IBM NSC AUTOMATED FAX SYSTEM IBM's automated fax system delivers marketing and support materials to you 7 days a week, 24 hours a day....when YOU need them ! TO REACH THE IBM NSC AUTOMATED FAX SYSTEM DIAL 1-800-426-3395 NOTE: Follow the recorded instructions until access is completed. Once connected you do not have to wait for the prompts to end. You can override them at any time by slowly pressing the appropriate key(s). All numbers below represent keys on a touch tone phone. To request a catalog : 4 1 2 : Bypass the opening messages and proceed to catalog selection. 1 : To order a complete catalog. 2 : To order a catalog of marketing brochures. 3 : To order a catalog of Lan and Operating System information. 4 : To order a catalog of hardware information. 5 : To order a catalog of communications information. To request a document : 4 1 1 : Bypass the opening messages and proceed to document selection. You will then be asked to enter the area code and phone number that you want the faxs sent to. After completing an order you will be given an opportunity to put either your name or your telephone number on the fax cover sheet. 1 : Places your name on the cover sheet. 2 : Places your telephone extension on the cover sheet. Entering a name : Each telephone key has 3 letters on it. Pressing a key once produces the first letter that appears on that key. Pressing a key twice quickly will produce the second letter on that key, and pressing a key three times quickly produces the third letter. For example, to enter the name JOE : 5 : Produces the letter J (J is the 1st letter on the 5) 666 : Produces the letter O (O is the 3rd letter on the 6) 33 : Produces the letter E (E is the 2nd letter on the 3) Wait for the system to repeat each letter before entering the next letter. For letters that do not appear on any key, press 1 and follow the prompts. Pressing the * erases the last letter entered. Press # when you are done entering your name.