PERSONAL SYSTEMS SUPPORT FAMILY PROBLEM REPORTING GUIDE April 4, 1995 Revision 3 PREFACE _______ International Business Machines Corporation provides this document "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a par- ticular purpose. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new versions of this document. It is possible that this document may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming or services in your country. Preface ii CONTENTS ________ 1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION . . . . . . 2 2.1.1 Hardware and Software Configuration Information . . . . . . . . 4 2.2 DOSAP - DOS Applications - DOS Session Problems . . . . . . . . . . 5 ! 2.2.1 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2.2 DOS Session Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3 HNGTR - Hangs or Traps that Cause the System to Halt or Fail . . . 13 ! 2.3.1 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.3.2 TRAP Messages Problem Information (32-bit) . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.3.3 Internal Processing Error Messages Problem Information (16 or 32-bit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3.4 Hard Error Messages (SYSxxx) Problem Information (32-bit) . . 16 2.3.5 Hard Error Messages (SYSxxx) or TRAP Messages (16-bit) . . . . 17 2.4 INSTL - Problems Experienced During Installation . . . . . . . . . 18 ! 2.4.1 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.4.2 OS/2 Installation Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.5 DISK - Hard Disk or File-System-Related Problems . . . . . . . . . 22 ! 2.5.1 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.5.2 Disk Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2.5.3 Disk Partition Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2.6 MKBCM - I/O Problems (Excluding Disk, Print or Video) . . . . . . 26 ! 2.6.1 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.6.2 Keyboard Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.6.3 Mouse and Communications Problem Information - Hardware . . . 29 2.6.4 Mouse and Communications Problem Information - CONFIG.SYS . . 33 2.6.5 Mouse and Communications Problem Information - Application Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2.7 MMPM and MMVID - MultiMedia Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.7.1 Queue name: MMVID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 ! 2.7.2 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.7.3 MultiMedia Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.8 OTHER - Other Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ! 2.8.1 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.8.2 OTHER Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2.9 PRINT - Print Output Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 ! 2.9.1 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2.9.2 PRINT Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 2.10 VIDEO - Graphical Output Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 ! 2.10.1 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2.10.2 VIDEO Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 2.11 WINAP - Windows Applications and WIN-OS/2 Subsystem Problems . . 55 ! 2.11.1 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 2.11.2 WINAP Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 2.12 WPSHL - PM and Workplace Shell (WP) Related Problems . . . . . . 60 ! 2.12.1 New With WARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 2.12.2 WPSHL Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 2.13 The OS/2 Dump Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Contents iii 2.14 Virtual Device Drivers and DOS_SETTINGs/WINDOWS_SETTINGs . . . . 69 2.15 Industry Standard (AT BUS) Architecture Overview . . . . . . . . 72 2.15.1 ISA Bus Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 2.15.2 ISA Interrupt Request Levels and I/O Addresses . . . . . . . 74 2.15.3 Determining IRQs for ISA Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 2.15.4 Determining I/O Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 2.15.5 ISA, OS/2 and Parallel Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 2.15.6 ISA and OS/2 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 2.15.7 Notes on Microchannel Architecture Machines . . . . . . . . . 78 3.0 PC DOS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION . . . . 79 4.0 OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 81 4.1 OS/2 LAN Server Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 4.2 OS/2 LAN Requesters/Remote IPL (RIPL) Problems . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.3 DOS LAN Requester/PC LAN Program Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.4 OS/2 LAN Transport Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.5 OS/2 LAN Application Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.6 LAN-Related Traps and Hangs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 4.7 LAN Systems Problem Information - General . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 4.7.1 LAN Systems Problem Information - Software . . . . . . . . . . 85 4.7.2 LAN Systems Problem Information - Hardware . . . . . . . . . . 86 4.7.3 General Network Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 4.7.4 LAN Systems Error Messages Problem Information . . . . . . . . 87 4.7.5 LAN Systems Problem Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 5.0 NETWARE TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION . . . . 90 5.1 NetWare Version 4 Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.2 NetWare Communications Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 5.3 NetWare Requester Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 5.4 NetWare Other Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 5.5 NetWare Server Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 5.6 NetWare Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 5.6.1 NetWare Problem Information - Software . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 5.6.2 NetWare Problem Information - Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 5.6.3 General Network Problem Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 5.6.4 NetWare Problem Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 6.0 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES . . . . 97 6.1 Helpful Hints and Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 6.1.1 Finding the Cause of Installation Problems . . . . . . . . . . 97 6.1.2 Finding the Cause of Configuration Problems . . . . . . . . . 98 6.1.3 Finding the Cause of CID Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 6.1.4 Finding the Cause of Other Communications Manager/2 Problems . 99 6.1.5 Checking the Online Message Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 6.1.6 Checking the System Error Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 6.1.7 Checking the FFST/2 Message Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 6.1.8 Checking the FFST/2 Dump Formatter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 6.1.9 Communications Manager/2 SNA Phone Connect Configurations Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 6.2 Communications Manager/2 Problem Information - General . . . . . . 102 6.3 Communications Manager/2 Required Problem Information and Team Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 6.4 OS/2 Communications Manager/2 APPC Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Contents iv 6.5 Communications Manager/2 Emulator Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 6.6 Communications Manager/2 Miscellaneous Problems . . . . . . . . . 105 APPENDIX A. TECHNICAL EDUCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 A.1 OS/2 Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 A.2 CICS OS/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 A.3 OS/2 Database Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 APPENDIX B. TRADEMARKS AND REGISTERED TRADEMARKS . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Contents v 1.0 INTRODUCTION _________________ The purpose of this guide is to help customers understand the support struc- ture for the Personal Systems Products, the product queue descriptions, and the problem determination information required by some of the products' support centers. This document is intended for customers who will call Software Solution Ser- vices (the IBM Support Center for the Personal Systems Products) to obtain technical assistance for supported Personal Systems Products. Software Sol- ution Services provides support to a full spectrum of customers, including: o Users and developers of personal productivity, general business applica- tions, or complex applications o Developers and large businesses o System supporters and medium businesses o Departmental groups within businesses of all sizes o Small businesses o Single users It is intended for customers in the United States and Canada; the support structure in other countries may be different. THIS INFORMATION WAS ORIGINALLY INCLUDED IN THE "PERSONAL SYSTEMS SOFTWARE _____________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCTS SUPPORT CENTER USER'S GUIDE". THAT DOCUMENT HAS BEEN EXTENSIVELY _____________________________________________________________________________ UPDATED TO INCLUDE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PERSONAL SYSTEMS SUPPORT FAMILY _____________________________________________________________________________ OFFERINGS. IT HAS ALSO BEEN DIVIDED INTO TWO DOCUMENTS, THIS "PERSONAL _____________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEMS SUPPORT FAMILY PROBLEM REPORTING GUIDE", AND THE "PERSONAL SYSTEMS _____________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER USER'S GUIDE". CUSTOMERS SHOULD OBTAIN AND _____________________________________________________________________________ REFER TO BOTH DOCUMENTS FOR A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE SUPPORT CENTER _____________________________________________________________________________ OPERATION. __________ INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION ____________________________________________________________ Support for the OS/2 operating systems is divided into separate teams (queues). They are: 1. DOSAP - DOS Applications - DOS session problems (page 5) 2. HNGTR - Hangs or traps that cause the system to halt or fail (page 13) 3. INSTL - Problems experienced during installation (page 18) 4. DISK - hard disk or file-system-related problems (page 22) 5. MKBCM - I/O problems - excluding disk, print, or video (page 26) ! 6. MMPM - MultiMedia Extensions shipped with OS/2 (page 39). This includes ! both DOS and Windows MultiMedia programs running on OS/2. ! 7. MMVID - Ultimotion Video In problems (page 39) ! 8. OTHER - OS/2 Applications - general system-wide problems (page 43) 9. PRINT - Print output (page 49) 10. VIDEO - Graphical output (page 52) 11. WINAP - Problems with Windows Applications and WIN-OS/2 Subsystem (page 55) 12. WPSHL - PM and Workplace Shell (WP) related problems (page 60) This chapter contains a description of the responsibilities of each of these teams. The Software Solution Services representative will be able to more efficiently direct your call if you can determine which team would be the appropriate one to assist with your problem or question. It may not always be obvious which team should handle an individual request for assistance. The Software Solution Service representatives will use their experience and assist customers in routing calls to the correct team when necessary. The Software Solution Services representative will be the final arbiter in deter- mining where to route a call. Each of these teams requires detailed information for initial problem deter- mination. Included with each team description is the specific information required by that team. Obtaining as much of this problem information as pos- sible prior to placing a call for assistance will enable the Support Center representative to more efficiently resolve your problem. Some information, such as manufacturer, model number, and size of a diskette drive, might be printed on the hardware. Other details, such as the size of a cache or the resolution of a display, might be provided in the documentation that came with the hardware. You may not be able to obtain some of the more technical OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 2 data; the Support Center representative will assist you in obtaining this information. When describing a problem, always include information such as: o The frequency of the problem o Whether it can be re-created o The text of any message that was displayed on the screen o Which hardware and applications were being used when the problem occurred o Other sessions and programs open at the time of the problem o What application, if any, was running in the background o What was attempted to resolve the problem This chapter also contains instructions for obtaining an OS/2 dump when the Support Center representative has determined that a dump is required to further analyze your problem (see 2.13, "The OS/2 Dump Process" on page 66). OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 3 2.1.1 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION The following configuration information should be provided for every problem, regardless of the team involved: OS/2 Warranty Registration Number: __________________________________ (On the inside front cover of "Using the Operating System".) OS/2 Version: _______________________________________________________ (Type VER at a command prompt to get this information.) Current CSD Level of OS/2 Base Operating System: ____________________ (Type SYSLEVEL at a command prompt to get this information.) System Manufacturer, Model & Type: __________________________________ Processor: ____ 386 ____ 386SX ____ 386DX ____ 386SLC ____ 486 ____ 486SX ____ 486DX ____ 486SLC ____ 486SLC2 System Processor Speed: _________ MHZ System Memory Size: _________ MB System BIOS Manufacturer: ___________________________________________ System BIOS Date: ___________________________________________________ System BIOS Version: ________________________________________________ Is This a Dual Boot Machine? ____ Y ____ N ____ Not Applicable OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 4 2.2 DOSAP - DOS APPLICATIONS - DOS SESSION PROBLEMS ____________________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: DOSAP The DOS Application team is responsible for DOS Session problems: ! o Problems installing, launching, and running DOS applications operating in ! an OS/2 DOS environment - either a DOS window or a DOS full screen - NOT ! in true native DOS. Includes DOS application problems on a standalone ! workstation, or occurring locally if on a network. DOS application prob- ! lems isolated to a network should be referred to the LAN group. ! o DOS startup (virtual machine boot - VMB) diskettes including FSACCESS and ! FSFILTER. ! o DOS startup (virtual machine boot) diskette configuration problems ! running MSCDEX. ! NOTE: VCDROM.SYS provides MSCDEX compatibility in a DOS Session for ! OS/2-supported CD-ROM drives. Problems with VCDROM.SYS ! functionality in a DOS Session when using an OS/2-supported CD-ROM ! drive should go to the INSTL team for Disk support (page 22). ! o DOS application performance tuning (DOS Settings questions). o DOS communications programs that do not use the COM port or LPT ports, for example: PC 3270 for DOS, PC Support 5250 for DOS, DOS LAN Requester, etc. Exceptions: - Prodigy, Qmodem, Telix, ProComm, BBS programs, etc. should go to MKBCM (page 26) - DOS fax programs having transmission problems should go to MKBCM - LapLink-type programs experiencing data transfer problems over a par- allel cable link (via LPTx) should go to PRINT (page 49). Data transfer problems over a serial cable link or modem (via COMx) should go to MKBCM. o DOS application migration AFTER the migration database has failed to _____ locate the DOS application in its database. The DOSAP team will handle incorrect DOS application settings listed in the migration database. NOTE: Problems with the migration program should be handled by INSTL (page 18). Once the icon has been successfully created for a DOS application any subsequent problems are handled by the DOSAP team. o DOS application named pipes (not OS/2 named pipes, see Disk page 22). - INT 21h functions 5F32h through 5F3Ah are supported by DOSAP - INT 21h functions 5F3Bh through 5F53 are supported by LAN (page 81) OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 5 o In the DOS_SETTINGs for DOS application program objects there are many settings. Problems with DOS_SETTINGs beginning with the letters "DOS," "DPMI," "EMS," "HW," "IDLE," and "MEM" are handled by DOSAP. Other DOS_SETTINGs are handled by the teams that support the function being performed. For example, DOS_SETTINGs that begin with "VIDEO" are sup- ported by the VIDEO team. For clarification of which queue handles the various virtual device drivers and the DOS_SETTINGs and WINDOW_SETTINGs, see page 69. OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 6 o The following component files included in OS/2 are supported by the DOSAP team: ANSI.SYS FFIX.EXE SUBST.EXE APPEND.EXE FSACCESS.EXE VBIOS.SYS ASSIGN.COM FSFILTER.SYS VCMOS.SYS BASIC.COM HIMEM.SYS VDMA.SYS BASICA.COM JOIN.EXE VDPMI.SYS COMMAND.COM MEM.EXE VDPX.SYS DEBUG.EXE MORTGAGE.BAS VEMM.SYS DOSKEY.COM MSD.EXE VMDISK.EXE DOSKRNL QBASIC.EXE VNPX.SYS EDLIN.COM QBASIC.HLP VPIC.SYS EMM386.SYS SETCOM40.EXE VTIMER.SYS EXIT_VDM.COM SQ4FIX.COM VXMS.SYS NOTE: SHARE.EXE compatibility is built into OS/2 DOS Sessions. Problems with SHARE compatibility are handled by the DOSAP team. This is not an all-inclusive list as some DOS emulation support is also built into the OS/2 Kernel file and other modules in the operating system. o Exceptions: - DOS application printing problems should be routed as follows: ! -- Print problems from a standalone workstation, or occurring ! locally if on a network, should go to the PRINT team (page 49) ! -- Problems isolated to network printing should go to the LAN team - DOS programs requiring the use of a security device such as a sentinel or dongle connected to an LPT port and having problems printing or running due to the device not being found are handled by the PRINT team (page 49) - Application Programming Interface calls ("APIs") starting with the letters DOS are not supported by the DOSAP team. Look to the func- ___ tion provided by the API for team ownership. For example: OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 7 -- DOSCallNamePipe - file system API - therefore owned by INSTL for the DISK team (page 22) -- DOSStartSession - session management - therefore OTHER (page 43) OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 8 - DOS-WINDOW session-specific functions, such as those used to change the FONT size, MARK, COPY, etc. go to WPSHL (see page 60) ! - Clipboard pasting problems go to MKBCM (page 26) - DOS programs having sound card problems (for example, no sound is coming from a game) should go to MMDOS (page 39). MIDI, scanning, and some CD-ROM multimedia problems should also go to MMDOS. DOS games having problems where multimedia hardware is NOT involved (for ___ example, where a sound card, midi synth, scanner, etc. is not required to demonstrate the problem) are handled by the DOSAP team. ! 