ColoradOS/2 Summary About ColoradOS/2 The Second International Colorado OS/2 Developers Conference (ColoradOS/2) will be held October 31 through November 5, 1993 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This conference is devoted exclusively to OS/2 programming, and it provides a rare opportunity to meet and learn from the top OS/2 technical experts -- many of whom have been responsible for the architecture or design of major OS/2 features. Other speakers include technical experts who are among the emerging leaders in developing commercial OS/2 applications. You'll be mingling with these OS/2 experts at the Cheyenne Mountain Conference Resort, tucked into the beautiful scenic foothills of Colorado's Rocky Mountains. Who Should Attend? If you are a software engineer, consultant, software architect, independent developer, technical manager, technical educator or hobbyist programmer who designs and writes OS/2 applications -- or plans to do so -- then ColoradOS/2 was designed with you in mind. Attendees should be moderately experienced programmers who are comfortable with at least one of the following languages: C or C++, Smalltalk, Pascal, PL/1 or assembly language for the 80x86 family. Technical sessions range from introductory for intermediate-level programmers, to highly advanced. During this week, even the most experienced OS/2 programmers will benefit from valuable tips, hints and tricks that will bring new power to their own applications, while programmers who are new to OS/2 can learn during this single week what would have required months of tedious trial and error on their own. Conference Topics ColoradOS/2 provides the most extensive technical coverage of OS/2 ever brought together in a single conference. Some sessions focus on the transition from DOS or Windows programming to OS/2, while others focus on the transition from 16-bit to 32-bit programming. Many sessions are of particular interest to Presentation Manager programmers, as we provide detailed information on programming the new PM controls introduced with OS/2 version 2.x. Object programming sessions cover topics on Workplace Shell (WPS) and System Object Model (SOM) programming, C Set++ and the User Interface Class Library, and Smalltalk/V PM. Other topics include REXX, OS/2 Device Driver development, multithreaded programming techniques for both PM and VIO programs, client/server programming, Extended Services and Communications Manager. You will customize your own participation in this conference, selecting the topics that address your areas of greatest interest. Featured Speakers. ColoradOS/2's keynote speaker is John Soyring, Director of Software Development Programs in IBM's Personal Systems division, who is well known in OS/2 circles for his tireless efforts to assist OS/2 developers. Additional featured speakers include Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Labs, the creator of C++; Paul Giangarra, lead architect for Workplace OS; Scott Kliger, technical lead for WordPerfect for OS/2; Mike Kogan, co-author of "The Design of OS/2"; Richard Hoffman, IBM's liaison to Taligent; and many others. Special Opportunity to Tour NORAD/Cheyenne Mountain The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has granted permission to have 35 ColoradOS/2 participants tour its Cheyenne Mountain facility. Tour participants will be selected at the end of September and will be notified shortly afterward. Additional details may be found in the final pages of this brochure, where you will also find detailed conference registration information. Where Is It Held? ColoradOS/2 will be held at the Cheyenne Mountain Conference Resort in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Cheyenne is devoted exclusively to hosting conferences, rather than being primarily a hotel, but if it were a hotel, it would be a five-star hotel. Nestled near Cheyenne Mountain just west of Colorado Springs, Cheyenne is a beautiful place to stay, with mountain views from every room. Daily lunches and coffee breaks (included in the conference costs) are a cause for celebration -- best to work on your diet before you arrive, and forget about it while you are here! How Much Does It Cost? Early registration (prior to August 30, 1993) is $995/person, while standard registration on or after August 30, 1993, is $1295/person. Three or more standard registrations received from the same corporate location at the same time receive a $100/person discount, to $1195/person. Room rates at Cheyenne are $75/night, with no additional room charge for family members. How Can I Register?: You can call to register immediately, at (800) 648-5717; International callers can call (719) 576-4600. Tell the telephone receptionist you want to register for ColoradOS/2 in November. Hours are Monday-Friday, 9:30 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time. Credit cards accepted are American Express, MasterCard, VISA, Diners Club, Discover, and Carte Blanche. Checks or money orders (no purchase orders), payable in U.S. funds, are