic single-user package? NO!! Multi-user or network distribution licensing is only valid for the developer that developed the application by purchasing the basic package plus the multi-user upgrade package. ═══ 3.8.42. OS/2 Essentials ═══ SDS24 SRP$39.95 IB$29 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Key Words: Screen Saver, Tools, Roids Short Description: Now that you've been WARPED... Isn't it time to get the essentials of life? OS/2 Essentials is the suite of utilities and diversions you've been waiting for. OS/2 Essentials comes with an advanced file manager, a full-featured screen saver, an easy to use task bar, a WPS trashcan, a directory space grapher, and a fully registered copy of Roids for OS/2. Features: 32-bit Multithreaded Drag&Drop Physical: 1-3.5" disk 8x6x1 box 14 page hardcopy manual Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Recommended 5MB free disk space Support: Stardock Systems, Inc. 313-207-1779 313-782-9868 FAX Long Description: SCREEN SAVER A native OS/2 screen saver with an easy to use notebook interface and low CPU usage. It comes with dozens of saver modules and even supports green monitors. It also works with modules from popular shareware screensavers and includes a simple developers toolkit for building new modules. DIRECTORY MASTER An excellent high speed file manager for users who don't like to use the drives object for manipulating files. Directory Manager is fast, multithreaded, extremely configurable and workplace shell aware. FILEGRAPH/PM A utility that graphs out how much space each directory occupies on a specified drive. It is perfect for doing space management and has an attractive appearance. WPS TRASHCAN A true workplace shell trashcan. It can optionally use MMPM/2 sounds for its functions. When you double-click on the bulging trashcan, it will open and show you the files within it and even tell you how many objects it contains. FILEBAR Filebar is a launchpad replacement that takes up a very small amount of space and uses text descriptions rather than icons. Highly configurable and intuitive. ROIDS Finally, the arcade game. Roids is an action-packed arcade game for OS/2 that is fast paced and packed with sound effects. ═══ 3.8.43. Osrm2 Lite Performance Monitor ═══ COL48 SRP$89 IB$75 Shipping Weight: 1.1lbs Key Words: Performance, Tuning Current Version: 3.0 Short Description: The Osrm2 Lite Performance Monitor with Multi-User Performance Interface (MUPI) is a kernel level, real time, performance monitoring and management tool for system application resource usage under OS/2. Including a configurable sample rate, performance threshold setting and alarms, and other features, Osrm2 provides the most comprehensive monitoring tool for OS/2. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Physical: 3.5"media Hardcopy docs Technical: Supports OS/2 2.x, Warp, OS/2 SMP Support: C.O.L Systems Inc. 10 Watergate Drive Amawalk, NY 10501 914-245-0442 914-245-0452 FAX 914-245-1561 BBS Long Description: The Osrm2 Lite Performance monitor with Multi-User Performance Interface (MUPI) is a kernel level, real time, performance monitoring and management tool for system application resource usage under OS/2. Including a configurable sample rate, performance threshold setting and alarms, working set, thread detail display, kill procesds options, as well as real time graphical indicators and long term data logging for post processing analysis, the OSrm2 Lite Performance Monitor provides the most comprehensive monitoring tool for OS/2. Unlike other monitors, the Osrm2 Lite Performance Monitor retrieves information directly from the O/2 kernel. This is a superior, less intrusive, and less resource consumptive method of collection compared to other performance monitoring products. The product was designed to provide the hobbyist, small business owner, developer, corporate user, and network OS/2 analyst with informative performance and resource usage displays and reporting capability. CONFIGURATION The Osrm2 Lite Performance Monitor provides password protection, configuration control over all displays and process refresh timing, graph colors, save and restore window position and sizes, exception thresholds, and data logging filer control. DISPLAYS The Osrm2 Lite Performance Monitor provides a number of displays to monitor all facets of system and application activity. Following is a brief description of each: System View: CPU, IRQ, dispatch counts, complete paging subsystem information, memory information, swap size and growth percentage, maximum active thread count, and cache activity. The view is switchable from summary to detail, including support for OS/2 SMP multiple processor activity. IO View: All logical partition (including floppy and CD-ROM drives) Read/Write count/Response/Bytes as well as hard-disk storage available and used indicators. Comm ports 1-4 and printer ports 1-2 are also monitored. APP View: For each process, a summary of CPU, Dispatch, Page Faults, Fault Wait Time, File Wait Time and Read/Write activity. LAN Server: For server, requester and HPFS386 activity. Threads: From a selected process in Application View, display each thread of the application. Displayed are CPU Utilization, Dispatch Counts, Page Faults, Page Fault resolution time, and File wait time. Graph: Displays CPU Busy, Memory Used, and Swap Storage used percentage in line chart running for five minutes of five second refresh records. When data line reaches end of X-axis, 20 percent of the display is scrolled back. When graph is icon, data is still visible and the icon text displays the most recent records data values. PROCESSES The Osrm2 Lite Performance Monitor provides a number of processes that operate in the background during the monitoring session: Logging: During the session, data records can be stored as binary files. C.O.L. Systems, Inc. has provided a REXX extension DLL for allowing REXX procedures to read and process the data for reports and analysis or populating database tables such as with IBM DB2/2 for OS/2. Threshold: Configurable performance thresholds are tested against the data samples during the session. A dialog will pop up when any threshold has been met or exceeded to alert the user. Utilities: Each of the Osrm2 Tools can be executed directly from the Osrm2 Lite menu. The Osrm2 Tools are described below. REPORTING C.O.L. Systems, Inc. has provided a REXX extension DLL which is loaded by a REXX procedure (CMD file) to read the log file output from the Osrm2 utilities. Osrm2 AppMon Utility Allows the performance analyst to monitor any application thread and file measurements at intervals from 1 second to 45 minutes. By creating an output log, the user can utilize Osrm2 Lite REXX extension interface to create reports of all measurements. AppMon can be started directly from Osrm2 menu or from the Application Activity screen for a specific process. Osrm2 FileMon Utility Allows the performance analyst to monitor any and all physical disk and logical file measurements at intervals from 1 second to 45 minutes. By creating an output log, the user can utilize the Osrm2 Lite REXX extension interface to create reports of all measurements. Osrm2 CacheMon Utility Allows the performance analyst to monitor FAT and HPFS Cache as well as Memory and Paging subsystems at intervals from 1 second to 45 minutes. By creating an output log, the user can utilize the Osrm2 Lite REXX extension interface to create reports of all measurements. Symmetrical Multiprocessor Support Osrm2 provides the same detail information on OS/2 SMP as it does on 2.x or Warp using the same software! Multi-User Process Interface (MUPI) Technology C.O.L. Systems, Inc has developed a new technology which allows the concurrent data collection by multiple processes from the OS/2 kernel. Unlike other kernel level monitors, which only support access of only one process, MUPI can allow the user to run Osrm2 while running any or all of the Osrm2 Tools (AppMon, FileMon, CacheMon). Each process has control over its data collection interval and logging through MUPI technology. This technology will form a base from which C.O.L. Systems, Inc. can introduce new enhancements such as concurrent network access, text based monitors, central data collection, third party products, etc. ═══ 3.8.44. PM Patrol ═══ MSR55 - SRP$79.95 - IB$69 Shipping Weight: 1lb Current Version: 1.0 Key Words: Resource Management Short Description: PM Patrol is a resource management program for OS/2. PM Patrol is designed to run all the time, from bootup to shutdown while always remaining visible and accessible. Included are specific features for every OS/2 user, from the novice to the power user. PM Patrol eliminates the mystery of multi-tasking by giving you insight and control over your system. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Online Help Physical: 3.5" media Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Support: MSR Development PO Box 632070 Nagadoches, TX 75963 409-564-1862 9-6 Central M-F 409-560-5970 BBS 409-560-5868 FAX Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 days Warranty: return defective media to MSR-90 days Upgrade: Handled through vendor Export: no restrictions ═══ 3.8.45. PartitionMagic ═══ PWQ38 SRP$129.95 IB$69 PWQ40 - Professional License - SRP$795 - IB$749 Shipping Weight: 1lb Version1.0 Key Words: Partition, HPFS, FAT Description: PartitionMagic does for your computer's hard disk what modular partitions have done for modern office buildings. Instead of rigid walls, todays office buildings use modular partitions to rapidly customize space for maximum efficiency. Partition Magic is the one and only software utility that brings this same level of flexibility to your hard disk partitions. This ground-breaking technology was developed by PowerQuest, the file system experts, to free you from the rigid confines of your hard disk partitions. Until now, changing hard disk partition sizes, positions, and formats was a tedious and error-prone process that required several time-consuming steps. Yuo had to back up your files, delete your old partitions, create new partitions, format the new partitions, and finally, restore your files to each partition. If you made any mistakes or needed to make more changes, you had to repeat the entire process... The Power To Partition! The frustrating, hard disk management tasks that used to tie you down for a whole afternoon can now be done in minutes with PartitionMagic. Configuring hard disk partitions is actually fun with PartitionMagic. Now you can shrink, expand, move, and convert your hard disk partitions interactively and immediately see the results. PartitionMagic lets you experiment with partitions to find a truly optimal configuration. Convert FAT Partitions to HPFS PartitionMagic lets you convert any FAT partition to an HPFS partition with a click of the mouse, and you won't loose any data! PartitionMagic can even convert a bootable FAT partition into a bootable HPFS partition, and it preserves all extended attributes and long file names. Configuration Tasks Made Easy with PartitionMagic o Change Partition Dimensions - Shrink, expand, and move HPFS and FAT partitions with the click of a mouse. o Convert FAT Partitions to HPFS - If you installed OS/2 Warp with the single step installation, you were forced to use the FAT file system. Use PartitionMagic to automatically convert your FAT file system to HPFS. o Install Boot Manager - PartitionMagic makes it easy to create room for BootManager, either before or after you install OS./2. o Customize Partitions Before Installing OS/2 - Change partitions with or without OS/2 with the 32-bit DOS executable included in PartitionMagic. o Consolidate Unused Space on your Hard Drive - Combine unused portions of several partitions into a larger, useful block. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Technical: Requires OS/2 v2.1 or later Requires DOS 5.0 or later for DOS executable Requires 3MB free disk space Physical: 3.5" Media Support: PowerQuest Corporation 1380 West Center Orem, Utah 84057 801-226-8977 800-379-2566 801-226-8941 FAX CIS: 74601,354 ═══ 3.8.46. Performance 3.0+ ═══ CLS30 SRP$39 IB$29 Shipping Weight: 1.4lbs Key Words: Tuning, Utility, Optimize Current Version: 3.0 Short Description: Performance 3.0+ by Clear & Simple is both a reference and an advisor which helps you to draw the best possible performance out of OS/2. It provides a collection of program objects which diagnose, and fine-tune, as well as prepare a minimal OS/2 boot disk for use as a disaster recovery initiator. Complements: DeskMan/2, SpaceMap, Physical: 1-3.5" Disk Hard copy documentation Technical: Negligible hard disk space required Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Clear & Simple, Inc. PO Box 130 West Simsbury, CT 06092 203-658-1204 203-651-0354 FAX CIS: GO OS2AVEN Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty period: IB 30-day Export: No restriction Notes: Designed for ALL OS/2 users. Performance PLUS simplifies POWER tuning for all OS/2 users. Simplified GUI interface makes tuning a snap. The Optimizer features a one button click to easily apply the recommended settings, but also lets you tinker with each setting to fine tune your system. Extensive, context sensitive online help screens - "Teaches as you tune!" DOS/Windows application tuning is new with this release. Drag a DOS or Windows program to the Performance PLUS DOS BlackBox, then select the categories with a click. The DOS BlackBox creates an icon on the desktop with the optimum settings -it's that simple! BlackBox supports the OS/2 migration database of DOS settings and lets you tinker with the 55 individual DOS settings. It even clearly explains the meaning of all the parameters_with_impossible_names like VIDEO_8514_XGA_IOTRAP and MEM_INCLUDE_REGIONS. More than tuning, this new release of Performance PLUS has utilities that simplify viewing OS/2 bitmaps; Saving the Workplace Shell Desktop; Resetting icons; Creating a single emergency boot diskette or partition; Monitor Swap File growth; Setup automatic file backup; Map your disk drives, and more! OPTIMIZER - this is all of the performance oriented CONFIG.SYS parameteers on a single screen! Newly updated for OS/2 Warp V3, the utility recommends values based on processor type, memory and clock speed. Recommendations vary by resources and by OS/2 version. Every field on the GUI page has a help panel associated with it - so you can learn while you tune. All values are validity checked as you enter - so, tinker without fear of getting an invalid CONFIG.SYS parameter. Or just click one button to set the Optimizer recommendations. DOS Black Box - This utility, new to Performance Plus helps you optimize the settings of your DOS/Windows applications. Just find a DOS/Windows application icon in your drives folder (.exe, .bat, or .com), and drag it onto the first screen of BlackBox. Next specify the program characteristics (text, graphical, Windows, Communications, Game, or Multimedia), multiple categories may be chosen. Optionally, search the OS/2 Migration database for settings. Other options include looking at the individual DOS settings (the ones with the horrible names). Here the individual settings are presented on a familiar screen but have different descriptions that are much more clear and simple to understand. Having tinkered with the settings, just press the APPLY button to create a new DOS program object on your desktop with the new settings applied. Settings for the original program object are left intact. This is a major step toward simplifying DOS/Windows application tuning. SIMPLE COUNT - Simple Count is a simple measurement tool. New graphic design with a visually attractive appearance, features graphs of the statistics and displays bitmaps to measure video speed. Run before and after every tuning effort. STATS - The reporting tool of Performance PLUS. Stats graphically displays the data collected by Simple Count showing percent improvements (or decreases) in measured performance. Quickly identify performance bottlenecks. ViewBMP - Simplified OS/2 Bitmap viewing. Drag & Drop up to 6 OS/2 bitmaps to the viewer for super-quick display. Additional drops will round-robin replace previous bitmaps. Click on one of the displayed bitmaps and a larger window pops up. Great for quick viewing of the disk full of bitmaps included with Performance Plus. A great timesaver! OS/2BOOT creates a single emergency OS/2 boot diskette or an emergency boot partition. GUI front end detects the version of OS/2 from v2.0 through Warp 3.0. producing a single boot diskette and an optional second utility diskette that includes CHKDSK, FORMAT, ATTRIB, FDISK nad TEDIT (tiny editor). AUTOSET is another timesaver. This utility creates program objects for your OS/2 startup folder. SimpleBAK, a utility from Performance 2.1 is one candidate. SimpleBAK searches directories for new or modified files and automatically makes backup copies for you at startup. AutoDsav (Automatic Desktop Save), when activated with AutoSet, puts a program into the startup folder to periodically (ie, once a week) save a copy of your desktop. MAP (Disk MAP) is a simple utility that displays storage information about your disk partitions. Display includes Drive ID, Partition type (FAT, HPFS, CD-ROM), Total Space, Free Space, Percent Free, and Label. Graph the data with a single click to quickly identify free space. Run Map in the background to monitor space usage. Double-click on a drive-ID to get directory space used. SEESWAP - A small PM utility to monitor swap file growth. Don't let a fragmented Swap file rob your system performance. Displayed at the upper right corner of the screen (or minimized) the SeeSwap monitor will check the swap file for growth, display the values, and pleasantly beep when the size changes. With a single mouse click have SeeSwap update a new initial swap size for you. DESKSAVE does just that - saves a copy of your OS/2 desktop - whenever you want. Save to a floppy or any partition. New GUI interface keeps you informed of copy status. There's even more! Several command-line utilities from Performance 2.1 are included in V3 including the favorite ELIMDIR - deletes an entire directory with a single command; FREE - a super quick display of volume free space; EASpace - calculates use of Extended Attribute space; MMD - make multiple level directories with a single command; and SetICON - for easy changing of icon associations. All this PLUS a bonus diskette packed with spectacular OS/2 format bitmaps - many designed by OS/2 evangelist David Barnes. ═══ 3.8.47. PowerChute for OS/2 ═══ APC37 SRP$99 IB$89 Shipping Weight: 1.7lbs Key Words: UPS, Power management Short Description: PowerChute allows users with APC Back-UPS, Smart UPS and Matrix uninterruptible power supplies to perform unattended, orderly system shutdown and reboot. Powerchute also offers UPS testing/status, remote UPS