2.2.1 NEW WITH WARP ! o Load/Save DOS Settings ! o Session Priority Setting 2.2.2 DOS SESSION PROBLEM INFORMATION DOS Application Running From: ____ Can't get VMB running ____ Can't start VDM ____ DOS Full Screen VMB ____ DOS Full Screen VDM ____ DOS Window VMB ____ DOS Window VDM (VMB = Virtual Machine Boot, VDM = Virtual DOS Machine) VMB DOS Version: ____________________________________________________ Does the Application Run in "Real" DOS? ____ Yes, it works fine ____ No, it also fails ____ Haven't tried it ____ Not applicable Video Information: ____ Running DOS Full Screen text-only session ____ Running DOS Window text-only session Network Requester Type: _____________________________________________ ____ No LAN - application not involved in failure ____ No LAN - application running locally OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 9 Problem Classification: ____ 3270 terminal emulation ____ 5250 terminal emulation ____ A: drive not working ____ Accounting ____ Application-generated error message ____ Application installation ____ Background execution not working ____ BBS (Bulletin Board System) ____ BIOS interrupt function call not working like DOS ____ CAD (Computer Aided Design) ____ Can't get VMB (virtual machine boot) running ____ Can't start VDM (virtual DOS machine) ____ CD-ROM (DOS/MSCDEX) problems ____ COM/Serial ASYNC communications ____ Database ____ Desktop publishing ____ DMA (direct memory access) not working as expected ____ Dongle not seen ____ DOS command not working like DOS ____ DOS interrupt function call not working like DOS ____ DOS Named Pipe problems ____ DOS_SETTINGS problems ____ DPMI (DOS protected mode interface) not working as expected ____ Editor ____ Educational ____ EMS not working as expected (expanded memory) ____ FAX problem ____ Games not working ____ Graphics not working ____ Keyboard-related problem ____ LAN usage problems ____ Mouse-related problem ____ Non-ASYNC non-terminal I/O problems ____ Not applicable ____ OS/2-generated error message: SYS_______________________ ____ Other terminal emulation ____ Print job not printing ____ Printing-related problem ____ Programming or compiler problem ____ Sentinel not seen ____ Sound: PC speaker ____ Sound: sound board (Sound Blaster/ProAudio Spectrum) ____ Spreadsheet ____ Tape drive not working ____ VDM performance problems ____ Video or screen problems ____ Word processing ____ XMS not working as expected (extended memory) OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 10 Application Name: ___________________________________________________ ____ Not applicable Application Version: ________________________________________________ ____ Not applicable Application Vendor: _________________________________________________ ____ Not applicable Vendor's Support Phone Number: ______________________________________ ____ Not applicable Have You Contacted the Vendor? ____ Y ____ N ____ Not Applicable Application Originally Installed From: ____ Not applicable ____ DOS Window (VDM) from disk ____ DOS Full Screen (VDM) from disk ____ DOS Window (VMB) from disk ____ DOS Full Screen (VMB) from disk ____ From real DOS ____ From the LAN ____ From a CD-ROM ____ Laplinked copy ____ Restored from backup disks ____ Restored from backup tape ____ Not installed - runs from diskette Program Object Created Via: ____ Not applicable ____ Migration database ____ Program object template (manually) ____ None created - runs from command prompt OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 11 Error Seen or Problem Type: ____ DOS command not working like DOS ____ Application specific ____ DOS 16/M xxx ____ Drops connection intermittently ____ Full system hang ____ IPE (Internal Processing Error) (Fill in hang/trap information, page 15) ____ MSCDEX not loaded or found ____ No error messages ____ No problem found ____ SHARE not loaded or found ____ SYS2237 NPX error ____ SYS3176 illegal instruction (Fill in hang/trap information, page 15) ____ SYSxxxx error: SYS____________________________________ ____ Too many files open ____ TRAP-> Fill in hang/trap information, page 15 ____ VDM session hang (CTRL-ESC works) ____ Only see blinking cursor, nothing else Steps Required to Re-Create the Problem: ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 12 2.3 HNGTR - HANGS OR TRAPS THAT CAUSE THE SYSTEM TO HALT OR FAIL _________________________________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: HNGTR The Hang/Trap team is responsible for problems that cause the system to halt or fail. This includes: o Hangs - This team is responsible for complete system hangs which cause the computer to be halted or inoperable, with the only means of recovery being CTRL+ALT+DELETE or turning the computer off and then back on. This complete system hang is NOT accompanied by ANY error message. The entire ___ ___ system is considered hung if pressing CTRL+ESC or ALT+ESC does NOT bring ___ up the Window List. NOTE: If the Window List comes up, the team description for the mode of the application running at the time of the failure should be con- sulted (for example, DOSAP, WINAP or OTHER). o TRAPs and IPEs: - All IPEs (Internal Processing Errors) with NO trap registers above __ it. This is different from a TRAP in that the first line of the error starts with the words "Internal Processing...". - TRAPs that cause system halts with CS (of CS:EIP) ending in 0 or 8 and the EIP does not begin with 7 -- If the EIP starts with 7, the team description for the mode of the application running at the time of the failure should be con- sulted (for example, DOSAP or WINAP). o CREATEDD and DUMPFORMATTER problems o SHUTDOWN problems o Exceptions: ! - Traps and IPEs that occur during OS/2 installation are handled by the ! INSTL team ! - Any hangs or traps that can be recovered by hitting CTL+ESC or ! ALT+ESC should be referred to the team responsible for the function ! that was operating when the trap occurred - NO SYS errors, except for SYS3171 and SYS3175 errors in DOSCALL1.DLL __ -- If the SYS error is not in DOSCALL1.DLL, the team descriptions should be consulted for the owner of the module or file indicated in the error If you are requested by a Support Center representative to obtain a dump, see 2.13, "The OS/2 Dump Process" on page 66 for complete instructions. OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 13 ! 2.3.1 NEW WITH WARP ! o PM Dump Formatter Code Defect Support ONLY (available on CD-ROM version ____ ! only) ! o TRAPDUMP Config.sys Statement ! o SUPPRESSPOPUPS Config.sys Statement ! o DUMPPROCESS Config.sys Statement ! o TRACE Config.sys Statements OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 14 2.3.2 TRAP MESSAGES PROBLEM INFORMATION (32-BIT) If the message on the screen starts with "TRAP," complete the following form to record the information exactly as it is displayed on the screen. _______ TRAP ________ ERRCD= _______ ERACC= ______ ERLIM= ________ EAX= ________ EBX= _______ ECX= ______ EDX= ________ ESI= ________ EDI= _______ EBP= ______ FLG= ________ CS:EIP= ____ : ________ CSACC= ______ CSLIM= ________ SS:ESP= ____ : ________ SSACC= ______ SSLIM= ________ DS= ____ DSACC= ________ DSLIM= ______ CR0= ________ ES= ____ ESACC= ________ ESLIM= ______ CR2= ________ FS= ____ FSACC= ________ FSLIM= ______ GS= ____ GSACC= ________ GSLIM= ______ THE SYSTEM DETECTED AN INTERNAL PROCESSING ERROR AT LOCATION # _____ : ________ - ____ : ________ _____ , ____ ________ INTERNAL REVISION _ . ___ DATE: ___/___/___ After you have recorded the information from the screen, place a check mark next to the type of session you were using when the system stopped. ___ OS/2 ___ DOS ___ WIN-OS/2 OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 15 2.3.3 INTERNAL PROCESSING ERROR MESSAGES PROBLEM INFORMATION (16 OR 32-BIT) If the screen displays "INTERNAL PROCESSING ERROR" at the top of a message, complete the following form to record the information exactly as it is dis- _______ played on the screen. THE SYSTEM DETECTED AN INTERNAL PROCESSING ERROR AT LOCATION # ____ : ________ - ____ : ________ _____ , ____ ________ INTERNAL REVISION _ . ___ DATE: __ / __ / __ 2.3.4 HARD ERROR MESSAGES (SYSXXX) PROBLEM INFORMATION (32-BIT) If the error message is displayed in a box with text followed by two choices, use the following to record the information on the screen. First, use the lines below to record the message text exactly as it is dis- _______ played on the screen. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Then, select DISPLAY REGISTER INFORMATION and use the fields below to record the information exactly as it is displayed on the screen. _______ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 16 P1= _______ P2= _____ P3= ________ P4= ________ EAX= _______ EBX= _____ ECX= _______ EDX= _______ ESI= _______ EDI= _____ DS= _______ DSACC= _____ DSLIM= ______ ES= _______ ESACC= _____ ESLIM= ______ FS= _______ FSACC= _____ FSLIM= ______ GS= _______ GSACC= _____ GSLIM= ______ CS:EIP= ____ : ________ CSACC= ____ CSLIM= ________ SS:EIP= ____ : ________ SSACC= ____ SSLIM= ________ EBP= ________ FLG= ________ 2.3.5 HARD ERROR MESSAGES (SYSXXX) OR TRAP MESSAGES (16-BIT) First, use the lines below to record the message text exactly as it is dis- _______ played on the screen. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Then, select DISPLAY REGISTER INFORMATION and use the fields below to record the information exactly as it is displayed on the screen. _______ AX= _____ BX= _____ CX= _____ DX= ____ BP= _____ SI= _____ DI= _____ DS= _____ ES= ____ FLG= _____ CS= _____ IP= _____ SS= _____ SP= ____ MSW= _____ CSLIM= _____ SSLIM= _____ DSLIM= ______ ESLIM= ______ CSACC= _____ SSACC= _____ DSACC= ______ ESACC= ______ ERRCD= _____ ERLIM= _____ ERACC= ______ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 17 2.4 INSTL - PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED DURING INSTALLATION _____________________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: INSTL The Install team will handle problems related to the installation process of the OS/2 BASE OPERATING SYSTEM. Hardware and setup related problems will be handled by the appropriate device driver team, when all relevant drivers are configured correctly during installation. ! The install team is responsible for all problems experienced DURING installa- ! tion of OS/2. Installation is complete when the user has the default desktop ! up and operational. This team handles: ! o Boot Manager, Dual Boot setup and operation during OS/2 installation ! o Dual Boot questions/problems after the system is completely installed ! o Installation and configuration of OS/2 ! o Selective install utility program ! o Installation of APARs, OS/2 Service Pak and the WIN311.ZIP file ! o Installation over the network (CID install) ! o DDINSTAL problems ! o BonusPak Install Utility ! o Preload Utilities (Welcome Folder on a pre-installed system) ! o Application Migration Utility program (up to the creation of the icon) ! NOTE: After the icon is created, responsibility falls to the appropriate ! application. o Exceptions: - If during the initial startup the system makes reference to an excep- tion in a particular device, the problem should be handled by that device team. ! - Installation of an application other than OS/2 should be handled by ! the team responsible for that application (i.e. WINAP, DOSAP, OTHER, ! DOS, LAN). ! - CID installation of an application other than OS/2 should be handled ! by the team responsible for that application (i.e. WINAP, DOSAP, ! OTHER, DOS, LAN). ! - After OS/2 is successfully installed, device driver installation ! should go to the team responsible for that device driver (i.e. video ! device driver - VIDEO). OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 18 ! 2.4.1 NEW WITH WARP ! o ALT-F1 "M" (Maintenance Desktop) ! o User Option for Easy/Advanced Install ! o Selective Un-Install ! o Create Utility Diskettes ! o Automatic Application Migration ! o OSDELETE (Deletes OS/2) ! o Bonus Pack Installation Utility OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 19 2.4.2 OS/2 INSTALLATION PROBLEM INFORMATION Installation Setup: ____ Dual Boot ____ Boot Manager ____ OS/2 Only Problem Category: ____ Boot manager ____ Backup and restoring OS/2 ____ BIOS problems during install ____ Configuration ____ Dual boot configuration ____ Device driver install ____ Hang during install ____ Installation from diskette/prompted ____ Installation from CD-ROM ____ Migration ____ Response file install ____ Remote install ____ Removing OS/2 (un-install) ____ Reboot during install ____ Selective install utility ____ Video problems during install System Manufacturer and Model: ______________________________________ System Board Manufacturer: __________________________________________ System Bus Type: ____ MCA ____ ISA ____ EISA ____ Don't know Video Board Manufacturer: ___________________________________________ Video Mode in Use: ____ CGA ____ EGA ____ Monochrome ____ VGA ____ SVGA ____ XGA ____ XGA-2 ____ 8514 ____ Image Adapter Video Board Chip Set or BIOS: _______________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 20 CD-ROM Manufacturer: ________________________________________________ Hard Disk Manufacturer: _____________________________________________ Hard Disk Controller Manufacturer: __________________________________ Hard Disk Controller Type: ____ ESDI ____ SCSI ____ IDE ____ MFM/RLL File System: ____ FAT ____ HPFS ____ Non-formatted Diskette Drive A: Disk Drive Size: ____ 5.25 1.2MB ____ 3.5 1.44MB ____ 3.5 2.88MB ____ Other OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 21 2.5 DISK - HARD DISK OR FILE-SYSTEM-RELATED PROBLEMS _____________________________________________________ ! The DISK team handles problems and questions related to data storage devices ! and file systems (excluding CD-ROMS, which go to the MultiMedia teams - see ! page 39). This team works with file system commands, config.sys processing ! (other than devices specific to another team), and hard drive or floppy drive ! setup. ! o Hardware-Related Problems ! - Hard Drives: SCSI, ESDI, MFM, IDE, and RLL controllers and attached ! devices ! - Floppy Drives: This includes the floppy drive and the controller ! card ! - Mass Storage Devices: Includes optical drives, Bernoulli boxes and ! other mass storage devices such as RAID ! - Device Drivers: Included in the hardware devices themselves are the ! device drivers that are necessary to allow communication between the ! hardware and the software ! o File System Questions ! - HPFS, FAT ! - FDISK, FORMAT ! - CHKDSK and Extended Attributes (EAs) ! - BACKUP, RESTORE ! - File system commands XCOPY, COPY, DIR, DEL, UNDELETE etc. ! o Boot Problems ! - The DISK team only handles boot problems AFTER installation has been ! completed successfully. Anything before installation is complete is ! handled by INSTL (see page 18). ! - Boot Manager: The boot manager allows access to more than one oper- ! ating system. ! NOTE: If the problem is with DUAL BOOT, it should be handled by ! INSTL (page 18), whether it is before or after installation ! - CONFIG.SYS: Any config.sys issues upon system initialization EXCEPT ! those dealing with specific device drivers (i.e., SYS1201 VMOUSE.SYS ! belongs to MKBCM - see page 26). ! - Missing files: General missing files that are not team specific ! (e.g. missing PMSHELL.EXE would go to Workplace Shell, etc.). OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 22 ! o File System APIs ! - DOSWrite, DOSRead, DOSOpen, etc. ! - Named pipes and named pipe APIs ! - Queues and queue APIs ! o Exceptions: ! - Drives objects problems on the desktop (see WPSHL page 60) ! - CD-ROM MSCDEX-related problems (see DOSAP page 5) ! - STARTUP.CMD-related problems (see OTHER page 43) ! - HPFS386 issues - see LAN (page 81) ! 