also acceptable. Actual receipt of payment, not date of telephoned registration, will determine whether discounts apply. You may also register via FAX, at 719-576-2105, or by mail; in either case, provide your full name and address, telephone number, payment method, and provide your signature exactly as it appears on your credit card if registering via credit card. If registering by mail, the address is: The Cheyenne Mountain Conference Resort Attn: Amy Seymour - ColoradOS/2 3225 Broadmoor Valley Road Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906 How Can I Find Out More? If you are a subscriber to "OS/2 Professional" magazine, you will automatically receive a brochure in the mail with complete details, approximately mid-July. The full text of that brochure will be uploaded to CompuServe's OS2DF1 forum, to library 15 (Open Forum), approximately early July. Look for a file named COLOS2.ZIP, which will contain both an encapsulated PostScript file that can be printed only on a PostScript printer, and an ordinary text file that can be viewed with any text editor or printed on just about any printer. Finally, if you are not a subscriber to "OS/2 Professional", you can request that you be put on the mailing list to receive a brochure by sending your name and address to Wayne Kovsky [76711,1221] on Compuserve (or to via Internet), or by calling (719) 481-3389, Monday-Friday, 10:30 AM to 7:00 PM Eastern Time. Planned Speakers/Topics (Subject to Change) Ian Ameline (IBM Toronto) "C Set/2 Optimizations" "Writing High Performance OS/2 Applications" Tim Andrews (Chief Technical Officer of Ontos) "Object Databases, OS/2 and MIS: The Next Three Years" "Scalable Objects: A New Perspective on Information Architectures" "Introducing New Technology to an Organization: Cultural Transformation" Noel Bergman (DevTech, of DeskMan/2 fame) "Object Programming and OS/2" "Distributed Object Programming" Ivan Biddles (Vice President of CI Software and Graphic Arts Inc.) "Events, Messages and Hooks -- Today and Tomorrow" Charles Daney (Quercus Systems) "Adding a REXX Interface to Your Application" "Advanced REXX Programming" Paul Duncanson (Vice President, Iconisys) "PM Programming in Smalltalk" "Programming OS/2 PM Vector Graphics" Rick Fishman (President, Code Blazers, Inc.) "Programming Notebook Controls" "Advanced Container Programming" "Adding Drag and Drop to Your Application" Brady Flowers (Oberon Software) "Basics of Asynch Programming under OS/2 2.x" Paul Giangarra (IBM Boca) "The Workplace OS" Dave Hock (President, HockWare, of VisPro/REXX fame) "SOM's CORBA-Compliant Interface Respository" Richard Hoffman (IBM Austin) "Taligent and OS/2" Ian Holland (IBM Boca) "Internationalization" Aidon Jennery (Independent Consultant) "OS/2 Multi-Threaded Programming" "OS/2 Inter-Process Communication" Scott Kliger (WordPerfect Corporation) "Writing Industrial-Strength Commercial OS/2 Applications" Mike Kogan (Independent Consultant) "OS/2: Platform for the 1990s" "Comparing and Contrasting OS/2 and Windows" "DOS and Windows Compatibility" Alex Lane (Independent Consultant) "Introduction to SOM, with C++" William Law (IBM Cary) "OS/2 Direct Manipulation Using the IBM C/C++ Tools" Kelvin Lawrence (IBM Boca) "Power Programming with the OS/2 GPI" "Exploiting Fonts in an OS/2 PM Application" "Writing Well-Behaved PM Applications" Kevin Leong (IBM San Jose) "The IBM User Interface Class Library" Steve Mastrianni (President, Personal Systems Software) "Introduction to OS/2 Device Drivers" "OS/2 2.0 Device Drivers: Advanced Topics" "Emerging Technology in OS/2 Devices" David Moskowitz (President, Productivity Solutions) "Introduction to the PM API" "Designing Applications for OS/2" "Getting the Most Out of OS/2" "What Does It Take to Succeed as an OS/2 Consultant?" Kathleen Panov (MaxServ) "Value Sets, Sliders, and Font/File Dialogs" "Multi-Threading in Presentation Manager" Toby Pennycuff (American Airlines) "Dr. Comm Manager: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love PU Type 2.1" "3270 Support and the CM/2 Gateway" "APPC/APPN Support: I Can Do ALL THAT?" "VTAM/NCP Considerations: What is a MODE Table Anyway?" "CM/2 Productivity Aids: Some Really Great Tools, For FREE!" Guy Scharf (President, Software Architects) "Programming OS/2 Presentation Manager with Style" "Creating Your Own Controls with Subclassing" Roger Sessions (IBM Austin) "Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and C++" "Object-Oriented Programming on OS/2: The SOM Model" "Advanced SOM Programming" "The Frameworks of the SOMobjects Toolkit" Vince Stanford (IBM) "The IBM Continuous Speech Series" John Soyring (IBM Austin) "Keynote" Bjarne Stroustrup (AT&T Bell Labs) "C++ as a General-Purpose Programming Language" James Taylor (IBM Boca) "Past, Present, and Future of The Workplace Shell (WPS)" Hiroshi Tsuji (IBM Cary) "Using the Advanced Layout Controls of the IBM C/C++ Tools" Greg White (Lotus cc:Mail Division) "Writing Industrial-Strength Commercial OS/2 Applications" (c) 1993 Kovsky Conference Productions Inc.