management and environmental/power monitoring. Features: 16-bit PM Interface LAN Enabled Complements: Physical: 1-3.5" Disk Soft copy Docs Owners Manual Technical: Supports OS/2 v1.3 or later Support: American Power Conversion 132 Fairgrounds Rd. West Kingston, RI 02892 800-800-4APC 401-789-5735 401-789-3710 FAX Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Export: No restriction Notes: Compatible with LAN Server 2.0 & 3.0 and LAN Manager 2.0 & 2.1 ═══ 3.8.48. Prominare Release 4 ═══ PMR30 - SRP$695 - IB$495 Shipping Weight: 2.3lbs Version: 4 Key Words: Development, GUI Builder Short Description: The Prominare Development System is much more than just anothe GUI Builder. It is an entire full-function 32-bit professional programming development environment including all the features a development team needs to design, maintain and build professional applications. Working in a single environment, you can develop applications for DOS, OS/2 Character Mode, OS/2 Presentation Manager, or Windows. It supports most major compiler languages, such as IBM's Assembler/2, C Set++, Borland C++, Watcom C/C++, Microsoft Assembler, BASIC, Fortran, Pascal and more! Features: 32-Bit PM Interface Online Help Physical: 3.5" media Hardcopy Docs Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Recommend Minimum 8MB RAM Support: Prominare Inc. 222 The Esplanade Suite 618 Toronto, Ont Canada M5A 4M8 416-363-2292 VOX 416-363-6157 FAX Internet: pps@prominare.com CIS: GO OSAVEN forum, section 1 Other Vendors Fixes can be found at: http://www.prominare.com/prominare ftp://prominare.com/pub/prominare Warranty: 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 Day ═══ 3.8.49. Prominare Validator ═══ PMR45 - SRP$99 - IB$89 Shipping Weight: 1lbs Version: Release 1 Key Words: API, Error Short Description: Prominare Validator works in conjunction with the OS/2 APIs providing additional and detailed error information of your 32-bit OS/2 API usage. It provides details indicating which parameter you have passed to an OS/2 API that may be incorrect indicating exactly which parameter is in error. It also provides realtime monitoring so that you can see these parameter errors as well as normal API errors visually - A truly time saving developer's tool. Prominare Validator can be used for both internal development and testing as well as for external beta testing. It provides facilities for logging the detailed information so that errors that are usually diffivult to trace through betas can be easilly detected. The detailed logging information includes the failing API, the source module and line number from which it was called Features: 32-Bit Supports text and PM 32-bit applications Multithreaded Online Help Physical: 2-3.5" disks 120 page Hardcopy Docs Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Recommend Minimum 8MB RAM Requires 4.7MB free disk space Support: Prominare Inc. 222 The Esplanade Suite 618 Toronto, Ont Canada M5A 4M8 416-363-2292 VOX 416-363-6157 FAX Internet: pps@prominare.com CIS: GO OSAVEN forum, section 1 Other Vendors Fixes can be found at: http://www.prominare.com/prominare ftp://prominare.com/pub/prominare -=- no phone support provided -=- Warranty: 30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 Day ═══ 3.8.50. Prospero Extended Pascal for OS/2 ═══ PRS12 - SRP$250 - IB195 LIMITED TIME SPECIAL Shipping Weight: 3.5lbs Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: Yes! You read that correctly... a PASCAL compiler is now available and ready for OS/2. If you've been waiting to write your applications for OS/2 because of the lack of a PASCAL compiler, wait no longer! Completely compatible with levels 0 and 1 of ISO/IEC standard 7185 PASCAL and ANSI/IEEE standard 770X3.160. Fully supports OS/2 2.1, HPFS, 32-bit flat memory model and more. Features: 32-bit Physical: 3.5" Media Technical: Requires OS/2 2.1 or later Recommend 2MB free disk space Requires IBM Developer's Toolkit for API programming Support: Prospero Software Lid 190 Castlenau London SW13 9DH +44-181-741-8531 VOX +44-181-748-9344 FAX Internet: prospero@prospero.demon.co.uk Export: Not for Export to Germany or Japan Warranty: 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-day ═══ 3.8.51. REXXBase ═══ ACD52 SRP$95 IB$79 Shipping Weight: 1.0lbs Description: RexxBase is an OS/2 Interface DLL that allows REXX to process navigational databases using the dBase III file structure. By using REXXBase functions, REXX programs gain access to tens of thousands of database files through REXX programming tools such as VisPro REXX. Features: 32-Bit Multithreaded Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Recommend 6 MB RAM Recommend 2 MB free disk space Physical: 1-3.5" disk 125+ page hardcopy manual Support: American Coders PO Box 97462 Raleigh NC 27624 919-846-2014 8-5PM Eastern CIS: 74150,2370 ═══ 3.8.52. PREDITOR/2 ═══ COM79 - SRP$249 IB$149 COM80 Upgrade from any previous version IB$69 Shipping Weight: 4lbs Key Words: Editor, Program Current Version: 2.1 Short Description: PREDITOR/2 is for OS/2 programmers who can't stand inflexible editors, who program the living daylights out of their tools to make them fit their exact requirements, and who need to dramatically extend editing functions to attain peak productivity. PREDITOR/2 is not for the casual user, it is the editor of the untamed programmer. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag-and-drop LAN enabled Online help Physical: 2 - 3.5" disks 8.5 x 9 x 3" boxed Hardcopy documentation (3 books) Technical: 5 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Compuware Corporation 31440 Northwestern Highway Farmington Hills, MI 48334-2564 (810)737-7300 (VOX) 800 Sales: (800)535-8707 8-8pm EST Tech: (810)538-7822 CompuServe: OSAVEN - Other Vendors Satisfaction guarantee: 30 days Warranty period: 90 days replacement of defective media Demo: on CompuServe Export: No Restrictions Features New to version 2.1: o Enhanced Color Highlighting o Detached Window Mode o C/C++ Source Browsing o Hex Editing o Smart Templates and Matching o Line Drawing o Performance Enhancements ═══ 3.8.53. Priority Master ═══ SPI30 Priority Master I SRP$89 IB$24 SPI40 Priority Master II SRP$99 IB$29 Shipping Weight: .4lbs Current Version: 1.0 Description: Priority master lets you get control of your applications. Although the OS/2 multitasking scheduler is excellent for general use, itlimits your choice of foreground and background priorities. Priority Master gives this control back to you so you can choose which applications finish first. If you run applications that take more than their share of CPU time, then you need Priority Master to increase performance. Priority Master I provides 96-directly accessible priority levels (32 Idle, 32 Regular, 32 Server). Priority Master II provides all 128 levels (all in Priority Master I plus 32 Time Critical Levels) for the professional developer. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Physical: 1-3.5" disk Softcopy docs Technical: 32 & 16-bit code included Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Support: ScheduPerformance, Inc. 3474 N. University Drive Suite 217 Sunrise, Fla 33351 305-486-8299 305-486-5018 FAX DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ 3.8.54. Rimstar Programmer's Editor ═══ RIM20 SRP$299 IB$239 Shipping Weight: 2.2lbs Key Words: Editor Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: The Rimstar Programmers Editor provides a graphical interface for OS/2 programmers. In addition, the product offers a fully configurable, multithreaded multi-document interface (MDI) and a variety of keyboard mapping options for programmers migrating from other editors. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk and 1 - 5.25 disk included Boxed Hardcopy documentation (294 pp.) Technical: 1.5 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Rimstar Technology Inc. 91 Halls Mill Rd Newfields, NH 03856 603-778-2500 (VOX) (M-F 10-6EST) 603-778-2408 (FAX) CIS: 73150,143 Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 day Warranty period: IB 30 day Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.8.55. RPlot for OS/2 ═══ RSF21 - SRP$149 - IB$134 Shipping Weight: .7 Current Version: 2.1 Key Words: plotting, scientific, data Short Description: RPlot for OS/2 is the only technical graphing package that runs natively on all three major platforms: OS/2, DOS, and Windows. It is designed as a tool for direct plotting of scientific and engineering results stored in ASCII data files. Results can be quickly viewed and publication quality figures can be easily generated. Features multiple data files in a variety of formats, up to 256 data sets over 16000 XY data points per set, sophisticated curve fitting methods, convenient data transformation options, and easy labeling. Drag and drop a group of data files onto an OS/2Plot to create a graph. OS/2 scaleable typefaces can be displayed and printed. Generate plots quickly from within RPlot or from OS/2 .CMD files. Features: 32-bit Drag & Drop PM Interface Online Help Physical: 3.5" Media Technical: Supports OS/2 2.0 or later Supports Epson compatible printers, HP LaserJet/DeskJet and compatibles, HP color pen plotters and postscript printers Support: RSoft, Inc. 13 Lancaster Ave. Montrose, NY 10548 914-734-2665 914-736-9823 FAX Warranty: 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-dayr ═══ 3.8.56. SPF/PC ═══ CTC80 SRP$295 IB$225 Shipping Weight: 3.3lbs Key Words: Mainframe, downsizing