Enclosed are two forms of the same text file, announcing and providing details for the Second International OS/2 Developer's Conference (ColoradOS/2), to be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the week of October 31 through November 5, 1993. If you have a PostScript printer, simply copy the COLOS2.EPS file to your printer, to produce 20 pages. Here is the command to use: copy colos2.eps prn If you have a standard printer, copy the COLOS2.TXT file to your printer, to produce 28 (ugly) pages -- like this: copy colos2.txt prn Since the COLOS2.TXT file is pure ASCII text, you may also use any text editor to read it on-line. In addition, there are two text files that may be useful as messages that can be uploaded to various bulletin board systems. SUMMARY.TXT contains approximately nine screens of information about the conference, including a summary of speakers and topics, while ONEPAGE.TXT contains approximately 1 1/2 screens. Both of these files point readers toward the COLOS2.ZIP file on CompuServe for more details. These text files are copyrighted to prevent their unauthorized alteration. However, I encourage you to give this entire ZIP file, unaltered, to anyone who might be interested in this conference. In addition, I encourage you to upload this entire ZIP file, unaltered, to any electronic bulletin board system anywhere in the world. If you wish to photocopy what you have printed in order to give it to someone, you have my permission to do that as well. Finally, I encourage you to upload either SUMMARY.TXT or ONEPAGE.TXT as a message to any bulletin board where a message of that size and type would be welcomed. The original of this ZIP file can be found on CompuServe, in the OS2DF1 forum, in library 15, "Open Forum [DF1]". Against the unlikely possibility that someone has maliciously altered these files you are now reading, that original file on CompuServe will be the final authority as to the contents, dates, costs, etc., of this conference. I hope to meet you in person at ColoradOS/2 this November! Wayne Kovsky CompuServe ID: 76711,1221 Internet: 76711.1221@compuserve.com