2.5.1 NEW WITH WARP ! o New SCSI Adapters ! - Adaptec ! - Buslogic ! - Future Domain ! - DPT ! - IBM AT Fast SCSI/2 ! o XDF Diskette Format (XDFCOPY.EXE, XDFLOPPY.FLT) ! o VASPI Driver (Virtual Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) ! o Dynamic LIBPATH (SET BEGINLIBPATH, SET ENDLIBPATH) ! o Fast Format (/Q or /L options) ! o Resource Manager (Resource.sys, Reserve.sys, Rmview.exe) ! o Diskcache Parameter Changes OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 23 2.5.2 DISK PROBLEM INFORMATION Error experienced: ____ System error message: ___________________________________ ____ Functionality ____ Hang ____ Trap (also fill in the trap information on page 15) ____ Diagnostic error ____ Other: __________________________________________________ Disk Controller Manufacturer: _______________________________________ Disk Controller Type: _______________________________________________ Hard Disk Manufacturer: _____________________________________________ Diskette Drive Manufacturer: ________________________________________ Diskette Drive Size: ____ 3.5" ____ 5.25" Diskette Drive Capacity: ____ MB ____ KB External Drive Manufacturer: ________________________________________ Tape Backup Manufacturer: ___________________________________________ Removable Drive Manufacturer: _______________________________________ CD-ROM Drive Manufacturer: __________________________________________ Optical Drive Manufacturer: _________________________________________ Problem Description: ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 24 2.5.3 DISK PARTITION INFORMATION Partition Number: ____ 1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ 5 ____ 6 ____ Other Drive Letter for Partition: ____ C ____ D ____ E ____ F ____ G ____ H ____ Other Status Type: ____ Bootable ____ Installable ____ Startable Partition Type: ____ Logical ____ Primary ____ Primary/Logical File System Type: ____ FAT ____ HPFS ____ HPFS386 ____ Boot Manager ____ Free Space ____ Unformatted ____ Compressed Compression Type: ____ DCF/2 ____ Doublspace ____ Other ____ Stacker for DOS ____ Stacker for OS/2 ____ Superstor Partition Size: ____ 1 MB ____ 50 MB ____ 100 MB ____ Other: ___________________________________________________ Partition Use: ____ DOS Boot ____ OS/2 Boot ____ Data ____ Dual Boot ____ Unformatted OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 25 2.6 MKBCM - I/O PROBLEMS (EXCLUDING DISK, PRINT OR VIDEO) __________________________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: MKBCM The mouse, keyboard, COM team is responsible for all I/O related problems that are not DISK, PRINT, VIDEO or DOSLAN. This includes: o Communications port-related problems o Anything attached to a COM port including a mouse o Mouse and keyboard problems o Mouse performance problems o Scanners attached on a serial or parallel port o Touch screen support ! o Windows, DOS and OS/2 Asynchronous communications applications (modem, ! BBS, FAX) ! o PMTERM productivity program (configuration assistance only, no defect ! support) ! o Codepage support ! o Pointing devices other than a mouse, such as trackballs, tablets, and ! pens ! o Mouse and keyboard APIs and device interface ! o Virtual Device Drivers VKBD.SYS, VMOUSE.SYS and VCOM.SYS ! o Touch-sensitive screens ! o Communication-based PCMCIA problems ! o Asynchronous (COM port) communications problems in DOS sessions and ! WIN-OS/2 ! o Support for the following products included in the WARP BonusPak: ! - FaxWorks ! - Hyper Access Lite ! - The TCP/IP portion of the Internet Connection An integral part of the problem determination process for this team is deter- mining the Input/Output (I/O) addresses in use by the serial communications adapters which are identified by COMx. This chapter contains a detailed description of the Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) for the definition of the ports, and instructions for determining the I/O addresses in use. Refer- OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 26 ence 2.15, "Industry Standard (AT BUS) Architecture Overview" on page 72 for this information. ! 2.6.1 NEW WITH WARP ! o PCMCIA Socket Services I & II ! o PCMCIA ATA Client Driver, Modem Client Driver, Flash RAM Client Driver ! (IBM Only) ! o PCMCIA Plug and Play Object OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 27 2.6.2 KEYBOARD PROBLEM INFORMATION Where Does the Error Occur? ____ DOS ____ Virtual DOS Machine ____ OS/2 ____ WIN-OS/2 ____ During boot up ____ Not applicable ____ Other: ________________________________________________ Is This a Dual Boot Machine? ____ Y ____ N ____ Not Applicable Error Message or Number, If Any: ____________________________________ Application Name: ___________________________________________________ Keyboard BIOS Level if AMI: _________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 28 2.6.3 MOUSE AND COMMUNICATIONS PROBLEM INFORMATION - HARDWARE Error Message If Any: ____ SYS1201 VMOUSE not installed ____ SYS1201 COM.SYS not installed ____ SYS1201 VCOM.SYS not installed ____ SYS0099 device is already in use ____ SYS1798 device is already in use ____ SYS0049 device is not functioning ____ SYS????: _________________________________________________ Problem Is With The: ____ mouse ____ external modem ____ internal modem ____ external port ____ PCMCIA modem ____ external modem and mouse ____ internal modem and mouse ____ internal pointer ____ external port and mouse ____ PCMCIA modem and mouse ____ IBM touch screen ____ OEM touch screen Which I/O Port Is Involved? ____ COM1 ____ COM2 ____ COM3 ____ COM4 ____ COM? ____ PDI (PS/2 PORT) ____ serial card COM=____ ____ BUS card IRQ=____ ____ video card COM=____ IRQ=____ ____ other: ___________________________________________________ ____ not applicable OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 29 Where Does The Error Occur? ____ DOS (VDM) application ____ VMB application ____ OS/2 window or full screen application ____ WIN-OS/2 application ____ on boot up/IPL ____ everywhere ____ other (problem described below) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ COM1 and COM2 Configuration: ____ COM1: none COM2: none ____ COM1: Mouse COM2: none ____ COM1: Mouse COM2: Ext. Port ____ COM1: Mouse COM2: Int. Modem ____ COM1: Mouse COM2: PCMCIA Mod ____ COM1: Ext. Port COM2: none ____ COM1: Ext. Port COM2: Ext. Port ____ COM1: Ext. Port COM2: Mouse ____ COM1: Int. Modem COM2: Mouse ____ COM1: Int. Modem COM2: none ____ COM1: none COM2: Mouse ____ None of the above: COM1: __________ COM2: ____________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 30 COM3 and COM4 Configuration: ____ COM3: Ext. Port COM4: none ____ COM3: Ext. Port COM4: Ext. Port ____ COM3: Int. Modem COM4: none ____ COM3: PCMCIA Mod COM4: none ____ COM3: none COM4: Ext. Port ____ COM3: none COM4: Int. Modem ____ COM3: none COM4: PCMCIA Mod ____ COM3: none COM4: none ____ None of the above: COM3: __________ COM4: ____________ IRQ Assignments: ____ COM1: 4 COM2: 3 ____ COM1: 4 COM2: 3 COM3: 5 ____ COM1: 4 COM2: 3 COM3: __ ____ COM1: 4 COM2: 3 COM3: __ COM4: __ ____ COM1: __ COM2: __ COM3: __ COM4: __ (Reference "Industry Standard Architecture Overview" on page 72 for IRQ information.) OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 31 Are There Any IRQ Conflicts? ____ YES: _____________________________________________________ ____ NO ____ Don't know Debug (D 40:0) (in DOS or OS/2): ____ 0040:0000 - enter data below: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Reference "Determining I/O Addresses" on page 74) ____ causes a trap, hang or IPE Internal Modem on COM1 or COM2: ____ external COM1: is disabled ____ external COM2: is disabled ____ there is not an external COM1 ____ there is not an external COM2 ____ not applicable Modem Manufacturer: _________________________________________________ Mouse Manufacturer: _________________________________________________ Type of Mouse: ____ Track Ball ____ 2-button mouse ____ 3-button mouse ____ Laptop Rail ____ Other: ___________________________________________________ ____ Not applicable LAN/Sound/Other Adapter? ____ LAN Adapter IRQ: ___________ ____ SOUND Adapter IRQ: ___________ ____ LAN IRQ: __________ and Sound IRQ: ___________ ____ OTHER: __________ IRQ: ___________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 32 2.6.4 MOUSE AND COMMUNICATIONS PROBLEM INFORMATION - CONFIG.SYS First Mouse Statement in CONFIG.SYS: ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\NOEXBIOS.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\HILMOU.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\POINTDD.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\PCLOGIC.SYS SERIAL=COM___ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS TYPE= _____________________________ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS SERIAL= ___________________________ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VMOUSE.SYS ____ DEVICE= ___________________________________________________ Second Mouse Statement in CONFIG.SYS: ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\NOEXBIOS.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\HILMOU.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\POINTDD.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\PCLOGIC.SYS SERIAL=COM___ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS TYPE= _____________________________ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS SERIAL= ___________________________ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VMOUSE.SYS ____ DEVICE= ___________________________________________________ Third Mouse Statement in CONFIG.SYS: ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\NOEXBIOS.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\HILMOU.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\POINTDD.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\PCLOGIC.SYS SERIAL=COM___ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS TYPE= _____________________________ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS SERIAL= ___________________________ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VMOUSE.SYS ____ DEVICE= ___________________________________________________ Fourth Mouse Statement in CONFIG.SYS: ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\NOEXBIOS.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\HILMOU.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\POINTDD.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\PCLOGIC.SYS SERIAL=COM___ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS TYPE= _____________________________ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS SERIAL= ___________________________ ____ DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VMOUSE.SYS ____ DEVICE= ___________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 33 Other mouse driver statements: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ DEVICE=x:\OS2\COM.SYS: ____ is REM'd out ____ is not present ____ (3,3e8,5) ____ (3,3e8,4) ____ (4,2e8,3) ____ (4,2e8,5) ____ (3,2e8,5) ____ (3,3e8, ) ____ (3,3e8, ) (4,2e8, ) ____ (P,I/O,I) (P,I/O I) (__________) ____ has no parameters passed ____ not found, SIO.SYS is present The MOUSE.SYS is Listed: ____ before the COM.SYS device driver ____ after the COM.SYS device driver (INVALID configuration - MOUSE.SYS MUST be before COM.SYS) ____ cannot find MOUSE.SYS ____ cannot find COM.SYS PROTECTONLY= ____ YES and this is a mouse problem ____ NO and this is a mouse problem ____ YES and VCOM.SYS is REM'd out ____ YES and VCOM.SYS is not present ____ YES and VCOM.SYS is present (invalid configuration]) ____ NO and VCOM.SYS is not present ____ NO and VCOM.SYS is present ____ can't find PROTECTONLY MAXWAIT= ____ 1 _____ 2 ____ 3 ____ Other: _____ PRIORITY_DISK_IO=? ____ Y ____ N OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 34 MODE COMx:, BUFFER= ____ ON ____ OFF ____ AUTO ____ Not applicable Serial Printer MODE Settings (1): ____ TO=ON, IDSR=OFF, ODSR=ON ____ TO=ON, IDSR=OFF, ODSR=OFF ____ TO=___, IDSR=___, ODSR=___ ____ Not applicable Serial Printer MODE Settings (2): ____ XON=OFF, RTS=ON, OCTS=OFF ____ XON=ON, RTS=HS, OCTS=ON (INVALID configuration]) ____ XON=OFF, RTS=HS, OCTS=ON ____ XON=OFF, RTS=OFF, OCTS=OFF ____ XON=___, RTS=___, OCTS=___ ____ Not applicable OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 35 2.6.5 MOUSE AND COMMUNICATIONS PROBLEM INFORMATION - APPLICATION INFORMATION Application Name: ___________________________________________________ Application Version: ________________________________________________ Application Vendor: _________________________________________________ The Application Is: ____ an OS/2 VIO application ____ an OS/2 PM application ____ a DOS application ____ a Windows 3.0 application ____ a Windows 3.1 application ____ a DOS serial communications application ____ a Windows serial communications application ____ a DOS LAN application ____ a Windows LAN application ____ other: ___________________________________________________ The Application Can Be Obtained From: ____ the vendor (address: ____________________________________) ____ BBS: _____________________________________________________ ____ user will provide application ____ Shareware or public domain ____ don't know The Application Has: ____ worked under OS/2 before ____ never worked under OS/2 ____ partially worked under OS/2 OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 36 The Mouse Will: ____ work on desktop, not in application ____ work VDM full screen, not in WIN-OS/2 ____ work VDM WIN-OS/2, not in full screen ____ work desktop, VDM, not in WIN-OS/2 ____ work (problem described below) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____ not work in any session ____ not work in this application only ____ not work in VMB - DOS revision = __________ ____ not work in VDM (DOS session) ____ work but erratic behavior ____ work but selects wrong objects ____ work fine - COM problem The COM Application Is: ____ losing data ____ not keeping a connection ____ running slowly ____ not updating the screen ____ not finding the COM port ____ not starting from desktop ____ not starting at all ____ causing a trap ____ causing a SYS3176 or SYS3175 error ____ causing out-of-memory errors ____ not as fast as DOS (performance) ____ working fine - mouse problem ____ not closing port ____ not sharing port (working as designed) DOS_SETTING - COM SELECT= ____ all ____ COM1 ____ COM2 ____ COM3 ____ COM4 ____ none DOS_SETTINGs (1): ____ MOUSE_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS=ON ____ MOUSE_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS=OFF ____ not applicable OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 37 DOS_SETTINGs (2): ____ COM_DIRECT_ACCESS=OFF COM_HOLD=OFF ____ COM_DIRECT_ACCESS=ON COM_HOLD=OFF ____ COM_DIRECT_ACCESS=OFF COM_HOLD=ON ____ COM_DIRECT_ACCESS=ON COM_HOLD=ON DOS_SETTINGs (3): ____ HW_ROM_TO_RAM=OFF HW_TIMER=OFF ____ HW_ROM_TO_RAM=ON HW_TIMER=OFF ____ HW_ROM_TO_RAM=OFF HW_TIMER=ON ____ HW_ROM_TO_RAM=ON HW_TIMER=ON DOS_SETTINGs (4): ____ IDLE_SENSITIVITY= ________ ____ IDLE_SECONDS= ________ DOS_SETTINGs (5): ____ INT_DURING_IO=OFF VIDEO_FASTPASTE=OFF ____ INT_DURING_IO=ON VIDEO_FASTPASTE=OFF ____ INT_DURING_IO=OFF VIDEO_FASTPASTE=ON ____ INT_DURING_IO=ON VIDEO_FASTPASTE=ON OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 38 2.7 MMPM AND MMVID - MULTIMEDIA TEAMS ______________________________________ QUEUE NAME: MMPM The MMPM team is responsible for the multimedia extensions that are shipped with OS/2. This responsibility includes: o Installation of MMPM/2 o Sound card configuration for MMPM/2 o Usage questions for MMPM/2 (for example, how to play, edit, or copy a wave file) o System event associations o Hardware and software requirements to run MMPM/2 software o Problems related to MMPM/2 software o Sound adapter device drivers shipped with MMPM/2 o The MultiMedia extensions to OS/2 (the API) o Any problems with OS/2, DOS or Windows multimedia applications that use ! the IBM multimedia extensions (this includes scanners with proprietary ! cards) ! o CD-ROM setup and usage with regards to MMPM/2 ! o All CD-ROM problems/questions after OS/2 is installed (problems with ! installation of OS/2 from CD-ROM go to the INSTL team) o Support for the Video-In product shipped with the WARP BonusPak 2.7.1 QUEUE NAME: MMVID The MMVID team is responsible for problems with Ultimotion Video In (the MMPM/2 video record package). ! 