Current version: 4.0 Short description: SPF/PC provides mainframe MVS programmers with a familiar ISPF/PDF environment on 386 and higher PCs. Features full 3270 compatibility, enhanced REXX support, modifiable panels, table services, UNDO/REDO, mouse support, program source colorization, 132-column support, SUPERC file comparison, Horizontal/Vertical Splits, and COBOL Workbench integration. Features: 32-bit Text Interface (full mouse support) Physical: 3.5" media Technical: Supports OS/2 1.2 or later Support: Command Technology Corporation 1040 Marina Village Parkway Alameda, CA 94501 510-521-5900 510-521-0369 FAX 800-336-3320 ═══ 3.8.57. SQL Objects for OS/2 ═══ IOB75 SRP$695 IB$685 Shipping Weight: 3lbs Description: A Powerful collection of object-oriented database classes that provide full access to SQL and non-SQL databases. Accesses DB2/2, SQL/400, SQL/DA, Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, Btrieve, Watcom SQL and more. SQL Objects database class library supports any language that has object technology. Features: 32-bit Physical: 3.5" Media Support: Intelligent Objects 47 Stonewall Street Cartersville, GA 30120 800-876-6585 404-382-6585 404-382-6374 FAX Warranty: 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-day ═══ 3.8.58. The SemWare Editor Junior for OS/2 ═══ SEM61 - SRP$99 - IB$88 SEM62 5-user SRP$330 - IB$285 SEM63 10-user SRP$615 - IB$533 Note: This was formerly called QEdit for OS/2 Shipping Weight: 1.8 lbs Current Version: 4.0 Key Words: Editor Short Description: The SemWare Editor for OS/2 is a blazingly fast, multi-file, multi-window, compact editor that is both powerful and easy to use. Whether you are just beginning to use a text editor for writing letters, or you're a programmer who demands a high performance, thoroughly professional package, this editor is for you. A free copy of the DOS version is included. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Online help Physical: 3.5" Media Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Support: SemWare Corporation 4343 Shallowford Road Suite C3A Marietta, GA 30062-5022 404-641-9002 404-640-6213 FAX 404-641-8968 BBS CIS: 75300,2710 Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-Day Warranty Period: 30-day ═══ 3.8.59. SkyScraper Virtual Desktop Manager ═══ BIN30 SRP$49 IB$39 Shipping Weight: 1.5lbs Key Words: Desktop, Virtual Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: SkyScraper Desktop Manager for OS/2 lets you run all your applications at full-screen at the same time, each one on its own virtual "desk" on the SkyScraper toolbar, and switch between them with a single mouse click. Skyscraper organizes all of your open files, folders and applications into a neat uncluttered "office". SkyScraper remembers how you like your "office" organized, and automatically sets it up each day. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag-and-drop Physical: 1 - 3.5" disk Hardcopy documentation (50 pp.) Technical: 200 KB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Binar Graphics 30 Mitchell Blvd. San Rafael, CA 94903 Phone Support: (415)492-8161 BBS: (415)491-0548 CIS: 73232, 342 Satisfaction guarantee: 30 day Warranty period: 30 day Export: No restriction ═══ 3.8.60. SourceLink ═══ SSI20 - SRP$299 - IB$219 Shipping Weight: 3.5 Key Words: Editor Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: More than just another programmer's editor, SourceLink creates an exciting new dimension in programming on the OS/2 development platform. SourceLink combines the functionality and speed of a hyperlink source code browser with the convenience of a fully functional integrated editor, along with numerous file manipulation utility functions. Features: 32-bit PM/Text interface Online Help Physical: 3.5" media Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Support: One UP Corporation 1603 LBJ Freeway, Suite 200 Dallas, TX 75234 800-678-01UP 214-620-9626 FAX Satisfaction Guarantee:30 day Warranty: 30 day ═══ 3.8.61. Softouch Suite ═══ STS55 - SRP$199 - IB$189 Shipping weight: 3.5lbs Key Words: Gammatech Utilities, FileStar, Unimaint Short Description: Now you can get all of your must-have tools in one neat package. The Softouch Suite includes the popular Gammatech Utilities, FileStar/2, and Unimaint. By buying them together, you save over $50! Support: Softouch Systems, Inc. 1300 S. Meridian Ave. Suite 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73108-1751 (405)947-8080 (800)944-3036 Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 days Warranty Period: 30 days ═══ 3.8.62. SpaceMap ═══ CAP11 SRP$59.95 IB$49 Shipping Weight: .7lbs Key Words: Disk, Utilization, Utility, Overcrowded Short Description: SpaceMap 1.1 for OS/2 is a native 32-bit PM utility that helps the user quickly clean-up overcrowded disk drives, including LAN drives. It provides disk space summarization by directory-by-directory or directory tree navigation plus powerful search and manipulation facilities for groups of files. SpaceMap scans FAT, HPFS and CDROM formats and will handle long HPFS directory and file names. Features: 32-bit PM Interface full HPFS support LAN drives Physical: 2-3.5" disks, 0.5 lbs Technical: works with most types of LAN drives, including LAN server and Netware Support: Capstone Software, Inc. PO Box 416 Carmel, IN 46032 1-800-500-2244 1-317-848-2451 (FAX) ═══ 3.8.63. Stacker for OS/2 & DOS ═══ STC24 - IB$99 Shipping Weight: 2.2lbs Key Words: Compression Current Version: 4.0 Short Description: If you need traditional data compression and compatibility between compressed DOS and OS/2 files, Stacker for OS/2 & DOS will fit your requirements. You can automatically compress all your FAT drives or customize the configuration. Supports Boot Manager and DualBoot. Defrags and optimizes the performance of Stacker drives. Provides the compression ratio of your compressed drives. Stacker supports up to 2 GIG of compressed disk capacity on one drive. Physical: 3.5" media 8 x 11" boxed Support: STAC Electronics 800-522-STAC 619-431-7474 619-431-9616 FAX Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-day Warranty: 30-day ═══ 3.8.64. System Notebook ═══ VAC42 SRP$29 IB$22 Shipping Weight: .5lbs Description: System Notebook is a smart WPS Notebook style configuration and optimization tool for OS/2 that allows you to configure the settings for OS/2's CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. It includes automatic backup for your startup files and multilevel undo to revert back to previous configurations. An indespensable control panel for OS/2. Features: PM Interface 32-bit Multithreaded Drag & Drop Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 or later Recommend 1MB free disk space Physical: 3.5" media Support: VacNat Software 1370 White Oak St. Harrisonville, MO 64701 816-380-2928 913-764-5958 BBS CIS: 70572,1247 ═══ 3.8.65. UniMaint ═══ STS50 Unimaint - IB$79.95 - SRP$99 Shipping Weight: 1.2lbs Key Words: Uninstall Current Version: 4.0 Short Description: Uninstall OS/2 Applications! Simply drag a program to the Uninstall icon and Unimaint will delete program files and directories, remove associated WPS objects, delete DLLs, erase CONFIG.SYS entries, eliminate program help files and purge OS/2.INI file entries. Additionally, UniMaint provides a unified suite of utilities designed to allow you to maintain your OS/2 Workplace Shell, including automated repairs of .INI files and EAs as well as creating portable (object by object) desktop backups. Also available as part of the Softouch Suite. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multi-threaded Lan enabled Drag and Drop features Physical: 1-3.5" disk 200+ page hard copy documentation Technical: 2MB free disk space recommended Supports OS/2 v2.1 or later Support: Softouch Systems, Inc. 1300 S. Meridian Ave. Suite 600 Oklahoma City, OK 73108-1751 (405)947-8080 (800)944-3036 Satisfaction Guarantee: 30 days Warranty Period: 30 days ═══ 3.8.66. Unite Objects ═══ CIR74 Unite Image Viewer Object SRP$1200 IB$995 CIR75 Unite Scanner Object SRP$2500 IB$2125 Shipping Weight: 2.0lbs Key Words: Object, Programming, SOM Descriptions: Image Viewer The Image Viewer SOM object provides the capability of viewing and manipulating bitonal Tiff Group 3, bitonal Tiff group 4, grey scale and color JPEG files. The image viewer can be provided with a front end GUI wrapper which is used to integrate the object into development environments such as Watcom's VX-REXX, Hockware's VisPro REXX, and IBM's VisualAge. Once the object is integrated, its functionality can be implemented using drag and drop technology. Scanner Subsystems Cirrus Technology's Scanner Subsystems, which are based on IBM's SOM technology, provide accessibility to functionality available in a wide range of scanners including Kodak, Fujitsu, Ricoh, and Sharp. To ensure that users get the most from their hardware investment, the Scanner Subsystems drive the scanner hardware at its rated speed. Features: 32-bit LAN Enabled Multithreaded Technical: Recommend 300MB operating disk space Recommend 16 MB RAM Supports OS/2 v2.1 or later Scanner required Physical: 4-3.5" disks 130+pp hardcopy manual Boxed Support: Cirrus Technology 5301 Buckeyestown Pike Fourth Floor Frederick, MD 21701 301-698-1900 9-5EST 301-698-1909 FAX 6 month replacement of defective media ═══ 3.8.67. VisPro C ═══ HCK56 SRP$399 IB$299 HCK56CU Compet. UG SRP$199 IB$159 Shipping Weight: 3lbs Key Words: Visual, Programming, C Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: VisPro C is a full featured visual programming tool for IBM's C Set and MetaWare's High C\C++ that allows you to build 32-bit OS/2 GUI DB2/2 client-server applications in record time. Use VisPro C's simple drag & drop interface and C statements automatically appear for each event. Includes objects for everything from simple buttons to 3-D business graphics. