The OS/2 driver for Hitachi ISA bus CD ROM systems was formally released as a part of the new CDR-EXT-5D DOS driver package by Hitachi at Spring '93 COMDEX in Atlanta! This driver is designed for NON SCSI, Hitachi proprietary ISA systems. Drives ending in '50' are SCSI ; otherwise, drives are Hitachi Bus. An 'S' suffix indicates a 'stand alone'drive, NOT a SCSI! No MCA driver is currently available but one *may* be under development by Hitachi. However, there HAS been one report of one BETA driver working on an MCA system under OS/2 v2.0 here on OS2USER. Altho other sources for CDR-EXT-5D MAY be available, I know of one current supplier, recommended by Hitachi. Computer Discount Warehouse, in Illinois, carries the driver package, as of mid June 1993, under part #29870 for $29 plus shipping & handling. You can order the EXT-5D package by calling Neil of CDW at (800)800-4239 x265 during regular business hours. As of this date (24 June 1993) there are still known problems with SOME CDR-3500 and CDR-1503 drives not responding to the HITCDISA.ADD OS/2 driver. Hitachi *is* aware of these problems and working on a fix for them. The new DOS extensions are designed for double speed drives BUT will also benefit single speed units. If the drive is ON and a CD ROM is in the drive at boot up, the device driver will poll the drive to determine the maximum possible transfer speed rather than use a default, there by increasing thru-put as much as possible. This will also allow single speed drives to run at maximum transfer rate for the specific drive. If the drive is off or no CD present at boot, the device drivers will drop back to the default value UNLESS overridden by command line parameter settings. Thus you could boot with the drive on & CD in to allow the driver to set the maximum transfer rate for your drive, poll the driver to determine exactly what this maximum rate IS, then add the command line settings to cause the driver to ALWAYS boot at this maximum rate, even if the drive is off or empty! The new drivers are also said to be tailored to work automatically with the new MS-DOS v6 and the new MSCDEX extensions recently available. BTW: HITACHI CD ROM drive owners may also want to GO CDROM and BROwse LIB:7 for KEY:HITACHI and download some of the *neat* Hitachi specific utilities there! The DA3.EXE utility documents specifically state that it will access Hitachi bus CD ROM drives from a DOS window under OS/2 *without* any extensions (ie: MSCDEX) required! The HITCDISA.ADD driver WILL probably be necessary for this utility to work under OS/2 (I havent had a chance to try it yet ..... grin). Hope this helps some, folks! I'll update HITCD.TXT when & if any significant changes take place. Bob Weeks 24 June 1993 Miami, FL, USA.