2.7.2 NEW WITH WARP ! o New CD-ROM Drives ! - Philips 205, 206, 205MS, 225, 226, 226MS ! - Sony 6201, 6205, 531, 535, 7201, 7205, 6150, 6251 ! - IDE CD-ROMs (ISA) ! o CD-ROM Attach OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 39 ! o H/W MPEG Device Support ! o Compressed Audio & DSP Support ! o Autodesk Animation (FLC/FLI) ! o Video-IN (BonusPak Application) ! o Audio Device Drivers (OS/2 and Windows) ! - PAS 16 W508B Mixer ! - Sound Blaster Pro/SB Pro 16 ! - Audiovation ! - Crystal Semi 4231 ! - ESS 688 ! - SB AWE 32 ! - Jazz 16 ! - AD1848 ! - Sound Galaxy OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 40 2.7.3 MULTIMEDIA PROBLEM INFORMATION MMPM/2 Version: _____________________________________________________ MMPM/2 Toolkit Version: _____________________________________________ Ultimotion Video In Version: ________________________________________ Audio Card 1: _______________________________________________________ DMA: ________________________________________________________________ IRQ: ________________________________________________________________ I/O Address: ________________________________________________________ CD-ROM (make,type,model number): ____________________________________ SCSI Device (make,type,model number): _______________________________ Laserdisc (make,type,model number): _________________________________ Speakers (number, how attached): ____________________________________ Video Capture Card: _________________________________________________ IRQ: ________________________________________________________________ I/O Address: ________________________________________________________ Memory Address: _____________________________________________________ Problem Description and Steps Required to Re-Create the Problem: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 41 OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 42 2.8 OTHER - OTHER PROBLEMS ___________________________ QUEUE NAME: OTHER The OTHER team is responsible for a collection of support areas: o Performance ! - The entire system must be experiencing a slow down (not just one ! application) ! - Performance problems with OS/2 applications) ! - Exceptions: ! -- Performance problems related to MOUSE or COM PORT (see MKBCM page ! 26). ! -- DOS application performance problems (see DOSAP page 5). ! -- WINDOWS application performance problems (see WINAP page 55). ! -- Performance problems with OS/2 applications should be referred to ! the product vendor unless such problems are specifically related ! to a subsystem of OS/2. These cases are handled by the team that ! is responsible for the subsystem. ! -- Printing problems go to PRINT ! -- Disk access problems go to DISK o Toolkit - Toolkit for OS/2 1.3, 2.0 and 2.1 -- Rexx, PMRexx -- Dialog Editor (not Dialogs) -- Icon Editor (not Icons) -- Font Editor (not Fonts) -- Resource Compiler -- IPF Compiler -- NMAKE, EXEHDR, MAPSYM, IMPLIB, MARKEXE, MKMSG, MSGBIND -- LINKer (Link386 and Link) - CVP (CodeView) NOTE: ONLY PROBLEMS WITH THE TOOLS THEMSELVES BELONG HERE. ____________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 43 o OS/2 Applications - All OS/2 application problems that are not addressed by any other team. This includes: -- Productivity programs (NOT PMTERM and PMFAX, see MKBCM page 26) ___ -- ISV (Independent Software Vendor) applications (like Lotus 123G, Corel, PMWORD) -- Customer-written applications that ARE NOT addressed by other ________ teams (this is API-type specific) -- Lockup utility program o Memory Memory-related problems such as: - A swapper that does not shrink - Problems with the swapper - Out of memory errors in an OS/2 environment (not DOS or WIN-OS/2 unless SWAPPER.DAT has no room for growth) - Problems allocating, committing and freeing memory - Problems related to memory above 16MB o Miscellaneous When all attempts to categorize the problem fail, the problem belongs in this miscellaneous category. Specific subsystems addressed include: - Session Management and associated APIs (such as DosStartSession, DosExecPgm, DosSetPrty etc.) - Memory Management and associated APIs - Advanced Power Management (APM) problems - STARTUP.CMD-related problems o Support for the following portions of the WARP BonusPak: - LanguageWare - IBM Works - UltiMail Lite OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 44 ! 2.8.1 NEW WITH WARP ! o Tutorial ! o TEDIT (Text Editor) OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 45 2.8.2 OTHER PROBLEM INFORMATION Problem Type: ____ Performance ____ Toolkit ____ REXX ____ Mini-applications (applets) ____ OS/2 application ____ User-written application ____ Memory ____ Swapper ____ PCMCIA ____ APM (Advanced Power Management) ____ None of the Above Problem Symptom: ____ Trap ____ Hang ____ Slow down of performance ____ Error message or number: ________________________________ ____ Other What Have You Already Attempted to Resolve the Problem? ____ Reinstalling the application ____ A selective install ____ Calling vendor of application ____ Other: __________________________________________________ When Did the Problem Start? ____ Applied update to OS/2 ____ Applied update to application ____ Installed a new application ____ Made changes to the system (for example, in CONFIG.SYS) ____ Used to work, is now failing, nothing changed ____ Other How Often Does the Problem Occur? ___________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 46 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF PROBLEM PROBLEMS WITH THE TOOLKIT: Problem occurs: ____ In an API call - compiling ____ In an API call - runtime ____ In customer's code - compiling ____ In customer's code - runtime ____ In IBM code (compiler crashes, etc.) ____ No debugging has been done ____ Coding questions ____ Toolkit's tools or sample program PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS: Problem occurs at: ____ Bootup ____ In an OS/2 Session ____ In a DOS (VDM or VMB) Session ____ In a WIN-OS/2 Session ____ In the desktop ____ Other APPLICATION PROBLEMS: The application problem occurs: ____ Only on this machine ____ Some machines ____ Every machine Problem description: ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 47 MEMORY AND SWAPPER PROBLEMS: The problem relates to: ____ SWAPPER.DAT growth/not shrinking ____ RAM not being recognized ____ Other (details in problem description) Types and speeds of memory: ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Problem description: ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ALL REMAINING PROBLEMS: Problem description: ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 48 2.9 PRINT - PRINT OUTPUT PROBLEMS __________________________________ QUEUE NAME: PRINT The PRINT team is responsible for problems related to printer drivers or print subsystem failures: ! o All printing or plotting from DOS, WIN-OS/2, WorkPlace Shell, or OS/2 ! applications (if the job shows up in the print queue). The application ! should be using OS/2's virtual interfaces for printing (for example, ! INT05, INT17, and INT21 calls). Also, applications using the ! DosOpen/Write LPRINT call interfaces are supported by PRINT. ! o Printer driver availability or installation questions ! o Print Screen questions ! o Command line printing questions ! o Print performance (ie, slow printing) ! o Port configuration within print object (parallel or serial) ! o Print Object settings (local or network) ! o Spooler Object in System Setup Folder (following same guidelines as Print ! Object) ! o COM port redirected print ! o Spooler APIs ! o Network Independent APIs (use of NWAPI.DLL) ! o Exceptions: ! - The PRINT team is NOT responsible for configuration of a print ___ ! server. These problems are handled by the appropriate network group ! (ie, LAN server or Novell Netware) ! 2.9.1 NEW WITH WARP ! o Polling PRINT0x.SYS Parallel Port Driver ! o OMNI Printer Driver OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 49 2.9.2 PRINT PROBLEM INFORMATION I/O Card Name (if not on planar): ____________________________________ System Bus Type: ____ MCA ____ ISA ____ EISA ____ Don't know Printers and Plotters Make & Model: __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ OS/2 Printer Driver: ____ EPSON.DRV ____ IBM3852.DRV ____ IBM4019.DRV ____ IBM42XX.DRV ____ IBM5182.DRV ____ IBM5216.DRV ____ IBM52XX.DRV ____ IBMNULL.DRV ____ LASERJET.DRV ____ PLOTTERS.DRV W/ PMPLOT.QPR ____ PLOTTERS.DRV W/ PMPRINT.QPR ____ PSCRIPT.DRV ____ SMGXPJET.DRV Printer Driver Version Number: _______________________________________ (Example IBM42XX Version 1.281) Display: ____ VGA ____ XGA ____ XGA-2 ____ SVA ____ 8514 Where Does Printing Failure Occur? ____ Locally ____ Remotely ____ Locally and Remotely Failing Printer Port: ____ LPT1 ____ LPT2 ____ LPT3 ____ COM1 ____ COM2 ____ COM3 OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 50 COM Port Settings & Handshake: _______________________________________ (Example 9600,N,8,1 Handshake=None) ____ N/A ____ 1200,N,8,1 ____ 1200,E,8,1 ____ 2400,N,8,1 ____ 2400,E,8,1 ____ 4800,N,8,1 ____ 4800,E,8,1 ____ 9600,N,8,1 ____ 9600,E,8,1 Where Does the Problem Occur? ____ In a DOS application ____ In a WIN-OS/2 application ____ In an OS/2 application ____ Command line ____ Drag/drop ____ Printscreen Name of Application & Version: _______________________________________ LAN Connection for Printers: ____ IBM4033 (Lexmark) ____ HP Redirector ____ Other: ___________________________________________________ Problem Description: _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 51 2.10 VIDEO - GRAPHICAL OUTPUT PROBLEMS _______________________________________ QUEUE NAME: VIDEO ! The video team will handle problems related to graphical output from a ! monitor (excluding touch screens, which are handled by the MKBCM team (see ! 26). The video team is responsible for ALL on-line graphical output in ! WIN-OS/2, DOS, and PM and includes the following problems and procedures: ! o Video retrace, synchronization and distortion ! o Installation of video drivers shipped with OS/2 ! o Dual screen support ! o Font problems ! o VEGA, VCGA, VVGA, VSVGA and VXGA.SYS virtual device drivers ! o Getting customers back to VGA mode (SETVGA.CMD, RSPDSPI.EXE) ! o Super VGA installation utilities (DSPINSTL.EXE, SVGA.EXE) ! o Color and scheme palette problems ! o Changing video resolutions ! o Image Adapter support ! o Black screen after boot up with a blinking cursor in the upper left ! corner o The video team is also responsible for the following APIs: - VIOx APIs - GPIx APIs - Device Context problems (for example, DevOpenDC API) o Exceptions: - MultiMedia Video-In problems are handled by the MultiMedia teams (see page 39) ! 2.10.1 NEW WITH WARP ! o Graphics Accelerator Drivers ! - S3 864 (DXP), 805/928 ! - Cirrus Logic 5430, 5428 OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 52 ! - Western Digital C24/C26/C27/C31/C33/C34 ! - ATI Mach 32, Mach 64 ! - Tseng ET4000 W32p, W32i ! - Weitek P9000, P9100 ! o Video Overlay Support ! o Workplace Shell Hardware Palette Aware ! o Screen Tab in System Object ! o ALT-F1 "V" to return to VGA OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 53 2.10.2 VIDEO PROBLEM INFORMATION Video Mode in Use: ____ CGA ____ EGA ____ Monochrome ____ VGA ____ SVGA ____ XGA ____ XGA-2 ____ Image Adapter Video Board Model: __________________________________________________ Video Board Chip Set: _______________________________________________ Video Board Memory Size: ____________________________________________ Drivers in Use: _____________________________________________________ ____ IBM OS/2 driver ____ IBM image adapter driver ____ ATI Driver ____ Trident driver ____ Other OEM driver: _______________________________________ Primary Monitor Manufacturer: _______________________________________ Primary Monitor Model: ______________________________________________ Secondary Monitor Manufacturer: _____________________________________ ____ No secondary monitor Secondary Monitor Model: ____________________________________________ Problem Description and Steps Required to Re-Create the Problem: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 54 2.11 WINAP - WINDOWS APPLICATIONS AND WIN-OS/2 SUBSYSTEM PROBLEMS __________________________________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: WINAP ! The Windows Applications team is responsible for all problems associated with ! Windows 3.0 and 3.1 applications and the WIN-OS/2 subsystem: ! o Problems installing, launching and running Windows applications ! o Selective install of WIN-OS/2 support ! o Windows applications and API compatibility ! o Windows settings and Windows INI file settings (ie, SYSTEM.INI, WIN.INI) ! o Windows applications receiving General Protection (GP) faults ! o Windows applications execution and configuration problems o Windows printing, provided that printing from OS/2 works without a problem o Windows communications problems should be routed as follows: - If the application does not launch or receives GP Faults it is handled by the WINAP team - If the application cannot connect to the COM port, or disconnects abnormally, it is handled by the MKBCM team (page 26) o Windows network problems should be routed as follows: - Novell installation or windows driver installation problems are handled by the Novell team - LAN Server installation problems or windows drivers installation problems are handled by the LAN team (page 81) - Applications' execution and configuration problems are handled by WINAP o Windows device driver problems should be routed as follows: - Windows video device drivers to VIDEO (page 52) - Windows MultiMedia device drivers to MMPM (page 39) - Windows network device drivers to Novell or LAN or MicroSoft for MS LAN Manager - All other Windows device driver problems are handled by the WINAP team OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 55 o Windows application migration AFTER the migration database has failed to _____ locate the Windows application in its database. Problems with the migration program should be handled by INSTL (page 18). The WINAP team will handle incorrect Windows application settings listed in the migration database. ! o Windows application/session hangs/traps from which the system cannot ! recover without powering off, and all IPEs, are handled by the Hang/Trap ! Team (see page 13). o Windows Clipboard, DDE (WIN-WIN and WIN-PM), and OLE o Windows MultiMedia problems should go to the MultiMedia group. This includes MIDI, scanning, and some CD-ROM multimedia problems. Windows applications that use NO multimedia hardware are handled by the WINAP __ team. ! 2.11.1 NEW WITH WARP ! o Windows 3.11 support ! o Support for OS/2 running with Windows for Work Groups ! o Windows 32S support ! o Fast load 2.11.2 WINAP PROBLEM INFORMATION OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 56 Video Mode in Use: ____ CGA ____ EGA ____ Monochrome ____ VGA ____ SVGA ____ XGA ____ XGA-2 ____ Image Adapter WIN-OS/2 Desktop: ____ Not migrated ____ Migrated ____ Linked ____ Don't know Type of Application: ________________________________________________ ____ Windows 3.0 ____ Windows 3.1 ____ Don't know Did You Contact the Vendor for Assistance? ___ Y ____ N Task Causing the Problem: ____ Application install ____ Printing or font selection ____ Use of modem, FAX or scanner ____ Use of CD-ROM ____ Use of sound or video card ____ Starting or running the application ____ Other OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 57 Symptom of the Problem: ____ Screen doesn't repaint ____ General protection fault ____ Communications dropped ____ Session hang ____ Machine hang ____ Other or combination of the above Application Configuration Causing the Problem: ____ Seamless from local disk ____ Non-seamless from local disk ____ Seamless from network disk ____ Non-seamless from network disk ____ Don't know Have Any WIN-OS/2 Settings Been Changed? ____ Y ____ N If Yes, List the Changes: Setting Changed: New Values: _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ Network Requester Type: ____ None ____ DOS LAN Server ____ DOS Netware Requester ____ OS/2 LAN Server ____ OS/2 Netware Requester ____ Other, or don't know NETX Loaded For VDM (OS/2 Netware Requester)? ____ Y ____ N Problem Description and Steps Required to Re-Create the Problem: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 58 OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 59 2.12 WPSHL - PM AND WORKPLACE SHELL (WP) RELATED PROBLEMS __________________________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: WPSHL The Workplace Shell team is responsible for PM and Workplace Shell (WP) related problems: o All Workplace Shell objects and methods, except print object when the failure is due to spooler function and non-SOM methods o All objects in the System Setup Folder except: - Spooler (see PRINT page 49) - Clipboard Viewer (see OTHER page 43) - HelpManager (see OTHER) - Selective Install, Application Migration and Device Driver utilities (see INSTL page 18) - Color palette or font palette (see VIDEO page 52). If settings can't be saved, it is handled by the WPSHL team. o Object repaint problems and icon presentation problems, except non- Workplace Shell object code o User interface problems that are not video-hardware-related o The following APIs: - SOMx APIs. No support for SOM object Toolkit 2.1 (reference Compuserve, Developer Assistance Program or your point of sale for assistance). - WINx APIs - such as PM APIs and WPSHL methods. - INI Files - and PRF APIs (profile functions). o LAN-Aware Shell o OS/2 Clipboard and DDE (OS/2 -> OS/2) o DOS and WINDOWs session-specific functions such as changing the font size, MARK, COPY, etc., are owned by WPSHL. Clipboard pasting problems should go to MKBCM first (page 26). o PM session manager initialization module, message loop, main window proc (PMSHELL) - Exception: Not base session manager, DosStartSession, DosCalls, etc. (see OTHER page 43) OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 60 o PMVIOP (window-oriented problems, for example window sizing, scrolling, and vertical bar) o Exceptions: - If desktop problems occur immediately after installation but all the disks were not installed, see INSTL (page 18) - If the Desktop directory or WP_ROOT._SF file is not created during installation, see INSTL (page 18) The following are the .DLLs that WPSHL handles: BUTTON.DLL PM button control dynamic link library PMCTLS.DLL PM controls dynamic link library PMDRAG.DLL PM drag/drop dynamic link library PMMLE.DLL PM multiline edit dynamic link library PMSDMRI.DLL PM CUA control dynamic link library PMSHAPI.DLL PM shell API's dynamic link library PMSHAPIM.DLL PM shell API's dynamic link library PMSHELL.DLL PM shell that the system is running on (DLL) PMSHLTKT.DLL PM shell's dynamic link library PMTKT.DLL PM shell's dynamic link library PMWIN.DLL PM dynamic link library PMWP.DLL PM Workplace Shell dynamic link library PMWPMRI.DLL PM Workplace Shell dynamic link library SELECT.DLL PM selection control dynamic link library SESMGR.DLL Session manager dynamic link library SOM.DLL System object module dynamic link library WPCONFIG.DLL Workplace Shell configuration dynamic link library WPCONMRI.DLL Workplace Shell configuration dynamic link library WPPWNDRV.DLL Workplace Shell dynamic link library OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 61 ! 