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded (and multithread building) Drag and Drop Lan Enabled Physical: 3.5" media Boxed book and disk Hard copy documentation Technical: Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later You must have IBM's C Set or MetaWare's High C\C++ Support: Hockware Inc. 315 N. Academy Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 (919)380-0616 9am-6pm (919)380-0757 CIS: 71333,3226 Internet: hockware@vnet.net Satisfaction guarantee: IB 3-day applies Warranty period: 60-days Upgrade: directly from Hockware DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Export: No restriction Notes: Competitive upgrade for VisPro from ANY other VISUAL programming tool (ie VisualAge, gpfREXX, Visual Basic...) ═══ 3.8.68. VisPro C++ ═══ HCK55 SRP$399 IB$299 HCK55CU Competitive UG SRP$199 IB$159 Shipping Weight: 3lbs Key Words: Visual, Programming, C++ Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: VisPro C++ is a full featured visual programming tool for IBM's C Set or MetaWare's High C\C++ that allows you to build 32-bit OS/2 GUI DB2/2 client-server applications in record time. Use VisPro C++'s simple drag & drop interface and C++ statements automatically appear for each event. Includes objects for everything from simple buttons to 3-D business graphics. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded (and multithread building) Drag and Drop Lan Enabled Complements: C Set Physical: 3.5" media Boxed book and disk Hard copy documentation Technical: Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later You must have IBM's CSet or MetaWare's High C\C++ Support: Hockware Inc. 315 N. Academy Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 (919)380-0616 9am-6pm (919)380-0757 CIS: 71333,3226 Internet: hockware@vnet.net Satisfaction guarantee: IB 3-day applies Warranty period: 60-days Upgrade: directly from Hockware DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Export: No restriction Notes: Competitive upgrade for VisPro from ANY other VISUAL programming tool (ie VisualAge, gpfREXX, Visual Basic...) ═══ 3.8.69. VisPro Reports ═══ HCK30 SRP$199 IB$159 Shipping Weight: 1lb Key Words: Visual, Programming, REXX Current Version: 1.0 Short Description: VisPro Reports is the first and only REXX enabled report writer for VisPro/REXX, VX REXX and OS/2 REXX. It allows you to print attractive reports including invoices, form letters, personnel reports, financial reports, and more. A wide variety of Avery(tm) labels are supported allowing you to print address and other labels easily. A CUA'91 style WYSIWYG report designer makes it easy to include business graphics, photographs, calculated fields, multi-line text, lines and other cosmetic shapes. Apply numerous object attributes, including 16 million colors, OS/2 ATM fonts, line styles, line widths, fill patterns, drop shadows and much, much more. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag and Drop Physical: 3.5" media Boxed book and disk Hard copy documentation Technical: Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Requires 1.5MB disk space Support: Hockware Inc. 315 N. Academy Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 (919)380-0616 9am-6pm (919)380-0757 CIS: 71333,3226 Internet: hockware@vnet.net Satisfaction guarantee: IB 3-day applies Warranty period: 60-days Upgrade: directly from Hockware ═══ 3.8.70. VisPro REXX ═══ HCK20 Gold SRP$299 IB$239 Shipping Weight: 2.9 HCK20CU Gold Compet. UG IB$149 Shipping Weight: 1.7 HCK20UP Gold UG from Gold 1.1 IB$95 Shipping Weight: 1.7 HCK22UP Gold UG from Bronze 1.1 IB$189 Shipping Weight: 1.7 HCK25 Bronze SRP$55 IB$59 HCK25UP Bronze UG from Bronze 1.1 IB$57 Shipping Weight: 2.5 HCK50 Data Entry Object Pack IB$108 Shipping Weight: 1.7 Key Words: Visual, Programming, Environment Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: This terrific visual programming tool is completely integrated with the OS/2 WPS, has multiple views, drag & drop programming, pop-up menus, settings notebooks, direct editing, and most other CUA '91 features. The Gold version also includes a full-featured DB2/2 database diagrammer allowing you to easily reverse-engineer, create and manipulate DB2/2 databases, plus a bonus data entry object pack. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded/Multithread building Drag & Drop Lan Enabled Physical: 1-3.5" disk Boxed Hard copy Docs Technical: 2.5 MB Free disk space recommended Supports OS/2 v2.0 or later Support: HockWare, Inc. 315 N. Academy St Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 919-380-0616 919-380-0757 FAX CIS: 71333,3226 Internet: Hockware@vnet.net Satisfaction Guarantee: IB 30-day Warranty: Replacement of defective media through vendor for 60 days Upgrade: directly through Hockware DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB ═══ 3.8.71. VisualAge ═══ Click here for Part #'s and prices. Description: IBM introduces a powerful new vision of programming. VisualAge is a client/server application development power tool that focuses on line-of-business applications. The components of VisualAge include a visual programming tool, library of parts, graphical user interface support, enhanced DLL support, multimedia support, and much more. The way applications are developed is changing to address the computing challenges which face companies. With both stand-alone and team editions, VisualAge addresses critcal issues such as rapid application development, the iterative development process, object-oriented technology and construction from parts. Powerful. Complete. The beginning of a new age in application development: the visual age. Features: 32-bit PM Technical: Requires OS/2 2.1 or later VisualAge works with the following databases: o DB2/2 o SQL/DS, AS400 SQL via DDCS/2 o Sybase o Oracle VisualAge works with the following communication protocols: o APPC o TCP/IP o NetBIOS o CICS OS/2 ECI o EHLLAPI Recommend 32 MB memory Physical: 8x5x9.5" box Available on CD only Support: IBM Cary Lab 800-IBM-CARY 800-237-5511 - Free 60 Day support CIS: GO VISUAL Talklink: VISUALAG forum (call 800-547-1283 for info) Onsite visits arranged through: 800-547-1283 Additional support can be purchased. ═══ VisualAge P&P ═══ Stock # Description Weight Price ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------- 17H0888 VisualAge Team v2 for Windows UG from IBM Smalltalk Team v2 for Win. 7 990.00 17H7441 AS/400 component for VisualAge for Windows 3 1,550.00 17H7495 VisualAge v2 for OS/2 10 1,550.00 17H7496 VisualAge Team v2 for OS/2 10 3,100.00 17H7497 COBOL component for VisualAge for OS/2 3 990.00 17H7498 Communications component for VisualAge for OS/2 3 1,159.00 17H7499 Database component for VisualAge for OS/2 3 659.00 17H7500 Multimedia component for VisualAge for OS/2 3 329.00 17H7501 AS/400 component for VisualAge for OS/2 3 1,550.00 17H7502 VisualAge v2 for Windows 10 1,550.00 17H7503 VisualAge Team v2 for Windows 10 3,295.00 17H7504 COBOL component for VisualAge for Windows 3 990.00 17H7505 Communications component for VisualAge for Windows 3 1,159.00 17H7506 Database component for VisualAge for Windows 3 659.00 17H7507 Multimedia component for Visualage for Windows 3 329.00 17H7536 VisualAge Team v2 for OS/2 UG from Visual Age v2 for OS/2 10 1,550.00 17H7539 VisualAge Team v2 for Windows UG from Visual Age v2 for Windows 10 1,550.00 17H7542 VisualAge v2 for OS/2 UG from VisualAge v1 for OS/2 10 175.00 17H7545 VisualAge Team v2 for OS/2 UG from VisualAge v1 for OS/2 10 1,550.00 17H7548 VisualAge Team v2 for OS/2 UG from VisualAge Team v1 for OS/2 10 350.00 17H7563 VisualAge v2 for OS/2 UG from IBM Smalltalk v2 for OS2 10 990.00 17H7566 VisualAge Team v2 for OS/2 UG from IBM Smalltalk v2 for OS/2 10 2,650.00 17H7569 VisualAge Team v2 for OS/2 UG from IBM Smalltalk Team v2 for OS/2 10 990.00 17H7572 VisualAge v2 for Windows UG from IBM Smalltalk v2 for Windows 10 990.00 17H7575 VisualAge Team v2 for Windows UG from IBM Smalltalk v2 for Windows 10 2,494.00 ═══ 3.8.72. VisualAge C++ ═══ Click here for Part #'s and Pricing. VisualAge C++?? That's right - C Set++ has entered the visual age... VisualAge C++ brings several new technologies into the C++ marketplace. First, by integrating a visual application builder and visual data access builder into a C++ programming environment, true "visual construction from parts" is possible. This means much faster application building and much shorter training time for developers who need the scalability of C++, but who do not have extensive C++ backgrounds. Second, VisualAge C++ v3 features all the components of a professional C++ programming environment including a 32-bit compiler, integrated development environment and powerful tools. Finally, development with VisualAge C++ v3 is based on IBM Open Class - a complete set of C++ class libraries designed to make developers more productive and to shield them from underlying operating system API's. Attendees Choice Award for the Best Object Technology Product - Object World - Boston, March 22, 1995 Best New Object Technology Development Product - Object