═══ 1. What is Egg Timer/2? ═══ Egg Timer/2 does what it says. It counts down for a certain time, then completes one or more actions, eg beep, play a system sound in the background, execute a program, and/or pop up a reminder message. Set the minute and second spin buttons independently; maximum time is 60 minutes and 60 seconds. The window is small enough to overlap the WarpCenter and therefore not interfere with running programs. Use the popup menu to select actions, or use command line parameters. The Go button starts countdown, and the Stop button stops countdown and resets initial time. This is not a replacement for a full chron program eg Egg Timer/2 does not allow you to start from a fixed time. ═══ 2. Installation ═══ Requirements: 1. OS/2 PM Shell (tested only on Warp 4 with FixPak 12; should also work in OS/2 2.x and Warp 3) 2. VROBJ v2.1d (available from many places including http://www.powersoft.com/services/support/vxrexx/; you may already have it) 3. REXX support (installed by default during OS/2 installation; just don't delete it) 4. No real eggs necessary. :-) How to install: 1. Unzip EGGTIMER.ZIP into an appropriate directory 2. There will be only 3 files: EGGTIMER.EXE, EGGTIMER.HLP, and README.TXT 3. You're ready to go! Removing Egg Timer/2: :-( 1. Delete EGGTIMER.EXE, EGGTIMER.HLP and the README.TXT files 2. Remove the folder if you gave it one of its own 3. PLEASE send me an email to tell me why you don't like it any more! ═══ 3. Copyright ═══ Copyright (C) January 2000 Christopher Angelico, Mount Waverley, Victoria, AUSTRALIA. All rights reserved. This program is released as emailware. Please send an email to talldad@pobox.com.au if you like it! This program comes only with this warranty: "If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces!" However, if you are having trouble, tell us and we may be able to fix it. Feel free to pass it on, spread it around, give it to anyone who needs an OS/2 egg timer, but leave the ZIP file intact. If you think of an improvement, please let me know (talldad@pobox.com.au) and I'll try to include it. Successful suggestions win a prize - the next version is free! If you don't agree with this license, return the entire .ZIP file unopened for a full refund. :-) ═══ 4. Using Egg Timer/2 ═══ Basic usage: 1. Start the program by double-clicking the executable to show a window in the center of the screen. 2. Set the time to count down by adjusting the spin buttons for minutes and seconds. 3. RMB click anywhere on the window to popup a menu 4. Select the actions to perform after countdown  Close program - for one time use  Beep - played through the internal speaker  Play .WAV - select a .WAV file from system sounds (requires MMOS2 and multimedia support)  Message - type a message in the box to be displayed as a reminder when the time is up 5. Press Go to start the countdown (button changes to Stop) 6. Click Stop to reset the timer and cancel countdown Advanced usage: 1. Create a program object for EggTimer.EXE, giving it a name appropriate to your requirements, eg BBS Dialer, AntiVirus Scan, Children's Bedtime, or Phone Home. 2. Set the Command Line Parameters. 3. Put the object in a handy place ready for use. Try Desktop, LaunchPad, or WarpCenter. Multiple objects can be created and used simultaneously without interfering with each other. However, responding to the actions is still up to you. IF THIS DOESN'T SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS, DON'T BLAME ME! :-) Example parameters for Advanced method: 20:0 GO MSG="Children's Bedtime!" QUIT will wait 20 minutes (20:0), starting immediately without showing the window (GO), then will open a reminder box saying Children's Bedtime! (MSG="..."), and close the program (QUIT). Example 2: OSACTION="START MYPROGRAM MYPARAMETERS" 0:50 QUIT GO Put this into the Startup folder to start a program which must wait for everything else. 50 seconds after Egg Timer/2 starts, MYPROGRAM will be STARTed; by then everything else will have completed initialisation. ═══ 4.1. Command Line Parameters ═══ Any of these, in any order: Parameter Meaning min:sec Initial countdown time; if omitted, defaults to 1 second (rarely useful). Fixed format is required - {min}{colon}{sec} OSACTION="command string" OS/2 command string or executable program name; parameters can be passed. Prefix batch file name with CALL. RXACTION="REXX string" REXX command string. Take care - you can do a lot of damage here! GO Immediately begin counting down. When selected, window is minimised. MSG="string" Pop up text message as reminder. QUIT Close after timer expires Note: "CALL PLAY FILE=wav_file_name" in either ACTION parameter plays a WAV file. All actions are executed when the timer finishes its countdown. If a program or file is not found when you call an OSACTION, check the following: 1. Is it in the expected path? For executables, this includes directories in the CONFIG.SYS PATH statement; for data files check the program's documentation - it may use the DPATH. 2. For safety, use a fully qualified path. This is foolproof if you get it right. 3. The working directory for programs started by Egg Timer is the same as for Egg Timer itself. If you are working from a program object, set the Working Directory to suit. CAUTION: All parameters are CASE SENSITIVE. ═══ 5. The Egg Timer display ═══ This is where you interact with Egg Timer. The window consists of the following:  Seconds spin button  Minutes spin button  Go button  Stop button ═══ 5.1. Minutes spin button ═══ Select the number of minutes to time - 0 to 60. See also:  Seconds spin button  Go button  Command Line Parameters ═══ 5.2. Seconds spin button ═══ Select the number of seconds to time - 0 to 60. See also:  Minutes spin button  Go button  Command Line Parameters ═══ 5.3. Go button ═══ Pressing the Go button starts the timing, and replaces Go with Stop. Note: Be sure to select an action (either with command line parameters, or with the popup menu) before the timer expires! Otherwise nothing will appear to have happened. See also:  Minutes spin button  Seconds spin button  Stop button ═══ 5.4. Stop button ═══ Pressing the Stop button stops the timing, replaces Stop with Go, and restores the initial time. See also:  Minutes spin button  Seconds spin button  Go button