2.12.1 NEW WITH WARP ! o Visual Enhancements ! - 2 Color Palettes: 16/256 ! - animated folder icons ! - animated shredder icon ! - paint roller replaced with a dripping paint can ! - Workplace Shell palette aware ! o New Schemes ! - 28 redesigned schemes ! - mini icons ! - new icons and bitmaps ! o Undo arrange ! o Folder automatic close ! o Open Parent menu option ! o Sort (date/time) ! o Find/Include ! o Archive and Restore desktop and KEY files ! o Option to Save Current desktop/folder settings ! o LaunchPad ! o Type ahead enable settings ! o Pickup and Drop ! o Confirm on object delete OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 62 2.12.2 WPSHL PROBLEM INFORMATION OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 63 Problem Classification: ____ Desktop missing or not found ____ Trap ____ Hang in WPSHL only ____ Duplicate or missing icon ____ Problem running application from icon only ____ Drag or drop operations ____ Other icon-specific problem ____ WIN API not functioning properly ____ SOM API not functioning properly (System Object Module) ____ PRF API not functioning properly (profile functions) ____ OS/2 Clipboard/DDE problem ____ System Setup Folder objects that belong with WPSHL ____ Repaint problem ____ LAN-Aware Shell ____ WPSHL specific memory problem ____ OS/2-generated error message: ____________________________ ____ Other: ___________________________________________________ What Have You Already Attempted to Resolve the Problem? ____ Remake INI files and/or desktop Method used: ____________________________________________ ____ Deleting WP_ROOT._SF file ____ Chkdsk or other tools: __________________________________ ____ Delete and recreate object ____ Reinstalling the application ____ Calling vendor of application ____ All of the above ____ None When Did the Problem Start? ____ Applied update to OS/2 ____ Applied update to application ____ Installed a new application ____ Made changes to the system (for example, CONFIG.SYS) ____ Other: __________________________________________________ Frequency of the Problem: ____ Every Time ____ Intermittent ____ Once Is the Problem Recreatable? ____ Y ____ N ____ Don't know Does a TRAP Occur? ____ Y ____ N (If yes, fill in the trap information on page 15.) OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 64 SET SHELLEXCEPTIONHANDLER=OFF in CONFIG.SYS? ____ Y ____ N SET SHAPIEXCEPTIONHANDLER=OFF in CONFIG.SYS? ____ Y ____ N NetWare Type (if LAN Object): _______________________________________ ____ IBM OS/2 LAN Requester 2.0 ____ IBM OS/2 LAN Requester 3.0 ____ Novell Netware Requester ____ Any DOS Netware Requester Problem Description and Steps Required to Re-Create the Problem: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 65 2.13 THE OS/2 DUMP PROCESS ___________________________ A utility program exists in OS/2 to dump all of physical memory to diskette. The dump is helpful in some situations to identify a failing component in an OS/2 system. The TRACE utility program must be running for ALL dumps. Note ___ that the TRACE utility is a separate function from the DUMP utility program. There are two types of dumps: 1. Automatic dump (only useful for Ring 3 traps) 2. Manual dump (to be used for hangs, and traps that are not Ring 3) The situation determines which type of dump is needed. IBM OS/2 Support will help you determine which process is correct for your situation. 1. Starting the Trace o For OS/2 prior to release 2.0, add the following lines in CONFIG.SYS and then reboot the machine: TRACE=ON TRACEBUF=63 TRACE=OFF 4,24,47,50,97,98 These statements start the TRACE function and turn off major codes 4, 24, 47, 50, 97, and 98. (The default for TRACE=ON is to trace all system events. These major codes are for some housekeeping functions that are not normally needed.) o For OS/2 2.X, add the following lines to CONFIG.SYS then reboot the machine: TRACEBUF=63 TRACE=ON 2. The Dump Process - The Dump Diskettes (preparing the diskettes for the memory dump) To begin the process, you will need to create a "dump diskette." This diskette must be created on a working machine BEFORE a failure. The ______ diskette is then saved until needed. To create a dump diskette enter the following from a command prompt: CREATEDD A: When the machine requests the dump diskette, use this one as the first diskette. Additional formatted diskettes will be needed to hold the rest of the dump. The number of diskettes needed depends on the amount of OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 66 memory in your system. The diskette sizes must be the same (for example, all 1.44MB diskettes or all 2.88MB diskettes). OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 67 3. Two Ways of Recording the Dump (automatically or manually) o Automatic Dump Process (to be used only for Ring 3 traps) In CONFIG.SYS enter the following: TRAPDUMP=ON This will cause an automatic dump if the failing CS:EIP is in Ring 3 code (the CS value will end in either 3, 7, B or F). It will not dump on Ring 0 code traps. (Applications run at Ring 3 while the OS/2 Kernel runs at Ring 0.) o Manual Dump Process It is also possible to start a manual dump of the system. If the trap information is displayed on the screen, record ALL of the infor- mation. Press and hold "Ctrl+Alt" and then press "Num Lock" twice. This starts the dump process. (This assumes the keyboard is not locked.) 4. Performing the Dump When the dump is started, either automatic or manual, the screen goes blank and the user is instructed to insert the dump diskette. This is the diskette created with the CREATDD command in Step 2. The user is prompted for additional diskettes as needed and then instructed to insert the dump diskette a second time. When this is finished, the system can be re-booted to return to normal operation. Note that no register information is displayed when an automatic dump is performed. The register information is contained in the dump informa- tion. 5. Mailing the Dump to IBM DO NOT send dump diskettes unless instructed by Level 2 Support. _______ Diskettes MUST be clearly labeled with the PMR# or APAR# and your name. ____ Please ensure diskettes are numbered as well. Dump diskettes should be sent to: IBM Corp. ATTN: OS/2 HNGTR Team, Bldg 001-3 Internal Zip 1024 1000 NW 51st Street Boca Raton, FL 33432 OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 68 2.14 VIRTUAL DEVICE DRIVERS AND DOS_SETTINGS/WINDOWS_SETTINGS ______________________________________________________________ The following table defines which queue owns the various Virtual Device Drivers, DOS_SETTINGs and WINDOWS_SETTINGs. See the OS/2 VIRTUAL DEVICE _____________________ DRIVER PROGRAMMING REFERENCE for more detailed information (interrupt _______________________________ numbers, more descriptive text, etc.). DRIVER QUEUE DESCRIPTION VSVGA.SYS VIDEO SVGA video function emulation VKBD.SYS MKBCM Keyboard emulation VTIMER.SYS DOSAP System timer emulation VPIC.SYS DOSAP Interrupt controller emulation VDSK.SYS DISK Hard disk I/O emulation VDISK.SYS * DISK Ramdisk for OS/2 VBIOS.SYS DOSAP BIOS function emulation VLPT.SYS PRINT Printer port emulation VFLPY.SYS DISK Diskette drive I/O emulation VNPX.SYS DOSAP Numeric Math Coprocessor instruction handling (if available) - DOES NOT ________ emulate a math coprocessor on non- math coprocessor equipped machines VCMOS.SYS DOSAP CMOS I/O emulation VWIN.SYS WINAP/WPSHL Interface between WIN-OS/2 and Pres- entation Manager VMDISK.EXE * DOSAP Utility program used to create DOS startup diskettes - except diskette drive controller problems (see the DISK queue) OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 69 DRIVER QUEUE DESCRIPTION VVGA.SYS VIDEO VGA video function emulation VEGA.SYS VIDEO EGA video function emulation VCGA.SYS VIDEO CGA video function emulation VMONO.SYS VIDEO Monochrome video function emulation VDPX.SYS DOSAP DPMI protect mode to real mode call interface VXGA.SYS VIDEO XGA video function emulation VMOUSE.SYS MKBCM Mouse emulation VCOM.SYS MKBCM COM port emulation V8514A.SYS VIDEO 8514 video function emulation VCDROM.SYS DISK OS/2's equivalent of Microsoft's MSCDEX.EXE for VDMs. If customers are using real MSCDEX in a VMB, then see the DOSAP queue. VTOUCH.COM * VIDEO Touch screen function emulation VPCMCIA.SYS OTHER PCMCIA adapter I/O and handling VAPM.SYS OTHER Advanced Power Management function handling VDPMI.SYS DOSAP DOS Protect Mode Interface functions VEMM.SYS DOSAP Expanded Memory Specification emu- lation VXMS.SYS DOSAP Extended Memory Specification emu- lation VDMA.SYS DOSAP Direct Memory Access BIOS function emulation * The entries marked with an asterisk are not virtual device drivers, but are related closely enough that they warrant inclusion in this listing. OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 70 Use the following table to determine the queue that owns the various DOS and Windows settings. Column 1 below provides the first few letters of the DOS_SETTINGs and WINDOWS_SETTINGs. Column 2 contains the name of the queue that owns each setting. LETTERS QUEUE EXCEPTIONS AUDIO MMPM COM MKBCM DOS DOSAP DOS_BACKGROUND_EXECUTION, when dealing with graphical DOS applica- tions, is owned by the VIDEO queue DPMI DOSAP EMS DOSAP HW DOSAP IDLE DOSAP MEM DOSAP KBD MKBCM PRINT PRINT VIDEO VIDEO WIN WINAP OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 71 2.15 INDUSTRY STANDARD (AT BUS) ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW ______________________________________________________ The original Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) machine (the IBM PC-AT) allowed for the definition of up to four serial communications ports. However, there has never been any hardware architectural standard that defined the I/O port addresses or Interrupt Request (IRQ) lines associated with serial ports #3 or #4. Over the years a convention was established which places the port addresses for COM3 and COM4 at 03E8 and 02E8 respec- tively. This is a generally accepted convention and is not a standard. If multiple hardware adapters of any kind (not just communications) are using the same I/O address, then the effect on your computer will be totally unpre- dictable. OS/2 2.x is an interrupt driven operating system and requires unique I/O addresses and Interrupt Request lines (IRQs) for each adapter in the system on an ISA computer system. ISA systems have what are called "edge triggered" interrupts in contrast to Micro Channel (MCA) and EISA which use "level sen- sitive" interrupts. Edge triggered interrupts can only be sensed for a very short period of time. If a second interrupt arrives from another adapter while the first interrupt is still being processed, then the second inter- rupt will be lost. Also, if two adapters are sharing the same PHYSICAL IRQ ____________ then the processor does not know which adapter (and therefore which OS/2 session) should get the Interrupt Request (IRQ). In a single tasking oper- ating system such as DOS, the sharing of interrupts is not a problem as only one application is in use at a time. OS/2, however, presents a different set of problems. If we have two, three, or four serial communications adapters, the probability is now pretty high that we might try to use two or more of them at the same time. If some of them have previously been set up using shared interrupts, then the stage is set for mysterious things to happen that probably didn't happen under DOS. 2.15.1 ISA BUS ARCHITECTURE On an ISA machine there are a total of 15 IRQ levels available. These inter- rupts are determined by the two INTEL 8259a (or compatible) Programmable Interrupt Controllers (PIC). Each PIC is capable of handling 8 Interrupt ReQuest lines (IRQ) but IRQ2 of the first pic is cascaded (or linked) to IRQ9 of the second PIC. Any adapter which is physically configured (or "jump- ered") to IRQ2 will recognized by OS/2 as IRQ9. This is defined by the hard- ware and not the OS/2 operating system. The standard settings, in order of priority, follow: +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! IRQ# ! Device Associated ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 0 ! System Timer ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 72 +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 1 ! Keyboard ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 2 ! Secondary Interrupt Controller (see note) ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 8 ! Realtime Clock ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 9 ! --- (see note) ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 10 ! --- free ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 11 ! --- free ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 12 ! --- free - reserved for aux dev ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 13 ! Math Coprocessor ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 14 ! Hard Disk ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 15 ! --- free ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 3 ! COM2 (Serial Communications Port #2) ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 4 ! COM1 (Serial Communications Port #1) ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 5 ! LPT2 (Parallel Printer Port #2 - add. 278) ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 6 ! Diskette ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! 7 ! LPT1 (Parallel Printer Port #1 - add. 3BC or 378) ! +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------+ Table 1. IRQ Assignments. This table shows the typical assignments of IRQ's in both ISA and MCA class computers. NOTE: On the IBM-AT (ISA bus) the IRQ9 pin is identical with the IRQ2 pin on the original IBM-PC. If you have an older, 8-bit adapter whose doc- umentation states that it uses IRQ2, then be aware that this will actually be seen as IRQ9 when plugged into the 16-bit ISA bus. OS/2 can detect that an interrupt line is shared and will disallow the simul- taneous use. Assume that COM1 and COM3 were sharing IRQ4 (a fairly common real situation). If we tried to use both COM ports at the same time, OS/2 would refuse to allow the second one to start. A well-written OS/2 communi- cations program would see and report the error from OS/2 that the port could not be opened. A DOS application, however, will likely be unprepared to respond to this strange situation, and may simply hang, waiting for the port that will never open. To avoid these problems, make sure that all of your hardware adapters have their own unique I/O addresses and IRQ assignments. Unfortunately, on an ISA machine, OS/2 has no way to query the computer to find out what these set- tings are. Therefore, after checking and setting the adapters according to the instruction manuals, you must also tell OS/2 what you've done by placing explicit information into the CONFIG.SYS file. OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 73 2.15.2 ISA INTERRUPT REQUEST LEVELS AND I/O ADDRESSES The Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) computers use EDGE triggered inter- rupts (versus LEVEL triggered interrupts used in Microchannel Architecture (MCA) computers). OS/2 2.x only supports interrupt sharing on MCA computers. The reason that interrupt sharing is not supported on ISA computers is a lim- itation of the ISA architecture (edge triggered interrupts) and performance. Every adapter in an ISA computer must have a unique IRQ which is PHYSICALLY defined by hardware jumpers or logically defined by software supplied by the vendor of the adapter. The adapter and not OS/2 determines the IRQ settings. The same can be said for I/O addresses. 2.15.3 DETERMINING IRQS FOR ISA COMPUTERS o On an ISA computer, the only reliable way to verify the IRQ settings for every adapter is to manually inventory each adapter. You usually do not have to worry about the parallel ports, the disk drives or the Math Coprocessor (if one is installed). There are some utilities available for DOS which may be able to indicate if you have an IRQ conflict. o If your set an ISA adapter to IRQ2, this adapter will be known to OS/2 as IRQ9. The reason for this is there are two INTEL 8259a (or compatible) Programmable Interrupt Controllers (PICS) in the ISA bus architecture. Each PIC can handle eight (8) interrupts. IRQ2 which is located on the master PIC cascades to IRQ9 of the slave PIC. This is a function of the hardware and not the OS/2 operating system. 