World - Boston, March 22, 1995 Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag and drop Physical: 3.5" (51 Disks) and CD available 25.4 x 19.7 x 15.9 cm Boxed Technical: Recommended 24MB RAM Optimal 32MB Requires 180MB for full install requires min 30MB additional disk space for swapper Support: IBM Corporation 800-992-4777 Questions: cset2@vnet.ibm.com or va_cpp@vnet.ibm.com ═══ VisualAge C++ Parts & Pricing ═══ P/N Description IB Price SRP 30H1664 VisualAge C++ v3.0 (3.5"+Docs) 440.00 525.00 30H1665 VisualAge C++ v3.0 (CD-ROM Only) 375.00 449.00 30H1666 VisualAge C++ v3.0 (CD-ROM w/Docs 410.00 489.00 30H1675 VisualAge C++ v3.0 AL 345.00 429.00 30H1676 VisualAge C++ v3.0 AL 5-Pak 1,640.00 2,039.00 30H1677 VisualAge C++ v3.0 AL 10-Pak 3,110.00 3,864.00 30H1678 VisualAge C++ v3.0 AL 50-Pak 13,885.00 18,031.00 30H1681 VisualAge C++ UG from v2.0 (3.5"+Docs) 240.00 299.00 30H1682 VisualAge C++ UG from v2.0 (CD-ROM Only) 180.00 225.00 30H1683 VisualAge C++ UG from v2.0 (CD-ROM w/Docs) 215.00 265.00 30H1775 VisualAge C++ Comp UG (3.5"+Docs) 340.00 423.00 30H1776 VisualAge C++ Comp UG (CD-ROM Only) 280.00 349.00 30H1777 VisualAge C++ Comp UG (CD-ROM w/Docs) 315.00 389.00 ═══ 3.8.73. Visual SlickEdit ═══ MED20 - SRP$295 - IB$259 Shipping Weight: 2.9lbs Key Words: Editor, Multi-Platform Current Version: 1.7 Short Description: Visual SlickEdit is the editor custom made for you. Acclaimed as the most configurable editor you can buy, Visual SlickEdit has all the features and power you crave. Save time using CUA, Brief, Emacs, and VI emulations. Program efficiently using its project management, SmartPaste*, syntax color-coding, and built-in dialog editor. With numerous awards, and thousands of devoted users, Visual SlickEdit has replaced Brief as the standard editor of the 90s. 30 day money-back guarantee. Powerful features: o New SmartPaste* automatically re-indents pasted source code according to nesting level. o Spell check comments and strings in source code o Drag and drop editing o Line, block, and character selection o Word wrap with justification o Tiled windowing o Autosave- timed backups o Sort by line or column o Interactive file compare o Argument completion o Edit multiple files to 1 Gig. Language Support: o Language specific color-coding, o Syntax expansion and indenting o Process compiler error messages o Procedure tagging Project Management: o Quick access to SDK help o Compile/make, check-in/check-out from the button bar Visual Macro Programming: o Typeless C-style object oriented macro language o Macro recording keeps track of keystrokes includinginteraction with dialog boxes o Built-in dialog editor o Clipboard Inheritance* (patent pending) Dialog box can be inherited by copying and pasting from the clipboard. o Programmable file manager o Crash-proof environment Customizing Features: o Completely configurable menus and button bar o Remap the keyboard o Specify fonts and screen colors o Create your own dialog boxes easily o Extend the editor with macro language environment or DLL interface Cut your work in half using: o Multiple Clipboards o Edit first/last page without loading the entire file o CUA, Brief, Emacs, and VI emulations o Entire manual on-line with hypertext help Search and Replace: o Incremental searching o Search and replace across multiple files and directories Features: 32-bit Text Interface Online help feature Physical: 2 - 3.5" and 2 - 5.25" disks Soft- and hardcopy documentation (279 pp.) Support: microEdge, Inc. PO Box 18038 Raleigh, NC 27619-8038 (919)790-1691 (VOX) 9-5EST 800-934-EDIT CIS: 72662,3312 DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 day policy applies Warranty period: 30 day product swap Upgrade: Available through microEdge Export: No restrictions ═══ 3.8.74. Watchit ═══ CSN99 SRP$349 IB$299 Shipping Weight: .7lbs Key Words: Lan, Lan Server,Tuning, Analysis Current Version: 2.0 Short Description: If you use Lan Server, then you need Watchit! Tune up your IBM Lan Server, track and analyze resource and user activity to improve performance and anticipate capacity problems. Version 2.0 includes full support for Lan Server 4.0 or earlier. Features: 32-bit PM Interface Multithreaded Drag-and-drop LAN enabled On-line Help Complements: Lan Server Physical: 3.5" media Hardcopy documentation Technical: Requires IBM Lan Server 1.5 MB free hard disk space recommended Supports OS/2 versions 2.0 or later Support: Client Server Networking Inc. PO Box 370111 West Hartford CT 06137-0111 (203)233-2951 WATCHIT forum on IBM Talklink DEMO AVAILABLE FROM IB Satisfaction guarantee: IB 30 Day Warranty period: IB 30 Day Export: No Restriction ═══ 3.8.75. Watcom C/C++ ═══ WAT23 - SRP$350 - IB$285 WAT24 Competitive Upgrade - SRP$199 - IB$189 Shipping Weight: 1.55 Key Words: Compiler, C, C++ Current Version: 10.5 Short Description: Watcom's C/C++ unleashes 32-bit power by delivering C++ support in its multi-platform cross development tool. Get 32-bit flat memory model with comprehensive tools, including templates, exception handling, and superscalar optimization. Includes 32-bit DOS, OS/2, Windows NT, Windows.x, Novell NLMs and AutoCAD ADS/ADI. Features: 32 Bit PM Interface Multithreaded Online Help Physical: CD Media Hardcopy Docs Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 with service pak or higher Requires OS/2 REXX Interpreter (a component of OS/2) Requires 8MB RAM Requires approx 6MB free disk space for standard edition, 7MB for Client/Server Support: Watcom International Corporation 415 Phillip Street Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3X2 519-886-3700 519-747-4971 FAX 800-265-4555 Tech Support: o 519-884-0702 Hotline o 519-747-4547 FAX o 519-884-2100 BBS o CIS: GO WATCOM o Internet: tech@watcom.on.ca WATFAX: 519-747-2693 Faxback Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-day Warranty: 30-day ═══ 3.8.76. Watcom Fortran ═══ WAT78 - SRP$499 - IB$395 Shipping Weight: 9.8 Current Version: 10.5 Key Words: Fortran Short Description: Watcom's FORTRAN 77 is a high performance multi-platform 32-bit optimizing FORTRAN compiler and tools for DOS, Novell NLM, OS/2, Windows NT, Win32s and Windows 3.x. Typically see at least 2X processing speedup over 16-bit FORTRAN compilers. Runtimes are compatible with WATCOM C/C++ and C for DOS. Features: 32 Bit PM Interface Multithreaded Online Help Physical: 3.5" Media Hardcopy Docs Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 with service pak or higher Requires OS/2 REXX Interpreter (a component of OS/2) Requires 8MB RAM Requires approx 6MB free disk space for standard edition, 7MB for Client/Server Support: Watcom International Corporation 415 Phillip Street Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3X2 519-886-3700 519-747-4971 FAX 800-265-4555 Tech Support: o 519-884-0702 Hotline o 519-747-4547 FAX o 519-884-2100 BBS o CIS: GO WATCOM o Internet: tech@watcom.on.ca WATFAX: 519-747-2693 Faxback Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-day Warranty: 30-day ═══ 3.8.77. Watcom SQL for OS/2 ═══ WAT88 - SRP$295 - IB$245 Shipping Weight 3.4lbs Current Version: 4.0 Key Words: SQL, Database Short Description: Watcom SQL Network Server for OS/2 is a high performance multi-user SQL Database server supporting DOS, Windows and OS/2 client applications in workgroup environments. Competitive pricing combined with ease of use and minimal resource requirements provide a cost effective solution for implementing a PC-based client/server database. Features: 32 Bit Multithreaded LAN Enabled Online Help Physical: 3.5" media Hardcopy Docs Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 with service pak or higher Requires OS/2 REXX Interpreter (a component of OS/2) Requires 8MB RAM Requires approx 6MB free disk space for standard edition, 7MB for Client/Server Support: Watcom International Corporation 415 Phillip Street Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3X2 519-886-3700 519-747-4971 FAX 800-265-4555 Tech Support: o 519-884-0702 Hotline o 519-747-4547 FAX o 519-884-2100 BBS o CIS: GO WATCOM o Internet: tech@watcom.on.ca WATFAX: 519-747-2693 Faxback ═══ 3.8.78. Watcom VX REXX ═══ WAT10 - SRP$199 - IB$99 Shipping Weight: 3.65lbs WAT15 - SRP$299 - IB$299 Shipping Weight: 4.0lbs Current Version: 2.1 Key Words: Visual Programming, REXX Short Description: Watcom VX REXX combines a project management facility, visual designer and interactive debugger to deliver a highly productive visual development environment. Nwe with version 2.1 are Notebooks, Containers, Sliders, Pop-up menus and DDE objects. Watcom VX REXX Client/Server brings VX REXX's ease of use to client/server GUI application development with OS/2 by incorporating database objects. New connection, query and charting allows users to quickly access several databases, manipulate data, chart results and visually generate and test SQL queries through point-and-click and drag-and-drop interactions. Features: 32 Bit PM Interface Multithreaded Online Help Physical: 3.5" media Hardcopy Docs Technical: Requires OS/2 2.0 with service pak or higher Requires OS/2 REXX Interpreter (a component of OS/2) Requires 8MB RAM Requires approx 6MB free disk space for standard edition, 7MB for Client/Server Support: Watcom International Corporation 415 Phillip Street Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3X2 519-886-3700 519-747-4971 FAX 800-265-4555 Tech Support: o 519-884-0702 Hotline o 519-747-4547 FAX o 519-884-2100 BBS o CIS: GO WATCOM o Internet: tech@watcom.on.ca