I came up with this idea one night and thought someone else might like to share in the fun. BNK_WALL.BMP - A blank wall ready for paint! SAMPLE.BMP - Just a few ideas to get you started. Both are windows 3.0 VGA Paint bitmaps. I use OS/2 but the only paint program I have is inside windows. (Note: OS/2 users can run Windows in the DOS BOX without any problems.) Windows users can use the Desktop utility in the control pannel to install the wall in the background. OS/2 users will require a Windows Paint compatible editor in order to make modifications to thier wall. Also, the only program I know which will load this into the background is called DESKPIC and it may be found on Compu$erve or PC Magazine's OS/2 file area. Please be sure to forward both versions of the wall (some people are just a little ????? and might not get point of a blank wall). Enjoy, Stephen L. O'Neil aka The Raven.