2.15.4 DETERMINING I/O ADDRESSES There is a technique available for determining which Input/Output (I/O) addresses are in use by the serial communication adapters which are identi- fied by COMx. For other types of adapters, you will have to manually inven- tory each adapter. You usually do not have to worry about the parallel ports, the disk drives or the Math Coprocessor if one is installed. The technique to determine which I/O addresses are in use is detailed below: 1. Start a DOS Full Screen Session (command prompt). 2. Enter DEBUG and press the enter key. 3. At the '-' prompt, enter D 40:0 and press the enter key. 4. You will see 0040:0000 followed by pairs of hexadecimal numbers. These numbers are the I/O addresses recognized by COM.SYS. Below is an example of COM1 and COM2: 0040:0000 F8 03 F8 02 00 00 00 00-BC 03.... This represents 03f8 (COM1) and 02f8 (COM2). If COM3 was present, it would follow COM2's address. OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 74 NOTE 1: If the above procedure shows "E8 02" in COM3's address posi- tion, there is NOT a serial communication adapter defined as COM3 and there is a serial communication adapter defined as COM4. Reference the following section. NOTE 2: If COM1 or COM2 slots are equal to zero (00 00) AND you have a serial mouse plugged into the port in question, this is normal. The MOUSE.SYS driver enters zeros for the port it owns so that other drivers (i.e. COM.SYS) do not interfere with the port. 5. Enter Q and press the enter key to leave DEBUG. The following section shows various location 40:0 scenarios. Location 40:0 Scenarios This section gives the user some common scenarios to look for when debugging location 40:0. Note that a serial device could be an external serial (COM) port, internal modem or some other specialized serial device. Also note that DEBUG can be run in NATIVE DOS to confirm posting of port addresses to location 40:0. NOTE: The CONFIG.SYS line shown in the examples is what you would expect the customer to have set so that the DEBUG 40:0 matches. These examples are not always valid and are noted in each individual case. 1. 0040:0000 F8 03 F8 02 20 32 28 32-BC 03.... CONFIG.SYS: ..\OS2\COM.SYS MCA class computer with 4 serial devices: COM1(3f8), COM2(2f8), COM3(3220), COM4(3228). This is a VALID CONFIG.SYS line. 2. 0040:0000 F8 03 F8 02 E8 03 E8 02-BC 03.... CONFIG.SYS: ..\OS2\COM.SYS (3,3e8,ii) (4,2e8,ii) WHERE 'ii' is equal to the PHYSICAL IRQ level set on the serial device. ISA class computer with 4 serial devices: COM1(3f8), COM2(2f8), COM3(3e8), COM4(2e8) - Either no MOUSE or a BUS MOUSE. Very likely has IRQ conflicts with either the MOUSE or between the serial devices. Another possibility is a malfunctioning MOUSE or the MOUSE.SYS statement is following the COM.SYS statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. The MOUSE.SYS statement should always precede the COM.SYS statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. This is a VALID CONFIG.SYS line provided the IRQs match the physical IRQ of the serial devices. 3. 0040:0000 00 00 F8 02 00 00 00 00-BC 03.... CONFIG.SYS: ..\OS2\COM.SYS ISA or MCA class computer with two serial devices - MOUSE is on COM1. OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 75 4. 0040:0000 F8 03 00 00 E8 03 00 00-BC 03.... CONFIG.SYS: ..\OS2\COM.SYS (3,3e8,ii) WHERE 'ii' is equal to the PHYSICAL IRQ level set on the serial device. ISA class computer with three serial devices - MOUSE is on COM2. This is a VALID CONFIG.SYS line. 5. 0040:0000 F8 02 E8 03 00 00 00 00-BC 03.... CONFIG.SYS: ..\OS2\COM.SYS (3,3e8,ii) WHERE 'ii' is equal to the PHYSICAL IRQ level set on the serial device. ISA class computer with two or three serial devices - Either no MOUSE or BUS MOUSE. WARNING: THIS CONFIGURATION IS VERY SUSPICIOUS AND WILL PROBABLY NOT WORK AS 2F8 IS THE WRONG ADDRESS FOR THE SLOT. DEFINITELY WANT TO CHECK THE PHYSICAL CONFIGURATION OF THE SERIAL ADAPTER. IN THIS INSTANCE, CHECK TO SEE THAT COM1 IS ENABLED ON THE ADAPTER. IF THE ADAPTER IS CONFIGURED CORRECTLY, THERE MAY BE A HARDWARE PROBLEM. THE CONFIG.SYS LINE IS VALID BUT THERE IS A SUS- PECTED HARDWARE ERROR. 6. 0040:0000 F8 03 F8 02 E8 02 00 00-BC 03.... CONFIG.SYS: ..\OS2\COM.SYS (4,2e8,ii) WHERE 'ii' is equal to the PHYSICAL IRQ level set on the serial device. ISA class computer with three serial devices - either no MOUSE or BUS MOUSE. NOTE: The third device is configured for what is usually assigned to COM4(2e8). OS/2 is going to want to treat this as COM3, I/O address 2e8 and what ever IRQ is assigned. This situation usually causes an error (i.e TRAP 000e, IPE, etc.). This is currently NOT a valid CONFIG.SYS line due to a defect in the Serial Device Driver (COM.SYS). 7. 0040:0000 E8 02 F8 02 E8 02 00 00-BC 03.... CONFIG.SYS: ..\OS2\COM.SYS (4,2e8,ii) WHERE 'ii' is equal to the PHYSICAL IRQ level set on the serial device. ISA class computer with three serial devices - MOUSE is on COM1. NOTE: The COM.SYS device driver has taken the (4,2e8,ii) parameter passed and incorrectly placed the I/O address in slot one which was set to zero by the MOUSE.SYS device driver. This situation always causes an error. This is currently NOT a valid CONFIG.SYS line due to a defect in the Serial Device Driver (COM.SYS). 2.15.5 ISA, OS/2 AND PARALLEL PORTS The printer port addresses and IRQ levels are hard coded in OS/2 as follows: OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 76 +-----------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------+ ! PORT ! I/O ADDRESS ! IRQ ! +-----------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------+ ! LPT1 ! 3BC or 378 ! IRQ7 ! +-----------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------+ ! LPT2 ! 278 ! IRQ5 ! +-----------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------+ Table 2. Parallel Port Assignments. This table shows the typical assign- ments of the parallel ports on most computers. Unlike the COM ports, where the addresses and the interrupts can be specified by parameters to the COM.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS file, the printer port addresses and IRQs shown above are fixed. OS/2 assigns LPT1 to the highest printer port address being used. The printer address is specified in the printer adapter board. With OS/2 you can not use both addresses 3BC and 378 as printer port addresses. Both parallel ports (LPTs) would be sharing IRQ7. Unlike DOS, OS/2 uses interrupts for printing. The interrupt is triggered by the signal line, ACK, from the printer. If the IRQs are not configured cor- rectly or if the printer cable is missing the ACK line, the printer may work under DOS and have problems under OS/2. 2.15.6 ISA AND OS/2 SUMMARY Even though there is some flexibility for printer and COM port assignments, try to stick to the standard assignment as shown in the IRQ table above. The I/O addresses and IRQs are determined by the HARDWARE. The parameters passed to COM.SYS DO NOT change the hardware; these parameters are a reflection of the physical hardware settings. Available interrupts, in order of priority, are: IRQ9, IRQ10, IRQ11, IRQ12, IRQ15, IRQ3 (if not used for COM2), and IRQ5 (if not used for LPT2). Physical addresses and interrupts can be indicated in OS/2 to the communi- cation drivers. Usual default settings follow: o COM1 - 03f8 - IRQ 4 (OS/2 & industry default) o COM2 - 02F8 - IRQ 3 (OS/2 & industry default) o COM3 - 03E8 - (industry practice) o COM4 - 02E8 - (industry practice) There is no OS/2 default setting for COM3 and COM4. It must be specified by the device=x:\OS2\COM.SYS statement (where x: is the installed drive) in the config.sys file. An example of address and interrupt assignments follows: o COM1 - 03F8,IRQ4 o COM2 - 02F8,IRQ3 OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 77 o COM3 - 03E8,IRQ5 (IRQ5 not being used by LPT2) o COM4 - 02E8,IRQ10 (would require a 16 bit adapter) o LPT1 - 378,IRQ7 If interrupt devices are occasionally losing data, try moving to a higher priority unused interrupt. 2.15.7 NOTES ON MICROCHANNEL ARCHITECTURE MACHINES OS/2 2.x requires no extra configuration for Microchannel Architecture (MCA) computers. MCA computers have the ability to share interrupts although for best performance, you should try to limit the number of devices sharing IRQ4 and IRQ3 which are used for COM1, COM2 and COM3. On a MCA machine, COM1 is defined as IRQ4, I/O address 3f8, COM2 is defined as IRQ3, I/O address 2f8, COM3 is defined as IRQ3, I/O address 3220 and COM4 is defined as IRQ3, I/O address 3228. OS/2 TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 78 3.0 PC DOS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION ______________________________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: PCDOS The PC DOS team is responsible for all problems in IBM PC DOS: o All PC DOS defects o Support for all PC DOS modules, including: - Memory Management utility programs and drivers (EMM386.EXE, HIMEM.SYS, MEM, etc.) - FDISK and partitioning problems - Installation problems - Device Drivers (MOUSE.COM, SMARTDRV.SYS, FASTOPEN.EXE, etc.) - PC DOS Editor (EDIT.COM, E.EXE) - PC DOS utility programs - Backup, Undelete, Scheduler, Antivirus, Compression, Defrag - PCMCIA - Application problems in which DOS is at fault - IBM PC DOS DOSSHELL -- Taskswapper -- All shell utility programs - Printing from within DOS -- PRINT.COM -- MODE.COM and redirected print - Network problems where DOS is at fault - IBM computers preinstalled with PC DOS are NOT supported by this ___ team. Problems with preinstalled systems should be addressed to their respective Support Centers: -- PS/1 software support: 919-543-9708 -- ValuePoint & ThinkPad machines: 1-800-PS2-7772 PC DOS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 79 o Exceptions: - XGA device driver support running under DOS should be sent to the DEVDRV queue at Retain location 148 - TCPIP for DOS is not PC DOS and should be sent to the TCPWS queue at Retain location 103 DO NOT CONFUSE PC DOS WITH DOS COMPATIBILITY IN OS/2 - SEE THE DOSAP QUEUE _____________________________________________________________________________ (PAGE 5) ________ NOTE: The PCDOS team requires only that the "Hardware and Software Config- uration Information" be available when calling for support (see page 4). PC DOS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 80 4.0 OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION ________________________________________________________________________ Support for the LAN Systems products is divided into 6 work groups (queues). They are: 1. OS/2 LAN Server Problems 2. OS/2 LAN Requesters/Remote IPL Problems 3. DOS LAN Requester/PC LAN Program Problems 4. OS/2 LAN Transport Problems 5. OS/2 LAN Application Problems 6. LAN-Related Traps and Hangs This chapter discusses the responsibilities of each of these queues. The Software Solution Services representative will be able to more efficiently direct your call if you can determine which queue would be the appropriate one to assist with your problem or question. This chapter also contains the general LAN Systems problem reporting form to collect the initial problem-determination information required by these queues. Having this problem information available prior to placing a call for assistance will enable the Support Center representative to more effi- ciently resolve your problem. 4.1 OS/2 LAN SERVER PROBLEMS _____________________________ QUEUE NAME: SERVER The SERVER team is responsible for the following: o Problems affecting more than one user, more than one requester, or the server itself o Problems affecting the same userid on different machines o Problems starting any Server services (those functions found only on the server). For example: - Alerter Service - DCDB Replicator Service - Generic Alerter Service - Loopback Driver OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 81 - Migration Import Utility - Netlogon Service - Netrun Service - Replicator Service - Timesource Service - Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) o Printing problems where the job has not yet reached a server print queue (for example, the job queue status DOES NOT show spooled, printing, or ________ held) o Problems with synchronization of additional servers o NET.ACC problems o UPM (User Profile Management) problems if UPM is accessing the server (that is, if the UPM is not local) o Problems related to 386HPFS, local security, or fault tolerance o Alias and ACP (Access Control Profile) problems o Net Requester Full Screen Interface problems (such as incorrect output) o Network SignOn Coordinator (NSC) o LAN Server for Macintosh (LSM) - Problems with installation and configuration of LSM - Problems sharing files from LSM - Problems printing to and from the LSM server - Problems using LSM administration utility program o User Profile Management (UPM) - Problems adding, updating, and deleting users and groups from the UPM full screen interface and command line - Problems with remote administration of UPM OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 82 4.2 OS/2 LAN REQUESTERS/REMOTE IPL (RIPL) PROBLEMS ___________________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: OS2REQ o Problems installing LAN Requester code o Problems starting LAN Requester with a NETXXXX error logged in ____ LANTRAN.LOG o Problems accessing network resources, trouble with drive assignments, and trouble accessing files across the network o Problems with LAN Requester functions, such as LAN Requester Full Screen Interface, LAN Requester documentation, and messaging o Problems starting RIPL workstation 4.3 DOS LAN REQUESTER/PC LAN PROGRAM PROBLEMS ______________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: DLR The DOS LAN Requester(DLR)/PC LAN Program team is responsible for: o Problems occurring on a single DLR machine o Problems affecting DLRs but not OS/2 Requesters o Problems affecting DLRs but not unique to a specific userid o Problems with loaded memory managers o Problems affecting DLRs where DMXx.SYS drivers are loaded and message can be sent to machine name via NET SEND 4.4 OS/2 LAN TRANSPORT PROBLEMS ________________________________ QUEUE NAME: TRANS OS/2 LAN Transport team is responsible for: o Network Transport Services/2 (NTS/2) and MPTS (Multi-Protocol Transport Services) - The initialization and binding of protocols to adapters - Protocol problems (for example, session loss or errors in LANTRAN.LOG file) - Problems associated with the PROTOCOL.INI file - Virtual Device Driver problems OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 83 o LAN Adapter and Protocol Support (LAPS) - Problems with the installation and configuration of protocols and adapter drivers 4.5 OS/2 LAN APPLICATION PROBLEMS __________________________________ QUEUE NAME: LSAPPS The LAN Applications team handles the following problems: o Configuration Installation Distribution (CID) - Problems involving the CID architecture that transcend any particular product (for example, loss of connection or problems involving SRVIFS, THINIFS, THNILAPS, etc.) - CID installation of NTS/2 and LAN Server NOTE: CID installations of OS/2 base code, Service Paks, Extended _____ Services, etc. should go to their respective product owners' queues o Network Application Programming Interfaces (API) - Problems involving the APIs of LAN Server, DLR, SPM/2, and UPM o LAN Distance - Problems configuring the connection server and remote workstation - Problems configuring or setting up modems (NIF files) 4.6 LAN-RELATED TRAPS AND HANGS ________________________________ QUEUE NAME: TRAP The TRAP team handles all LAN-related traps and hangs: o All Internal Processing Errors (IPE) o TRAP from which the system cannot recover o Entire system hangs that prevent all user input o Exceptions: - For SYSxxxx failures (such as SYS3175) that detect a failing process, see the appropriate support team. OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 84 4.7 LAN SYSTEMS PROBLEM INFORMATION - GENERAL ______________________________________________ You may be asked to provide the following general problem-determination information when working with IBM LAN Systems Support. 4.7.1 LAN SYSTEMS PROBLEM INFORMATION - SOFTWARE Level of code Domain Additional OS/2 Controller Servers Requesters Base OS/2 CSD/ServicePak ___________ __________ ___________ LAN Services CSD/ServicePak ___________ __________ ___________ Extended Services CSD/ServicePak ___________ __________ ___________ (if applicable) Level of code on all DOS LAN Requesters involved ______ DOS level ______ LAN Support Program level ______ DLR level OEM network programs co-existing on network ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ _______________________ User's applications on the network ________________________ ______________________ ________________________ _______________________ OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 85 4.7.2 LAN SYSTEMS PROBLEM INFORMATION - HARDWARE _________ Model of the failing machines _________ Speed of the failing machines _________ Type of network adapter involved Printer information _________ Printer type _________ Drivers (list all) _________ _________ 4.7.3 GENERAL NETWORK PROBLEM INFORMATION Type of network (check one) ___ Token-ring ___ Ethernet ___ Other (list) ________________ _______ Data rate Size of network _____ Number of domains _____ Number of additional servers _____ Number of requesters Description of general network topology (bridges) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 86 4.7.4 LAN SYSTEMS ERROR MESSAGES PROBLEM INFORMATION Complete error message from all errors displayed on the screen ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ All pertinent messages from the NET ERROR log ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Return codes _______, _______, _______ First 2 pairs of hex digits from NCB errors _____, _____ Complete errors from the LANTRAN.LOG or ACSLAN.LOG ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 87 4.7.5 LAN SYSTEMS PROBLEM DOCUMENTATION Description of the problem ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Re-creation scenario (if reproducible) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Suggestion/results ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Network load at time of error ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Frequency of the problem ___________ Consistency of the problem ____________ History of the problem: Has it ever worked? When did it start? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 88 Relevant files (IBMLAN.INI, PROTOCOL.INI, CONFIG.SYS, etc.) _____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ After the initial problem information is gathered, the problem may be transferred for further problem determination to specific groups on the LAN analyst team. OS/2 LAN SYSTEMS TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 89 5.0 NETWARE TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION _______________________________________________________________ Support for the NetWare products is divided into 5 work groups (queues). They are: 1. NetWare Version 4 2. NetWare Communications 3. NetWare Requester 4. NetWare Other 5. NetWare Server This chapter contains a description of the responsibilities of each of these queues. The Software Solution Services representative will be able to more efficiently direct your call if you can determine which queue would be the appropriate one to assist with your problem or question. This chapter also contains the general NetWare problem reporting forms to collect the initial problem determination information required by these queues. Having this problem information available prior to placing a call for assistance will enable the Support Center representative to more effi- ciently resolve your problem. 5.1 NETWARE VERSION 4 PROBLEMS _______________________________ QUEUE NAME: NW40 This queue addresses problems with NetWare version 4.0. 5.2 NETWARE COMMUNICATIONS PROBLEMS ____________________________________ QUEUE NAME: NCOMM This queue addresses problems with the following products: o NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 o NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for Macintosh v1.1 o NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for Windows v1.2 o NetWare Access Services (NAS) v1.3 o NetWare Asynchronous Communications (NACS) v3.0 NETWARE TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 90 o NetWare Communications Services Manager v1.0 o NetWare Hostprint v1.0 o NetWare for SAA v1.3 o NetWare SNA Links (single) v1.0 o NetWare Vector Graphics Option v3.0 5.3 NETWARE REQUESTER PROBLEMS _______________________________ QUEUE NAME: NWKSTA This queue addresses problems with the following products: o NetWare DOS Client o NetWare Requester for OS/2 v1.3 o NetWare Requester for OS/2 v2.0 o NetWare Lite v1.1 5.4 NETWARE OTHER PROBLEMS ___________________________ QUEUE NAME: NWOTHR This queue addresses problems with the following products: o NetWare LANalyzer for Windows v2.0 o NetWare Services Manager v1.3b 5.5 NETWARE SERVER PROBLEMS ____________________________ QUEUE NAME: NWSRV This queue addresses problems with the following products: o NetWare v2.2 o NetWare v3.11 o NetWare Flex/IP v1.2 o NetWare FTAM v1.2 o NetWare NFS v1.2b o NetWare Runtime NETWARE TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 91 o NetWare for Macintosh (NLM) v3.011 o NetWare Name Services (NNS) NETWARE TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 92 5.6 NETWARE PROBLEM INFORMATION ________________________________ The following general problem-determination information may be requested when working with NetWare support. 5.6.1 NETWARE PROBLEM INFORMATION - SOFTWARE Level of NetWare code on NetWare servers _________ NetWare operating system version _________ Corrective service applied DOS workstation: Level of NetWare Level of IBM code DOS version _____________ _____________ DOS corrective service level _____________ _____________ IPX or ODI? _____________ _____________ Shell Version _____________ _____________ NetWare client corrective service applied _____________ _____________ NetWare Requester for OS/2: OS/2 version _____________ _____________ OS/2 corrective service/Service Pak applied _____________ _____________ Version of NetWare requester _____________ _____________ NetWare corrective service/NSD applied _____________ _____________ Version of failing applications ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Server _______________ NLM/VAP loaded _______________ LAN drivers _______________ Disk drivers _______________ NAME SPACE loaded NETWARE TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 93 5.6.2 NETWARE PROBLEM INFORMATION - HARDWARE _______________ Brand of failing machine _______________ Model of failing machine _______________ Speed of failing machine _______________ Type of network (token-ring, Ethernet, etc.) _______________ Brand of LAN adapters involved _______________ Model of LAN adapters involved Printer information (if applicable) ________________ Brand of printer ________________ Model of printer ________________ Printer driver name ________________ Printer version ________________ Printer setup/configuration information ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 5.6.3 GENERAL NETWORK PROBLEM INFORMATION NETWARE TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 94 Bridges/routers in use ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Bridge/router between workstations and servers ___________________________________________________________ Complete error messages from all errors displayed on workstation and server screens ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Server error log entries in time frame of reported failure ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ NETWARE TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 95 5.6.4 NETWARE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Description of problem ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Steps to re-create problem ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ History of recent hardware/software changes on workstations ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ History of recent hardware/software changes on servers ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Network load at time of failure ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Does application fail if run only from workstation? Y N Has "it" ever worked? Y N Is this a new installation? Y N NETWARE TEAM DESCRIPTIONS AND REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION 96 6.0 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES ______________________________________________________________ Using the Communications Manager/2 Problem Determination (PD) guide, cus- tomers can do their own problem determination and in many cases avoid placing a service call. The PD guide has a collection of different problem scenarios that step you through to the resolution of a problem or prompt you for the proper documentation before placing a service call. For Communications Manager/2 release 1.0, reference the Communications Manager/2 Problem Determination Guide Form Number SC31-6156 (See Chapter 1 "Problem Determination Procedures"). For Communications Manager/2 release 1.1, the Communications Manager/2 Problem Determination Guide is available as an INF file that can be optionally installed. To install the PD Guide: 1. Go to the Desktop. 2. Using the mouse, double-click on the Communications Manager/2 ICON. 3. Using the mouse, double-click on the Communications Manager/2 Setup ICON and then click on OK in the IBM window. 4. Under the Options pull-down menu, select Install Additional Functions. 5. Using the mouse, click on the PD Guide. After the PD Guide installs, an ICON is placed on the Desktop. Once the PD Guide is installed, to begin problem determination, double-click on the PD Guide ICON and then select Procedures. Select Start Here and answer the questions that follow. 6.1 HELPFUL HINTS AND TIPS ___________________________ 6.1.1 FINDING THE CAUSE OF INSTALLATION PROBLEMS o Determine if the CM.LOG in OS2 CMLIB exists. If it does, then edit or type this file to see the error messages produced during installation. See "Checking the Online Message Reference" below. o Determine if the CMRINST.LOG in OS2 CMLIB exists. If it does, then edit or type this file to see the error messages produced during CID proc- essing. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES 97 o Determine if the CM.LOG in CMLIB exists. If it does then edit or type this file to see the error messages or view this file from the OPTION pulldown of CMSETUP. o Check the FFST/2 Message log for errors. If FFST/2 was operational at the time of the error. See "Checking the FFST/2 Message log" below. o Consult the Communications Manager/2 Workstation installation publica- tions. 6.1.2 FINDING THE CAUSE OF CONFIGURATION PROBLEMS o If errors occurred during the verification of the Communications Manager/2 configuration you will be prompted to view the VERIFY.LOG o Use the CMRECORD command to produce an ASCII file showing the Communi- cations Manager/2 Configuration. You can print this file or display it in an OS/2 window while you review error messages CMRECORD . o Check the FFST/2 Message log for errors. See "Checking the FFST/2 Message log" below. o Use the Help available on the Configuration panels. Help is available via PF1 in a field or put focus on the field and click on the help button. This will present help for the field. PF2 from a HELP window or HELP in a window will produce general help for the window. o Consult the IBM "Communications Manager/2 configuration publications. o Finding the cause of problems when migrating a configuration from a pre- vious release to Communications Manager/2. Check the UPGRADE.LOG using the FFST/2 Message Log Formatter to view this file. See "Checking the FFST/2 Message log" below. o Check the FFST/2 Message log for errors. See "Checking the FFST/2 Message log" below. 6.1.3 FINDING THE CAUSE OF CID PROBLEMS o Check the CMRINST.LOG in OS2 CMLIB or CMLIB. Edit or type this file to see the error messages produced. o Check the FFST/2 Message log for errors. See "Checking the FFST/2 Message log" below. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES 98 6.1.4 FINDING THE CAUSE OF OTHER COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEMS o Use the CMRECORD command to produce an ASCII file showing the Communi- cations Manager/2 Configuration. You can print this file or display it in an OS/2 window while you review error messages. CMRECORD . o Check the FFST/2 Message log for errors. See "Checking the FFST/2 Message log" below. o If you are receiving a OIA MACH___ or COMM error message, press ALT-Q while in an emulator window or chose Emulator Help from the Emulator window pull down. 6.1.5 CHECKING THE ONLINE MESSAGE REFERENCE 1. In the Communications Manager/2 ICON VIEW folder, choose the MESSAGE REF- ERENCE ICON, or from a command prompt type "VIEW CMMSGREF" and press Enter. 2. SELECT the message prefix for the message you are interested in or chose SERVICES, SEARCH and type the message number. 3. Press Enter or double click on the messages. 6.1.6 CHECKING THE SYSTEM ERROR LOG 1. In the FFST/2 folder, chose the SYSTEM ERROR LOG ICON or from the command prompt type "START SYSLOG" and press Enter. 2. On the OS/2 ERROR LOG FORMATTER, the most recent error log record is dis- played. Choose the error record that matches the PROBLEM ID, PROBE ID, DATE and TIME. Follow the instructions for the message that directed you here. All system error log entries should have a corresponding message entry. 6.1.7 CHECKING THE FFST/2 MESSAGE LOG 1. Locate the FFST/2 folder on the OS/2 desk top. 2. In the FFST/2 folder, chose the MESSAGE LOG FORMATTER ICON. If the FFST/2 folder is not on the Desktop, you may enter MSGLOGF to invoke the Message Log Formatter in an OS/2 window. 3. On the OPEN panel, select the message log you are currently using. The default message log is OS2 SYSTEM OS2MLOG.DAT (on the boot drive). Errors which occurred during Verify or Upgrade of your configuration may be viewed by selecting either VERIFY.LOG or UPGRADE.LOG in the CMLIB direc- tory. Select the desired directory and log, then click on OPEN. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES 99 4. On the MESSAGE LOG FORMATTER panel, the current System and Communications Manager/2 messages are displayed. Review the message details and then message help for each message. The message at the top is the most recent message. Help can be selected as follows: a. Place the cursor on the line of the message you where help is needed. b. From options pull down, select DETAIL ENTRY (or double click on the line). Note the scroll bars, the next button and the previous button, to move the displayed information. The message may direct you to other sources of information, such as the System Error Log, FFST/2 DUMP formatter, or the Communications Manager/2 Publications, make a note of the PROBE ID, PROBLEM ID, DATE, and TIME. 6.1.8 CHECKING THE FFST/2 DUMP FORMATTER 1. In the FFST/2 folder, choose the DUMP FORMATTER ICON or from a command prompt type "START EPWDF" and press Enter. 2. On DUMP FORMATTER/OPEN panel, choose the dump file to open as directed by the message. EPWALERT.DMP is the most common dump file, containing all the alerts for Communications Manager/2. 3. Choose the dump record that matches the PROBE ID, the PROBLEM ID, DATE and TIME. Follow the instructions for the message that directed you here. 6.1.9 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 SNA PHONE CONNECT CONFIGURATIONS PROBLEMS General o Ensure LAPS is at Level 2.20 (WR07020) or higher o Ensure NO LAN protocols are bound to the SNA PHONE drivers NOTE: DO NOT select a protocol in LAPS when adding the COM NETWORK ADAPTERS selection. o If PROTOCOLS (802.X or NETBIOS) have been bound inadvertently, you MUST: 1. First delete them for the SNAPHONE drivers 2. Invoke CMSETUP COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES 100 NOTES: a. Ensure you update the PROTOCOL DRIVER section of the CMSETUP via the OPTIONS pull-down and CONFIGURE any Feature or Option selection. b. Ensure you choose YES for updating the PROTOCOL.INI. c. Sometimes the ASYNC PORT speed may need to be lowered to 9600 from the 38k default. You may do this in CMSETUP by changing the Port Connection Manager selection. This is NOT related to the transmission speed of the connection d. Ensure that SDLCDD.SYS is NOT in the CONFIG.SYS. This may happen when the CMSETUP is done incorrectly. This will cause very strange and difficult to analyze problems when using SNA PHONE CONNECT V25 BIS Autodial for WAC and SDLC CM/2 has implemented V25 BIS support limited to support provided by the adapters supported by CM/2. This limits the modems that can be used for V25 BIS Autodial to modems that support the standard explicitly using BIT-oriented protocols. The Synchronous Dial commands will be in 7 bit ASCII using ODD Parity. ENSURE THAT YOUR MODEM IS SET FOR ODD PARITY Some modems support ONLY Character-oriented dialing protocol and are not sup- ported by CM/2 using V25 BIS autodial support. Please contact the manufac- turer of your modem for additional information. To accommodate those modems that only support NRZI, set NRZI in the Port Con- nection Manager. You may still be able to use NRZI in the end to end con- nection by setting NRZI in the Connection Manager configuration using CMSETUP using the steps above. WAC adapter Tips Ensure you are using IBMWAC.OS2 at 2.00.03 or higher. A later version 2.00.04 is available on the CM/2 BBS (919)543-8200 using SERV OPTION 2 and specifying WACFIX. This corrects a problem when using Multi-drop lines. Ensure MAXTRANSMITS is at least 8 and MAXDATA is at least 2 bytes larger than the MAX I-Field in CM/2 or just set it to the maximum, 4486. If you are using a WAC adapter and also have a Token Ring adapter, you may need to change the Shared RAM address in one of these adapters when using ISA bus machines. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES 101 MPCA Adapter (Microchannel bus) Ensure MPA is referenced to use ARBITRATION LEVEL 1. Ensure PORT addresses x'380' thru x'38F' are not used by any other adapters. Sound cards usually use PORT addresses in this range. Please remove any Sound cards that may cause a conflict. If you need to use V25 BIS Autodial support, you will need the MPCA Adapter at Part No. 6451114 or later. Ensure SDLCDD.SYS is NOT in the CONFIG.SYS. This may happen when the CMSETUP is done incorrectly. If using SNA PHONE CONNECT this will cause very strange and difficult to analyze problems. MPCA Adapter (ISA bus) Ensure DMA Channel 1, IRQ3, and IRQ4 are not used by any other adapters. Ensure PORT addresses x'380' thru x'38F' are not used by any other adapters. Sound cards usually use addresses in this range. Remove any sound cards prior to using the MPCA adapter. The MPCA for ISA bus supports V25 BIS autodial, the older SDLC adapter does not have this support. Ensure SDLCDD.SYS is NOT in the CONFIG.SYS. This may happen when the CMSETUP is done incorrectly. If using SNA PHONE CONNECT this will cause very strange and difficult to analyze problems. 