WATFAX: 519-747-2693 Faxback ═══ 3.8.79. zApp for OS/2 ═══ IMK35 SRP$695 IB$625 Shipping Weight: 7lbs Key Words: Object Class, GUI, Application Version Number: 2.11 Short Description: zApp is a collection of over 200 C++ object classes which provide all the functionality the developer needs to create GUI applications. Applications created using zApp are fully portable across platforms, and zApp's extensive class library enables you to do more, with less code. Features: 32-bit & 16-bit PM Interface Online help feature Complements: Compiler Physical: 2 - 3.5" disks 600 page hardcopy manual Technical: Supports OS/2 2.1 or later Recommended 8Mb RAM Requires 10 Mb disk space Support: Inmark Development 2065 Landings Drive Mountain View, CA 94043 415-691-9000 (VOX) 8-5 M-F 415-691-9099 (FAX) 415-691-9990 (BBS) 8-5 M-F CIS: GO INMARK Export: No Restrictions ═══ 3.8.80. ZipStream ═══ CBR40 - SRP$79.95 - IB$69 Shipping Weight: 1lb Key Words: Compression Short Description: ZipStream is an exciting new concept in automatic file compression that uses OS/2's Installable File System capabilities to mirror access to existing OS/2 File Systems, simultaneously providing automatic, transparent file compression and decompression. ZipStream supports HPFS, FAT, and LAN file systems and is completely file-based rather than disk-based, giving you control of which files are compressed and which are not. Compressed and uncompressed files can reside on the same drive. No reformating is required and no container files are used making ZipStream one of the mppost reliable disk compression schemes available anywhere. Features: 32-bit HPFS, FAT, and LAN compatible Multithreaded Physical: 3.5" media 47page hardcopy docs 8.5 x 11 x 1.5" boxed Technical: Requires OS/2 2.1 or higher Requires 4MB RAM, 8MB recommended, 16MB optimal at least 10MB swap space recommended Support: Carbon Based Software PO Box 912 Runaway Bay QLD 4216 Australia +61-75-37-1949 +61-75-29-1544 FAX CIS: 100351,2052 Internet: 100351.2052 Warranty: 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee: 30-day ═══ 4. Ask Einstein... ═══ Click on a topic for help from Einstein... o Warp Freindly Hardware.. o Editing EA's the easy way... Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 4.1. Ask Einstein June '95 ═══ Dear Einstein: I'm buying a new computer system and don't want to spend a lot of time configuring hardware options. Do you have any suggestions for video cards, cdrom drives, etc. that work first time everytime with OS/2 Warp? Inquisitive Hacker Dear Hacker, I get this question constantly. Although there are many different types of hardware that work well under OS/2 Warp, some of them do require some special knowledge and a bit of time and effort to get configured correctly. If your business is like ours, y ou don't have time to be tracking down drivers and working through configuration diskettes before you can start being productive. As a regular part of my column, I will start listing some of the hardware that we find to be highly compatible with OS/2 Warp. In this issue, I would like to highlight a couple of video cards and a CDROM drive. I can't say enough about Orchid's Kelvin 64 video cards and their compatibility with Warp. The Kelvin 64 cards work perfectly right out of the box whether you are using the VLB or PCI models with 2Mb or 4Mb of memory. Warp recognizes the card and no special drivers are needed. Once you've installed them, two pages of video options are availab le that allow you to not only choose the resolution, but also match your monitor type to the video card type and choose the appropriate refresh rates. Our CDROM drive of choice is the Toshiba 3501 quad speed CDROM. We've been buying and using the Toshiba CDROM's for years now and have never had a single drive failure. Compatibility with OS/2 has been 100% ever since OS/2 version 2.0. The CDROM's are recognized immediately and require no special knowledge, drivers, or extra effort. The Orchid Kelvin 64 video cards and the Toshiba 3501 CDROM drives are not the least expensive options you can find, but if time and frustration are costly for you, you'll save over and over again when you invest your dollars in these products. Ruff - Ruff Einstein ═══ 4.2. Ask Einstein July '95 ═══ Dear Einstein: I've noticed in the settings notebook that for each file, there are several fields such as Comments, Subject, Key Phrases, History, etc. that could be very useful if they weren't so hard to get to. Is there an easy way to enter and view this information without having to dig through the settings notebook? Dear Hacker, These fields are part of OS/2 Warp's Extended Attributes. They can be very useful and eventhough most programs don't take full advantage of all OS/2's EA features, you can easily take advantage of these yourself by using simple REXX scripts. As a simple example, I'll tell you how you can add, change, or view the .SUBJECT extended attribute for any file directly from the command line. Type in the following REXX command script and call it SUBJECT.CMD. /* REXX Subject extended attribute viewer */ CALL RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' CALL SysLoadFuncs PARSE ARG filename IF SysGetEA(filename, '.SUBJECT', 'subject') = 0, & subject >< '' THEN DO PARSE VAR subject eatype 3 ealeng 5 text SAY '.SUBJECT = ' text END SAY SAY 'Enter new subject or ENTER for no change.' PARSE PULL newsubject IF newsubject >< '' THEN DO eatype = 'FFFD'x ealeng = Right(D2C(Length(newsubject)), 2, '00'x) subject=reverse(eatype)||reverse(ealeng)||newsubject END Call SysPutEA filename, '.SUBJECT', subject /* This is modified code from Teach Yourself REXX in 21 Days by Bill and Esther Schindler, an excellent book to add to your collection*/ Run the script by typing subject filename from the command line. The specified files .SUBJECT extended attribute will be shown and you will be asked to either accept the current value or enter a new one. As you can see from this simple REXX script, it is quite easy to take advantage of OS/2's extended attribute features. Now that you know they're available and how easy it it to use them you can make your OS/2 Warp environment even more productive. Ruff - Ruff Einstein ═══ 5. New Stuff ═══ Check out these great new products! o DBExpert o FileStar/2 o In Charge o KidProof/2 o PostRoad Mailer o Softouch Suite Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 6. Ordering Info ═══ Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. Indelible Blue, the smart place to shop for OS/2. Knowledgeable Tired of calling companies that are indifferent or downright hostile toward OS/2 users? Then call us and find out why our customers say we have the friendliest, most helpful people around! We use OS/2 every day and stay on top of industry developments to provide you with up-to-date information. The Widest Selection We carry more products designed specifically for OS/2 than anyone else. Period. You'll find a full line of applications by such industry giants as IBM and Lotus to software entrepreneurs still working out of the garage. Great Prices Our prices are always well below retail and we'll work with you to get special pricing on large quantity purchases. As an IBM Software Advantage dealer, we can offer truly outstanding discounts on IBM software. Call for details. Fast Delivery In most cases, we'll ship your order the same day we receive it. For fast, economical delivery, we've chosen UPS 2nd day air service as our standard shipping method, but you always have the option to choose the service that best fits your needs. Payment Options Charge it on VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. Pay C.O.D. when your order arrives by cash, money order or check. Purchase orders are accepted from schools, universities, government agencies and Fortune 1000 companies with good D&B ratings. Open a leasing account for hardware purchases and conserve your capital. Satisfaction Guarantee If you're not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you may return it within 30-days of purchase. We will be happy to give you a credit, refund or replacement. Opened programs and all hardware are subject to a restocking fee. Call 800-776-8284 for a return authorization and instructions. All that we ask is that returned product be in its original condition with all packing materials and registration card. ORDERING For your convenience, you can place orders by: PHONE: 919-878-9700 OR: 1-800-776-8284 FAX: 919-878-7479 ADDRESS Indelible Blue, Inc. 3209 Gresham Lake Road Suite 135 Raleigh, NC 27615 USA Web Site: hhtp://www.indelible-blue.com/ib International Distributors AUSTRALIA Arrow Technology Pty. Ltd. 3 Keith Campbell Court Scoresby, Victoria 3179 Telephone: (03) 763-8433 (03) 764-9126 FAX Internet: arrowtec@ozemail.com.au ENGLAND One Stop Software OS/2 Software and Support Maggs House, 78 Queen's Road Clifton, Bristol BS81QX 44-117-985-3370 44-117-985-3373 FAX FRANCE OS/2 Boutique 47ter, rue de Lourmel 75015 Paris 33-145-78-6906 33-145-78-6907 FAX GERMANY Software Factory Feldmochinger Strasse 32 Munich 4989-140-78560 MAIN # 4989-140-5322 4989-140-5623 DENMARK, FINLAND, NORWAY, SWEDEN, THE NETHERLANDS Mensys Crayenestersingel 65 2100 AR Heemstede The Netherlands Telephone: 31 23-47 08 37 31 23-47 11 96 FAX BELGIUM Mensys Belgium Oostmallebaan 7 2980 Zoersel Belgium 32-3-312-4611 32-3-312-4751 FAX JAPAN ASR International, Inc. 2-4-4, Hong, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Japan 113 Telephone: 81-3-5689-8000 81-3-5689-8666 FAX SWITZERLAND Minzloff Data Leonhardsberg 16 4051 Basel 41-61-261-4459 41-61-261-4451 FAX ═══ 7. Demos! ═══ The following is a list of products for which we have demos. We will send out demo disks upon request for the cost of duplication and shipping. o 4DOS & 4OS2 (Test Drive) o ADSM2 (Guided Tour) o AlertVIEW o Arcadia Workplace Companion (Test Drive) o Archive Manager (Test Drive) o ARCSolo (Test Drive) o BocaSoft WipeOut o Chron v4.0 (Test Drive) o Clearlook o CPU Monitor Plus (Test Drive) o C Set++ (Guided Tour) o DCF/2 (Test Drive) o DeskMan/2 (Test Drive) o DB2/2 & DDCS/2 (Test Drive) o FormTalk (Guided Tour) o The Graham Utilities (Lite Version) o Golden CommPass o ImagePlus/2 (Guided Tour) o ImpOS2 (Test Drive) o LAN Server v4.0 (Guided Tour) o Mesa2 (Test Drive) (2 disks) o OnCmd o OS/2 Warp v3 (Guided Tour) o PJ2 Cad (Test Drive) o PM2YOU (Test Drive) o PMComm v2.2 (Test Drive) o Priority Master I (Test Drive) o Relish v2.2 (Test Drive) o SlickEdit o SuperType Master Library (Lite Ver.) o System Notebook o TE/2 v1.3 (Test Drive) o Time and Place/2 (Guided Tour) o VisPro REXX (Test Drive) o VisPro C (Test Drive) o Vispro C++ (Test Drive) o VisualAge (Guided Tour) o Visual Document Library (Guided Tour) o Visualizer (Guided Tour) o WATCHIT v2.0 o Xact for OS/2 v3.20f (Test Drive) Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ 8. Specials! ═══ Check out our Current Specials... 1. PostRoad Mailer If you are an IBM employee, you can get the Blue Edition of PostRoad Mailer (PROFS version) for only $47. All you need to do is FAX us a copy of your Employee Badge when you place your order! It's that easy! 2. DCF/2 Special!! For a limited time, you can get a copy of DCF/2 for only $39 when you purchase ANY other product from Indelible Blue! 3. Visual Slickedit Through August 31st, Visual Slickedit is a vailable at a special price of $199. 4. Relish Net 2 user Introductory Special: Get the new Relish Net - 2 User edition for only $119. This offer is good while supplies last... 5. Special pricing on Sytos Premium Order Sytos Premium now and get it for $139, $60 off of our regular price.. We have limited quantities of Sytos Premium at this special price, so order now! 6. Special Price on Borland C++ for OS/2 While quantities last, we will be selling Borland C++ Competitive upgrade for $99. That's almost $300 off of our regular price!! This is an upgrade from any other programming environment. Call now and order part number BOR65. 7. Rimstar Specials!! For a limited time, we are running two specials on the Rimstar Programmer's Editor for OS/2: o If you order Rimstar now, you will get our special price of $139... or...p o If you order any of our C compilers, you can get Rimstar for only $99! 8. OS/2 Blackjack/Poker special. While quantities last, you can get a free copy of OS/2 Poker for each copy of OS/2 Blackjack you purchase Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Click here for help. ═══ Intro... ═══ Welcome to the Indelible Blue Online Catalog. Due to popular demand, we have finally decided to release a version of our catalog in OS/2's INF format. The electronic community has always been a tremendous supporter of Indelible Blue and we would like to return the favor by providing the tools and information that will make it easier for you to do business with us. One of the challenges of having an electronic catalog is maintaining current information and pricing. An electronic catalog of this form can be freely uploaded to the Internet and bulletin boards all over the world and as a result, you may find versions that are outdated and contain information that is no longer valid. The ever increasing popularity of the Internet's World Wide Web has now made it possible for us to maintain a current version of the online catalog in a single location so that everyone can have access to the latest information. If you have Internet access, please check out our web pages at http://www.indelible-blue.com/ib. Here, you'll find the latest version of this file, plus new products, specials, current pricing and more. We would also like to thank the entire OS/2 community, including all of our loyal customers, the ISVs who are dedicated to developing for OS/2, and the many people within IBM for their support and encouragement of Indelible Blue. We would also like to recognize a few of the people here at Indelible Blue that have worked incredibly hard in the background to help bring us to where we are today... Steve Mehan - Our graphics artist who creates our catalog, newsletter, print ads and mailings. Steve does all of the design and creation on a 486-DX2/66 running OS/2 Warp. No Macs, No DOS/Windows! Scott Reston - Scott designed and created this INF file as well as our Web pages. This INF file was done using IBM's Hyperwise for OS/2. Bonnie Bohac - Bonnie has put in countless extra hours, way above and beyond the call of duty, making sure that we have the products in stock that our customers want. Sherri Eikey - Sherri has very calmly and quietly coordinated activities between the sales staff and the shipping department to make sure customers get what they want when they want it. She never complains no matter how high the heat is turned on. Schuyler Mitchell - Schuyler has the wonderful job of doing everything that nobody else either wants or has the time to do and somehow, she always gets it done. Sincerely, Buck & Katy I need some HELP using IB Online. Return to the Product Info menu. Return to the Main Menu. Please read the disclaimer if this is the first time you are using this catalog. ═══ Compression ═══ ═══ Help ═══ This catalog has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible. When you see highlighted text or a graphic representing a topic or a product that you are interested in, click on it. Each page should have a "Return to Main menu" or similar option to make navigation easier. In some cases, using the search button at the bottom of the window may prove helpful. Wildcards (*) are necessary when you wish to search on parts of a word. For example, if you search on "stein", you will get a message that says "Cannot find search text". Whenever you get this message, it means that the word you searched for does not exist within this catalog (This catalog contains no information on steins...) However, if you search for "*stein", you will get a report of all of the panels that contain information on Einstein! Searching on "ein*" will yield the same result. If you have a multimedia-enabled machine, you are now listening to Bach. This music will end when you close the window. If this music starts to get on your nerves, use the "Volume Control" located in your Multimedia folder to turn it down or hit escape to make it stop (we won't be offended). Incidentally, I've noticed that this file will crash if you use the forward/back buttons to move past a panel that has played music or a sound file. This can be avoided by hitting 'Esc' to end the sound routine (even if the sound has completed) before clicking on forward/back. Sorry, but I haven't found a way around this. Those of you using the on-screen hypertext links don't need to worry about this... Use the "Print" button if you would like a hard-copy of any of the product information sheets. The printout will be sent to your default printer, so make sure that you have the proper printer set as default BEFORE you select print. This can be done by right clicking on your printer icon and selecting "Set Default". You can even print out a copy of our order form so that you can fax or mail in your order. ═══ ColorWorks Screen Shot ═══ This image was created using ColorWorks. It was converted to 256 colors (from 24-bit true color) to allow for limitations of the INF view facility. ═══ WYSIWYG ═══ WYSIWYG (wih-zee-wig)- What You See Is What You Get. Your final output (to file or printer) should appear as it does on the screen... ═══ CUA ═══ CUA - Common User Access. Basically, this means that the programmer put things where you would expect to find them to make the application more friendly. It's kinda like going to Food Lion and knowing exactly where the bread is since most Food Lions are similar in layout. ═══ TWAIN ═══ TWAIN- Technology Without An Interesting Name - TWAIN is OS/2's standardized interface for scanners. ═══ Twain ═══ Twain - Technology Without An.... wait a sec. Nope, this one is the author, not the scanning interface... ═══ Security ═══ Other Security Programs: o DeskTop Observatory o GammaTech File Secure o KidProof/2 o Secure Workplace for OS/2 o Smart-Lock ═══ ImpOS2 Screen Shot ═══ An example of how you can use ImpOS2 to create new images or alter existing ones... ═══ Virus Protection ═══ These programs offer virus protection: o Central Point Antivirus o IBM AntiVirus o McAfee VirusScan ═══ Compression ═══ Other Disk Compression Utilities: o DCF/2 o Stacker for OS/2 and DOS o ZipStream Other Disk Compression Utilities: o DCF/2 o Stacker for OS/2 and DOS o ZipStream ═══ Disclaimer ═══ Please Note: This catalog is current as of AUGUST 29, 1995, however the software industry is constantly in a state of change. For this reason, all information in this catalog is subject to change. As a rule, when in doubt - call us. Our sales staff will be happy help give you the newest information that is available to us. I promise, they won't bite. ═══ Audio Video Panel ═══ ═══ Audio Video Panel ═══ ═══ Audio Video Panel ═══