6.2 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM INFORMATION - GENERAL ___________________________________________________________ When placing a call for IBM Service, you will be asked questions by the Soft- ware Solution Services representative so please have the following informa- tion available. 1. From an OS/2 prompt, issue the command SYSLEVEL and record the following information: a. The Release and Version of Communications Manager/2 and its COMPID. b. The current Corrective Service Diskette (CSD) level for Communi- cations Manager/2. c. The Release of OS/2 installed. 2. PC Type and Model. 3. The size of storage RAM and Hard Drive. 4. HOST or LAN connectivity (For example, SDLC, Token Ring, Ethernet, ISDN, SRPI, X.25) 5. Error Messages (Check your FFST/2 message log if error message is not displayed). 6. Your Fax number. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES 102 6.3 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 REQUIRED PROBLEM INFORMATION AND TEAM ___________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION ___________ Once the Software Solution Services representative completes the information gathering session with you, your call is transferred LIVE to the Communi- cations Manager/2 Live Call Transfer (SCREEN) team. The Software Solutions Service representative also creates a Problem Management Record (PMR) which contains the information just requested and transfers the PMR to the SCREEN team's queue (CMMISC). In the event the SCREEN team is unable to resolve your problem, the PMR opened by the Software Solution Services representative is placed in one of the following queues in Call Back mode. The CALL BACK team for Communications Manager/2 products is divided into 3 work groups (queues). They are: 1. Communications Manager/2 APPC (APPC/APPN) 2. Communications Manager/2 5250 (3270 & 5250 Emulators) 3. Communications Manager/2 MISC (Miscellaneous) The following topics discuss the responsibilities for each of these queues with a description for each component. Having your problem information available prior to placing a call for assist- ance and determining which queue is appropriate for your problem or question, will help the Software Solution Services representative direct your call more efficiently. 6.4 OS/2 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 APPC PROBLEMS ________________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: CBAPPC The APPC team is responsible for the following: o APPC Protocols - Assistance with problems during implementation of Advanced Program- to-Program Communications (APPC). Note that APPC uses the LU 6.2 interface architecture (a particular type of SNA LU). o APPN Protocols - Assistance with problems during implementation of Advanced Peer-to- Peer Networking communication protocols (APPN). APPN is used in con- junction with APPC LU 6.2 to decentralize network control while centralizing network management. This allows for arbitrary topologies and connection flexibility. o SNA Gateway Feature COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES 103 - Assistance with problems when adding the Communications Manager/2 SNA Gateway feature. The SNA Gateway feature allows an OS/2 workstation to act as a communications controller, or gateway, between multiple workstations and one or more SNA Host. o LUA - Assistance with problems during implementation of the IBM Conven- tional LU Application (LUA) Access Method. LUA consist of system software and interfaces that supply input/output service routines to support communications using the SNA LU 0, LU 1, LU 2, and LU 3 pro- tocols. o CPIC - Assistance with problems during implementation of the Systems Appli- cation Architecture (SAA) Common Programming Interface for Communi- cations (CPI Communications). CPI-C provides an alternative method of program-to-program communications using the SNA LU 6.2 facilities. o Network Management Services - Assistance with implementing Management Services (MS). Management Services are functions distributed among network components to help operate, manage and control a network. o Sub-System Management - Assistance with using or resolving problems encountered when uti- lizing Communications Manager/2 Sub-System Management facility. Sub- System Management provides an interface to help manage sessions, links, and the APPC Attach Manager. o SNA Connections - Assistance with resolving problems encountered where Transaction, Emulation, and LU 6.2 programs are not connecting after the Data Link Control layer has been established. (Problems with Data Link Control (DLC) are handled by the CMMISC and CBMISC Support queues. 6.5 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 EMULATOR PROBLEMS _______________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: CB5250 The Emulator team is responsible for the following: o 3270/5250 Emulators - Problems dealing with workstations emulating the functions of a 3270-type terminal or a 5250-type terminal connected to a host com- puter, 3270 file transfer, and Host Graphics/GDDM. o 3270/5250 Host Print COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES 104 - Problems related to directing printouts from both System/370 and AS/400 hosts to personal computer workstation printers emulating the host printers. o Keyboard Remap - Problems dealing with workstation keyboards emulating the functions of the keys on an IBM 3270 Display Station or IBM 5250 display ter- minal. o EHLLAPI - Problems relating to the Emulator High-Level Language Application Programming Interface allowing programs on an IBM workstation to access a host presentation space. o SRPI - Problems dealing with the ability of a personal computer workstation using the Server-Requester Programming Interface to request a task from the System/370 host server that uses the IBM Enhanced Connectivity Facilities (ECF) to interconnect IBM personal computers and IBM System/370 host computers. 6.6 COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS ____________________________________________________ QUEUE NAME: CBMISC The Miscellaneous team is responsible for the following: o CMSETUP/CMUPGRAD - Any problems associated with the installation or setup of Communi- cations Manager/2. - Problems associated with the migration of a prior release of Communi- cations Manager/2 to a more current version. o Installation/Configuration - Assistance will be provided for installing or configuring the Commu- nications Manager/2 DLC's such as SDLC, Token Ring, and X.25. o Configuration Installation Distribution (CID) - Problems with the creation of CID response files, CID installations as they pertain to Communications Manager/2 and the various parame- ters required to accomplish a successful CID install. o ASYNC Emulator - Problems installing, configuring, and connectivity. This does not include modem setup. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES 105 o ALL DLC's - Configuration and installation problems associated with any of the Communications Manager/2 Data Link Controls. - Provide parameter matching assistance between the workstation and host. - Provide PD/PSI assistance once the configuration has successfully installed. This does not include any problems associated with hard- ware (modems, cables, routers, bridges etc.). o FFST/2 - Problems with the System Error Log, Message Log, Message Console and the Dump formatter. - Alerts being generated that are not being sent to an external product such as Netview. o Novell Coexistence - Problems with the coexistence of Communications Manager/2 and Novell as they pertain to the setup and installation of Communications Manager. - We will not provide assistance for installing the Novell products. - Verify that the appropriate changes have been made to the config.sys file and ensure that the order of installation has been followed. o Remote Operations (ROPS) - Remote management tool used for solving installation and configura- tion problems. COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER/2 PROBLEM DETERMINATION PROCEDURES 106 APPENDIX A. TECHNICAL EDUCATION ________________________________ There are technical classes available for customers who want in-depth know- ledge about Personal Systems Products. These classes provide detailed tech- nical information on the Products or in-depth problem determination (such as analyzing traces and dumps, or using the OS/2 kernel debugger). The charge for each class will be defined on an individual basis, as determined by the duration of the class, travel expenses to the customer location, and reason- able and actual living expenses for the instructors. Alternatively, customer personnel can travel to the support location for the education. This travel may be necessary for any classes requiring specialized hardware for use in the class. Customers requiring education in the operation or configuration of these Pro- ducts should attend one of the classes offered by IBM Skill Dynamics. For the latest information on courses and costs, call IBM Skill Dynamics at 1-800-IBM-TEACh (U.S.) or 1-800-465-1234 (Canada). In addition to the classes offered by Skill Dynamics, the following technical classes are available from the Products' support locations. A.1 OS/2 OPERATING SYSTEM __________________________ The following class is available for the OS/2 operating system: TITLE: OS/2 Hang and Trap Analysis Workshop FORMAT: Workshop at IBM Boca Raton SPONSOR: OS/2 System Technical Support OBJECTIVE: To transfer to the student all of the following: o The ability to diagnose the CAUSE of a trap occurring on OS/2. o A familiarity with both of the major OS/2 debugging tools. o Experience with an effective problem-determination technique. CONTENT: This is the same training provided for the IBM OS/2 support personnel who belong to the Hang/Trap analysis team. The workshop is an intense class for those seri- ously interested in learning to diagnose the cause of problems in an OS/2 system. All instructors work in OS/2 System Technical Support. Students successfully com- Appendix A. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 107 pleting this workshop should be able to find the full pathname of the application programs involved with fail- ures. If given the appropriate link map and compiler output files, students should be able to find the failing line, the name, the parameters, and variables for the failing application function, as well as the same data about the caller of the failing function, and so on, back to the main program entry. If the failure is within OS/2, students should be able to pinpoint the failing API, together with the parameters that caused the failure, in addition to the above data for the applica- tion functions. DURATION: 4.5 Days CONTACT: Customers who are interested in the above education should contact the Solution Management Center at 1-800-992-4777. Appendix A. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 108 A.2 CICS OS/2 ______________ The following two classes are available for CICS OS/2: TITLE: CICS OS/2 Installation and Configuration Assistance FORMAT: At customer account SPONSOR: CICS OS/2 Level 2 OBJECTIVE: After completion of visit, the customer should have: o A fully operational CICS OS/2 environment. o Systems personnel able to maintain the system and debug system problems. CONTENT: On-site support from the CICS OS/2 Support Center to assist in the installation and configuration of CICS OS/2. Includes Host Links and Peer-to-Peer communi- cations via both Netbios and LU6.2. DURATION: 2 Days CONTACT: Customers who are interested in the above education should contact the Solution Management Center at 1-800-992-4777. TITLE: CICS OS/2 Problem-Determination Education FORMAT: At customer account SPONSOR: CICS OS/2 Level 2 OBJECTIVE: After completion of the class, the student should be able to: o Determine if a problem is caused by an application or a system failure. o Use debug aids. CONTENT: CICS application debugging on the OS/2 Platform. Course includes use of CICS OS/2 trace, COBOL Animator and Xilerator, and SPM/2. DURATION: 3 to 5 Days Appendix A. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 109 CONTACT: Customers who are interested in the above education should contact the Solution Management Center at 1-800-992-4777. Appendix A. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 110 A.3 OS/2 DATABASE MANAGER __________________________ The following class is available for OS/2 Database Manager: TITLE: Database Manager for OS/2 Problem-Determination Edu- cation FORMAT: At customer account, or at Toronto Lab SPONSOR: Level 2 OS/2 Database Manager Service OBJECTIVES: During the class, the instructors will: o Familiarize customers with the various Database Manager debugging tools available. o Provide customer with hands-on experience with these tools. o Give customer enough knowledge to use these PD/PSI tools and techniques back in their envi- ronment, to assist them with determining the source of problems. CONTENT: o SQLTRC, TRACE and SQLJTRC o .INX, .DAT and .LF file analysis o .TARRR/DART o Locking and process analysis o Client/Server Communication problem determination/problem-source identification o LABs will be included to provide hands-on expe- rience OPTIONS: This course can be taught in the EE 1.3 DBM, ES 1.0 DBM or DB2/2 1.0 environments. If the customer is using a DRDA environment with DDCS/2 1.0 or DDCS/2 2.0, an additional section on these PD/PSI tech- niques can be added to the course. DURATION: 2 Days CONTACT: Customers who are interested in the above education should contact the Solution Management Center at 1-800-992-4777 at least one month prior to the desired date. Date and price for customer sit e education can be negotiated. Appendix A. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 111 Appendix A. TECHNICAL EDUCATION 112 APPENDIX B. TRADEMARKS AND REGISTERED TRADEMARKS _________________________________________________ Audio Visual Connection, BookManager, Communications Manager/2, C Set/2, DB2, DisplayWrite, HelpCenter, HelpWare, IBM, ImagePlus, LAN NetView, LAN NetView Fix, LAN NetView Manage, LAN NetView Monitor, LAN NetView Scan, LAN NetView Monitor, LAN Server, Micro Channel, NetView, Operating System/2, OS/2, Pen for OS/2, Personal System/2, Presentation Manager, PS/1, PS/2, Systems Appli- cation Architecture, TALKLink, ThinkPad, Ultimedia, and XGA are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. APPN, CICS, CICS/ESA, CICS OS/2, Common User Access, C Set ++, CUA, Current, DATABASE 2, DataHub, DB2, DB2/2, DDCS/2, The Developer Connection for OS/2, DISTRIBUTED DATABASE CONNECTION SERVICES/2, DRDA, Extended Services for OS/2, IBMLink, IMS Client Server/2, Information Warehouse, LANStreamer, Library Reader, LinkWay, Matinee, Midware, Multimedia Presentation Manager/2, Natural Computing, NAVIGATOR, PCjr, PenAssist, PowerPC, PowerOpen, SAA, Skill Dynamics, Skill Dynamics Canada, SOMobjects, SQL/DS, Storyboard, Ultimotion, VSE/ESA, WIN-OS/2, Workplace Shell, and XT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. The following are trademarks of other companies: TRADEMARK OWNER Adaptec Adaptec, Inc. AMI American Megatrends, Inc. ATI ATI Technologies, Inc. ProAudio Spectrum Media Vision, Inc. CodeView Microsoft Corporation CompuServe CompuServe, Inc. Corel Corel Systems Corp. Diamond Stealth Diamond Computer Systems Ethernet Xerox Corp. Future Domain Future Domain Corporation Fujitsu Fujitsu Limited Headland Headland Technology, Inc. *Hercules Hercules Computer Technology Hewlett-Packard Hewlett-Packard Company Hitachi Hitachi Ltd. HP, LaserJet, DeskJet, OpenView, and Hewlett-Packard Co. PaintJet IEEE The Institute of Electrical and Elec- tronics Engineers Intel and Indeo Intel Corp. Internet Internet, Inc. IOMEGA IOMEGA, Inc. Appendix B. TRADEMARKS AND REGISTERED TRADEMARKS 113 TRADEMARK OWNER ISO International Organization for Stand- ardization. LAN Workplace Novell Inc. LaserJet Hewlett-Packard Company Lotus, Lotus Notes, and 1-2-3 Lotus Development Corp. Macintosh Apple Computer Corp. Micronics Micronics Electronics, Inc. Micropolis Micropolis Corporation Microsoft and Microsoft C Microsoft Corp. NEC NEC Corp. NetWare, NetWare Server, and Novell Novell, Inc. Orchid Orchid Technology, Inc. PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card Inter- national Association PenDOS Communication Intelligence Corp. Pentium Intel Corp. Phoenix Phoenix Technologies, Ltd. PostScript and Adobe Type Manager Adobe Systems, Inc. ProComm Datastorm Technologies, Inc. Prodigy Prodigy Services Co. Quantum Quantum Corporation QVision Compaq Computer Corp. Seagate Seagate Technology, Inc. Sony Sony Corp. SoundBlaster Creative Labs, Inc. Stacker Stac Electronics STB STB Systems, Inc. Superstor AddStor, Inc. Toshiba Toshiba Corporation Trident Trident Miscrosystems, Inc. Western Digital Western Digital Corporation Windows, Win32, and Windows NT Microsoft Corp. Appendix B. TRADEMARKS AND REGISTERED TRADEMARKS 114 DSMKDF474W FONT SAVE STACK EMPTY - DEFAULT ASSUMED. DSMMOM395I '.EDFELIST' LINE 280: .pf DSMMOM397I '.EDFELIST' WAS IMBEDDED AT LINE 1587 OF 'PROBREP T' DSMBEG323I STARTING PASS 2 OF 2. DSMKDF474W FONT SAVE STACK EMPTY - DEFAULT ASSUMED. DSMMOM395I '.EDFELIST' LINE 280: .pf DSMMOM397I '.EDFELIST' WAS IMBEDDED AT LINE 1587 OF 'PROBREP T'